Thank you, Adam Kinzinger, who, along with Liz Cheney, gave up your career and livelihood to do the right thing. As we can witness on a daily basis, outside of you, no one in the party of Abraham Lincoln, is, or has been, willing to do what you did.

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It was so good to hear your perspective on things- and your advice for the long fight ahead. I hope you continue to share your insights on the Contrarian - we need to hear your voice to keep us going. Thanks for all your service and for standing up for truth.

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I am a Canadian living in British Columbia, Canada. I love to hear the thoughts from Adam K and the courage form him to speak out. Please do not quit giving us your views.


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I have admired Adam Kinzinger since the Jan. 6 hearings. What a brave and rare thing - a Republican who has honesty and a clear view of the chaos that was Trump, and who will speak of it! I am looking forward to more of his videos on The Contrarian. I especially appreciated hearing him say that Dems should not work with Trump....should not work with an authoritarian! These are wise warnings. And his advice about not sharing the shock of the day without understanding the facts first. That was a valuable piece of advice because it is now OUR job to be the truth tellers, and the ones who share the important facts of events, since mainstream media will not any longer do their job.

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I truly appreciate this sage advice and your service. Thank you.

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I agree that it is a group effort here. If we each do what we can, that gets multiplied by every person in the country who wants to keep a democracy. I think that’s 90% of us. My voice will be amplified hundreds of thousands of times. I need to do a part of the advocacy, but I don’t need to do all of it myself.

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I agree with Adam Kinzinger that hyperventilating over everything Trump utters or proclaims will drag down pro democracy supporters into a state of exhaustion and resignation. That’s the aim of these first 100 days.

I welcome discussions with Americans who support democratic principles, the rule of law, and differing viewpoints.

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Would love a written transcript.

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There is a "transcript" oval at the right top of this page that you can click to see the discussion in written form.

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Excellent interview and call to action at the end. Thank you both.

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Adam K’s insights are very valuable, and I’m sure, very accurate. When he says “let’s not go crazy and get distracted by every crazy thing.” He is correct. But now, Trump is issuing a whole rash of edicts that he knows, and his party knows, are totally unconstitutional. Not only that, but they are already making innocent people suffer and die, and the ban on spending for AID and science will kill more people. Hakeem Jeffries says that it is clear these things are illegal, and that the Republicans are all in on punishing the American people.

Well- Do THINGS.. Go to court. Get an order that states that Congress passed these laws and Trump has to follow the law. It’s very clear. Rally the press; go on-line. States should stop following these illegal edicts. Disrupt Congress so that it can no longer deliver on Trump’s big lies.

Get arrested for doing you job if necessary. Don't be intimidated. Take a Stand! We will be there to support you -- and maybe get arrested too -- We don't have to live in like Russians.

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Wow! I needed to hear that, it gives me such hope…I especially loved his reminder to stay grounded, to set down the burden. We have to stay strong and stay in this for the long haul! Thank you for an excellent share, and thank you, Adam Kinzinger, for all you’ve done for our country and all you continue to do!

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Thank You Adam Kinzinger! You are a true hero and very courageous. We need you as a leader in our pro-democracy fight.

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Yes! a Democracy Coalition of Democrats, people who have left the Republican party, and Independents. To counter the MAGA hats, our hats can be neon and proclaim, " Keep America a Democracy!" (I'm open to a different hat color other than red, blue, or purple. I thought about green, but the Green Party is partly responsible for this mess.)

Thank you to Adam Kinzinger for standing by your convictions. It is what the signers of the Declaration of Independence did. Members of Congress who allow themselves to be cowed by Trump and the MAGA voters are unworthy of their positions.

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Hegseth has said today that he is going to focus the military on domestic issues. So he's going to use the military on rounding up immigrants and acting against Americans to enforce trump's paranoia.

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I, a democrat, would vote for Congressman Kinzinger since I appreciate his defense of the truth while facing the fangs of autocracy. Also, the fact that Trump has no loyalty to those who do his bidding is a positive here. Members of the Proud Boys et al. may be unpleasantly surprised when they are subsequently arrested, charged and convicted of future crimes they assume will be expunged, only to see themselves sitting in jail cells for an extended period of incarceration. These are violent individuals who, like the tiger, are not going to change their stripes. It's just a matter of time.

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"I think they have had to convince themselves that Donald Trump is this God and what they're doing is on behalf of God, because there's only one way the human conscience can continue to survive in that, and that is if you convince yourself that what you're doing is right....there's no way that they would be able to continue lying like this if they truly believed what they were doing is wrong."

Gotta disagree with you there, Adam. The problem is that you'e speaking as a man with a conscience, while making the dangerous assumption that all other human beings are wired similarly. And in terms of them convincing themselves that Trump is a "God." Please! That would be a pretty fucking weird God to believe in: Ugly, immoral, revengeful, and sociopathic!

They "believe" in Trump because they are as sick as Trump. They vote with Trump because they are as cruel as Trump. They mimic Trump because they are as stupid as Trump. And they follow Trump because they are as power-hungry as Trump.

Let's not make this any more complicated than what it actually is.

By the way, thanks for being one of the good guys. Your service in all ways is deeply appreciated.

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