Democracy faces an unprecedented threat from an authoritarian movement built on lies and contempt for the rule of law. The first and most critical defense of democracy—a robust, independent free press—has been missing in action. Corporate and billionaire media owners have shied away from confrontation, engaged in false equivalence, and sought to curry favor with Donald Trump. It is hardly surprising that readers and viewers are fleeing from these outlets. Americans need an alternative.
The Contrarian is that alternative: unflinching, unapologetic, and unwavering in its commitment to truth-telling. The Contrarian contributors may not agree on all issues (and, in fact, enjoy lively debate), but we share an unequivocal determination to defend our fundamental freedoms and the values essential to a pluralistic democracy.
However, we cannot do this alone! We need all of you to join us, to form a community of democracy defenders, not simply to read and listen to what we put out but to join the conversation, contribute ideas, share experiences, help source exciting new voices, and break through the bubble that insulates so much of established politics and media.
We will platform some of the brightest minds and keenest experts—legal scholars, historians, civil rights leaders, political activists, creatives, policymakers, and journalists—to deliver the unvarnished truth, make sense of the chaos, and help formulate a response to defeat the noxious threat we face today. And we will lift up voices that speak to wider audiences, ones not served by corporate media pablum.
Join us! We are so excited to embark on this journey with all of you.
I am delighted to be an early-day subscriber. I have subscribed to the Washington Post for 10 years MOSTLY to read Jen Rubin & Dana Milbank & Ann Telnaes. Thanks for doing this!
Couldn’t have said it better…I am thrilled to be a “founding” supporter and add The Contrarian to my daily routine…I cancelled The Post this morning as well…
I cancelled the day Ann Telnaes left. Very glad Jennifer has left. Congratulations to her.
I cancelled WaPo when Bezos got in the way of his staff and the First Amendment. I need to start with the free subscription only because of my other commitments - including the national treasure called HCR. I need to be fiscally prudent in my old age.
I’m in a similar situation.
Patent Medicine on the Contrarian. For shame.
You can report the post. I'm sure they will have their share of trolls and nut-jobs trying to wreck this wonderful space.
Hi, Steve;
I, like you have also moved due to Bezos's unpatriotic actions, and now, once again, enjoy Jennifer's columns. Our country is truly in crisis. Contrarian is a possible solution.
Freedom of the press belongs to those that own the press. The word staff means that they are employees. Bezos is their boss every bit as much as were the Grahams.
Their boss but not their owner.
Me too
I wasn't able to cancel my fresh-minted and occasioned by the upcoming elections annual subscription, even though I wanted to. Would be grateful for any tips. Would much rather suport substacks such as Contrarian
I canceled that very day and was so happy to find such a great community to join. Shame on all those who capitulated
So did I. I also sent an email to one of the WAPO editors explaining why I ended my subscription.
Join the club!
Me too.
Me, too! As soon as I heard Jen Rubin quit, I quit! Woo Hoo! Here’s to making some good trouble!!!
You actually think that a public bulletin board replaces one of the most venerable papers in the world???? Wow. Everybody thinks they are Andy Warhol. Let me get this right? Your routine consists of reading generic social media comments?
One of the most venerable newspapers in the world has let down its core readers. No reason to trust them under Bezos.
Not replace, but weaken. WaPo is only as strong as its audience and contributors. As the good contributors leave, so does the audience. Democracy IS dying in darkness, thanks to Bezos and the other oligarchs.
Yes, I almost think "Democracy died in darkness" would be more fitting, but, let's hope.
I grew up with DC's paper of record (and lessons from Pogo, Li'l Orphan Annie, later The Far Side, Doonesbury and more). Its decline over the past decade has culminated in cowardice - or sheer opportunism - on the part of its publisher. That is the last straw. Its quality loss is accelerating on every way. No more. When and if new, competent, dedicated leadership returns, so will I. Until then, supporting the penchant for profit from an individual who wants for nothing is beyond even my tolerance.
Trumpublicans think all Americans are cowards and followers... how fooliish.
How do we disagree without name calling? If we treat people with contempt, they won't hear us. They may not hear the message for a long time, but when they realize that the current administration does not serve them, they may become more open. If we act like a tribe, which is in our nature, then conflict will continue.
Good point, Susan.
We take the twin-tine approach: Team One works the floor - makjng arguments and deals. Team Two works the attack: First, Broadest and Loudest. Timely team communications and actions, including speaking as one, are crucial to defeating the enemy.
And you assoles think that if disgree with you are a Trump supporter What a fucking idiot
I've read this "sentence" four times and I can't figure out what the heck the you're trying to say. Maybe you can delete it and try again with a little proofreading and correction.
@Aliceolson, I too read, re-read and still? I got nothing?
Huh? Very classy choice of words. /s
What would you expect? Fish gotta swim
Your incoherence and limited vocabulary is indicative of both your intelligence and your level of education.
You are sounding an awful lot like him and his supporters...
Pronoun storm! Run away!
I guess, trollers gotta troll. But why here?
It's sorta like why some people climb Mount Everest: because it's there.
Sorry if disagreeing with you is "talking down" but can't you express youself if coherent English sentences? Without cussing maybe? I would agree that Blue Dot should not claim to know what "Trumpublicans" think, but your response is even more ignorant than his.
Why do you degrade ppl, and call names?
Are you opposed to civility?
I find your comments very offensive. No need for this.
Why the hate?
Peter, get your thoughts together and please enter again with more respect. I don't listen to people who are cursing at me.
If Yoda so smart is, why a sentence English simple construct he cannot?
Whatever this is, yes it does "replace one of the most 'venerable' papers in the world", similarly as any progressive entity replaces any pro-authoritarian entity. It may happen soon, or it may happen later, but it is evolution.
"Devolution" better fits my view of a factual observation source eroded by censorship and adjectivally slanted descriptions of groups and individual news subjects.
Go away. You’re shouting into a mirror.
Hey, someone, somewhere has to start. One of the most “venerable” papers in the world has become vulnerable to ownership censorship instead.
If it becomes a mouthpiece for an oligarch is it still venerable?
Once "venerable" now dubious.
Stop the fucking anti legacy news. You fucking sound like Trump
FORMERLY venerable. Democracy died in broad daylight.
WAS one of the most venerable newspapers in the world.
I guess yours does too; you are here, it appears. And you visit far more than I do, so, there's that….
Curious, why are you bothering to reply here if you think what they've created is a waste of time??
Th is the insane intolerant plastic pseudo people caring say all the proper things, but not give a shit typical quasi liberal response. You people have zero tolerance for all that does not precisely mirror you. You have a very very small tent and that is why you lost. The only thing you people are fighting is a keyboard. I have been fighting the “good Democratic” fight since before you were born. The Meidas Touch is fine as far as it goes., It is a gossip driven public pro democratic for the masses bulletin board mouthpiece owned by a group of brothers who have pulled the wool over everybody’s eyes with this user supported ad free bullshit. They block and ban all those who do not high step to their drum sounds .Is that the free thinking, freedom of speech American Way? Fuck no. The site with it ’s sibling u tube, which monetizes all comments, and sells a boatload of ads is worth close to 100 million dollars. Does that qualify as an oligarch'? Just cut the shit about not being whom you claim. Ben is not one with the people. He spent more on exotic location wedding than a family of five makes in 5 years. He owns LA Magazine, a whore ad drenched National Inquirer glossy mess, that is awash in ads My beef with the Midas Touch is all of the above.. It is amusing., and entertaining in it’s people comments. Is it a new source.. No fucking way. They report 48 hour old events, and just stop the shit about the great for the people nonsense
You actually think that a public bulletin board that is just filled with everybody's opinion replaces news? Jesus..... that is insane, Sort of like cancelling all your streaming stations ,and going back to only radio Half ass backwards. The point you arrogant shits miss is the majority of the real citizens do not even know what the Washington Post is..let alone have the resources to subscribe to it. You people are so so fucking arrogant
Exactly the attitude and intellect I would expect from a cult- obsessed MAGA follower…
Hey assole Your response is beyond moronic. I have been voting Democratic since you were wondering if your cock is going to get bigger
His reply is on-point, rational and, frankly, more than generous in light of your emotional derisiveness based on nothing. I won't bother to suggest that you renew your WaPo subscription to review its increasing reporting and editorial failures.
And "you people" are so crude and divisive. Must be a lot of unhappy, gun toting, swearing, Maga supporters out there.
Do you enjoy being lied to.
You guys always laugh at your own stupid comments
I would ignore that person. Look at their handle.
Block and move on.
Thanks for the suggestion. Robert. Someone else provided the way to do it, so I easily did (thanks to whomever!). But while I'm still here, I gotta say that this back-and-forth nyaah-nyaah stuff is precisely what we need to stop doing if we are to achieve any kind of civil discourse. You can't argue with a Rumper, so why bother?
"Block and move on." Yes!! Calling names is a waste of valuable energy and anger, even if you're satisfied that you've "scored" a point or two. A troll's only purpose is to incite; it's just a game to him. Whatever this particular guy calls himself, he's still malicious, and not worth anybody's time.
new here... how can I block? I've researched on, but the options they describe to do so don't seem to exist here. Thanks.
I suggest you report also. His intro is slanderous.
you rat an american out for taking a dig at you? but you're free speech all the way, right?
Is Mike E. the federal government? Do you even know what the 1st Amendment is for? (These are rhetorical questions. We all know the answer to both is, "No.")
Scott is on the wrong platform. He needs to move to X (formerly Twitter) or even Facebook now.
Or "truth" social
Thanks for the hearty laugh Depressive
Are you bragging about your diagnosis? You stigmatize yourself. If you have depression that doesn't make you a depressive. People are more than their illness or diagnosis. Labeling yourself that way seems more that you want to be seen as some sort of martyr.
You know. You so called liberals miss the point. I fucking do not want to see one more post about reporting or blocking !!! You people do not get it. You can not rule thre world by deleting people, and blocking out you do want to hear. You druids kill me, You espouse the virtues of free speech, as long as everybody agrees with you. That is as far as your fucking altruism goes, You bitch about this and that, Listen to blog, after blog, and podcast, look at Tic Tok., Facebook, Instrgram, tne in reruns of Father Knows Best, crack open another 22 dollar frosted colored quasi carbonated liquor pop cocktail, and drone on about how informed you are.
You talk about the libs? That sounded like a perfect description of the Trumpies! Which President wanted Colin Kapernick banned from football for taking a knee during our national anthem? Which presidential candidate wanted dragged out of his rallies or punched in the face bc they spoke up against him? Which president has suggested his opposition be locked up without evidence? Which president launched Truth Social where all voices would be heard and then banned those who voiced any opposition? Which president elect is a lover of Musk, who acknowledges banning anyone from X for disagreeing with his lies and pointing out truths. Your Comment was so typical of MAGAS doing exactly what they accuse others of doing
You are an illiterate moron., I have been voting straight Democratic since before you were born. What is amazing is you label Trumpers and MAGA everybody who disagrees with you. Precisely why Dems are done as national party. You exclude all not exactly like you!
What was it about my comment that led you to believe I’m illiterate? Or a moron? And how would you know when I was born? It will be hard to convince anyone you’re not MAGA when you make
Unsubstantiated comments and resort to name calling without actually countering any of the points made. THAT is straight out of the MAGA handbook
This is exactly the self righteous bullshit that plagues Democrats. I told you. I have been a Democratic for 67 years when being a Democrat meantg something. Now they have resorted to whining just as you are doing right now. They delete people. report to administrators, and cry "help" when feelings are hurt and they thinki that somebody is not playing fair. This is not school recess. Life is very unfair. Grow the fuck up. I do not have to comvince anybody about a fucking thing
67 years ago, you couldn't register to vote until you were 21. So, I guess that means that you are 88. Most people of your generation learned better manners than you are displaying here.
I'm 70. I registered to vote just in time to vote for Nixon in '72. I stayed a Republican and voted overwhelmingly for Republicans until Trump became the nominee in 2016. Now, I won't vote for any Republican who will not explicitly reject the Big Lie of the "Stolen Election." No Republican candidate for any office I could vote for has met that simple requirement.
Well, I see you still have no facts to present. I thought we could have a discussion with my facts and yours, but it’s obvious you have no facts to present. When I said MAGAs do A, B, C with specific examples, you came back with name calling and attempts at insults. When I challenged your lack of factual comments, you came back with whining and attempts at more insults. Not a fact to be found anywhere.
You are correct about one thing…you don’t have to convince anyone of anything. And your ignorance, lack of critical thinking ability (don’t confuse that with Critical race theory as most MAGAs do) and inability to use the words “illiterate” and “self-righteous” in the correct context sure as hell won’t convince anybody that you’re anything but a clueless troll.
And with that I am done with you.
Isn’t whining about something that isn’t fair a very tRumpy thing to do .
whining? who won the 2020 election?
It's awfully early for drinking in most of the USA, but okay.
That or patients are allowed access to computers in psych wards now...
Fuck u assole
You've really elevated the level of discourse here, Peter.
Are you trying to be tongue in cheek? Fucking failed. Another typical quasi liberal response. The etiquette is not what it should be!!!???
No, it was not a quasi liberal response, Peter. It was a full throated DEI supporting, science believer, rule of law supporter, too smart for conspiracy theories, LGBTQAI supporter, tired of the right wing nonsense, liberal feminist response. So yes, it was tongue in cheek. Some might even say it was sarcastic. Have a nice day (that isn't sarcastic, mostly).
Peter, love your use of the English language. Maybe someday you’ll know as many words as your leader Felon Trump.
You can leave now that you've contributed.
You people kill me, You will never get it:as long as the entire world agrees with you..... things are ok. No wonder democrats lost Who the fuck are you do you to decide who is in and who is out?
Stop spitting so much, Peetey, I can't see the screen for the froth.
Are you capable of saying anything without using the word fuck?
Sure, you would know when everyone was born, right? And someone who doesn´t know or care what you vote is of course "an illiterate moron".
As for who is in and who is out you seem to do an excellent job of defining that.
You sound really angry. And you ramble just like the orange felon .
It’s so nice to be able to block people here that I don’t have to listen to!
How do you block? Thanks.
You have to click on their name to go to their profile and then click on the three horizontal dots then a drop-down menu will appear with options including block.
Thanks, I really don't want to continue to see Peter's comments. He is not a bit helpful.
You're welcome, Bette. I agree, not helpful at all, more like part of the problem.
That's what I was wondering too. I don't really care to see his horrible cursing.
Same old tropes. In fact, boring for being so unoriginal. Why is this type's only imaginative ruminating always wrapped up in conspiracy or a pissing contest or given context for a general disaffection with life that tends to blame others. Sad lonely loser. He doesn't want to see one more...blah blah blah. Who cares? Or is that the reason for it?
Why can't you respond with facts? Maybe you are illiterate enough not to have any facts, so you are so defensive you have to respond with vulgar and hateful comments. Why should we accept anything you say? You are a small minded, Trump cultist spewing hate. Eventually you will see where Trump leads you.
What are you doing here? Did you make a mistake? Doesn't seem you appreciate these journalists and need to find ones who agree with you.
Wonder if he skipped a rabies shot?
Wow, sorry you have such a life. I hope you get better soon, maybe.
Eat shit, and have a great day enuch
This madness is not why we here. Please move on as no one is interested.
What are you doing here?
What do you want? Why are you here?
Oh the language, your BP must be really up there, feel sorry for you. Now bugger off!!
Bugger off? eat shit many times. You assoles that think you control things Amazing
Hey look; you won the war. Go babble with your own kind. Leave us alone.
You think that you are going to send all you do not like to detention hall?
No. We laugh at MAGA dumbfucks.
Ignore him. Obviously his parents did.
Now THAT is worth an LMAO!!
you like your own comments. bot behavior
Sure do. Why? Because I am sarcastic and sometimes people just bring it out in me. I love your incognito name. Bot much?
In the interests of open discussion, exactly what lie are you referring to? I mean, I can provide you with a list of lies told by Trump about a stolen election, a bribe to interfere with an election, a fake university, illegal acts regarding a charity, illegally retained classified documents, stopping wars as soon as he’s elected, when/how COVID will end, how people are eating dogs and cats, how he’ll immediately drop grocery prices, how he’ll jail Hilary, and more. What have you got? The one thing Trump said that was true was that his followers were so loyal he could shoot someone in broad daylight on 5th Ave and not lose a single follower. Facts—even when witnessed with your own eyes—wouldn’t/don’t matter to his followers. You wouldn’t know truth if it bit you in the ass.
I caught Trump’s fifth largest campaign contributor massively polluting on public utilities and no one cares. This huge pit is illegal. There are industrial hoses leading into the creek.
A fine representative example of the other side. Willfully ignorant and proud of it!
There is a cult. No sides. MAGAS are cultists.
If the speaker, JR say, actually believes their own BS is that still lying?
Go away, troll. Nobody cares about your ignorant views.
so great that Barbara alerted you. hadn't you already noticed?
Need a tissue, sweetie?
it's unsourced malinformation, but constitutional. nobody's gonna pay for this weak sauce anyway.
Self-awareness isn't your strong suit, hon.
Obviously you do Troll
Why the fuck do you assoles call everybody a troll? It is the Facebook email malady: Delete or block all that you do not want in your life. You fucking think that is all there is to it? What a bunch of simplistic morons
Did they name you Peter because you’re a dick?
Tell us what you real think.
How do you block someone? I’ve not seen that option here.
Go to their home page, and click on three dots
I don’t see a way to block either. I don’t need his filthy language.
not when i'm paying. which i'm not,
He’s looking in the mirror.
I can’t agree more! Best wishes for this endeavour and hope to see Ann Telnaes and Dana Milbank to join in too. ❤️
Craig! You’re my WaPo doppelgänger! With Ann and Jen gone, I’m leaving WaPo.
Just canceled my Subscription
Ditto. I was a 20 year WAPO subscriber. I just cancelled my subscription and deleted the app. I'm proud to be here to fight for democracy.
Almost 40 years here.
Canadian here. Ditto here. For years I was a subscriber to WAPO. Had to quit last year as the paper's truth telling contributors became fewer and fewer in favour of right wing trumps shills.. Grateful to have voices unfettered and glad to support the new platform!
Ditto. I stayed with the WP because I enjoyed Jennifer's pieces so much. Now I can quit it, which I intend to do as soon as I finish this comment.
Same here Craig, except you subscribed much earlier than I. No regrets, I'm in !!!!
I’ll second that comment by Craig Peebles
Scott is just angry and bitter at the world because when he was a child his parents traded him for a pack of menthol cigarettes.
And the pack was wet.
Trump moves to stop Bush-era AIDS relief program that saved millions: report
Same--me too! Fans of all three of the above!
Me, too, on all three. Dropping the Washington Post today.
Do you know how to get in touch with her? The government of Delaware is massively polluting and I can’t get anyone to hold them accountable. I emailed them and they didn’t respond.
I have everything a reporter would want. The media is so corrupt now they are just as bad as the government.
This is a four-acre pit with industrial hoses leading to a creek behind the county council vice president’s house. No one cares.
Wow - I made an innocuous welcoming comment and am getting seriously trolled by MAGA.
This new media endeavor has them scared. Or it has the bots scared. In either case: WAY TO GO!! 😄
Their whining is music to my ears.
So much whining even when they win.
Amazing, right? They won the election and they’re STILL whining and ranting. Incredible.
You said they won the election. At least the 28 addmendment passed.
“Whining” itself is a word we can begin to use, a LOT. Because it is the underside of the tough MAGA guys (and their female sycophants).
What will probably happen is that comments will be limited to paid subscribers only…and I get it. Not everyone can afford to subscribe, but the trade off is being able to comment or not.
Meanwhile, I block the whining MAGA trolls.
It is actually a good way to find out who to block 😉
Everything on Substack should be free. I get;NBC, REUTERS, GOOGLE NEWS, THE INDEPENDENT, RAW STORY, GUARDIAN, WSJ, W POST, NYT, MSNBC, CBS UPI, AP etc. for free, Look...sell advertisements Public radio, and TV has been doing it for years. Fucking Grouch Marx did it.... Sesame Street did it. We lived thru it....just like we liked thru riding a bicycle, and the summer slides without adult supervision. Fall off money bars, break arm? Who didn't?
It takes money to start a news outlet. I’m happy to pay to support the launch of news not beholden to craven billionaires.
When you put oil in your car do you bitch about billionaire oil companies, when have a Big Mac. do you bitch about billionaire restaurant owners, when you fly on a plane to you bitch about airline profits? I mean,,,really give me fucking break
Electric car. Now that Musk has shown his colors, our next electric car will not be a Tesla. We don’t eat fast food. I cancelled X. I cancelled Amazon prime. Whenever possible, I buy local (eg, farmers markets). So absolutely yes, I do put my money where my mouth is.
By all means, take a fucking break. Sounds like you need one.
Haha 😂 electric cars are a joke , they get powered by a coal fired plant.
Fuck off .Typical tree hugging circa 1968 moron
A little desperate for attention are you?
I drive an electric car and I don't eat fast food. I absolutely look for good corporate citizens when deciding where to spend my dollars. Yes, I fly and yes I bitch about all the little cutbacks that make airline travel uncomfortable. If a particular airline has safety or major customer service issues, I will choose another airline. I still subscribe to WaPo but I'm also actively seeking out independent voices that aren't owned by billionaires. Try being a little less judgemental.
Judgemental my ass Spoken like the parrot dead Democratic Party, that is dying from fairness, and the art of always open minded and priding themselves on the right thing. Name one thing that you think is an independent voice! That is delusional. Watch TV, subscribe to Netflix, own an Apple product.something made by Microsoft? Ever use Facebook? You people and your eternal righteous virginity slay me
Some posts are free. They do have to pay the journalists and writers. I don’t know if you’ve ever run a business, but that’s how it works.
Not exactly. Public broadcasting does have, unfortunately, paid underwriter announcements, but the underwriters must agree to and follow the pubcasters’ guidelines. Nevertheless, in addition to underwriting revenue, support also comes from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, foundations and users/members/donors (who bring in the majority of support).
I am well aware of that. The point is that these places are not sacred cows. MeidasTouch, SubStack and all the others are not a news source. They are highly slanted liberal propaganda machines. This over reaction to all MAGA is maddening. There is plenty of room within the Democratic Party for diverse notions, and ideas, but everytime somebody ventures from the company line., you people call them MAGA.. That is nuts. Quit with the MAGA boogeyman bullshit
You replied to something I didn’t discuss. I took some issue with your claim that public media sells advertisements. That’s not exactly true, as I outlined.
So, more to the original point of your post, why should everything on Substack be free? When people started canceling their Washington Post and New York Times subscriptions, much of the response was some variation of “why shouldn’t journalists be paid?” Yet here you are, faced with both free and premium memberships to The Contrarian, and you’re advocating ads because you believe everything on Substack should be free.
Of course, we should have the choice whether or not we subscribe, and avoid ads, or get free, theoretically, content via commercial support.
Perhaps what should be more concerning, however, is supporting a platform which hosts nazi and MAGAt extremist content creators/distributors, in the name of free speech. Indeed, 10% of every paid subscription hosted on Substack goes to this “highly slanted liberal propaganda machine.”
And quit decrying everyone who ruffles your delicate feathers as “you people,” while making the silly claim that we people call any veering from some amorphous Democratic Party line as MAGA boogeymen. Clearly you just felt that you needed an excuse to use your last line.
Name ONE right wing media source that is independent and neutral. Fox? ONN? Breitbart? World Net Daily? The American Conservative? The American Enterprise? The Federalist? The Dartmouth Review? NAME ONE conservative publication that isn’t biased.
Meidas Touch doesn’t claim to be news. Nor does Substack. Like most “conservatives,” you don’t know the difference between news and opinion.
Earth calling Peter the Troll: ANY information source that has a left or right bias is, by definition, NOT news. NEWS is inherently neutral. If the copy has to be slanted to appeal to the left or the right, that is not news. It’s opinion. It’s entertainment.
Conservatives have long seen themselves as perpetual victims. Any criticism of corrupt conservatives is ALWAYS interpreted as persecution by the so-called “liberal” media. Rupert Murdoch founded Fox to provide news from
a “conservative” perspective. By definition, that is propaganda, not news.
Can't figure out what is going on with you. MAGA is exactly what you describe as the democrat way of doing things. Are you aware of how the new MAGA cabinet is being selected ? Is there an alternate reality I'm unaware of ?
Support also come from American citizens
Exactly! How do I block them though, if there is nothing but anger and drivel.
Tony, if you click on their picture or name you’ll be taken to their account page. Then select the three little dots in the upper right corner. A menu of options will open and you can select “block”.
Thank you!!!!
What did the trolls say, exactly? File under Know Thy Enemy.
Their comments disappeared once I blocked them. They were long MAGA diatribes, insulting this new stack and the people who subscribed with sophomoric insults. The usual troll stuff.
I just joined for a year and sent gift memberships to six friends. Go Jennifer & Go Norm. Great idea.
Sure you did!
Dude, find something better to do with your time. We get it. You love fascism. Go find a trumpy site and buy some commemorative gold toilets or something
Just block him - arguing with them is their oxygen just cut them off
How do I block him?
Tap on his name/profile- tap 3 dots
Thank you! Done.
Thank you....I appreciate your clear directions. Just blocked him!
Report him and get him off this site…every time and every post.
Read his tagline. He’s here just to “flood the zone with shit.” They act like 5 year olds.
No you don’t get it at all.
Same goes for you.
You do not belong here. Are you a troll?
Hilarious!! Ahhh.... I'm home!
You hate the idea of someone spreading the truth.
I was a subscriber to the Washington Post for several years and read Jennifer Rubin's columns as soon as they were published. She tells it like it is and never resorts to hyperbole to get her point across. Also a big fan of Norm Eisen and listened to him as a contributer to MSNBC and other media outlets.
Me too
Yes me too!
Me too!
Proud to be an early subscriber. But since your comments are already beset by trolls, it might be wise to install a Block function. That's what's kept BlueSky civil and MAGA-free. All the best.
They are on substack.
Click on the MAGAT’s name & it takes you to them on substack. Click on the 3 dots at top right and you can block them or mute them.
Thanks. Scott and his FA are blocked. I notice he could be reported also.
But that doesn't block them from the site, doesn't the owner of the site have to do that? I am on other sites that idiots like them wouldn't see the light of day..
Report them constantly as I do and they may be removed by the overseer.
That was fun! Thank you for the techy instruction!
Thanks Sherry.
Thanks for the info Sherry 👍
I sure hope we’ll have a chance to have a thoughtful conversation here in the comments. At their best, I learn as much from them as from the author of articles.
I hope the tone of this changes substantially.
I hope so too. I learned of this new effort from Heather Cox Richardson's letters, which always have good commentary including learning more. My hope is that this outlet will work similarly.
I really enjoy and value Heather Cox Richardson’s perspectives as a historian and educator. Whether listening or reading her books/letters/posts, she is a wealth of political/historical patterns, information and provides almost daily updates (she needs a break too). Amazing woman.
I agree with both of your comments about HCR she helps educate me and keeps me current, putting current excesses in perspective.
This looks like another antidote to the New World Odour that we’re facing.
That's always the case with open, intelligent people. Nice and true comment Ken.
That's up to substack. Just scroll on past.
Block by clicking on the person and you’ll get their page. Three dots on the upper right leads to block
Agree! Block function please🙏🏻 their remarks are endlessly repetitive and just take up space.
Definitely I'm not blocking you Tim 😉
I unsubscribed to WaPo the minute Bezos began to interfere. Thrilled to subscribe to the Contrarian! Democracy dies in darkness isn’t a slogan, it’s a dire warning.
Your stupid message of fear didn’t resonate with anyone with a brain cell, retards!
Seriously, you MOONBAT morons have learned nothing and I am so here for it!
Jen Rubin and Norm Eisen are a big part of the reason YOU ALL LOST! LMFAO!
Your attempt at bullying those of who in all likelihood disagree with your perspective is pointless, rude and offensive. Many of us are fearful for America in general, our democracy, all Americans regardless of political affiliation, and reject the growing disdain shown for our institutions and political opponents by many Americans and Republican politicians. These fears are supported by facts. Statements like yours only continue to divide Americans and reinforce the negative stereotypical image many Americans have of Trump voters. It would be helpful if you consider stating your opinions supported by facts and not denigrate those of us who disagree with you.
Sadly, that's the only playbook they know — belittling, lying, name calling; all because they have to feel 'big' when they lash out in their uneducated, factless, "I don't know how to find real news" methods.
You’re better than I, I’ve had it with their childish nonsense.
Just ignore Scott. He obviously is starved for attention and daddy’s love, just like the other bridge and tunnel try hard, Donnie Small Hands.
If someone disagrees and makes a reasoned argument, I'm sure they will be responded to in kind. Statements like "So you enjoy being lied to?" are only meant to provoke a reaction.
Michael, agreed 💯 % with you. I only hope that you don't waste your time trying to convince this guy of anything.
Insulting each other divides us and strengthens greed and power’s united front against us.
Nicely said, Michael!
Not denigrate those that disagree with you? Do you mean like you are doing?
Love it!
Angry if you lost angry if you win. Must be terrible to be angry and miserable all the time.
Isn’t there a way to block people like Scott from this site? This shouldn’t be a place for hatred.
To block, click on Scott's name, three dots will appear - select block.
They were born like that . Don't worry 😉
I don't worry. Usually people with that much hate and discontent self destruct. They are a product of their environment growing up... and then you have the "Bad Seed" My cousin was a good example of the bad seed... He wanted to die young and have a good looking corpse. He achieved his goal with self destructive actions. We shared a house when I was young, great sense of humor, capable of intelligent critical thinking...with a criminal mind. Now we have a large population of people with a multitude of grievance's, some didn't know they had...until they were told they did... And here we are, welcome 2025. The year of the Joker
Are you tired, rundown, listless? Do you poop out at parties? Are you unpopular? The answer to all your problems is in this little bottle, Vitameatavegamin.
That was a hilarious episode of Desi/Lucy!
If only Lucy was still with us. She’d have a field day with the Bert and Ernie of has beens who never were. The SubStack site for the sightless.
Dear Scott, first, why are you afraid to include your last name - are you a snowflake? Second, try to understand that anyone who writes as you do will be viewed as an ignorant fool by anyone who is well read and has a human heart, and third, does LMFAO mean "laughing my fat ass off"?
oh, I always thought that LMFAO meant "Love Maga Fascist A-hole Oligarchs"
Ohhhhh - there it is, Scott! The "all caps" childish name calling!
Raise your hand if didn't see ·that· coming! 😂
Y'all should really stop sharing the same maga playbook; so OLD!
Don't answer to guys like him, just block them. You'll feel better!!!
On the contrary, I find their predictable behavior HILARIOUS and will call it out every time! It's no bother to me ;)
It is hilarious. But that's exactly what they want: more of your time. Block 'em!!
Anger is a poor substitute for sanity.
Winning with grace is encouraged.
Get a life, Scott. Your hate is going to ruin your health. *Blocking you now*
Aww... does someone need a hug? (Ewww... maybe a diaper change first.)
Angry fascists will always be angry. Remember what Waylon Jennings said "What Goes Around Comes Around."
🤣🤣sooooo silly
Go away. Your name calling meltdown not interesting at all. It feels like a two year old toddler going bananas.
Why, just why are you so angry!
And how much money he get you to give him? LMAO
As opposed to the out in the light of day transparency of the last 4 years. 🙈
Well, Bezos is killing democracy in broad day time...
As did I.
let's save mob rule!
Thank you very much! I look forward to enlightened, fact-based robust discussion on how We, The People tackle this latest onslaught of global fascism.
You don’t defeat fascism by embracing it… 🤦🏻♀️
You defeat it with a good dose of bravery and a huge dose of the truth!
And a big megaphone otherwise nobody would know.
Jodi, I only hope, we didn't waste too much time to start tackling this tsunami like onslaught
This is my fear.
You aren’t much on writing your own words, are you? Tell us how you feel about public health. Admit to us here your feelings regarding Doctor Anthony Fauci.
Ya’ll, this person “bubby” appears as if they may suffer “brain worms”. Use caution with this one.
Fauci for prison.
Measles kills.
This is great news! I am unable to buy a subscription and hope you won’t forget those of us on fixed incomes who desperately want to read/hear the encouraging words you have to say in during the dark days ahead. Thanks
Found the Block function! Hooray!
Just click on the name of the offending MAGA (such as Scott, whose charming profile reads, in part, "Norm Eisen does anal with Adam Schiff") then click on the 3 dots to find the Block feature.
Criticism withdrawn, Jen and Norm! Well done.
Perfect! Thank you 🙏🏻 nice to get rid of all that angst
Get ready to keep blocking because there are too many of those guys but don't worry, a lot of decent people and myself are going to help 😊
Hoping they institute the “ no a-hole” rule that Simon has on Hopium. After one major warning Simon either suspends them from posting or refunds them their subscription and deletes their account. His site, his no trolls rules.
I'm all for it.😜
Thank you to two of my favorites! Democracy thrives in sunlight.
Soon, very soon, tons of sunlight will be released, particularly about people like Norm Eisen. Can't wait.
Do you think Trump is an admirable human being? Do you think he is a man we should look up to?
Absolutely! He's worked very hard to put a team together to release all of that sunlight I told you about one month ago.
And it's glorious!
Democracy ? Like the German Democratic Republic? Or Democratic Kampuchea?
Congratulations for leaving WaPo, Jen. Look forward to your new work.
Stupid people believe this old miserable cat lady!
Felix the Cat, the wonderful, wonderful cat.
Whenever he gets in a fix, he reaches into his bag of tricks.
Felix the Cat, the wonderful, wonderful cat.
You'll laugh so much your sides will ache.
Your heart will go pit-a-pat
It is true that the language of democracy does not appear in our constitution. However, what the founders, e.g. Madison defined as a republic, was a representative democracy. He describes the institutions as also containing the following: the separation of powers, separation of Church and State, and importantly the rule of law. All of these institutions constitute what we call a democracy in modern terms or what Robert Dahl called a polyarchy. The so called "mob rule" associated with democracy that the Founders feared were the institutions associated with the Roman Republic, e.g. exile and lottery. Is that a good enough substantive answer for you?
First day for me. Thanks Jen and Norm.
No one wants Democracy, which is no different from mob rule. The founders of our country structured the Republic specifically to keep Democracy at bay.
All of this you know. Starting off with a lie. Nice.
The very first comment is someone claiming that people don't want democracy? First bot?
Educate yourself before posting again. Just a thought.
I guess an app without bots is no longer possible in this wffin world. I am educated enough to recognize a troll.
Apparently not. Have you any substantive reply? Or just more ad hominem? Hmm?
Now I need to find how to report/block
I did it for you. It seems there are several posters using just a first name and the same blue image. They are fascists agitators who it is not worth trying to reply to.
Go to their profile. Look for the 3 dots at top right. Click on them and block.
Thank you.
Your first impulse is to report someone who disagrees with you. Bluecry taught you well!
No, my first response comes if I read that people want to lamppost others.
Toddlers want only attention. Better just to ignore them.
lampost? is that when someone shines the light on other's subjective truth?
Wasnt her first response to slap a label on you and call you a 'bot'?
Yep, 'bot' then a 'troll'. The lamp post comment was someone else. Ms. Lucas is the typical, flailing ball of emotion. No substance there at all. Fortunately for all of us, these types have lost a LOT of influence.
Do you consider Trump to be the kind of man we should all admire? Do you want your sons to behave like him? Do you behave like him?
We learned that from trump. He cuts out everyone that disagrees with him.
The 3 little dots to the right.
Three buttons in the upper right hand corner, maybe...
Thanks. I had to put my glasses on.
I think she's still confused over the Kamala implosion. Give her a safe space to look inward and reflect. A few more days of grieving may be just the ticket.
I believe she is married to one of my best friends brother Paul. No comment, never met her. May be wrong Rubin there is another trudy.
Nah, you’re obviously not.
Democracy is better than any other form of governance
Back to high school civics for you, shorty.
yes! let's hear it for mob rule!
We don't follow Jen and Norm to hear from Russians or other paid "influencers" trying to distract Americans from the truth. Bullies and liars are easy to spot...and block.
You are the bully. Not one from your side has had a single substantive comment to rebut my original post. Name calling and labelling are the provinces of bullies. But then this is why you lost. The most bullied man in history is now our President. As it should be.
Not that your boring responses actually deserve an intellectual response, but perhaps if you read (supposing that you have the intellect), the definition of "bullying", I believe you would find it fits the incoming president (lower case leading intentional), to a "T". Transference is a trait that most of us grow out of by the 5th grade, but it seems you have somehow managed to stay stunted and not made that step in your maturation. I await your feeble attempts at name calling and "bullying"!
Now our president? To my knowledge today is January 18th.
Michael Scott. Nice.
The original version of Democracy was created in Greece long ago. What we have now is not a pure version, but it's still better than any alternatives I am aware of.
The biggest problem with today's democracy is the lack of term limits.
You sound like you were raised by monkeys, Get some history books and wise up,
He's just a sad, angry MAGA who thinks that Trump's win makes him less of a pathetic, self-loathing loser. He's wrong, as they all are.
Firstly, I am not a loser and I do not indulge in self-loathing, That is the domain of the left. I started out dirt poor in northern Canada. I am now wealthy and retired in a beautiful place. For fun and laughs, I enjoy provoking the real losers … the left - YOU …. they/you are so easily riled up. You have trouble controlling your emotions … especially the emotions of hate, anger and fear.
Both sets of my grandparents lived through two world wars. Once as teens and the second when they were raising kids. Our hometown in Belgium was bombarded several times with lots of deaths. We learned history in our Belgian schools, and we learned and heard first hand what fascism can do and did. If you grew up poor you should know better than any of us how dictatorship ruins a country. We are well on the way. Our criminal felon president will make sure we all remember... btw, I am flemish speaking, so all I can give you is my small "emotional-non difficult words". I write from my heart, and I look in from the outside, dual citizen. Nobody in Belgium understands how a common felon can become president. We will have our eyes to cry. If you are now happy and retired and living in a nice community, why do you still feel the need to provoke and belittle? Why?
All the trolls screwed up Twitter and lost the playing field and now are coming here to start the same bs.
LOL - following the Maga party line of the left being losers is so boring.
Looks like you've got the whole 'projection' thing down cold. Now work on building up your resentiment. You'll get there if you try.
Looks like you've got the entire MAGA troll dictionary memorized: projection, both-sides-ism, ad hominem. But as expected, you're not too bright. It's spelled "resentment." Keep trying. Good dog.
How did that work out for ancient Greece?
Try reading that again, Michael:
"The original version of Democracy was created in Greece long ago. What we have now is not a pure version, but it's still better than any alternatives I am aware of."
It ran for about 300 years then was taken over by the Romans who had their version then over time was revived, largely with the Magna Carta and Britain's great influence in it's long lasting empire ....
We are still using it today along with dozens of other countries. I left out a lot of stuff here because I know how short the liberal attention span is.
The keepers of Democracy are the conservative Americans AKA MAGA people. Your lot leans into totalitarianism. Your great efforts to shut opposition down with law-fare, censorship and cancelling is evidence of that.
You are aware that at this very moment civil servants are being questioned not about their fealty to country or constitution but to one man. They are also being quested about how they voted, who they contributed to...
Yes, this has been the practice, it continues today, but it will end on January 20.
This is the incoming administration at work. Project 2025.
Project 2025 was not produced by the incoming administration.
Hello … um … have you SEEN the appointees?
A funnyman in our presence, folks!
That won't stop them from implementing it. If you think that isn't true you're wearing your MAGA glasses too long. But I think you know exactly what going on.
I think you're right. Russell Vought is going to clean house in a serious way, and it is about time. The ideologues are out, the constitutionalists are in. That is by necessity going to blow out numerous federal workers from their positions. We can start with any who are, or have ever been, members of the DSA.
Sad. Russel Vought is the definition of an ideologue. But if you're comfortable with the litmus test being a swearing of loyalty to one man, and saying that was already the case is nonsense, then you might just get the country you appear to want. Most people who think they want an authoritarian leader are usually very disappointed with what they get.
The constitutionalists? Are you out of your flipping mind? Wait until I stop laughing!
You don't mean Constitutionalist as the incoming admin is shooting from the hip and forcing the SCOTUS to make it up and cover his felon ass! We just ran out of time to convict. The report out today seriously shows the crimes committed with overwhelming evidence and witnesses.
you really have drunk the kool-aid, lol. Get lost Troll
Conservative Americans is not synonymous with MAGA people. I am conservative and American I believe in a balanced budget. I believe in a strong military. I believe in religious freedom. And I believe in our constitution. Just because someone disagrees with me, as long as they can present facts and not conspiracy theories, we can have a discussion and there’s a chance they can even change my mind. But I left the Republican Party When address the issues we were facing became MAGA. I expected my leaders, intelligence, honesty, and a sense of decorum with a touch of charity. Donald Trump exemplifies none of those. And Trump IS the party FKA Republican.
Wow. Your take on history would be hilarious if it were not so pathetic. Blocked for ignorance.
The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States.[3] It superseded the Articles of Confederation, the nation's first constitution, on March 4, 1789. Originally including seven articles, the Constitution delineates the frame of the federal government. The Constitution's first three articles embody the doctrine of the separation of powers, in which the federal government is divided into three branches: the legislative, consisting of the bicameral Congress (Article I); the executive, consisting of the president and subordinate officers (Article II); and the judicial, consisting of the Supreme Court and other federal courts (Article III). Article IV, Article V, and Article VI embody concepts of federalism, describing the rights and responsibilities of state governments, the states in relationship to the federal government, and the shared process of constitutional amendment. Article VII establishes the procedure subsequently used by the 13 states to ratify it. The Constitution of the United States is the oldest and longest-standing written and codified national constitution in force in the world.[4][a]
That Separation of Powers and the implied Checks between branches has been neutered by We the People allowing two political parties to control govt functions and power. Party allegiance overpowers checks. Party alignment across branches has managed to cede many congressional powers to a hyper-powerful presidency. That’s how we got a Trump. We must fix it—
I think you're lost. Russia is across the ocean. Go there.
The founders were not infallible in their interpretation of Democracy. The Constitution was cobbled together from compromises, many of which have changed over time. Slavery, for example. Civil rights in general. Etc.
We're still struggling to find a better way. "Lamp posting" doesn't seem like one.
Yes, the founders were flawed individuals. But they were collectively brilliant on one particular subject that they 1) embedded in the Constitution and 2) warned us never to neuter — that being Separation of Power between branches. Checks between each branch. And us allowing political parties (circa 1832) to control actual govt power has absolutely neutered those separations of power. Power was originally intended to be atomized, not concentrated. We must fix it …
Agree, whoever suggested lamp-posting is too far down the mob rule route. We were headed there, but Trump may be able to give us a reprieve.
The founders built the internal structure of our federal Republic to give rule by the people some chance of survival. Amazingly it may have actually worked again in 2024. Have to wait and see.
My single brain cel tells me that what worked in 1700/1800 is no longer working in 2020's. They had not calculated in the growth of population, nor the fact that a despot was to arise and wreck the whole thing.
Powerwise, the reason our democracy doesn’t work now is because we ignored the founders’ warnings and allowed political parties to control and concentrate power in one group or another, then in individuals (leaders) and then, in an all-powerful president (current presidents are orders of magnitude more powerful thank George Washington was).
We must fix it —>
Well, we just voted the despots out, and they appear to be preparing (for the most part) to peacefully transfer power. That is why I believe the system may have continued to work right up 'til now.
NO, half of completely misinformed Americans just voted them IN. Tossing away with one hand what they might not grab back with two. Reprieve from Trump is an illusive thinking path. Just look at his cabinet. Dumb and dumber, and dangerous. Maybe time to go back to Belgium before next week.
This is what democracy looks like: kinda messy and often disagreeable.
The minority after any election routinely inveighs against "mob rule."
It is said (have not seen the primary data) that about 40% of the electorate voted this time. There seems to be agreement that the actual vote count (not the Electoral College) was very close. In effect, then, about 20% of the eligible electorate "won."
Referencing the founders, as if you care what they wanted, that's rich. More than likely they would view Trump, fomenting a mob to attack the capitol (the seat of the "Republic" for those that like to act like pseudo-intellectuals) as a traitor and a coward. And be utterly repulsed by anyone who voted for him. The electoral college was meant to act as a stop-gap to protect us from an obvious grifter and criminal, but you I'm sure are curiously silent about the founders' structure there. MAGA can't even win gracefully, they just keep trying to bully and abuse, because all they really care about is being angry and acting like victims.
Mob rule is what Jan. 6, 2021 would be like at the Capitol if the mob had won and kept Trump in power despite Biden winning the election democratically. The difference is that Biden won according to the rules of the democracy and Trump didn't, in that year 2000 election.
Some kinds of democracy have similarities to mob rule. That doesn't mean they're always the same thing as each other.
And then there's authoritarianism, which is not the same as democracy. I don't want mob rule and I don't want authoritarianism. I want a well-structured government that serves all the people and in which any of the people can exert influence upon the government, such as by writing or voting. It should be fair. That's where the idea of "one person, one vote" comes from. NOT one state, one vote; NOT one county, one vote; NOT one gerrymandered district, one vote; it's called a "democracy" because it's more about people than about states, counties, or gerrymandered districts.
I teach US history. They were interested in the original Greek concept of democracy, as enhanced by Robespierre. They were totally opposed to unilateral leadership, a hierarchical form of government, whether it be a monarchy, empire, or fascist dictatorship. They wanted to test whether people could govern themselves without an absolute leader. That is a good definition of democracy. Please go back and read the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence.
Oops, I meant Rousseau, not Robespierre, although the French Revolution was inspired by the American Revolution, then went sideways. Kinda like MAGA, violent and illogical.
Odd that you teach history but can't keep Robespierre and Rousseau separate in your mind. (Both were scum.) Worse, you evidently have a thorough lack of understanding of current events.
Odd, but not a surprise. History faculty are typically at 95% or better, in terms of ideological capture.
You know someone has an indefensible position when they insist on arguing about typos and individual words and semantics. Just sad. You just want to argue because your life is sad.
Click on his name and block him.
Post missed its mark. Here we go …
False. “Democracy” is an all-encompassing term that, yes, includes mob/pure/direct democracy (which everybody knows we’re not) as well as representative democracies, constitutional republics, etc. When the founders spoke against democracy, they were talking about the first definition above. Since they created our form of democracy, the term has widened to include all of the above, each holding a common component—we the people are sovereign. In some forms, we lend our power to reps, and in some, a constitution governs what those reps can do. Learn!
If you had any idea how the English language worked, you would recognize that the word Democracy is short-hand for all sorts of different versions of the democratic idea, including a pure democracy like the New England town meetings; the Republic version represented by the United States, its 50 states, and its countless counties, cities and towns all governed by people periodically elected by voters; the Parliament version so common in Europe; and even constitutional Monarchies with an elected Parliament. Most everybody in these countries still refer to their countries as Democracies.
I know that precision matters and yours is lacking.
Regardless, Marxist Mockingbirds like Rubin and Eisen have had their day. And failed. Their time has passed, their influence has gone, and clear-thinking folk rejoice. The cry of "Democracy, Democracy" rings empty when you've spent so much time helping prop up a corrupt kleptocracy. This is a wonderful time to be alive.
Then why are you here?
Maybe, you should have read what Rubin has written over the years before you judge her. She isn’t a Marxist and I have to wonder how you could ever think she was or is. Lenin, Mao, etc claimed to be Marxists. Simply because someone doesn’t agree with you does not make them Marxists. Just as agreeing with Trump doesn’t make you a Fascist or Nazi.
Maybe too much time on Fox News or RWM? You seem to have a blindness or maybe take after Trump with your projections. The Biden Admin was a corrupt Kleptocracy? Were you here and paying attention during the 1st Trump presidency? There truly is no political figure more corrupt than DJT.
Nice try at snark, but you have to have your facts straight for it to work. Our constitutional republic was structured specifically to address the weaknesses in previous, failed democracies.
Get back to me when you are up to date. Until then, I recommend you take a seat, listen, and maybe pick up a biography of Benjamin Franklin.
Oh give me a break. Other than governing themselves as colonies, they had a couple of working examples to use including Great Britain and San Marino, which has had a constitutional republic since about 301 AD. Some of the Indian tribes were practicing elected representation too and Franklin knew about those.
The Constitution was our second try at a national government. First, the Articles of Confederation which were a complete failure. Also, the first version of the Constitution would not have been enacted if the first 10 amendments hadn't been added to fix a bunch of problems that even the writers of the Constitution itself, recognized needed to be addressed. In case you hadn't noticed, almost every one of those amendments and most of those since, have expanded our personal rights. Democratic ideas like ending slavery, expanding voting rights to women, reducing the voting age, changing from state legislatures appointing Senators to citizens voting for their Senators.
Finally, the basis for every form of our governments in the US is an election. You can't get much more basic than an election as of democracy. The New England town meetings are more democratic, but there are so few as not to matter.
San Marino? Good one.
Maybe, but it is true. Same with Ben Franklin's knowledge of elected tribal councils.
The bottom line, the use of the word democracy is simply shorthand for various forms of freely elected governments.
The parade of domestic oligarchs parading to Mar a Lago to bend the knee to trump is nauseating. Best of luck on this venture and props to Jen for doing the right thing.
Wow. You guys might want to rethink having a comments section at all. It's already filled with nasty, ugly trolls spewing bile. Suggest cleaning it up or eliminating it. has no comments section and does just fine.
My finger shortened 1 cm in two minutes from reporting already.
LOL. Same here. I'm getting a blister.
Don’t just report, block. So far there’s only abt 6 but they have a lot of posts.
I found it useful to identify troll accounts to block.
I'd rather spend my time reading useful content.
Me too! But with social media comes trolls, and this proves useful blocking the most aggressive ones.
Is there a block function? I haven't seen it.
If you click on their profile, then the three dots in the upper right corner, you can block.
Yep. Took me a sec, but found it. Thx.
But does that only block them from you or literally block them from the comments section? I’m betting the first.
I think its only from us. The owners of the site can block them and remove their garbage on substack.
Only blocks them from you. The owners would have to block them from the stack.
Me too Tim, but it's useful to block 🧌 trolls and not have to read their garbage 🤡🗑️
I am blocking the blockhead trolls as I go along.
I love good comments but this is awful.
Block and move on.
Good People,
Please don't give the haters air. They enjoy getting a rise out of us. They will slither away. 😊
"If you click on their profile, then the three dots in the upper right corner, you can block."
Thank you!!!
Excellent news! Thank you both for your integrity, always speaking the truth, reporting facts and standing up to authoritarianism. Can’t wait to support this endeavor! Wishing you both the best of luck!
Democracy my ass. This is the left's new propaganda outfit and we aren't fooled.
The Constitution provides TWO checks on the President of the United States. Congress. The Supreme Court. Answer this honestly: No matter what Trump does as President in the next four years, no matter how corrupt or even criminal, do you believe EITHER branch will check those abuses of power? HIS SCOTUS ruled (via the immunity decision) that a President is essentially a King. And Trump has cowed (threatened/intimidated) all Rs in Congress. They fear him primarying them. NO CHECKS! That means NO DEMOCRACY! Not the democracy the founders created. You think this site is some leftist “propaganda outfit.” That’s because you WANT YOUR WAY with policies and you’re OK with an authoritarian giving it to you. Stay tuned, bud. First, they came for xxxx, and I did nothing; then they came for yyyyy.
The Supreme Court has become the imperial court so I cannot express hope about the guardrails.
Yet here you are.
Propaganda is the spreading of lies. Since Trump lies about every time he opens his mouth, he must be spreading propaganda every time he speaks.
So you came all the over here to post that drivel - and without an iota of irony. Amazing. Seek help.
Combat authoritarianism?......Where were you the last four years???????
You are aware that at this very moment civil servants are being questioned not about their fealty to country or constitution but to one man. They are also being quested about how they voted, who they contributed to...
In the same bubble they are in now.. but here they can realse release their 💙🧠🦸. Their. blue brain superhero powers.
Congratulations and best wishes.
Thank you Jennifer and Norman. I have missed reading good journalism and insightful opinion which is why I left WAPO. Democracy WAS dying under Bezos' ownership. Glad to find some sprigs of a democratic Spring growing here with The Contrarian. Subscribed for a year hoping you last that long and grow into a robust source of counter-authoritarianism journalism and opinion. I am sure you will have trolls (already spotted that one below) but don't lose heart.. There are so many who are hungry for what you offer. Again, thank you from the bottom of my liberal, democratic (small "d") heart.
I'm so excited to see unadulterated news again! I happily subscribed and will share with family and friends. Thank you, Jennifer and Norman!
One of The Tribe,
Juliet Thomas
Loved Jen’s Green Room… will try my best to support your continuing fight 🇨🇦
I'm excited about your new venture. Long live independent media!
Jen, is there anything you and Norm can do about the trolls? Already creating an X-like experience on what should be a thoughtful space. Thank you! So glad you are launching this site.
Happy to be an early paid subscriber. Thanks for your courage.
Clock on the name of the offending poster. Then at the very top right the three dots. Chose if you wish to block them.
*Click*. I seem to not be able to post w/o errors.
What a bunch of junk - you shilled for Obama, and fed America a steady diet of Biden ham sandwiches laced with his diaper leak mayo. And you have the nerve to call Donald Trump the biggest threat to Democracy. Glad to see you go and I hope you have zero success, are out of a job soon, and enter homeless into the poverty laden society you helped create by brainwashing / misleading the public, screaming from your highly elevated soapbox all the deep state sap & liberal policies you've been spewing and gushing over all these years...
You're welcome!
We're done with compassion - we've been giving it to you and your kind forever always turning the other cheek only to be shortchanged again and again - now? Take a flippin hike!
Am delighted to subscribe and want to credit Heather Cox Richardson for the tip. Am looking forward to your voices and sources. Thanks for undertaking the essential 4th Estate role. I'm relieved you're here.
Congratulations Jennifer and Norm on your new venture! I'm looking forward to following you through this year and have taken a year subscription with the savings from not renewing the Washington Post.
Excellent! This will be one of my must reads!
Do they support reporters? I am looking for a group that can find the news, not just comment on what was posted in the NYT. We are becoming a nation of analysts and commentators, but what are they analyzing if nobody is doing the research?
Norm Eisen, Marc elias, and Andrew Weissman are a domestic threat to America. Their election interference is legendary, and must pay for their treason by being DC LampPosted.
Yep. A ton of the sunlight that JR claims they will be providing will be provided about their efforts to steal elections and destroy a duly-elected president of this country.
Oops. They won't like that kind of sunlight very much, and will deny it all just like they did Biden's dementia, Hunter's laptop, the Russia hoax, the Ukraine hoax, and countless other truths.
hahahahaahaahaahaaahaahaaaahaaaahaahahaaaahahah … hahahahahaahahaaaa! seriously – too funny!
Yep - I call it like I see it; HIL·arious!
Gotta love when comments are deleted
Keep projecting sweetie - it's a really-really good look for you!
Go fuck yourself. Twice. In the heart. Now go die.
Congratulations! Very exciting, and I’m happy to support with a paid subscription.
You should seek out Bill Day, the cartoonist. I think he's looking for a home
And Ward Sutton, John Branch and John Cole…
Yay. I’m usually a very hesitant subscriber - I didn’t skip a beat when I saw this. Signed right up. Thank you for what is sure to be a beacon in the coming darkness.
Thank you! The Washington Post was my favorite paper -- no longer subscribe and removed myself from Amazon. I signed up to The Contrarian this morning after reading about it in Diane Ravitch's Blog. Personally and professionally fighting to maintain our democracy has been my life's work. There is nothing more important than a free and independent press/media. You are our public history. Appreciate this effort and wish much success for all our sakes.
If you join, you get to send three 1-month subscriptions to 3 friends. If you provide 3 emails , they add another three 1-month subscriptions. I recommend everyone do this as well
Did someone say pets??? You got our attention!
When I dumped the Post after it pulled the Harris-Walz endorsement, I knew I was throwing the baby (excellent independent journalists) out with the Bezos bathwater. Thank you for "rescuing the baby"!
Well said.
Early subscriber here! Suggest a name change to “The New Common Sense”. Rather than shouting what you’re against “Contrarian”, elevate what you’re FOR “Common Sense”. Also a nod to the OG agitator of truth, Thomas Paine. Just a thought. So glad you are taking a stand for truth.
I look forward to what you will have to offer and I wish you great success in this effort, primarily so you and The Contrarian will be able to help We the People have great success at recovering and evolving our republic, our representative democracy.
I offer a suggestion that you specifically prioritize trying to constantly inspire, educate and guide us towards exercising our rights and fulfilling our responsibilities as engaged citizens so we can *keep* our republic. If you choose to do this, I'm sure you will be able to find countless ways in which you will be able to insert endless micro-doses of what we need to read, hear and learn into most of the material you will be presenting for us.
Far too many citizens have never been taught civics in a way that really helps us be aware of the many small, practical things we can and need to do as responsible citizens, from local levels to national, beyond the important but minimal contribution of casting our ballots. Few citizens understand that all of the political, economic and social issues we are now faced with are ultimately our fault for having neglected our role in "government by the people" for decades, for generations. Because of our neglect, people of great wealth have stepped into the vacuum we have left and they have reworked our political system to serve them at our expense. This is all going to become much more painfully obvious over the next four years, so there will be endless opportunities to learn the essential lessons of maintaining our representative democracy.
One great danger we need to overcome is that, in the face of this onslaught on our government and country, many people will lose hope in our future and lose sight of our highest ideals and potentials that we need to strive to bring to fruition. We the People need all the help we can get to inspire us to keep hoping and working for progress for ourselves and for the great-grandchildren of our great-great-grandchildren.
After scrolling through the many comments, I am amazed by the high velocity of trolling and mean-spirited speech, most of which are no doubt non-paying subscribers. If they were paying subscribers, as I am, they would appreciate what Jennifer Rubin and Norm Eisen are trying to accomplish — not kissing ass to stay in business or the threat of jail. And this is just day one, that is how democracy works!
Most substacks only allow comments from paying customers. I hope Norm and Jen do that.
To Jennifer and Norm, the comments seen here are very disturbing in many cases because it seems right-wing people are posting and attacking others as they typically do on most social media sites. I'm not certain what can be done to eliminate these exchanges.
Please PLEASE have religion news with people who are knowledgeable about Christian nationalism
K DuMez (Author and historian Jesus & John Wayne)
J Tisby (African American perspective)
Robert (Robbie) P Jones (Statistics)
Tim Alberta (Atlantic)
Jack Jenkins RNS (broader religious news)
Also for History Kevin Kruse!
I was just waiting for this from Jennifer... great news!
Is there a way to short this?
Nobody attended Trump rallies for eight years, or reported on the hypnotism that was going on. There were no reporters reporting live from Trump rallies. There is nobody describing how he did this, with the cadence and rhythm of his voice. He was hypnotizing them -along with visual stimuli and trigger words. Instead, reporters broadcast the hypnotizing messages, repeating them over and over again -and repeating the propaganda tropes, so easy to remember. It didn’t even occur to a trained therapist -who uses visual imagery to hypnotize clients into a state of relaxation- until she realized that they were playing the Titanic song at the rally in the middle of nowhere at 10 PM, while they played the Titanic movie clips. Sony and Dion are filing lawsuits.
Are you in therapy?
TDS Karen blathers Wut
Are you serious?
Yes she surely is.
Before you jump to conclusions, you might wanna actually attend a trump rally? Oh wait, there’s no need for them anymore! How will MAGA get their fix?
Projection 101, right here!
This is seriously off the deep end! If this isn't a joke, SEEK HELP IMMEDIATELY! Bring back the institutions. In your case, they are sorely missed and much needed.
I'd like to think we could be more civil and respectful in our sharing comments. There's plenty of bullying and crap elsewhere. Being crass doesn't encourage conversation; for me, it's a sign of emulating the very attitude that feeds democracy's downfall.
I learned about the contrarian from the letter of Heather Cox Richardson and immediately subscribed. So glad to join this movement for democracy in this dire time. Thank you Jennifer and Norm!
It feels like I'm climbing on a truth life raft. Craig Peebles took the words out of my mouth.
Please block the trolls. Thank you!
I just subscribed to what I hoped would be a thoughtful site where men and women of goodwill and honest intent could exchange ideas with both mutual respect and expected courtesy. After reading the comments, I feel betrayed, not by the journalists who had the courage of their convictions, but by the subscribers who lack the discipline to completely ignore any post designed to foster divisive argument instead of discussion. I believe this lack of courtesy is the curse of the times, and we must all do better.
I also just subscribed and agree with you. I had to scroll way down to avoid all the divisiveness. Yes, we must all do better. Thank you for your comments, Larry.
Just paid an annual subscription and I must say this new venture of yours in addition to Rachel Maddow’s announcement returning to 5 nights at MSNBC for the first 100 days makes me happy again. Woof. Fresh air!
I didn' t even finish Heather Cox Richardson's post before I came to The Contrarian and signed up as a paid subscriber. Hurray for democracy! Thank you!
Just learned about "The Contrarian" through Heather Cox Richardson's Substack, "Letters from an American." I'm thrilled to have a place to engage in news not steered by corporate and financial incentives. Thanks for your dedication to democratic ideals!
I’m thrilled to be a part of a new voice for democracy. As a former employee of the newspaper industry, I’ve watched in horror as more and more “traditional” outlets have fallen to corporate greed. I’ve been waiting for an outlet for those of us willing to bring our head up and maintain our voice of freedom. My attempts on Substack as smartruminations are a testament to this. I hope we can band together and gain our voice - and our country - back.
I am so excited to be here. And Ann Telnaes!
I subscribed as soon as I heard this morning! I also unsubscribed from the Washington Post.
The only reason I had kept my subscription was for your column.
I am so looking forward to this. Congratulations! What a team!
Excellent you are taking this on.
Also judging from the comments already I see a bunch of trolls who have memorized talking points from their various other social media outlets ready to regurgitate them here. I don’t respond to those folks. I like debates but not vacuous replies.
All best wishes for success. A lot of the postings so far are just abuse - will you have a means for reporting this and if necessary remove them?
You two unattractive clowns do not need to worry about your brand of democracy, Trump became # 47 using that very system. He won despite your cheat efforts.
Perhaps you mean something other than democracy when it's wielded by conservatives. The big difference is democrats cheat, whereas conservatives want photo ID, and one day voting without machines that help the dems cheat.
Now that conservatives are in charge MAGA is happening and you liberal jesters are irrelevant. That is a good thing because your lot thrives on DEI incompetence and racial issues that should no longer be issues at all. Meritocracy is the only route to success.
You know, Trump winning didn't suddenly make you MAGAs any smarter, any healthier, any wiser, or any better at not believing BS. You have zero ability to take the win, still lying to yourselves that the Convicted Melon lost in 2020 when there's zero evidence of any fraud. You won legitimately in 2024, but you're still mad. I feel sorry for you, honestly.
What a joke. You “won” via a bought election and still can’t be happy. Nothing seems to give you character, integrity, or common sense. While you’re jeering in ignorance, you’re sinking with the ship. Cheers.
They mean democracy in the German Democratic Republic sense. That they surely are.
Dear Contrarian, I love your project but I can't have my email inbox hit by so many separate items every single day (substack has a problem) -- so I just unsubscribed. I think I can unsubscribe from email maybe without unsubscribing? But could you consider putting out instead of a separate email for every single piece a daily list with links? A sort of table of contents? That would be so helpful. Thank you.
WAPO was a good paper. It is no longer supplying objective news. It's reporting is slanted and superficial. Nothing lasts forever, and the time has come to try new ways to obtain thoughtful, accurate and timely news. This is a fresh approach and will be a good way to round out your news information. I still read The Guardian, NPR, and AP news. Am looking forward to reading here daily.
I made the decision to unsubscribe when Bezos pulled the editorial endorsing Kamala Harris, with my subscription ending in December. Anticipatory obedience undermines our democracy. Jennifer Rubin has done more than most journalists to stave off fascism in America. Her new enterprise, The Contrarian, has my vote!
Congratulations! I am so glad there is somewhere to go for sanity now that I have cancelled my subscriptions to the corrupt Post and Times. Thank you to all. But my main comment here is a plea to Democrats: Stop. Just STOP trying to out-republican the Republicans and start being true Democrats. Be unabashed, in their faces FDR Democrats. If the Dem big brains had let VP Harris be VP Harris — not Reagan or Clinton or Bushes or tfg — and concentrated on turning out the blue cities instead of courting Liz Cheney et al, Harris would have won. More Americans love Democratic policies so we should shout them from the rooftops and STOP trying to beat the republicans at their own dumb, despicable, destructive 'cost-cutting' game. That’s a downward spiral and a loser forever. Medicare for all, strong environmental regulation, safe drinking water, strong unions, effective public schools, Constitutionally protected abortion rights, taxes on billionaires, good jobs, good housing, safe neighborhoods, … these are the winners for the people. Stop apologizing for being Democrats and come out swinging because from now on we need bare knuckles. It’s not the economy, stupid. It’s never been the economy. That’s just what closet fascists and bullies say when they don’t want to admit that their rampant, smug, violent, ingrained, knee-jerk, irreparable racism and/or misogyny drive their votes. Stop trying to find out what the bullies want; they are already showing you and it should be obvious that it has nothing to do with the economy. That’s a lie told to keep Dems hoping flyover country will see the light. They won’t. So, let’s focus on building our strengths and acknowledge that some place are not redeemable.
I joined to support your new business model sight unseen. Best of luck. These are scary times for news journalism.
One suggestion: I think a married couple should be able to get a single subscription, and not have to buy two.
Happy to subscribe. Jennifer Rubin is one of the most important journalists of our time. I'm glad so many of these bright journalistic minds are gathering in one place.
Please report on the need for a People’s Cabinet. And then become a regular resource for reporting on that cabinet’s expert-driven opposition and preparations to step in as a cohesive pro-democratic, anti-oligarchic administration when a citizenry you help inform with The Contrarian prevails in forming a government for ALL the people (including women) in our next elections.
They cannot be allowed to muck things up for another four years.
Thank you so much for having the courage to DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.
The lack of courage and gumption in our nation has led to a vacuum of leadership in so many areas. Congratulations on stepping up—we need you.
When Jenn Rubin says it is time to go from the Post I am convinced. I just pulled the plug.
I have placed some of my hard earned money to subscribe to The Contrarian. I support fairness, not shaming, naming and blaming. I am looking for solutions to the problems we face, so that my grandchildren can grow up in a country that values ethics, decency, and above all its people. Thank you for this opportunity. I hope that you succeed and that America Succeeds. I really hope that we have success in the next four years and beyond.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I had already cancelled my subscription to the Washington Post and now can continue to read truth
I subscribed to WaPo only for Ann Telnaes and Jennifer Rubin. The tech-bros who have achieved world dominance are without compassion. They have no interest in social justice or making the world a more equitable place. Inequity is their bread and butter. As we see the former mainstream media "normalise" authoritarianism and Fox News increasingly promote malignant disinformation, we must support grass-roots initiatives and form a network of resistance against all odds.
I was glad to see people leave the Washington Post, etc. what a coward Bezzos is- well he’s now a member of the broligarchy and I am glad to be a subscriber to follow you guys and the truth about the destruction of our country.
Can you please direct me to the correct site to sign up for the paid subscription? I am so grateful and relieved that so many professionals are leaving the Post because the gold standard is no longer the Washington Post. Thanks again!
In order to access the subscription you must go to the actual website of Substack, not in the app.
Thank you, Nancy Kish!
Happy to be here. I enjoy being somewhat early to the group… I am not in the legal field- RN and associate professor of nursing.. so healthcare field. I have enjoyed learning /relearning civics the past few years…
I'm so happy to have learned about this in time to get in on the ground floor! I'm so happy to have found both of you AND The Contrarian on BlueSky! I can't wait to see what you put out. Break a leg and good luck!
I have never blocked so many people on a substack. Why do assholes feel the need to reveal themselves?
Sorry to see you leave the Post and for the direction Jeff Bezos seems to be taking the paper. I have been a regular Post reader since the Reagan Era and it is quite sad to see where the Post is now heading. However, I am glad that you are still going to be reporting and now working with Mr. Eisen whose opinions I regularly search out. The recent breaking point for me was also Bezos' refusal to print Telnaes' cartoon. His cow towing to Trump didn't help either. As a liberal Democrat, I look for conservative writers who offer a perspective different than mine untarnished by slavish loyalty to Trump and the Republican Party. The regular cadre of Post conservative columnists seemed incapable of writing opinions that did not reflect their devotion to Trump and their inability to assess his true character. Hopefully, they exist and will be part of your new endeavor.
Very happy to be an early subscriber.
Hi Jennifer! Good for you for leaving the Post. I have missed reading you since cancelling my subscription to the Post several months ago. You were the only reason I was still reading it. I am happy to be an early subscriber and I am getting the word out to friends to come along.
Is there a "block" function? I don't need to read some of these responders.
The three dots have the block option. Man, the trolls have invaded Substack!
My three dots do not include block function. Suggestion?
Stephen, you need to click on the icon to the left of the poster's name. It will bring you to their page where you will then see a set of three dots on the right hand side of the page. Click on those dots and you will see the block option.
Thank you. Got it now.
Thank you. That is very helpful.
I just go to their account and block them. It's an extra step but feels pretty good.
I was on the original post and the mute and block functions were there but here on the replies, it's not there. Odd.
Teresa Ann, you need to click on the icon to the left of the poster's name. It will bring you to their page where you will then see a set of three dots on the right hand side of the page. Click on those dots and you will see the block option.
Thanks for checking and for letting me know.
Refresh the comments page after you have blocked the commenter.
If you click on their profile then once in profile click the 3 dots it gives you the option to block.
Click on the troll's name. It takes you to their Substack page, where you will see three dots towards the right. Click on them and you'll see "block" towards the bottom of the list. These trolls are horrifying.
Such great news. Thank you 🙏
You two losers are as
contrarian as the grass is purple.
You two haven’t had an original thought in decades!
Then why are you here?
I don't believe in such thing like 'independent media' but let's see.
You already have accounts in 'oligarchy' social networks so you are becoming 'dependent media' just from the beginning.
And yet here you are!
Excited to support your new venture.
Looking forward to it!
Have you reported on how it is that Zuckerberg went from defending our democracy by kicking Trump off FB after his insurrection attempt, to supporting his 2nd run for office in the space of 4 years? Progressive orgs noticed during the recent campaign season that Meta was suppressing our message. That is when l started to worry.
Here for this🇺🇸
As soon as I heard that Jen Rubin left the WP I knew I had to follow her.
Steve Sander
I purposely waited until January 20 to subscribe to The Contrarian; my small way to protest. My wife and I regulalry watched Nora ODonnell, Lester Holt, Jen Psaki, and Meet the Press. On election night, we went to bed around 11 PM... and we have NOT watched any of those "news" shows since. THANK GOD for Heather Cox Richardson -- who was a single pont of light shining in the dark the four years before Biden's administration, and we continue to read her nightly. And thanks for Joyce Vance -- as with Heather she was our first inkling of The Contrarian. So glad you guys set up shop. Cheers!
I will go cancel WaPo. Not the whole thing unfortunately, just my subscription.
Great to have you pros truth telling for us!
𝗧𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗽’𝘀 𝗜𝗻𝗮𝘂𝗴𝘂𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗥𝗮𝗻𝘁: 𝗔 𝗖𝗮𝗰𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗼𝗻𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝗡𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝘀𝗺, 𝗙𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘇𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗙𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗛𝗶𝘁𝗹𝗲𝗿’𝘀 𝗗𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗦𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁
𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘮𝘱’𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘏𝘪𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘳’𝘴 𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘳𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘤
As a former Washington area resident growing up, I have read the Post since I was a news carrier for the paper at the ages of 13 and 14 in 1968 and ‘69. Tough but riveting years to begin the habit of newspaper reading. I canceled my subscription when the Harris endorsement was spiked. Looking forward to being a Contrarian.
I cancelled my Washington Post subscription today, the day after hearing that Jen Rubin would no longer be writing for the paper. She was the only reason I was hanging on.
I’m more inclined to support a group like Breaking Points who have taken a decidedly independent position where conservatives criticize Republicans and liberals criticize Democrats and yet each lets the other side have their say.
I'm happy to have just signed up for a paid subscription. I want to support fair reporting by people I respect. I still subscribe to the WP (for the time being). My heart hurts to read such vitriolic comments here. It would be nice to have 'grown up' conversations in the comments. Where can I find that?
Very happy to be a subscriber to this ambitious venture. Go Jen, Norm, and friends!
I subscribed to WaPo ONLY for Jennifer Rubin's articles. I just cancelled that subscription and am pleased to subscribe to Contrarian. I do feel for all the dedicated staff of WaPo who are negatively impacted by the decisions of an oligarchic owner.
I've been a WAPO subscriber for decades, but am glad you are starting this Media outlet, along with Heather Cox Richardson, Joyce Vance, and others. You two will help us weather this storm with challenges but as Pat Schroeder said, "You can't wring your hands when you're rolling up your sleeves." We have work to do. In 1972, she was the 2nd youngest woman ever to be elected to Congress, served Colorado citizens for 24 years; almost ran for President in 1988; in 2023, she asked that a brick be made with her ashes to hold doors open for other women. She is missed. Thank you for your service!
You found me, "Just In Time."
On a down day, came The Contrarian. Works for me, today.
I just subscribed after reading today's letter from Heather Cox Richardson. My subscription to WAPO was cancelled last fall. I have also followed you on Blue Sky. Thank you for doing what is right.
First thing I need to figure out is how to block the MAGA cultists who come here and dominate the comments. I would suggest the comments be monitored for civility. I don't mind a differing viewpoint, but I do mind vulgarity and ad hominem attacks.
I came here to get away from stupidity, not pay for it.
I agree with you. Just blocked an offensive troll. Click on their name, it’s brings you to their Substack page, then click on three dots and the block option will appear.
There’s something to be said for civility!
As a former City Councilor and candidate for Mayor running as a non partisan candidate for a non partisan seats - however, my re-election failed due to the divisiveness in politics today. I ran on the platform that as councilors we must check out party hat at the door of chambers and sit in our non partisan assigned seats focusing on policy that is for the greater good of our community. Now, I find myself as an appointed board member to a collaborative body of regional elected officials with community members representing quadrants of our region and specific industry. I am writing articles about collaboration and it's importance for bringing political parties together for progress, strength, and economic stability for our country, state, county and municipalities. So, when I learned about the Contrarians mission - I subscribed and look forward to becoming a paid subscriber.
So grateful you have done this - thank you.
I'm excited to be here. Very much looking forward to reading postings from free and independent thinkers. It will be a breath of fresh air.
Thank you. Gives me hope.
Honestly, if you can poach Sebastian Smee to your cultural ranks you will have made the Post irrelevant in any meaningful way. All the best to The Contrarian.
Jen, I have been a log time reader and knew that the handwriting was on the wall, when Bezos dropped the knee to Trump. Congrats, Jen and Norm and thank you for walkig the walk.
I’ve really missed Jennifer Rubin since I gave up cable tv and the WP.
I’m excited to follow you guys
I just love you two 💯
Looking forward to a truly objective publication. As one who accuses the so-called liberal and democratically aligned media for withholding and slanting information in its reporting, especially during the last presidential campaign, it is now obvious that while seemingly less toxic than their conservative counterparts, these opinions were not journalism. Seventy percent of us Americans share common ground but as far as they are concerned, that's not where the money is.
Hurray! Thank you Jen Rubin-and the rest of you democracy defenders. So proud to be here on day 1.
I wish I were financially stable, there are so many I'd love to support. I will be following you!
Thrilled to learn of this offering! In a sea of darkness looming ahead, this is a veritable light! Thank you.
I hope to become a subscriber, thanks for doing this!
I dumped WP after Bezos abandoned democracy and am happily giving my money to you. Best wishes on your new venture. Looking forward to your content.
Founding supporter. Thank you for your work and truthful service to democracy
Finally, some news and information I can stand to read.
This is so exciting and encouraging. Thank you thank you!
As soon as I read Jennifer Rubin left the Post but started a new outlet I said “who do I pay” to subscribe?!
I am happy that free independent journalism will continue to address the significantly worsening climate of justice, equity, fair play in this country.
Just joined! Abandoned my Post subscription and I look forward to hearing and reading voices of reason in these troubled times.
I am so excited about this! Democracy now!!🥰🥰🥰
Well from some of the comments below, I may skip reading that section and pay attention only to content.
I canceled my WAPO subscription right after Bezos refusal to endorse Kamala. Thrilled to join you all
Welcome; wonderful to find you both here💃🏻
FYI: Simon on Hopium has a “ no a-holes” rule on his site. He typically warns them once to bring solution oriented problem solving not name calling or venting or he’ll refund them their subscription and take them off of Hopium. Really works nicely bc we don’t have to listen to their same old complaints and name calling and melt downs ( talk about snowflakes?) over and over again. Hearing it once is way more than enough. You might consider instituting similar rule: your site, your rules on dialogue expectations.
I'm thrilled to support your new Substack Jen and Norman! Thanks for doing this!
Thrilled to be a subscriber and follow The Contrarian. The truth will prevail.
Canceled my Post subscription. Stopped watching CNN after the election. Good luck on your venture!
Thank you!
good morning, happy to be here 👏👏👏 #resist
Love you both. I’m listening to Jen Psaki. Norm - you are a big supporter of Dr. Bandy Lee and now here. Jennifer- Mump has upset the world order and one of the outcomes for me was to listen to different voices, especially people I didn’t follow before. I’m so glad you took this position. Now I am delighted to add The Contrarian to all of the pro Democracy voices I follow- Bandy Lee, Timothy Snyder, Rick Wilson, Sherillyn Ifill,
Nicole Wallace, Rachel Maddow, Steve Schmidt and Lawrence O’Donnell and Malcolm Nance. Dr. Lee has said, going forward we have to be “creative, tactical and strategic”! The Pro Democracy movement needs everyone in Gotham City!
Hi Susan,
You might want to consider adding a few others to your list like Jess Piper, Stephen Koa, Hubbel, Marc Elias and Joyce Vance to name a few. All found on Substack. ( maybe Marc Elias not) I’ll check out a couple from your list I’m not familiar. Thanks for sharing the names.
Read about you this morning in Heather Cox Richardson’s post and had to subscribe! Thanks for sticking to your values.
That’s where I saw it, too. Love Cox Richardson!
I am deeply grateful that you bailed on Bezos.
I have missed Jennifer Rubin's words very very much since I cancelled my subscription after the paper's refusal to endorse Vice President Harris.
I canceled my long-time Washington Post subscription and joined The Contrarian. Bezos will not notice. But one drop of rain after another may make a puddle…
Nicely done beginning from a fellow journalist, (80 and retired now), but nice to see kids like you stepping up!m. Many thanks! Ignore the Doug Mogans rising to your bait like inedible catfish.
Make truth great again!
I am so pleased to see the debut of The Contrarian. After canceling my WaPo subscription, having a frequent place to read Jennifer is a gift. I have always enjoyed Norm Eisen’s commentary, too.
We must invest in the independent media. Otherwise we trust our information to Trump Tax Cut beneficiaries, and we believe their “takes” at our own peril. So grateful to you all for standing up. New Subscriber to The Contrarian!
Wahoo! Thanks for having the chutzpah to make this happen.
Looking forward to this!
Whoops. I mean Norm Eisen.
I'm excited that premier journalists like Jen, Dana, and Ann are standing for truth and justice. I hope other journalists join us.
Hi Jennifer,
Happy to support your new venture as a subscriber. I had cancelled the WP after Bezos silenced the editorial supporting Harris. But I subscribed again to get your column. I will now cancel it again, because of you, Art Eisen, Andy Borowitz, etc. Keep reporting the facts and supporting democracy. I’m with you.
Best regards,
Ann Migden Widdifield
I am so happy you're doing this! I will gladly follow along with you on this adventure. Congratulations!
Happy to join as a founding supporter. Canceled my wapo subscription after the failure to endorse a presidential candidate but moreso stopped ordering anything from Amazon.
We need journalism we can trust. Lead the way!
Woohoo! Subscribed.
Yay! Jen, I will follow you anywhere!!! Congratulations!
Just signed up. Thank you for doing this!
Please focus some of this on how Democrats can learn to communicate better, not just on dwelling on Trump's latest stupidity.
I also would suggest having someone review George Lakoff's book, "The Political Mind". Maybe even considering having him interviewed. Democrats need serious help messaging, not just delivering the messages, but learning what messages to deliver.
I hope you get Ann Telnaes to shift over to this new forum! fingers crossed.
Happy to be here and if by the way, shove it Bezos.
So happy to see you two together fighting the good fight! Do I see your eyes twinkling? I joined today and am thrilled to be here……you two happen to be folks that I have the utmost respect for. You give me hope.
Hallelujah !! A truth serum to oppose the toxic flood of lies and deceit in big media.
Prior to Nov 5th, '24, there were talking heads and wagging tongues, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Saturation.
Now, I find Substack, with You Folks, Harry Litman, Lucian Truscott IV, Joyce Vance, Brian Tyler Cohen, The Bulwark, Et Al...
In 2017, We all were sheep to be shorn.
Not So in 2025. Hallelujah !!
Alan just South of Boston
...or is that Brian Cohen Tyler ?
I have followed Jen Rubin for a long time and I’m glad she is working with Norm Eisen. I want to support the press and the truth!
Thank you for taking this courageous leap into the fight for truth in reporting.
This is a Must read: Adolf Had radio.. the new Fascists have social Media... and use it to the same effect
" The Power of Radio
Again, Hitler benefitted by lucky timing. German cities were just finishing getting electrified.
Recent technological improvements, including the ability to tune into stations and speakers,
made the radio accessible. Weimar guidelines prohibited political speeches, but allowed
government ministers to speak. The Nazis were therefore able to dominate the airwaves and
speak for/to the nation. The Nazi worldview became the “world in view.” German families could now find daily distraction and imagine another world (2/3rds listened to foreign broadcasts) There was a new sense of normalcy, of integration, of sharing a collective experience. Many were hearing Hitler for the first time and now, perhaps of psychologically importance, in their homes. Radio began to shape and validate reality. There was also drama.
Scheduled programming was interrupted for events like Hitler speeches or a choreographed SA funeral. As Fritzsche argues, without a radio one was an outsider not participating in the national revival. The Nazi message of crisis and fear (with religious overtones) to be on defense against attack of the “November criminals” prepared Germans for battle. "
Thank you! Happy to be an early subscriber.
This is a Must read: Adolf Had radio.. the new Fascists have social Media... and use it to the same effect
" The Power of Radio
Again, Hitler benefitted by lucky timing. German cities were just finishing getting electrified.
Recent technological improvements, including the ability to tune into stations and speakers,
made the radio accessible. Weimar guidelines prohibited political speeches, but allowed
government ministers to speak. The Nazis were therefore able to dominate the airwaves and
speak for/to the nation. The Nazi worldview became the “world in view.” German families could now find daily distraction and imagine another world (2/3rds listened to foreign broadcasts) There was a new sense of normalcy, of integration, of sharing a collective experience. Many were hearing Hitler for the first time and now, perhaps of psychologically importance, in their homes. Radio began to shape and validate reality. There was also drama.
Scheduled programming was interrupted for events like Hitler speeches or a choreographed SA funeral. As Fritzsche argues, without a radio one was an outsider not participating in the national revival. The Nazi message of crisis and fear (with religious overtones) to be on defense against attack of the “November criminals” prepared Germans for battle. "
I heard about it today; I subscribed today, and I shared the site today. I am glad to be here and proud of Jennifer Rubin & Norman Eisen's leadership in establishing a forum for exploring what's real.
Proud to subscribe early. Also subscribed to Damon Linker’s Notes from the Middleground. I initially preferred Big Media to the smaller independent publishers under the misbegotten idea that vetted, fact-checked journalism was preferable to small outlets with potentially poor editorial hygiene. Now I’m finding that institutions I trusted have few qualms about bending the knee to a tyrant. Best for me then to support those independent journalists that stand as a beacon in the darkness.
And these good journalists can hopefully introduce us to other good journalists.
I am saddened to see what Bezos has done to the Washington Post – “obeying in advance” to an incoming authoritarian. The only thing that has given me pause to cancel my subscription has been my favorite journalists at The Post – Jennifer Rubin, Aaron Blake, and Philip Bump (I am a data/chart nerd like Philip). Last week, I sent in a letter to Jennifer for her to hopefully answer when she next posts letters from her readers (she has replied to a couple of mine in the past). After recounting all the things that Jeff Bezos is doing to kowtow to Trump and compromise the integrity of The Washington Post, I asked: “Why should I continue to stay with The Post? Why do you?” Well, today we all got her answer when she resigned. Now, I have subscribed to The Contrarian and will cancel my WaPo subscription.
I hear about it today, I joined today, I shared The Contrarian today.
I had already canceled my Washington Post sub, but the recent endorsement of his cabinet was too much. I contacted them to delete my account now - not when it runs out in six months. Happy to be a paid sub here for as long as I can be.
I grew up in NJ near one of the battlegrounds from the Revolutionary War. I thought about the bravery of those who fought to have a democracy with a representative government. From studying the history of the founding of our nation I discovered what is meaningful to me regarding the Revolutionary War. Respect for our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. I look forward to the Contrarian.
Hooray, hooray, I am so excited to see Jennifer Rubin here!!! My annual subscription to the Washington Post ends next month—I cancelled it before the election, and planned to resubscribe only if Jennifer Rubin hadn’t left by then.
Congratulations to the founders of The Contrarian; I’m delighted to see you here!
Thank you, Jen! You were my favorite columnist at WaPo and when I cancelled my subscription you were the one I was really going to miss. But lo! You have made my evening.
Thank you for this!
Looking forward to this. Thanks!
Finally, something that gives me hope.
I unsubscribed to WaPo a few months ago when it wouldn't endorse Kamala Harris. I felt sad about leaving Jennifer Rubin. This is wonderful! Wishing The Contrarian all the best! Just subscribed for a year!
Thank you for doing this. Free-Press has become increasingly rare!
Ok! That pro-Democracy flavor better include some Penzey’s spices!
I cancelled my WAPO subscription after Bezos made his first decision & now that he has slithered down to Mar a Lago & of all things, creating a documentary on Melania. Of all the people to pick, the Gold Digger from Slovenia. I refer to her as FWOTUS (first whore of the United States). He has made a mockery out of himself. I'm disgusted by the whole tech bro group. They all started out with high ideals but once the money started flowing in they gave in to greed & lust for power. I'd like remind them that the industrialists in pre-war Germany thought they could control Hitler too. History proves over & over that you can't placate a sociopath.
I’m guessing they are not trying to control him so much as get in on the grift. Anyone who has amassed so much corporate & personal wealth is more addicted to continuing in that vein than committed to the public good.
Glad to be a subscriber!
Congratulations to you all. 🩷🩷
Looking forward to book reviews and author interviews. Like Heather Cox Richardson!
I’m so thankful for you guys standing up & facing this shit storm head on…while I cannot afford to contribute at the moment…my plan is to start by March. Again, thank you Jen & Norm & Joyce ❤️❤️❤️ we are all in this together ✊🏼
Jen Rubin was my main reason for paying attention to the WaPo, even though my subscription there will not renew. We need and increasingly have new and non-corporate/non-corrupt media!
So glad I can follow on Contrarian
Thank you for your efforts!
Simply, thank you!
I quit wapo and amazon with the cowardly inactions of 'principled' of bezos but am delighted that one of my favorite opinion writers is available here to shed light on the darkness that bezos created. Do you think he gets the irony?
Congrats on the launch. May your posts reach millions worldwide.
Sign me up coach!
Delighted to be here. Excited to hear from folks who refuse to bend to kiss the ring. Who stand on principle and the rule of law.
Jen, so happy to hear that you have left Wapo, who has chosen greed over journalism - I was a regular reader of your opinion column
I’m in!
Very excited about this! I am wondering if there could be some sort of 2 for 1 subscription deal, where we buy a subscription and send a free one as a gift to a friend in need of something not full of disinformation.
I am glad for all of you creating this liberated, pro-democracy, pro-truth media . I admit, I wish you had chosen another name. To be a contrarian is to be reactionary against something, and I’ve never felt that was a strong position of substance. I know you folks are reporting from and for strength and substance. I look forward for paying for my subscription. I have little to spend on extras but I know I want to support you and be part of this community.
Norm is stellar! We need voices that are emphatic and most of all pillars of truth. Rubin’s move from a place of devoted commitment to start The Contrarian is an appropriate move…at this moment and with Norm at her side! Can’t wait to get into it! Staying strong in South Florida!