I do NOT excuse the Republican Senators who were "too afraid" to vote to impeach Trump. They are unworthy of their office. The signers of the Declaration of Independence understood the risk. John Hancock signed in large script so that George III could read it without spectacles. Benjamin Franklin noted, "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." They could have rendered Trump irrelevant. Now they, and all of us, are suffering much worse, and it is only just beginning.

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Talking Feds is one of my favorite podcasts. Love Harry Litman!

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Love Harry Litman and delighted he’s going to be one of us!

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Glad to see Harry Litman on The Contrarian too. When I subscribed to legacy media, Litman, Jennifer Rubin, and Paul Krugman were three of the most trusted and informative writers. And now, all on The Contrarian. Thank you.

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Does anyone know how Contrarian subscribers can gain access to Talking Feds Patreon? I heard mention of it

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I'm trying to figure this out as well, if/when I find out I'll come back here and let you know.

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Great pod cast! Please interview (Senator) Sherrod Brown from Ohio and focus on the economy.

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In addition to using terms like "ring-kisser" and knee-bender," the leaders of this administration should be dehumanized. They should be treated as non-persons, never referred to by name. For example, iT should be referred to as the minority president, the recrudescent president or the questionable incumbent. All of the executive orders should be referred to as diktats not edicts or decrees. Edicts and decrees have an aura of legitimacy, diktats do not.

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How exciting to expand with The Contrarian. I'm not a subscriber on Substack.

Question: I currently have the Talking Feds podcast in my podcast app, but so far cannot find a podcast app for The Contrarian. There are a lot of apps with "Contrarian" in their name, but I'm quite sure they're not *this* Contrarian!

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This was wonderful!

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I watched the PBS New Hour last night and was greatly disappointed with the lack of coverage of what is happening under Trump's presidency. I gave up network news a long time ago, but in the past year, I have had my doubts about the PBS News Hour as well. I am glad for the vigorous independent media developing on Substack..

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Time to limit executive orders and pardons.

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This is fabulous! So thankful for you!

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Appreciate your enthusiasm & perspective - keep giving us the truth and tips on how we, ordinary citizens, can be part of the resistance, what we can do. This is how we overthrow the oligarchs.

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Google, gobble, you are one of us! ;-D

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Is he going to keep his regular one and do one for The Contrarian or are they merging?

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I hope he keeps Talking Feds! It’s a great podcast

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Since subscribing to The Contrarian, dozens of emails arrive several times a day. To eliminate being overwhelmed, each one is being sampled to determine whether to keep or unsubscribe. In our country and the world emotions have been taking over. There has been divisiveness, anger, disrespect, nudeness, name calling, lies, partial truths. Emotions have replaced respect and kindness, the ability to I have civil discourse. During the last Presidential elections, I found myself being dragged into this emotional sewer and have been working my way up to a kinder, calmer, balanced more rational life.

As I watch interviews and talks on The Contrarian, I find some guest to be calm factual respectful presenters. As I listen, I am able to focus on their message and the information they are presenting and am more informed. Where the presenter delivers facts and opinions calmly and respectfully, I place them in the possibly keep pile.

Other guests demonstrate far more emotional anger and frustration. I understand their feelings. As I said I am working very hard to balance myself. While I listen, these negative emotions distract me from the facts and messages they are trying to present. These

presenters with strong emotions of anger or frustration are placed in the delete pile.

A comment something like President Biden’s wife is the worst President’s wife in history will get us nowhere in my opinion. We need to take the high road.

We all need to get ourselves in the better place of speaking with reason and respect.

Let us work to regain our positive power by working to strengthen our positive emotions and lesson our anger and other negative emotions.

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