I wish he was back in Congress too Jen

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Terrific interview. Thank you, Jen and Tom. I very much appreciated Tom's insights and perspective and feel motivated after this.

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And yet we voters have no agency when Congress relinquishes the power we voted to give them. After 50 years in my working life, I spend all day looking for work right now. I can't do a damn thing other than survive. And it appears that avenue will soon be closed as two angry billionaires remove my health care and, soon, control my bank account. Fun times, voters. But how about Gaza, huh? How'd that work out for you, kids?

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Great message from Tom. Just tell it like it is and don’t sugar coat it. The fight is never over is the takeaway.

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Great interview. Clarifying. BTW, right now in this moment, clarifying information and exchanges of ideas are gold as far as I'm concerned.

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This was excellent. I nearly didn’t watch because I was unfamiliar with the guest. But great information and what sounded like workable solutions. I hope he is pushing his former colleagues to implement his ideas!

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Thank you again for discussing solutions to the chaos. We need more of this kind of journalism.

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Jen, you are the best. First thing in the morning - your take on our progress is golden.

thank you

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Tom is inspiring!!

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Conversations like this are a gift to the eavesdropper, especially now. Thanks Jen and Tom.

Peg, NJ lifer, NJ7

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