It was dancing in the streets for myself and my senior friends when we got our first Covid shots. And it was gratitude that the government gave us free Covid boosters in the years since.

Science saves lives - so clear to me - so I still simply don't understand the anti-vaccine mentality.

In my family, a grandmother refused to get vaccinated for Covid and as a result, on doctor's advice, was kept from her first newborn grandson for the almost 6 month period that her grandson would be at risk for Covid from an unvaccinated person. The grandmother's vaccine cultish beliefs were more important than being there for her grandson's first small hand holds, wide eyes, smiles.

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I received my first COVID vaccination at a drive-through site in Santa Cruz, California. As my turn came, I drove forward, approached the nurse, put my foot on the brake, and wept, profusely thanking her for the jab. As I drove off, I glanced in my rearview mirror and saw a long line of others waiting to get that precious serum. I felt and still feel profoundly grateful to the scientists around the world who literally lived in their labs, slept briefly on cots in the hallways, and who created and produced the life-saving mRNA vaccine in record time.

As a post-script, I will add that in 1955 when I was two years old, and while Dr. Salk and his team were close to releasing the first polio vaccine, I contracted the virus. As I strap on my long-leg brace every morning as I have for 70 years, I regularly wonder how my life would have been different had I received the vaccine in time.

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thank you for your story

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I clearly remember seeing a Disney cartoon around that time or just a bit earlier that took you inside a human body where the good soldiers were the vaccine and antibodies shooting up the invading viruses. The machine gunning was particularly exciting for a little boy and the story has stayed with me for life.

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I remember those Disney themed cartoons.

DeSantis is too young to remember that level of corporate awareness for the needs of people. (And, I am not defending the business policies of Disney - the use of such power, which in some circles, is known as "Feeding the Rat".)

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Our congressmen, Musk and Trump should not be allowed to legislate on that which they know little or nothing on. Further, they should be held responsible for damages they precipitate from their involvement. That includes not only drugs, but also their involvement between a person and the hospitals or health care industry. There are governing bodies who do know what they are doing overseeing these areas.

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ALL of these same bogus arguments are also true of abortion. The forced pregnancy crowd operates through trying to engender shame and mistrust of evidenced-based scientific decisions. When ANY decisions that rightly should be based on medicine are made by ignorant, arrogant, moronic politicians, the tragic outcomes are equally devastating and preventable. It’s a recipe for living in the dark ages.

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The only teacher is pain. Not until more children die and or suffer life long disabilities (polo) is there a change to counter these skeptics.

Sorry, not trying to be cruel, just realistic. Not until more families see the more wailing cries of a mother who losses her child to measles or some other diseases that vaccines would prevent, will these vaccine hesitant families go, "Oh crap, that could be us." and get vaccinated.

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