Let’s include Federal workers who are stepping up to fight back! See their website at https://www.wethebuilders.org

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Thank you for posting this link, will share it with others.

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You are welcome!

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Thanks for posting this website, it's infuriating to read of the pain that tRump sprinkles on everyone in America!

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Here are 100 East San Diego County patriots at Rep. Darrell Issa's office. His staff would not open the door to speak to any of us. We could see they were in the office. https://photos.app.goo.gl/fJrmBSekK9P6hG4V9


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Bravo people for democracy…. Reps avoiding their constituents tells you all you need to know!! Vote them out

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We live in a rural small town in West Tennessee. Most of the people in town are excited about not buying anything tomorrow. People are reminding each other to get any groceries or gas to get it today. It’s crossing racial and economic boundaries. People are almost giddy about it. We’re standing up together and fighting for each other.

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Well I'm giddy just reading your post!

xing Rac&Econ boundaries!

Go West Tenn!

from: FL Big Bend/Panhandle (yeah FL??!!) blue dot in a very red state.

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We’re going to keep doing it until the billionaires figure it out or Trump and his treacherous cronies are out of office. The longer it lasts and the more people who do it the more effective it will be. I encourage everyone who reads this to cancel their Washington Post and Amazon Prime subscriptions and boycott buying anything from Amazon and Whole Foods.

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Is the economic boycott only Fri 28th or does it include Sat Mar 1 also ??

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Three generations of my family at the last march in Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii. https://indivisiblehawaii.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/maui.jpg

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So happy to see this! We all need to see ways of resisting.

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I attended a protest in Pittsburgh on Sunday. We had over 500 people there. I handed out buttons that said RESIST in large, friendly letters.

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I still have the button that says "DON'T PANIC!" in large, friendly letters...

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Thanks for picking up my reference... <3

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I read all five books in the trilogy and I have the Apple II version of the game. It's complete and unused...button, peril-sensitive sunglasses, pocket fluff, microscopic space fleet, destruction orders in Vogon and (most importantly) NO TEA!!

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In January I DELETED my Facebook, Threads and Amazon accounts, and I’m here to tell you that it ain’t that bad (sorry, I’m holding on to IG for now because I have to keep in touch with distant friends somehow). I’ve switched to DuckDuckGo for my search engine (and for added privacy), and if there is something I can’t find locally I just search for it online then select the best option that is not Amazon. Many other vendors offer the free shipping that brought me to Amazon in the first place. Another advantage is that I’m spending less on online purchases, because I no longer go to the quick fix Amazon for my everyday shopping needs!

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Me too!

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ALL - please support tomorrow’s ECONOMIC BOYCOTT; don’t BUY anything on Fri Feb 28.

Following are the companies that took the first opportunity to ditch their commitment to diversity/inclusiveness in the workplace: Amazon, Boeing, Caterpillar, Ford, Harley-Davidson, John Deere, Lowe’s, Coors, McDonald’s, Meta, Nissan, Toyota, Stanley Black & Decker, Target, Tractor Supply, Walmart.

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I would definitely like a complete list of these companies. I have already changed my grocer, Walmart.

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Seems many I know are jazzed about not spending anything corporate related, not using credit cards tomorrow. Let's expand this and even reduce our spending and debt. Personally, I've long been a paid reader of the WPost, but considering seriously to leave it after Bezos' latest with the editorial staff. Others?

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I cancelled my WP subscription back in November. I canceled NY Times when Krugman left.

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Love this! We need to be able to be able to see the resistance in order to keep going!

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I'm flying an upside down American flag on my porch. EVERYONE should do that!

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Love seeing all the folks across the country taking a stand. Let's grow the resistance! (We're protesting every Wednesday in Santa Fe at the capitol building. 1-2pm.)

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In one of The Washington Post's last gasps before total Bezos control, they actually have an article covering the economic blackout (https://archive.ph/MKNm6). At the same time they reporting another brick-and-mortar store (Jo-Ann) killed by Amazon.

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Good post. Thanks

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It was gratifying to be among the hundreds of protesters who turned out in the little mountain town of Truckee, California on Saturday 3/1 to denounce tyranny and support American democracy and Ukraine. Especially great that it was spearheaded by a 17-year-old Truckee High School senior.

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I posted this in another thread too, but April 19 (a Saturday), just 50 days from today, is the 250th anniversary of Lexington and Concord and "the shot heard 'round the world." What a great symbolic date to see thousands of Americans marching in protest against our self-proclaimed “king.”

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