Why is the April 1 State Supreme Court election in Wisconsin so crucial? And why is Elon Musk pouring so much money into it? A multi-piece explanation is offered in this State Package
💙✨🕯️🗽⏰🇺🇸 That’s why I will gladly donate & volunteer for Judge Susan Crawford to overcome them! I also ask everyone, PLEASE help us Harris/Walz voters fight back: It appears Kamala did win! Please see & help Election Truth Alliance & see their URGENT update: https://youtu.be/yhz5kePQhEs?si=1_MbSWeKWBiUYPyU . Trump, Musk & Putin, of course, very likely WIDELY CHEATED in our election. Please pitch in any amount like I did for their crucial 2-week sprint of lawsuits & more targeted audits (& you can tell them their new follower Janette is referring people as a volunteer to help). Spread the word! We the People elected President Harris & my MN Governor Tim Walz for VP. We must give them the proof so they will believe it & act with others! ETA (Election Truth Alliance) has an FAQ & is also now on Facebook & Bluesky if you search their full name. Thanks!
Mu$k should be declared "persona non grata" before the damage is irreparable.
By the way, we should include in that category Peter Thiel and Rupert Murdock. Sorry...I was forgetting Viktor Orban, Hungary's scumbag president to prevent him to keep educating the local scumbag president on how to ruin a country and still get elected. ASAP PLEASE!!!!
It’s not the money we have to worry about. It’s what he’s doing with computerized things. Such as voting machines. Wisconsin needs to keep track of who has anything to do with the voting machines. I would say they’re needed to be two people who keep those voting machines from being tampered with. My family thinks I’m crazy, but I think tampering with voting machine machines is what caused Harris to lose.
This comment is a little off-topic but I want to opine on the wearing of the pink in Congress last night. I appreciate the desire to make a statement but dammit, I’m in mourning. The whole country is in mourning. So, I’ve decided to wear nothing but black until my human rights are restored and I am welcomed by my country as a full citizen. Until then — and it may be a very looooong time — I, a 72-year-old white woman, will wear nothing but black in public. Black is SERIOUS, black is no nonsense and not taking no for an answer, black is putting our heads down and getting to work. There’s a time for pink but it’s not now. Join me and pass it on.
I am writing letters to Wisconsin via Vote Forward asking those addressed to vote no later than April 1, 2025. I can’t complete with Musk $$ but another distinction is that I am not unethical or an a-hole.
The only answer I see, very reluctantly, is that the Trump regime must be removed from power by force, as soon as possible. I know that's a tough call, but we are in beyond desperate conditions... we are terminal!
I am working on ideas in my Substack articles, driven in part by long-ago research as I was writing my prophetic Constitution thriller in the 1990s.... (CON2: The Generals of October, retitled after 06 Jan 2021 as Washington Under Siege: Autumn of the Republic). A consortium of willing, patriotic state governors, combined with past *elected* presidents (not Bush43, although he could be allowed in as an observer), must unite to send military and police units to the necessary points in Washington, D.C. like the White House. There is no time left.
The USA has been taken over by Putin and his allies like Xi, who are smirking and laughing more than ever. There are all sorts of treasonous forces at work inside the USA, like those for a second time trying to convince Californians to secede from the Union. That must never happen,and we cannot allow the Simple People (Proverbs 1, Magabrains) to be manipulated by corporate republican oligarchs into destroying our nation, our republic, and our democracy. We need to strike fast, hard, and resolutely.
Then we need a temporary caretaker government of previously elected living Presidents and Vice Presidents (not a single living corporate-republican among them...there is no 'electoral college' in the Constitution so neither Bush43 nor Trump were ever elected... I'm talking Al Gore, HIllary Clinton, and Kamala Harris (who all won with overwhelming majorities of the popular vote until being trashcanned by the likes of Gingrich and McConnell... That caretaker govt will last until the next lawful elections. Then we can resume our strong leadership in the USA and in the world.
Yes, & I will be doorknocking and calling in La Crosse, WI as a nearby neighbor from MN! 💙✨🕯️🗽⏰🇺🇸 That’s why I also ask everyone, PLEASE help us Harris/Walz voters fight back: It appears Kamala did win! Please see & help Election Truth Alliance & see their URGENT update: https://youtu.be/yhz5kePQhEs?si=1_MbSWeKWBiUYPyU . Trump, Musk & Putin, of course, very likely WIDELY CHEATED in our election. Please pitch in any amount like I did for their crucial 2-week sprint of lawsuits & more targeted audits (& you can tell them their new follower Janette is referring people as a volunteer to help). Spread the word! We the People elected President Harris & my MN Governor Tim Walz for VP. We must give them the proof so they will believe it & act with others! ETA (Election Truth Alliance) has an FAQ & is also now on Facebook & Bluesky if you search their full name. Thanks!
Musk is a boil on the butt of humanity.
My old boss used to say some people are a pimple on the ass of progress
Or maybe just an ass.
He reminds me of a Bond villain. And most of them died at the end of the movie. Well, Blofeld excepted.
Keep Musk and his outlaw hackers far away from the voting apparatus.
Musk bragged that he/they could hack anything.
And demand an independent count and recount the paper ballots in each jurisdiction ASAP after the polls close.
Wisconsin send out the word. Musk rat is trying to buy their Supreme Court like he bought Pino's win. Vacuous Oligarch, thinks everyone can bought.
Thank you, Citizens of Wisconsin, for your actions to secure Democracy in your State !
- from a fellow Patriot in Nevada
just had this happen with my local politics- Big Money can buy anything. good luck Wisconsin.
💙✨🕯️🗽⏰🇺🇸 That’s why I will gladly donate & volunteer for Judge Susan Crawford to overcome them! I also ask everyone, PLEASE help us Harris/Walz voters fight back: It appears Kamala did win! Please see & help Election Truth Alliance & see their URGENT update: https://youtu.be/yhz5kePQhEs?si=1_MbSWeKWBiUYPyU . Trump, Musk & Putin, of course, very likely WIDELY CHEATED in our election. Please pitch in any amount like I did for their crucial 2-week sprint of lawsuits & more targeted audits (& you can tell them their new follower Janette is referring people as a volunteer to help). Spread the word! We the People elected President Harris & my MN Governor Tim Walz for VP. We must give them the proof so they will believe it & act with others! ETA (Election Truth Alliance) has an FAQ & is also now on Facebook & Bluesky if you search their full name. Thanks!
Mu$k should be declared "persona non grata" before the damage is irreparable.
By the way, we should include in that category Peter Thiel and Rupert Murdock. Sorry...I was forgetting Viktor Orban, Hungary's scumbag president to prevent him to keep educating the local scumbag president on how to ruin a country and still get elected. ASAP PLEASE!!!!
I read an interesting article that explains the danger of musk. It's worth a look.
Google. (Why Anonymous Group Doesn't Like musk)
It’s not the money we have to worry about. It’s what he’s doing with computerized things. Such as voting machines. Wisconsin needs to keep track of who has anything to do with the voting machines. I would say they’re needed to be two people who keep those voting machines from being tampered with. My family thinks I’m crazy, but I think tampering with voting machine machines is what caused Harris to lose.
I have donated to Susan's campaign from Hawaii. Aloha!
This comment is a little off-topic but I want to opine on the wearing of the pink in Congress last night. I appreciate the desire to make a statement but dammit, I’m in mourning. The whole country is in mourning. So, I’ve decided to wear nothing but black until my human rights are restored and I am welcomed by my country as a full citizen. Until then — and it may be a very looooong time — I, a 72-year-old white woman, will wear nothing but black in public. Black is SERIOUS, black is no nonsense and not taking no for an answer, black is putting our heads down and getting to work. There’s a time for pink but it’s not now. Join me and pass it on.
I am writing letters to Wisconsin via Vote Forward asking those addressed to vote no later than April 1, 2025. I can’t complete with Musk $$ but another distinction is that I am not unethical or an a-hole.
The only answer I see, very reluctantly, is that the Trump regime must be removed from power by force, as soon as possible. I know that's a tough call, but we are in beyond desperate conditions... we are terminal!
I am working on ideas in my Substack articles, driven in part by long-ago research as I was writing my prophetic Constitution thriller in the 1990s.... (CON2: The Generals of October, retitled after 06 Jan 2021 as Washington Under Siege: Autumn of the Republic). A consortium of willing, patriotic state governors, combined with past *elected* presidents (not Bush43, although he could be allowed in as an observer), must unite to send military and police units to the necessary points in Washington, D.C. like the White House. There is no time left.
The USA has been taken over by Putin and his allies like Xi, who are smirking and laughing more than ever. There are all sorts of treasonous forces at work inside the USA, like those for a second time trying to convince Californians to secede from the Union. That must never happen,and we cannot allow the Simple People (Proverbs 1, Magabrains) to be manipulated by corporate republican oligarchs into destroying our nation, our republic, and our democracy. We need to strike fast, hard, and resolutely.
Then we need a temporary caretaker government of previously elected living Presidents and Vice Presidents (not a single living corporate-republican among them...there is no 'electoral college' in the Constitution so neither Bush43 nor Trump were ever elected... I'm talking Al Gore, HIllary Clinton, and Kamala Harris (who all won with overwhelming majorities of the popular vote until being trashcanned by the likes of Gingrich and McConnell... That caretaker govt will last until the next lawful elections. Then we can resume our strong leadership in the USA and in the world.
John T. Cullen JTC Sheep Heil!
johntcullen.substack.com <---- please read!
https://www.galleycity.com <---- 40+ books; bookstore model (read half free)
MARA Make America Real Again
I am in process of mailing out 300 post cards to likely democratic voters in Wisconsin urging them to vote for their Supreme Court judge on April 1.
One of the most effective aways to defeat republicans is to send post cards to likely democratic voters: www.votefwd.org and www.turnoutpac.org/postcards
This New Yorker sent money to Crawford's campaign...... I pray it works.
Yes, & I will be doorknocking and calling in La Crosse, WI as a nearby neighbor from MN! 💙✨🕯️🗽⏰🇺🇸 That’s why I also ask everyone, PLEASE help us Harris/Walz voters fight back: It appears Kamala did win! Please see & help Election Truth Alliance & see their URGENT update: https://youtu.be/yhz5kePQhEs?si=1_MbSWeKWBiUYPyU . Trump, Musk & Putin, of course, very likely WIDELY CHEATED in our election. Please pitch in any amount like I did for their crucial 2-week sprint of lawsuits & more targeted audits (& you can tell them their new follower Janette is referring people as a volunteer to help). Spread the word! We the People elected President Harris & my MN Governor Tim Walz for VP. We must give them the proof so they will believe it & act with others! ETA (Election Truth Alliance) has an FAQ & is also now on Facebook & Bluesky if you search their full name. Thanks!