Thanks, Tim, as always for your insights.

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Really appreciate your kind words!

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Excellent, important interview. Thanks for bringing it our way, Jen!

I've been a paid subscriber to the Counteroffensive since it launched three years ago. It gives a valuable, human-oriented perspective on Ukraine, with the occasional dash of Taiwanese news and culture, thanks to Tim's background. As Tim noted in his interview, Taiwan is following what's going on with the war in Ukraine very closely. Capitulation to Russia only encourages China.

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JVG -- we love your contributions and comments! Thank you! Although just a small point: I don't have a Taiwanese background! I report on it for the same reason I report on Syria or any other issue we cover: Because it's where the frontlines of democracy currently are. :)

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Thank you and my apologies. I thought your family background was Taiwanese and that you still have relatives — maybe a grandmother? — there.

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No, my background is from Hong Kong. I don’t have any family in Taiwan — have only visited to cover democracy issues.

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All great questions! Great interview!

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Its amazing how this small ignorant man, a Lord Farquaad of sorts, can cause countries around the globe to shiver and shake yet we can’t figure out how to neutralize him.

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Fabulous! Such unique coverage and perspective! This is exactly why The Contrarian will continue to win hearts and minds. So inspiring to see the exacting questions and the astute clarity of the responses. Bravo!!

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Just hours after this interview, the US cancelled its support for Ukraine. So now, the current President of the United States is not only a liar, a thief, a narcissistic, vindictive felon, he is also a murderer, responsible for every death in Ukraine that has occurred since Trump gave Russia the all clear to do its will in Ukraine. As if that is not sufficient treason of American values, he also is talking about lowering sanctions against Russia. How can an American leader be like that? And worse, how can American legislators not be vocally outraged?? There really is no gutter low enough for this dreadful person and his sycophants. I believe Marco Rubio recognizes that he is betraying his own values and should be very ashamed of himself.

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Irene - I appreciate your frustration in dealing with the little man in the White House and why there is so little response from "American legislators." The GOP has a lock on the entire government; Dems currently have very little they can do legislatively. One thing I do not think has been sufficiently addressed is the threats of physical violence to those who cross the little man. Right now violence against politicians is primarily verbal, but if little man targets someone who gets out of line, who knows what could happen. I think every GOPer has this in the back of his/her mind.

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While it is still "verbal" is the time for all good people to speak up. It doesn't have to be legislative; voices count. And if Republican legislators are worrying about physical violence then they should either say so or resign. Plenty of poll workers and others faced harassment and stood against it.

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