OMG, I love and revere Sherrilyn Ifill so much--her mind, her courage, her compassion, her capacity to explain things in ways anyone can understand. Thank you for this splendid interview, and everything else you are doing!!!!

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Insightful, thoughtful, informative! Ms. Ifill is brilliant and inspiring. Her reminder the policies of trump et al are not abstract but rather do real damage to people, families, children etc. should be stressed over and over. Tyranny benefits only tyrants. I especially appreciate her debunking the notion democrats lost the middle class; rather trump conned them. Ms. Ifill and Jen give me hope.

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This is great. So helpful to understand. The anti-DEI EO is pernicious, and also a bit difficult to fully wrap one's mind around (which of course is part of the point). Professor Ifill helps me understand.

So we are on the cusp of a great rollback in civil rights.

There is legal recourse, but I'm not a participant in that. As a citizen, what are my best concrete actions? How do I help protect those in the line of fire? (I'm not in the government, or a part of any organization with any sort of influence) How and to whom do I "tell the human story"? What are the best things to do to put the administration on defense (because they are "not very good at defending themselves")?

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a lovely guest! I'd like to sit through one of her courses just to hear her balanced perspective!

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With great respect to Ms. Ifill, I'd like to say a word on behalf of bears, and suggest they deserve better than comparison to Mr. Trump...

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When I heard that metaphor I thought the same.

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What a great interview! Thanks again, Jen Rubin, for another insightful, probing conversation with Sherrilyn Ifill, who IMO belongs on the Supreme Court. Ms Ifill made a very important point about the assumptions made on the right about DEI; specifically, that any white person who gets hired got there on the strength of their merit, but women and POC only got jobs because of some sinister program to tip the scales.

Much of the whining we hear from MAGA world men has to do with their fear of competing. The truth is they're the ones who got used to mediocre performance in high school and college knowing that somebody would be there to pull the strings on their behalf. Having to actually put in the work and still being outcompeted by a woman or POC is their worst fear.

The whole attack on DEI, and CRT before it, and affirmative action before that, follows the same script. Only the scapegoat changes. Thank you, Sherrilyn Ifill for clearly stating that case!

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These 2 interviews released this morning are interesting for theoretical background but do not address the questions of what is actually being done by leadership in the Senate and House to meet the moment. Who is doing what to stop the power grab?? What is Schumer doing, what is Jeffries doing, to coalesce a meaningful response to firing the inspectors general?

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I found Ifl's interview exceptionally interesting and informative. Both the conceptual depth and immediately practical aspects were helpful. Just knowing a bit more about the available legal recourse helps me fight off despondency. And, although I'm no legal eagle, I am a citizen. I don't have a large audience, but I have neighbors (am a Florida resident) and extended family who might re-think some of their gullible acceptance of the lies about DEI. Most won't. But, listening to this interview gave me some conversational pointers for those who might.

I'm very disappointed in Democratic Senate and House leaders. But I don't think their inaction is on Ifl. I'm glad she's working where it seems (to her) she can make the most difference.

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Please use your wonderful Contrarian contributors to push for a ‘Shadow Cabinet’. We need a unified voice at the national level that can claim the legitimacy of The Opposition.

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Jen is on fire!

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If Jen Rubin had taken over the Washington Post, she might have saved it from itself.

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Yes. I would prefer to read the interview. I am a subscriber

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How can I read the commentary? I prefer not to listen.

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I can’t find the transcript on iPad. I do not have time to listen to the video

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I see “transcript” right under JEN RUBIN and the date. I’m going to try that since someone pointed out to me earlier that there’s a transcript. I clicked on the video rather than LIKE, if that helps.

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I didn't see the word transcript anywhere. Android phone. What am I missing?

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I have an iphone. Also no transcript option.

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Aha! I had to click on “watch video now” before the transcript option appeared.

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I believe Ifill's lawyerly view of the EOs is one of the great places from which to launch resistance - the executive has will nilly cast itself as defending societally corrupt & destructive positions. I believe the majority of us would prefer to embrace constructive values and support the defense of those values in legal and political action.

What is needed is a voice, a narrative, that captures these values in fierce, simple, relatable language - and a platform that enables and encourages coalescence around them. Trump's agenda can only be hatched by shady conspirators - there are others that thrive in light, transparency and fresh air.

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Ms. Ifill is a treasure, more of her please.

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Excellent session. Ms. Ifill's insightful and clear points and explanations are the strength that we need right now to converse with others and to understand the situation. It was an amazing interview.

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Costco BOD beat back a shareholder who wanted them to get rid of their DEI policies.

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Still hoping for transcripts. Many of us are readers, not podcasters.

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