I am delighted to be an early-day subscriber. I have subscribed to the Washington Post for 10 years MOSTLY to read Jen Rubin & Dana Milbank & Ann Telnaes. Thanks for doing this!
Couldn’t have said it better…I am thrilled to be a “founding” supporter and add The Contrarian to my daily routine…I cancelled The Post this morning as well…
You know. You so called liberals miss the point. I fucking do not want to see one more post about reporting or blocking !!! You people do not get it. You can not rule thre world by deleting people, and blocking out you do want to hear. You druids kill me, You espouse the virtues of free speech, as long as everybody agrees with you. That is as far as your fucking altruism goes, You bitch about this and that, Listen to blog, after blog, and podcast, look at Tic Tok., Facebook, Instrgram, tne in reruns of Father Knows Best, crack open another 22 dollar frosted colored quasi carbonated liquor pop cocktail, and drone on about how informed you are.
You talk about the libs? That sounded like a perfect description of the Trumpies! Which President wanted Colin Kapernick banned from football for taking a knee during our national anthem? Which presidential candidate wanted dragged out of his rallies or punched in the face bc they spoke up against him? Which president has suggested his opposition be locked up without evidence? Which president launched Truth Social where all voices would be heard and then banned those who voiced any opposition? Which president elect is a lover of Musk, who acknowledges banning anyone from X for disagreeing with his lies and pointing out truths. Your Comment was so typical of MAGAS doing exactly what they accuse others of doing
Same old tropes. In fact, boring for being so unoriginal. Why is this type's only imaginative ruminating always wrapped up in conspiracy or a pissing contest or given context for a general disaffection with life that tends to blame others. Sad lonely loser. He doesn't want to see one more...blah blah blah. Who cares? Or is that the reason for it?
In the interests of open discussion, exactly what lie are you referring to? I mean, I can provide you with a list of lies told by Trump about a stolen election, a bribe to interfere with an election, a fake university, illegal acts regarding a charity, illegally retained classified documents, stopping wars as soon as he’s elected, when/how COVID will end, how people are eating dogs and cats, how he’ll immediately drop grocery prices, how he’ll jail Hilary, and more. What have you got? The one thing Trump said that was true was that his followers were so loyal he could shoot someone in broad daylight on 5th Ave and not lose a single follower. Facts—even when witnessed with your own eyes—wouldn’t/don’t matter to his followers. You wouldn’t know truth if it bit you in the ass.
What will probably happen is that comments will be limited to paid subscribers only…and I get it. Not everyone can afford to subscribe, but the trade off is being able to comment or not.
Everything on Substack should be free. I get;NBC, REUTERS, GOOGLE NEWS, THE INDEPENDENT, RAW STORY, GUARDIAN, WSJ, W POST, NYT, MSNBC, CBS UPI, AP etc. for free, Look...sell advertisements Public radio, and TV has been doing it for years. Fucking Grouch Marx did it.... Sesame Street did it. We lived thru it....just like we liked thru riding a bicycle, and the summer slides without adult supervision. Fall off money bars, break arm? Who didn't?
Dude, find something better to do with your time. We get it. You love fascism. Go find a trumpy site and buy some commemorative gold toilets or something
I was a subscriber to the Washington Post for several years and read Jennifer Rubin's columns as soon as they were published. She tells it like it is and never resorts to hyperbole to get her point across. Also a big fan of Norm Eisen and listened to him as a contributer to MSNBC and other media outlets.
Proud to be an early subscriber. But since your comments are already beset by trolls, it might be wise to install a Block function. That's what's kept BlueSky civil and MAGA-free. All the best.
But that doesn't block them from the site, doesn't the owner of the site have to do that? I am on other sites that idiots like them wouldn't see the light of day..
I sure hope we’ll have a chance to have a thoughtful conversation here in the comments. At their best, I learn as much from them as from the author of articles.
I hope so too. I learned of this new effort from Heather Cox Richardson's letters, which always have good commentary including learning more. My hope is that this outlet will work similarly.
I unsubscribed to WaPo the minute Bezos began to interfere. Thrilled to subscribe to the Contrarian! Democracy dies in darkness isn’t a slogan, it’s a dire warning.
Your attempt at bullying those of who in all likelihood disagree with your perspective is pointless, rude and offensive. Many of us are fearful for America in general, our democracy, all Americans regardless of political affiliation, and reject the growing disdain shown for our institutions and political opponents by many Americans and Republican politicians. These fears are supported by facts. Statements like yours only continue to divide Americans and reinforce the negative stereotypical image many Americans have of Trump voters. It would be helpful if you consider stating your opinions supported by facts and not denigrate those of us who disagree with you.
Sadly, that's the only playbook they know — belittling, lying, name calling; all because they have to feel 'big' when they lash out in their uneducated, factless, "I don't know how to find real news" methods.
If someone disagrees and makes a reasoned argument, I'm sure they will be responded to in kind. Statements like "So you enjoy being lied to?" are only meant to provoke a reaction.
Are you tired, rundown, listless? Do you poop out at parties? Are you unpopular? The answer to all your problems is in this little bottle, Vitameatavegamin.
Dear Scott, first, why are you afraid to include your last name - are you a snowflake? Second, try to understand that anyone who writes as you do will be viewed as an ignorant fool by anyone who is well read and has a human heart, and third, does LMFAO mean "laughing my fat ass off"?
Just click on the name of the offending MAGA (such as Scott, whose charming profile reads, in part, "Norm Eisen does anal with Adam Schiff") then click on the 3 dots to find the Block feature.
Hoping they institute the “ no a-hole” rule that Simon has on Hopium. After one major warning Simon either suspends them from posting or refunds them their subscription and deletes their account. His site, his no trolls rules.
This is great news! I am unable to buy a subscription and hope you won’t forget those of us on fixed incomes who desperately want to read/hear the encouraging words you have to say in during the dark days ahead. Thanks
It is true that the language of democracy does not appear in our constitution. However, what the founders, e.g. Madison defined as a republic, was a representative democracy. He describes the institutions as also containing the following: the separation of powers, separation of Church and State, and importantly the rule of law. All of these institutions constitute what we call a democracy in modern terms or what Robert Dahl called a polyarchy. The so called "mob rule" associated with democracy that the Founders feared were the institutions associated with the Roman Republic, e.g. exile and lottery. Is that a good enough substantive answer for you?
No one wants Democracy, which is no different from mob rule. The founders of our country structured the Republic specifically to keep Democracy at bay.
All of this you know. Starting off with a lie. Nice.
I did it for you. It seems there are several posters using just a first name and the same blue image. They are fascists agitators who it is not worth trying to reply to.
I think she's still confused over the Kamala implosion. Give her a safe space to look inward and reflect. A few more days of grieving may be just the ticket.
We don't follow Jen and Norm to hear from Russians or other paid "influencers" trying to distract Americans from the truth. Bullies and liars are easy to spot...and block.
You are the bully. Not one from your side has had a single substantive comment to rebut my original post. Name calling and labelling are the provinces of bullies. But then this is why you lost. The most bullied man in history is now our President. As it should be.
Not that your boring responses actually deserve an intellectual response, but perhaps if you read (supposing that you have the intellect), the definition of "bullying", I believe you would find it fits the incoming president (lower case leading intentional), to a "T". Transference is a trait that most of us grow out of by the 5th grade, but it seems you have somehow managed to stay stunted and not made that step in your maturation. I await your feeble attempts at name calling and "bullying"!
The original version of Democracy was created in Greece long ago. What we have now is not a pure version, but it's still better than any alternatives I am aware of.
The biggest problem with today's democracy is the lack of term limits.
You sound like you were raised by monkeys, Get some history books and wise up,
Firstly, I am not a loser and I do not indulge in self-loathing, That is the domain of the left. I started out dirt poor in northern Canada. I am now wealthy and retired in a beautiful place. For fun and laughs, I enjoy provoking the real losers … the left - YOU …. they/you are so easily riled up. You have trouble controlling your emotions … especially the emotions of hate, anger and fear.
Both sets of my grandparents lived through two world wars. Once as teens and the second when they were raising kids. Our hometown in Belgium was bombarded several times with lots of deaths. We learned history in our Belgian schools, and we learned and heard first hand what fascism can do and did. If you grew up poor you should know better than any of us how dictatorship ruins a country. We are well on the way. Our criminal felon president will make sure we all remember... btw, I am flemish speaking, so all I can give you is my small "emotional-non difficult words". I write from my heart, and I look in from the outside, dual citizen. Nobody in Belgium understands how a common felon can become president. We will have our eyes to cry. If you are now happy and retired and living in a nice community, why do you still feel the need to provoke and belittle? Why?
Looks like you've got the entire MAGA troll dictionary memorized: projection, both-sides-ism, ad hominem. But as expected, you're not too bright. It's spelled "resentment." Keep trying. Good dog.
"The original version of Democracy was created in Greece long ago. What we have now is not a pure version, but it's still better than any alternatives I am aware of."
It ran for about 300 years then was taken over by the Romans who had their version then over time was revived, largely with the Magna Carta and Britain's great influence in it's long lasting empire ....
We are still using it today along with dozens of other countries. I left out a lot of stuff here because I know how short the liberal attention span is.
The keepers of Democracy are the conservative Americans AKA MAGA people. Your lot leans into totalitarianism. Your great efforts to shut opposition down with law-fare, censorship and cancelling is evidence of that.
You are aware that at this very moment civil servants are being questioned not about their fealty to country or constitution but to one man. They are also being quested about how they voted, who they contributed to...
The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States.[3] It superseded the Articles of Confederation, the nation's first constitution, on March 4, 1789. Originally including seven articles, the Constitution delineates the frame of the federal government. The Constitution's first three articles embody the doctrine of the separation of powers, in which the federal government is divided into three branches: the legislative, consisting of the bicameral Congress (Article I); the executive, consisting of the president and subordinate officers (Article II); and the judicial, consisting of the Supreme Court and other federal courts (Article III). Article IV, Article V, and Article VI embody concepts of federalism, describing the rights and responsibilities of state governments, the states in relationship to the federal government, and the shared process of constitutional amendment. Article VII establishes the procedure subsequently used by the 13 states to ratify it. The Constitution of the United States is the oldest and longest-standing written and codified national constitution in force in the world.[4][a]
That Separation of Powers and the implied Checks between branches has been neutered by We the People allowing two political parties to control govt functions and power. Party allegiance overpowers checks. Party alignment across branches has managed to cede many congressional powers to a hyper-powerful presidency. That’s how we got a Trump. We must fix it—http://www.realindependent.com.
The founders were not infallible in their interpretation of Democracy. The Constitution was cobbled together from compromises, many of which have changed over time. Slavery, for example. Civil rights in general. Etc.
We're still struggling to find a better way. "Lamp posting" doesn't seem like one.
Yes, the founders were flawed individuals. But they were collectively brilliant on one particular subject that they 1) embedded in the Constitution and 2) warned us never to neuter — that being Separation of Power between branches. Checks between each branch. And us allowing political parties (circa 1832) to control actual govt power has absolutely neutered those separations of power. Power was originally intended to be atomized, not concentrated. We must fix it … http://www.realindependent.com
Agree, whoever suggested lamp-posting is too far down the mob rule route. We were headed there, but Trump may be able to give us a reprieve.
The founders built the internal structure of our federal Republic to give rule by the people some chance of survival. Amazingly it may have actually worked again in 2024. Have to wait and see.
My single brain cel tells me that what worked in 1700/1800 is no longer working in 2020's. They had not calculated in the growth of population, nor the fact that a despot was to arise and wreck the whole thing.
Powerwise, the reason our democracy doesn’t work now is because we ignored the founders’ warnings and allowed political parties to control and concentrate power in one group or another, then in individuals (leaders) and then, in an all-powerful president (current presidents are orders of magnitude more powerful thank George Washington was).
Well, we just voted the despots out, and they appear to be preparing (for the most part) to peacefully transfer power. That is why I believe the system may have continued to work right up 'til now.
NO, half of completely misinformed Americans just voted them IN. Tossing away with one hand what they might not grab back with two. Reprieve from Trump is an illusive thinking path. Just look at his cabinet. Dumb and dumber, and dangerous. Maybe time to go back to Belgium before next week.
This is what democracy looks like: kinda messy and often disagreeable.
The minority after any election routinely inveighs against "mob rule."
It is said (have not seen the primary data) that about 40% of the electorate voted this time. There seems to be agreement that the actual vote count (not the Electoral College) was very close. In effect, then, about 20% of the eligible electorate "won."
Referencing the founders, as if you care what they wanted, that's rich. More than likely they would view Trump, fomenting a mob to attack the capitol (the seat of the "Republic" for those that like to act like pseudo-intellectuals) as a traitor and a coward. And be utterly repulsed by anyone who voted for him. The electoral college was meant to act as a stop-gap to protect us from an obvious grifter and criminal, but you I'm sure are curiously silent about the founders' structure there. MAGA can't even win gracefully, they just keep trying to bully and abuse, because all they really care about is being angry and acting like victims.
I teach US history. They were interested in the original Greek concept of democracy, as enhanced by Robespierre. They were totally opposed to unilateral leadership, a hierarchical form of government, whether it be a monarchy, empire, or fascist dictatorship. They wanted to test whether people could govern themselves without an absolute leader. That is a good definition of democracy. Please go back and read the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence.
Oops, I meant Rousseau, not Robespierre, although the French Revolution was inspired by the American Revolution, then went sideways. Kinda like MAGA, violent and illogical.
Odd that you teach history but can't keep Robespierre and Rousseau separate in your mind. (Both were scum.) Worse, you evidently have a thorough lack of understanding of current events.
Odd, but not a surprise. History faculty are typically at 95% or better, in terms of ideological capture.
You know someone has an indefensible position when they insist on arguing about typos and individual words and semantics. Just sad. You just want to argue because your life is sad.
If you had any idea how the English language worked, you would recognize that the word Democracy is short-hand for all sorts of different versions of the democratic idea, including a pure democracy like the New England town meetings; the Republic version represented by the United States, its 50 states, and its countless counties, cities and towns all governed by people periodically elected by voters; the Parliament version so common in Europe; and even constitutional Monarchies with an elected Parliament. Most everybody in these countries still refer to their countries as Democracies.
I know that precision matters and yours is lacking.
Regardless, Marxist Mockingbirds like Rubin and Eisen have had their day. And failed. Their time has passed, their influence has gone, and clear-thinking folk rejoice. The cry of "Democracy, Democracy" rings empty when you've spent so much time helping prop up a corrupt kleptocracy. This is a wonderful time to be alive.
Maybe, you should have read what Rubin has written over the years before you judge her. She isn’t a Marxist and I have to wonder how you could ever think she was or is. Lenin, Mao, etc claimed to be Marxists. Simply because someone doesn’t agree with you does not make them Marxists. Just as agreeing with Trump doesn’t make you a Fascist or Nazi.
Maybe too much time on Fox News or RWM? You seem to have a blindness or maybe take after Trump with your projections. The Biden Admin was a corrupt Kleptocracy? Were you here and paying attention during the 1st Trump presidency? There truly is no political figure more corrupt than DJT.
Is a Constitutional Republic a form of democracy? Yes
It sounds like you only just learned we are a Constitutional Republic and feel compelled to comment, despite a lack of understanding.
If you have the time to be trolling here, you certainly have the time to expand your knowledge. I know looking & acting the fool is en vogue in some circles, but that isn’t the case here. Read the room.
Nice try at snark, but you have to have your facts straight for it to work. Our constitutional republic was structured specifically to address the weaknesses in previous, failed democracies.
Get back to me when you are up to date. Until then, I recommend you take a seat, listen, and maybe pick up a biography of Benjamin Franklin.
Oh give me a break. Other than governing themselves as colonies, they had a couple of working examples to use including Great Britain and San Marino, which has had a constitutional republic since about 301 AD. Some of the Indian tribes were practicing elected representation too and Franklin knew about those.
The Constitution was our second try at a national government. First, the Articles of Confederation which were a complete failure. Also, the first version of the Constitution would not have been enacted if the first 10 amendments hadn't been added to fix a bunch of problems that even the writers of the Constitution itself, recognized needed to be addressed. In case you hadn't noticed, almost every one of those amendments and most of those since, have expanded our personal rights. Democratic ideas like ending slavery, expanding voting rights to women, reducing the voting age, changing from state legislatures appointing Senators to citizens voting for their Senators.
Finally, the basis for every form of our governments in the US is an election. You can't get much more basic than an election as of democracy. The New England town meetings are more democratic, but there are so few as not to matter.
Wow. You guys might want to rethink having a comments section at all. It's already filled with nasty, ugly trolls spewing bile. Suggest cleaning it up or eliminating it. Electoral-vote.com has no comments section and does just fine.
I am delighted to be an early-day subscriber. I have subscribed to the Washington Post for 10 years MOSTLY to read Jen Rubin & Dana Milbank & Ann Telnaes. Thanks for doing this!
Couldn’t have said it better…I am thrilled to be a “founding” supporter and add The Contrarian to my daily routine…I cancelled The Post this morning as well…
I used to think I would suffer from brain fog for the rest of my life..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/g7h0bOndmB
I cancelled the day Ann Telnaes left. Very glad Jennifer has left. Congratulations to her.
Do you enjoy being lied to.
You guys always laugh at your own stupid comments
I would ignore that person. Look at their handle.
Block and move on.
I suggest you report also. His intro is slanderous.
you rat an american out for taking a dig at you? but you're free speech all the way, right?
You know. You so called liberals miss the point. I fucking do not want to see one more post about reporting or blocking !!! You people do not get it. You can not rule thre world by deleting people, and blocking out you do want to hear. You druids kill me, You espouse the virtues of free speech, as long as everybody agrees with you. That is as far as your fucking altruism goes, You bitch about this and that, Listen to blog, after blog, and podcast, look at Tic Tok., Facebook, Instrgram, tne in reruns of Father Knows Best, crack open another 22 dollar frosted colored quasi carbonated liquor pop cocktail, and drone on about how informed you are.
You talk about the libs? That sounded like a perfect description of the Trumpies! Which President wanted Colin Kapernick banned from football for taking a knee during our national anthem? Which presidential candidate wanted dragged out of his rallies or punched in the face bc they spoke up against him? Which president has suggested his opposition be locked up without evidence? Which president launched Truth Social where all voices would be heard and then banned those who voiced any opposition? Which president elect is a lover of Musk, who acknowledges banning anyone from X for disagreeing with his lies and pointing out truths. Your Comment was so typical of MAGAS doing exactly what they accuse others of doing
It's awfully early for drinking in most of the USA, but okay.
It’s so nice to be able to block people here that I don’t have to listen to!
Same old tropes. In fact, boring for being so unoriginal. Why is this type's only imaginative ruminating always wrapped up in conspiracy or a pissing contest or given context for a general disaffection with life that tends to blame others. Sad lonely loser. He doesn't want to see one more...blah blah blah. Who cares? Or is that the reason for it?
What are you doing here?
Oh the language, your BP must be really up there, feel sorry for you. Now bugger off!!
Ignore him. Obviously his parents did.
Now THAT is worth an LMAO!!
you like your own comments. bot behavior
Sure do. Why? Because I am sarcastic and sometimes people just bring it out in me. I love your incognito name. Bot much?
In the interests of open discussion, exactly what lie are you referring to? I mean, I can provide you with a list of lies told by Trump about a stolen election, a bribe to interfere with an election, a fake university, illegal acts regarding a charity, illegally retained classified documents, stopping wars as soon as he’s elected, when/how COVID will end, how people are eating dogs and cats, how he’ll immediately drop grocery prices, how he’ll jail Hilary, and more. What have you got? The one thing Trump said that was true was that his followers were so loyal he could shoot someone in broad daylight on 5th Ave and not lose a single follower. Facts—even when witnessed with your own eyes—wouldn’t/don’t matter to his followers. You wouldn’t know truth if it bit you in the ass.
A fine representative example of the other side. Willfully ignorant and proud of it!
If the speaker, JR say, actually believes their own BS is that still lying?
Go away, troll. Nobody cares about your ignorant views.
so great that Barbara alerted you. hadn't you already noticed?
Need a tissue, sweetie?
it's unsourced malinformation, but constitutional. nobody's gonna pay for this weak sauce anyway.
Self-awareness isn't your strong suit, hon.
How do you block someone? I’ve not seen that option here.
I don’t see a way to block either. I don’t need his filthy language.
not when i'm paying. which i'm not,
Obviously you do Troll
He’s looking in the mirror.
Craig! You’re my WaPo doppelgänger! With Ann and Jen gone, I’m leaving WaPo.
Just canceled my Subscription
Ditto. I was a 20 year WAPO subscriber. I just cancelled my subscription and deleted the app. I'm proud to be here to fight for democracy.
I can’t agree more! Best wishes for this endeavour and hope to see Ann Telnaes and Dana Milbank to join in too. ❤️
I’ll second that comment by Craig Peebles
Scott is just angry and bitter at the world because when he was a child his parents traded him for a pack of menthol cigarettes.
And the pack was wet.
Same here Craig, except you subscribed much earlier than I. No regrets, I'm in !!!!
Ditto. I stayed with the WP because I enjoyed Jennifer's pieces so much. Now I can quit it, which I intend to do as soon as I finish this comment.
Wow - I made an innocuous welcoming comment and am getting seriously trolled by MAGA.
This new media endeavor has them scared. Or it has the bots scared. In either case: WAY TO GO!! 😄
Their whining is music to my ears.
So much whining even when they win.
Amazing, right? They won the election and they’re STILL whining and ranting. Incredible.
What will probably happen is that comments will be limited to paid subscribers only…and I get it. Not everyone can afford to subscribe, but the trade off is being able to comment or not.
Meanwhile, I block the whining MAGA trolls.
Everything on Substack should be free. I get;NBC, REUTERS, GOOGLE NEWS, THE INDEPENDENT, RAW STORY, GUARDIAN, WSJ, W POST, NYT, MSNBC, CBS UPI, AP etc. for free, Look...sell advertisements Public radio, and TV has been doing it for years. Fucking Grouch Marx did it.... Sesame Street did it. We lived thru it....just like we liked thru riding a bicycle, and the summer slides without adult supervision. Fall off money bars, break arm? Who didn't?
I just joined for a year and sent gift memberships to six friends. Go Jennifer & Go Norm. Great idea.
Sure you did!
Dude, find something better to do with your time. We get it. You love fascism. Go find a trumpy site and buy some commemorative gold toilets or something
Just block him - arguing with them is their oxygen just cut them off
How do I block him?
Tap on his name/profile- tap 3 dots
Thank you! Done.
Report him and get him off this site…every time and every post.
No you don’t get it at all.
Same goes for you.
You do not belong here. Are you a troll?
Hilarious!! Ahhh.... I'm home!
You hate the idea of someone spreading the truth.
I was a subscriber to the Washington Post for several years and read Jennifer Rubin's columns as soon as they were published. She tells it like it is and never resorts to hyperbole to get her point across. Also a big fan of Norm Eisen and listened to him as a contributer to MSNBC and other media outlets.
Me too
Yes me too!
Me too!
Proud to be an early subscriber. But since your comments are already beset by trolls, it might be wise to install a Block function. That's what's kept BlueSky civil and MAGA-free. All the best.
They are on substack.
Click on the MAGAT’s name & it takes you to them on substack. Click on the 3 dots at top right and you can block them or mute them.
Thanks. Scott and his FA are blocked. I notice he could be reported also.
But that doesn't block them from the site, doesn't the owner of the site have to do that? I am on other sites that idiots like them wouldn't see the light of day..
Report them constantly as I do and they may be removed by the overseer.
That was fun! Thank you for the techy instruction!
Thanks Sherry.
Thanks for the info Sherry 👍
I sure hope we’ll have a chance to have a thoughtful conversation here in the comments. At their best, I learn as much from them as from the author of articles.
I hope the tone of this changes substantially.
I hope so too. I learned of this new effort from Heather Cox Richardson's letters, which always have good commentary including learning more. My hope is that this outlet will work similarly.
That's always the case with open, intelligent people. Nice and true comment Ken.
That's up to substack. Just scroll on past.
Agree! Block function please🙏🏻 their remarks are endlessly repetitive and just take up space.
Definitely I'm not blocking you Tim 😉
I unsubscribed to WaPo the minute Bezos began to interfere. Thrilled to subscribe to the Contrarian! Democracy dies in darkness isn’t a slogan, it’s a dire warning.
Your stupid message of fear didn’t resonate with anyone with a brain cell, retards!
Seriously, you MOONBAT morons have learned nothing and I am so here for it!
Jen Rubin and Norm Eisen are a big part of the reason YOU ALL LOST! LMFAO!
Your attempt at bullying those of who in all likelihood disagree with your perspective is pointless, rude and offensive. Many of us are fearful for America in general, our democracy, all Americans regardless of political affiliation, and reject the growing disdain shown for our institutions and political opponents by many Americans and Republican politicians. These fears are supported by facts. Statements like yours only continue to divide Americans and reinforce the negative stereotypical image many Americans have of Trump voters. It would be helpful if you consider stating your opinions supported by facts and not denigrate those of us who disagree with you.
Sadly, that's the only playbook they know — belittling, lying, name calling; all because they have to feel 'big' when they lash out in their uneducated, factless, "I don't know how to find real news" methods.
You’re better than I, I’ve had it with their childish nonsense.
Just ignore Scott. He obviously is starved for attention and daddy’s love, just like the other bridge and tunnel try hard, Donnie Small Hands.
If someone disagrees and makes a reasoned argument, I'm sure they will be responded to in kind. Statements like "So you enjoy being lied to?" are only meant to provoke a reaction.
Michael, agreed 💯 % with you. I only hope that you don't waste your time trying to convince this guy of anything.
Not denigrate those that disagree with you? Do you mean like you are doing?
Nicely said, Michael!
Love it!
Are you tired, rundown, listless? Do you poop out at parties? Are you unpopular? The answer to all your problems is in this little bottle, Vitameatavegamin.
That was a hilarious episode of Desi/Lucy!
Angry if you lost angry if you win. Must be terrible to be angry and miserable all the time.
Isn’t there a way to block people like Scott from this site? This shouldn’t be a place for hatred.
They were born like that . Don't worry 😉
Dear Scott, first, why are you afraid to include your last name - are you a snowflake? Second, try to understand that anyone who writes as you do will be viewed as an ignorant fool by anyone who is well read and has a human heart, and third, does LMFAO mean "laughing my fat ass off"?
Ohhhhh - there it is, Scott! The "all caps" childish name calling!
Raise your hand if didn't see ·that· coming! 😂
Y'all should really stop sharing the same maga playbook; so OLD!
Don't answer to guys like him, just block them. You'll feel better!!!
On the contrary, I find their predictable behavior HILARIOUS and will call it out every time! It's no bother to me ;)
Aww... does someone need a hug? (Ewww... maybe a diaper change first.)
Anger is a poor substitute for sanity.
Angry fascists will always be angry. Remember what Waylon Jennings said "What Goes Around Comes Around."
Get a life, Scott. Your hate is going to ruin your health. *Blocking you now*
Winning with grace is encouraged.
🤣🤣sooooo silly
Go away. Your name calling meltdown not interesting at all. It feels like a two year old toddler going bananas.
And how much money he get you to give him? LMAO
As opposed to the out in the light of day transparency of the last 4 years. 🙈
As did I.
Well, Bezos is killing democracy in broad day time...
let's save mob rule!
Thank you very much! I look forward to enlightened, fact-based robust discussion on how We, The People tackle this latest onslaught of global fascism.
You don’t defeat fascism by embracing it… 🤦🏻♀️
You defeat it with a good dose of bravery and a huge dose of the truth!
And a big megaphone otherwise nobody would know.
Jodi, I only hope, we didn't waste too much time to start tackling this tsunami like onslaught
Thank you to two of my favorites! Democracy thrives in sunlight.
Soon, very soon, tons of sunlight will be released, particularly about people like Norm Eisen. Can't wait.
Do you think Trump is an admirable human being? Do you think he is a man we should look up to?
Democracy ? Like the German Democratic Republic? Or Democratic Kampuchea?
Found the Block function! Hooray!
Just click on the name of the offending MAGA (such as Scott, whose charming profile reads, in part, "Norm Eisen does anal with Adam Schiff") then click on the 3 dots to find the Block feature.
Criticism withdrawn, Jen and Norm! Well done.
Perfect! Thank you 🙏🏻 nice to get rid of all that angst
Get ready to keep blocking because there are too many of those guys but don't worry, a lot of decent people and myself are going to help 😊
Hoping they institute the “ no a-hole” rule that Simon has on Hopium. After one major warning Simon either suspends them from posting or refunds them their subscription and deletes their account. His site, his no trolls rules.
I'm all for it.😜
This is great news! I am unable to buy a subscription and hope you won’t forget those of us on fixed incomes who desperately want to read/hear the encouraging words you have to say in during the dark days ahead. Thanks
It is true that the language of democracy does not appear in our constitution. However, what the founders, e.g. Madison defined as a republic, was a representative democracy. He describes the institutions as also containing the following: the separation of powers, separation of Church and State, and importantly the rule of law. All of these institutions constitute what we call a democracy in modern terms or what Robert Dahl called a polyarchy. The so called "mob rule" associated with democracy that the Founders feared were the institutions associated with the Roman Republic, e.g. exile and lottery. Is that a good enough substantive answer for you?
No one wants Democracy, which is no different from mob rule. The founders of our country structured the Republic specifically to keep Democracy at bay.
All of this you know. Starting off with a lie. Nice.
The very first comment is someone claiming that people don't want democracy? First bot?
Educate yourself before posting again. Just a thought.
I guess an app without bots is no longer possible in this wffin world. I am educated enough to recognize a troll.
Apparently not. Have you any substantive reply? Or just more ad hominem? Hmm?
Now I need to find how to report/block
I did it for you. It seems there are several posters using just a first name and the same blue image. They are fascists agitators who it is not worth trying to reply to.
Go to their profile. Look for the 3 dots at top right. Click on them and block.
Your first impulse is to report someone who disagrees with you. Bluecry taught you well!
The 3 little dots to the right.
Three buttons in the upper right hand corner, maybe...
I think she's still confused over the Kamala implosion. Give her a safe space to look inward and reflect. A few more days of grieving may be just the ticket.
I believe she is married to one of my best friends brother Paul. No comment, never met her. May be wrong Rubin there is another trudy.
Nah, you’re obviously not.
Democracy is better than any other form of governance
Back to high school civics for you, shorty.
yes! let's hear it for mob rule!
We don't follow Jen and Norm to hear from Russians or other paid "influencers" trying to distract Americans from the truth. Bullies and liars are easy to spot...and block.
You are the bully. Not one from your side has had a single substantive comment to rebut my original post. Name calling and labelling are the provinces of bullies. But then this is why you lost. The most bullied man in history is now our President. As it should be.
Michael Scott. Nice.
Not that your boring responses actually deserve an intellectual response, but perhaps if you read (supposing that you have the intellect), the definition of "bullying", I believe you would find it fits the incoming president (lower case leading intentional), to a "T". Transference is a trait that most of us grow out of by the 5th grade, but it seems you have somehow managed to stay stunted and not made that step in your maturation. I await your feeble attempts at name calling and "bullying"!
The original version of Democracy was created in Greece long ago. What we have now is not a pure version, but it's still better than any alternatives I am aware of.
The biggest problem with today's democracy is the lack of term limits.
You sound like you were raised by monkeys, Get some history books and wise up,
He's just a sad, angry MAGA who thinks that Trump's win makes him less of a pathetic, self-loathing loser. He's wrong, as they all are.
Firstly, I am not a loser and I do not indulge in self-loathing, That is the domain of the left. I started out dirt poor in northern Canada. I am now wealthy and retired in a beautiful place. For fun and laughs, I enjoy provoking the real losers … the left - YOU …. they/you are so easily riled up. You have trouble controlling your emotions … especially the emotions of hate, anger and fear.
Both sets of my grandparents lived through two world wars. Once as teens and the second when they were raising kids. Our hometown in Belgium was bombarded several times with lots of deaths. We learned history in our Belgian schools, and we learned and heard first hand what fascism can do and did. If you grew up poor you should know better than any of us how dictatorship ruins a country. We are well on the way. Our criminal felon president will make sure we all remember... btw, I am flemish speaking, so all I can give you is my small "emotional-non difficult words". I write from my heart, and I look in from the outside, dual citizen. Nobody in Belgium understands how a common felon can become president. We will have our eyes to cry. If you are now happy and retired and living in a nice community, why do you still feel the need to provoke and belittle? Why?
All the trolls screwed up Twitter and lost the playing field and now are coming here to start the same bs.
Looks like you've got the whole 'projection' thing down cold. Now work on building up your resentiment. You'll get there if you try.
Looks like you've got the entire MAGA troll dictionary memorized: projection, both-sides-ism, ad hominem. But as expected, you're not too bright. It's spelled "resentment." Keep trying. Good dog.
How did that work out for ancient Greece?
Try reading that again, Michael:
"The original version of Democracy was created in Greece long ago. What we have now is not a pure version, but it's still better than any alternatives I am aware of."
It ran for about 300 years then was taken over by the Romans who had their version then over time was revived, largely with the Magna Carta and Britain's great influence in it's long lasting empire ....
We are still using it today along with dozens of other countries. I left out a lot of stuff here because I know how short the liberal attention span is.
The keepers of Democracy are the conservative Americans AKA MAGA people. Your lot leans into totalitarianism. Your great efforts to shut opposition down with law-fare, censorship and cancelling is evidence of that.
You are aware that at this very moment civil servants are being questioned not about their fealty to country or constitution but to one man. They are also being quested about how they voted, who they contributed to...
Yes, this has been the practice, it continues today, but it will end on January 20.
This is the incoming administration at work. Project 2025.
Wow. Your take on history would be hilarious if it were not so pathetic. Blocked for ignorance.
I think you're lost. Russia is across the ocean. Go there.
The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States.[3] It superseded the Articles of Confederation, the nation's first constitution, on March 4, 1789. Originally including seven articles, the Constitution delineates the frame of the federal government. The Constitution's first three articles embody the doctrine of the separation of powers, in which the federal government is divided into three branches: the legislative, consisting of the bicameral Congress (Article I); the executive, consisting of the president and subordinate officers (Article II); and the judicial, consisting of the Supreme Court and other federal courts (Article III). Article IV, Article V, and Article VI embody concepts of federalism, describing the rights and responsibilities of state governments, the states in relationship to the federal government, and the shared process of constitutional amendment. Article VII establishes the procedure subsequently used by the 13 states to ratify it. The Constitution of the United States is the oldest and longest-standing written and codified national constitution in force in the world.[4][a]
That Separation of Powers and the implied Checks between branches has been neutered by We the People allowing two political parties to control govt functions and power. Party allegiance overpowers checks. Party alignment across branches has managed to cede many congressional powers to a hyper-powerful presidency. That’s how we got a Trump. We must fix it—http://www.realindependent.com.
The founders were not infallible in their interpretation of Democracy. The Constitution was cobbled together from compromises, many of which have changed over time. Slavery, for example. Civil rights in general. Etc.
We're still struggling to find a better way. "Lamp posting" doesn't seem like one.
Yes, the founders were flawed individuals. But they were collectively brilliant on one particular subject that they 1) embedded in the Constitution and 2) warned us never to neuter — that being Separation of Power between branches. Checks between each branch. And us allowing political parties (circa 1832) to control actual govt power has absolutely neutered those separations of power. Power was originally intended to be atomized, not concentrated. We must fix it … http://www.realindependent.com
Agree, whoever suggested lamp-posting is too far down the mob rule route. We were headed there, but Trump may be able to give us a reprieve.
The founders built the internal structure of our federal Republic to give rule by the people some chance of survival. Amazingly it may have actually worked again in 2024. Have to wait and see.
My single brain cel tells me that what worked in 1700/1800 is no longer working in 2020's. They had not calculated in the growth of population, nor the fact that a despot was to arise and wreck the whole thing.
Powerwise, the reason our democracy doesn’t work now is because we ignored the founders’ warnings and allowed political parties to control and concentrate power in one group or another, then in individuals (leaders) and then, in an all-powerful president (current presidents are orders of magnitude more powerful thank George Washington was).
We must fix it —> http://www.realindependent.com
Well, we just voted the despots out, and they appear to be preparing (for the most part) to peacefully transfer power. That is why I believe the system may have continued to work right up 'til now.
NO, half of completely misinformed Americans just voted them IN. Tossing away with one hand what they might not grab back with two. Reprieve from Trump is an illusive thinking path. Just look at his cabinet. Dumb and dumber, and dangerous. Maybe time to go back to Belgium before next week.
This is what democracy looks like: kinda messy and often disagreeable.
The minority after any election routinely inveighs against "mob rule."
It is said (have not seen the primary data) that about 40% of the electorate voted this time. There seems to be agreement that the actual vote count (not the Electoral College) was very close. In effect, then, about 20% of the eligible electorate "won."
Referencing the founders, as if you care what they wanted, that's rich. More than likely they would view Trump, fomenting a mob to attack the capitol (the seat of the "Republic" for those that like to act like pseudo-intellectuals) as a traitor and a coward. And be utterly repulsed by anyone who voted for him. The electoral college was meant to act as a stop-gap to protect us from an obvious grifter and criminal, but you I'm sure are curiously silent about the founders' structure there. MAGA can't even win gracefully, they just keep trying to bully and abuse, because all they really care about is being angry and acting like victims.
I teach US history. They were interested in the original Greek concept of democracy, as enhanced by Robespierre. They were totally opposed to unilateral leadership, a hierarchical form of government, whether it be a monarchy, empire, or fascist dictatorship. They wanted to test whether people could govern themselves without an absolute leader. That is a good definition of democracy. Please go back and read the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence.
Oops, I meant Rousseau, not Robespierre, although the French Revolution was inspired by the American Revolution, then went sideways. Kinda like MAGA, violent and illogical.
Odd that you teach history but can't keep Robespierre and Rousseau separate in your mind. (Both were scum.) Worse, you evidently have a thorough lack of understanding of current events.
Odd, but not a surprise. History faculty are typically at 95% or better, in terms of ideological capture.
You know someone has an indefensible position when they insist on arguing about typos and individual words and semantics. Just sad. You just want to argue because your life is sad.
Click on his name and block him.
If you had any idea how the English language worked, you would recognize that the word Democracy is short-hand for all sorts of different versions of the democratic idea, including a pure democracy like the New England town meetings; the Republic version represented by the United States, its 50 states, and its countless counties, cities and towns all governed by people periodically elected by voters; the Parliament version so common in Europe; and even constitutional Monarchies with an elected Parliament. Most everybody in these countries still refer to their countries as Democracies.
I know that precision matters and yours is lacking.
Regardless, Marxist Mockingbirds like Rubin and Eisen have had their day. And failed. Their time has passed, their influence has gone, and clear-thinking folk rejoice. The cry of "Democracy, Democracy" rings empty when you've spent so much time helping prop up a corrupt kleptocracy. This is a wonderful time to be alive.
Then why are you here?
Maybe, you should have read what Rubin has written over the years before you judge her. She isn’t a Marxist and I have to wonder how you could ever think she was or is. Lenin, Mao, etc claimed to be Marxists. Simply because someone doesn’t agree with you does not make them Marxists. Just as agreeing with Trump doesn’t make you a Fascist or Nazi.
Maybe too much time on Fox News or RWM? You seem to have a blindness or maybe take after Trump with your projections. The Biden Admin was a corrupt Kleptocracy? Were you here and paying attention during the 1st Trump presidency? There truly is no political figure more corrupt than DJT.
Is a rose a type of flower. Yes
Is a Constitutional Republic a form of democracy? Yes
It sounds like you only just learned we are a Constitutional Republic and feel compelled to comment, despite a lack of understanding.
If you have the time to be trolling here, you certainly have the time to expand your knowledge. I know looking & acting the fool is en vogue in some circles, but that isn’t the case here. Read the room.
Nice try at snark, but you have to have your facts straight for it to work. Our constitutional republic was structured specifically to address the weaknesses in previous, failed democracies.
Get back to me when you are up to date. Until then, I recommend you take a seat, listen, and maybe pick up a biography of Benjamin Franklin.
Oh give me a break. Other than governing themselves as colonies, they had a couple of working examples to use including Great Britain and San Marino, which has had a constitutional republic since about 301 AD. Some of the Indian tribes were practicing elected representation too and Franklin knew about those.
The Constitution was our second try at a national government. First, the Articles of Confederation which were a complete failure. Also, the first version of the Constitution would not have been enacted if the first 10 amendments hadn't been added to fix a bunch of problems that even the writers of the Constitution itself, recognized needed to be addressed. In case you hadn't noticed, almost every one of those amendments and most of those since, have expanded our personal rights. Democratic ideas like ending slavery, expanding voting rights to women, reducing the voting age, changing from state legislatures appointing Senators to citizens voting for their Senators.
Finally, the basis for every form of our governments in the US is an election. You can't get much more basic than an election as of democracy. The New England town meetings are more democratic, but there are so few as not to matter.
San Marino? Good one.
Maybe, but it is true. Same with Ben Franklin's knowledge of elected tribal councils.
The bottom line, the use of the word democracy is simply shorthand for various forms of freely elected governments.
First day for me. Thanks Jen and Norm.
Wow. You guys might want to rethink having a comments section at all. It's already filled with nasty, ugly trolls spewing bile. Suggest cleaning it up or eliminating it. Electoral-vote.com has no comments section and does just fine.
My finger shortened 1 cm in two minutes from reporting already.
LOL. Same here. I'm getting a blister.
I found it useful to identify troll accounts to block.
I'd rather spend my time reading useful content.
Me too! But with social media comes trolls, and this proves useful blocking the most aggressive ones.
Is there a block function? I haven't seen it.
If you click on their profile, then the three dots in the upper right corner, you can block.
Yep. Took me a sec, but found it. Thx.
But does that only block them from you or literally block them from the comments section? I’m betting the first.
Me too Tim, but it's useful to block 🧌 trolls and not have to read their garbage 🤡🗑️
I am blocking the blockhead trolls as I go along.
I love good comments but this is awful.
Congratulations for leaving WaPo, Jen. Look forward to your new work.
Stupid people believe this old miserable cat lady!
Felix the Cat, the wonderful, wonderful cat.
Whenever he gets in a fix, he reaches into his bag of tricks.
Felix the Cat, the wonderful, wonderful cat.
You'll laugh so much your sides will ache.
Your heart will go pit-a-pat
"If you click on their profile, then the three dots in the upper right corner, you can block."