Thank you Ms. Rubin. Appreciate your work.

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Going after law firms that have represented someone you don’t like is a sleazy tactic. It’s everyone’s right to have their day in court no matter who they are. How would Trump like it if one did the same thing to his shyster mafioso lawyers.

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Do you think Trump will be removed from office?

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I "think" that could only happen if the Dems can somehow flip a few in the GOP to their side, so they can take back congress. They could then pass legislation to try to reign him in but that might take 60 votes in the Senate. In addition, the House typically initiates impeachment charges and a hearing and then the Senate would have to agree to review the evidence and vote on it, and right now the GOP control the House and Senate and won't hold him accountable, at all, in any way. This is my understanding. Fortunately the Dems would only need to flip a few GOP moderates, if they can find any with the courage is the problem.

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Thank you, Jen for a wonderful and educational interview. It gave me a much fuller understanding and appreciation of the First Amendment and of the ACLU's work than I'd had before (and I took First Amendment law with Archibald Cox in law school!)

And I love your beaded necklace you were wearing today ...

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Thanks to you both. I could not agree more, but I fear our movement to save our democracy will be too little, too late. It seems to me like we are bringing a pen knife to a gun fight. Our countries legal (justice) Dept. is going to have to indict Trump soon or we can kiss our democracy good bye.

It is not as though there is any shortage on what to indict him on. Just turn on the 6:00 news.

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But if we all give up then it's definitely too late ...

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Opposing Israel's harsh, if not inhuman, treatment of the innocent residents of Gaza is not antisemitic. It's all about what the State of Israel has inflicted on the 2 million innocent civilians who live in Gaza, where Israel just turned off their electricity.

Is it antisemitic to oppose forcibly exiling 2 million residents of Gaza to convert their land into a luxury watering hole for the rich and famous?

Have we abandoned our values to follow an egomaniac who never had any moral values to begin with? Trump hates all 2 million Gazans, not merely the militant members of Hamas, and he wants us to demonize them also.

Trump is mentally sick and filled with hatred. He's trying to make us believe that anyone trying the defend the 2 million innocent citizens of Gaza is only doing so because they are antisemitic. He's hoping that the same Americans whom he convinced to buy his lie that he won the 2020 election will buy this lie also.

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You made an excellent point Jen:

"Now, I would like to know in what universe someone protesting on a college campus in a country with a free press undermines our national security and our foreign relations with some other country. impair that relationship if the government controlled speech and it would be seen as permissive. But we don't let the government control speech, which is why it shouldn't be undermining or promoting, frankly, anything."


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How can we support Mr. Kahlil's wife? FWIW: Perkins Coie also represented Bin Laden's driver, Hamdan, for several years. Big law firm doing God's work.

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Isn’t the First Amendment about protecting even repugnant speech? Government acts to punish unpopular speech are an anathema to a free citizenry. If the Trump regime gets away with this, we are all at risk.

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Mahmoud Khalil has been served with an NTA in Louisiana which means that he is now in Immigration proceedings to revoke his green card. Not sure what the exact charges are. (h/t @innercitypressinsta)

Good News:

He will not be deported in the foreseeable future

Bad News:

He probably will be in custody for the next 3-5 years.

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