Against this news, his lies tonite should stand out to everyone in the room. Anyone with a backbone should get up and show their back to him as they walk out of the room. Shut him up, shut him out, and cancel him once and for all. We can't let this go any further, destroying everything in our democracy that honorable people have worked for for decades.
True, but we do not want the news to be about who left unless it is most all of them, we want the news to be about the idiotic things he will have said!
There is a fine line needed to keep the narrative on him and not on the Dem protesters.
If Dems walk out, right-wing media will use it as red meat, since the GOP voting base will love it. Even the MSM will talk of nothing else.
It would actually be a boost for Trump - he would love it and say it shows he is doing what is needed, because Dems got angry.
If we don't walk out then the headlines will be about how horrible what he proposes is and about all of the lies and stay on Ukraine.
We can't behave like Trump and have a "tantrum" by walking out.
A collective thumbs down might actually be preferable.
The GOP love any annoyance displayed by Dems, and if they do this, this will take the pressure off of the GOP who are the ones who have all power in congress.
It would actually embolden Trump.
No one in the media would be talking about Ukraine and Russia anymore, only that AOC or someone walked out.
The Dems should be the dignified ones, the professional ones.
Those who want Dems to "make more noise" need to be aware that it takes away from news stories about Trump's sycophants in congress who otherwise would be the topic as their constituents get angry over what they lose.
If the Dems make headlines, these same GOP voters think what Trump is doing is good since he pissed off the Dems.
We need the story to stay on Trump's bad behavior so that it is the GOP in congress who get the pressure and who get interviewed about why they do not stop him.
If you do not believe me - watch the headlines flip away from Trump, Russia, Tariffs, and Ukraine if some Dems leave.
Exactly. I've urged my senators and my representative to simply stand and turn their backs to Trump for the entire speech. It would be a much more powerful visual statement than walking out.
One of my senators, Ron Wyden, is having a virtual town hall during the State of the Union speech tonight. I would like to picture the Dems who do attend booing Trump loudly all during his speech and chanting loudly at Republicans, "Cowards! Cowards! Cowards!"
I like "professional" but not "dignified". The Dems have been dignified since 2016 and have lost. Dignified behavior has been seen as weak. Rhetorically & verbally, we need to be ruthless killers. We should forge and sharpen our rhetorical knives to cut down Trump Toadies and the MAGA Mob. We have bee dignified losers for too long. We must win the war of words so we don't have to fight a shooting war. Make America Clean Again. Disinfect the White House & the MAGA Congress.
I get what you are saying, but if you become your enemy, no one wins.
Yes, we need to use stronger language.
We lost largely because Dems do not stay unified and attack their own and because of lies by Trump and right-wing media.
Hillary lost the swing states by about as much as Stein got in votes, so she lost due to a combination of protest votes and some Bernie liberals staying home.
It was that close that we as Dems, did ourselves in by some voting 3rd party or protesting the vote.
The same happened to Al Gore, a 3rd party candidate syphoned off and it was a matter of a few hundred votes in Florida.
Harris lost because of inflation and also because some on the left started to attack her, but mostly because the media did not cover economics well enough.
Biden's economy was actually far better than Trump's had been, even pre-pandemic, and post pandemic inflation was simply global - not his fault.
Harris also would have been better advised to play to her strengths and not worry about interviews. No interview (headline) is better than a bad interview (headline),
She also lost because of lies on social media and right-leaning sites.
The truth is that often Dems are to blame for their own losses, as well, when they lose, due to arrogance about whether a candidate is "liberal enough" The irony is that they then end up with a Bush or Trump!
In part Hilary lost because she didn't verbally cut his balls off. At one of the so-called debates she allowed the scumbucket to stalk her behind her back on stage. Weak. People don't give their allegiance to leaders who appear weak (even if they aren't). Image matters a lot. Though they would deny it, many people vote with their gut, not with their brains.
After decades of being attacked as a "ball buster" and "Biliary" and even in 2016 for wearing pantsuits and not skirts, you actually think that is what people wanted?
If Trump backed down, she would have been attacked as a "ball buster" and if he attacked her, he would have been seen as strong - either way she would have gotten dented as is the case for all women.
No one saw Hillary as weak - regardless.
If not for Comey, Sanders, and Trump being like a mystery prize in the bottom of cracker jacks box, and still unknown as a liar and politician, she would have easily won, and she actually won the popular vote by millions.
It was close in the swing states she lost, very close.
I get what you're saying and have heard that argument about Hillary. Call me foolish, but I like strong leaders, including women. I married one. Trump wouldn't have backed down. IMO he would have exploded into a rant of gibberish which would have painted a clearer picture of what he was and still it.
uh and you don't think someone stalking you in a debate isn't creepy? Hillary was playing by the rules. That was something Trump will never understand.
We're in a rhetorical war and MAGA is winning. We have been using dignified rhetorical pillows while Trump and his Toadies have been using nukes. They're killing us. Defenders of democracy can continue to be polite and dignified with their verbal pillows or they (we) can get real and break out the rhetorical weapons.
Many of the Democrats who are attending the Joint Address (technically, it is not a State of the Union), are bringing a guest. Many of those guests are federal workers who were unceremoniously terminated. Some of those workers are veterans and some are disabled veterans. That is a strong statement. Extra points to people who wear blue and yellow, the colors of Ukraine, tonight.
Agree with Pipandjoe. Walking out would “flood the zone with shit” and the media would capture the narrative. Be the adults in the room, for goodness sakes.
We should be adults that aren't afraid to use rhetorical muscle. Half of the voters don't care if we are "adults". They voted for the toddler. We should be adults who are capable of spanking the toddler and able to take away his toys. Let's stop being weak adults.
I completely agree, and so does Nancy Pelosi who can hardly be surpassed as a tactician. She recently expressed her opposition to any disruption of Trump's speech by Democrats in Congress, even though she tore up Trump's speech during his first term; different circumstances call or different behavior, I guess. Significantly, she apparently does not oppose protest as such, but recommends that we go do that away from Washington. We should continue protesting at the grassroots level.
I also strongly believe that we should start preparing for the possibility that Trump will cross the ultimate red line, disobedience to court orders. I hope that never happens, but hope is not an organizing principle. MAGA supporters are armed and we are not. We need to prepare now to face an existential threat: call a general strike; disrupt vital activities (ports, airports, etc.); get our governors to "impound" residents' tax payments and hold them in escrow until Trump complies with court orders; if all else fails, secede.
My Rep in Alexandria VA, Don Beyer, is not attending. He had a phone town hall last night, focused on fired people. A Trumpie called in and said that Beyer was "disrespectful" because he didn't say "President" Trump, just Trump. Beyer had said nothing scurillous, and he added, "Give me a break, I've always said Biden, Obama, and so forth!" So this is the new tack: Insist on "respect." If not? We will kick you and beat you bloody. Soon thugs will be everywhere, enforcing respect.
PipandJoe, I totally agree with you. Bad behavior on the part of Democrats or anyone would only yield far worse behavior and smearing in retaliation. I believe that calm, dignified responses and clean and thoughtfully expressed language are always admirable and result in much better consequences. We must show wisdom and strong character in upholding our values. We do not want or need to stoop to levels we see exhibited.
There's no reason for any Democrat to even show up for Trump's dog and pony show tonight. Even before the current ****show, the SOTU speech had become nothing but political theater anyway. If people were looking for a reason to put an end to the charade, they have one now, served up on a tacky gold-painted platter.
To have them turn their backs to him, on camera, and shout the word "liar" each time he tells one of his lies, would be pricklier to king dt than not showing up at all. I would love to watch that in re-runs of the video. I'll be watching much better TV tonight and not getting my BP up.
I disagree. If they walked out, that would put the focus on "Dems Behaving Badly". Turning their backs and standing their ground, would make him screw up everything he wants to say, so badly. He doesn't like to be ignored.
We'll have to agree to disagree. I just see no value in performative crap like the republicans pull. Trump wouldn't be thrown by it; he'd feed off of it. If you've ever watched one of his rallies, he likes nothing better than having someone or some group in the crowd he can pick on. It would backfire on the Dems.
The felon-in-chief's whole raison d'être is to manufacture publicity, notoriety, and ego-stroking directed at himself. He doesn't care how or whom he hurts in doing so. He just craves the attention. It makes him feel big and important. He is a despicable weakling. He is so preoccupied with seeing himself on Fox News that he has no mental capacity to understand what he is doing to the country and the world. So, yes, let's not give him the strokes he salivates for. The media should shut him up, as you say Joanne, and shut him out and report only the facts without any attempts at editorializing. The facts are horrific enough.
Im grateful for this short video that simply acknowledges reality for those of us trying to remain grounded in the truth of what is happening - no matter how painful.
Europe will stand with Ukraine, the UK might have boots on the ground if necessary and Canada will cut off electricity to the United States. I need to thank my neighbor with the Trump and maga signs. Jen, you rock so please hang in there! Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦
I keep on asking that same question. But the question that keeps me awake at night is: Why don't we Democrats have a comprehensive and detailed strategy for stopping Trump, Musk and Congressional Republicans?
Using Project 2025 as their guide, it only has taken Trump and Musk two months to destroy the stability of our government, savage its workforce, fire the best and the brightest experts, switch our allegiance from democratic countries to the Soviet Union, invade our personal privacy, and delete our history.
What are we doing to combat this? We have access to thee former Democratic presidents, powerful members of their administrations, and staff members with an intimate knowledge of how government works, as well as Republicans who are against Trump, and the best minds in the country and world who support democracy.
Lawsuits can be effective, but they take time. We have got to act now. Who is going to recruit and consolidate the best organizations and experts so they can work together, to develop a comprehensive plan and strategy for helping us save our democracy from a traitorous president?
I am sorry you had to deliver the hard and horrible news to us Jen. I liked the way you did it with forthrightness, directness, and a sense of urgency. Thanks for being a guiding light when our mainstream media reports all of this, but is stifled and cannot express indignant opinion (re. WaPo's latest putdown of Opinion pieces by Bezos). In deep gratitude one of your faithful listeners.
Thank you Jen and Norm for the Contrarian. It has been a nightmare with Trump, Musk and Vance. I hope the Dems walk out in unison during Trump's speech. Also, wish they would wear blue and yellow tonight.
It's very easy to donate and you can choose what you want your donation to be used for. I donated on Saturday morning after the Friday disgrace in the oval office. Will continue to do so every month until this insanity ends!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't these ridiculous and nonsensical tariffs on Canada and Mexico a violation of the NAFTA 2.0 agreement Trump himself negotiated?
There needs to be a discussion and analysis of what Hegseth has done to compromise our cybersecurity. I realize there is a lot to report on, especially when there is a brainwashing attempt happening tonight, but please consider this real and present danger.
Jen, we so appreciate your candor and the outstanding news reporting and analysis your team provides. I’ve chosen to be a paid subscriber here because you are also taking action by forcing Trump to defend his actions in court. Many of the other channels simply serve up Trump-implosion-porn. We need Dem leaders to step up and clear a path forward out of this mess. Articulate a solid plan and we will follow.
Thank you. The Democrats should not walk out, but should bear witness to what is said and follow with clear, fact-based statements on every possible media.
That political theater in the Oval last week was the pretext for pulling aid to Ukraine, something Trump has been angling to do since his last abominable term in office. The mask is fully off now, though. No one in this administration is even pretending to be anything but Putin assets, doing his bidding on foreign policy. Watch for China to take this as their cue to invade Taiwan.
The only way this metastasized cult will start to collapse is for MAGA America to start undergoing real economic pain themselves. Pretty hard to pin -2% growth on Hunter Biden, when the price of nearly everythung starts to skyrocket *after* his father gave America a robust recovery and brought inflation down after Covid.
I disagree with any strategy that is rooted in fear of how right wing media will spin it. Right wing media and the Putin-MAGA disinformation industry will flood the zone with lies and propaganda no matter what Democrats do or don’t do.
Those who oppose the Trump-Vance-Musk coup need to stand up and fight fiercely for what’s true and right and hope their courage and clarity reach the hearts and minds of American patriots outside the far right bubble.
When in history has fighting tyranny successfully been based on fear of what the tyrants and their enablers might do or say?
The opposition needs to meet this extraordinary moment in history with more than more of the same.
Against this news, his lies tonite should stand out to everyone in the room. Anyone with a backbone should get up and show their back to him as they walk out of the room. Shut him up, shut him out, and cancel him once and for all. We can't let this go any further, destroying everything in our democracy that honorable people have worked for for decades.
True, but we do not want the news to be about who left unless it is most all of them, we want the news to be about the idiotic things he will have said!
There is a fine line needed to keep the narrative on him and not on the Dem protesters.
If Dems walk out, right-wing media will use it as red meat, since the GOP voting base will love it. Even the MSM will talk of nothing else.
It would actually be a boost for Trump - he would love it and say it shows he is doing what is needed, because Dems got angry.
If we don't walk out then the headlines will be about how horrible what he proposes is and about all of the lies and stay on Ukraine.
We can't behave like Trump and have a "tantrum" by walking out.
A collective thumbs down might actually be preferable.
The GOP love any annoyance displayed by Dems, and if they do this, this will take the pressure off of the GOP who are the ones who have all power in congress.
It would actually embolden Trump.
No one in the media would be talking about Ukraine and Russia anymore, only that AOC or someone walked out.
The Dems should be the dignified ones, the professional ones.
Those who want Dems to "make more noise" need to be aware that it takes away from news stories about Trump's sycophants in congress who otherwise would be the topic as their constituents get angry over what they lose.
If the Dems make headlines, these same GOP voters think what Trump is doing is good since he pissed off the Dems.
We need the story to stay on Trump's bad behavior so that it is the GOP in congress who get the pressure and who get interviewed about why they do not stop him.
If you do not believe me - watch the headlines flip away from Trump, Russia, Tariffs, and Ukraine if some Dems leave.
It would be Trump's dream!
Exactly. I've urged my senators and my representative to simply stand and turn their backs to Trump for the entire speech. It would be a much more powerful visual statement than walking out.
Yes, that or all do a unified thumbs down, when he mentions tariffs and Russia, might be a lot easier and then could be applied to certain statements.
One of my senators, Ron Wyden, is having a virtual town hall during the State of the Union speech tonight. I would like to picture the Dems who do attend booing Trump loudly all during his speech and chanting loudly at Republicans, "Cowards! Cowards! Cowards!"
Love this idea. It's so much more representative.
I like "professional" but not "dignified". The Dems have been dignified since 2016 and have lost. Dignified behavior has been seen as weak. Rhetorically & verbally, we need to be ruthless killers. We should forge and sharpen our rhetorical knives to cut down Trump Toadies and the MAGA Mob. We have bee dignified losers for too long. We must win the war of words so we don't have to fight a shooting war. Make America Clean Again. Disinfect the White House & the MAGA Congress.
I get what you are saying, but if you become your enemy, no one wins.
Yes, we need to use stronger language.
We lost largely because Dems do not stay unified and attack their own and because of lies by Trump and right-wing media.
Hillary lost the swing states by about as much as Stein got in votes, so she lost due to a combination of protest votes and some Bernie liberals staying home.
It was that close that we as Dems, did ourselves in by some voting 3rd party or protesting the vote.
The same happened to Al Gore, a 3rd party candidate syphoned off and it was a matter of a few hundred votes in Florida.
Harris lost because of inflation and also because some on the left started to attack her, but mostly because the media did not cover economics well enough.
Biden's economy was actually far better than Trump's had been, even pre-pandemic, and post pandemic inflation was simply global - not his fault.
Harris also would have been better advised to play to her strengths and not worry about interviews. No interview (headline) is better than a bad interview (headline),
She also lost because of lies on social media and right-leaning sites.
The truth is that often Dems are to blame for their own losses, as well, when they lose, due to arrogance about whether a candidate is "liberal enough" The irony is that they then end up with a Bush or Trump!
In part Hilary lost because she didn't verbally cut his balls off. At one of the so-called debates she allowed the scumbucket to stalk her behind her back on stage. Weak. People don't give their allegiance to leaders who appear weak (even if they aren't). Image matters a lot. Though they would deny it, many people vote with their gut, not with their brains.
After decades of being attacked as a "ball buster" and "Biliary" and even in 2016 for wearing pantsuits and not skirts, you actually think that is what people wanted?
If Trump backed down, she would have been attacked as a "ball buster" and if he attacked her, he would have been seen as strong - either way she would have gotten dented as is the case for all women.
No one saw Hillary as weak - regardless.
If not for Comey, Sanders, and Trump being like a mystery prize in the bottom of cracker jacks box, and still unknown as a liar and politician, she would have easily won, and she actually won the popular vote by millions.
It was close in the swing states she lost, very close.
I get what you're saying and have heard that argument about Hillary. Call me foolish, but I like strong leaders, including women. I married one. Trump wouldn't have backed down. IMO he would have exploded into a rant of gibberish which would have painted a clearer picture of what he was and still it.
uh and you don't think someone stalking you in a debate isn't creepy? Hillary was playing by the rules. That was something Trump will never understand.
maybe you need to look up the word " dignity" and it's definition.
"Decency, honor, morality, poise, respectability "for starters.
Why do you think professional is not the same as dignified? Both qualities should emanate from each person in office in order to be respected.
We're in a rhetorical war and MAGA is winning. We have been using dignified rhetorical pillows while Trump and his Toadies have been using nukes. They're killing us. Defenders of democracy can continue to be polite and dignified with their verbal pillows or they (we) can get real and break out the rhetorical weapons.
Many of the Democrats who are attending the Joint Address (technically, it is not a State of the Union), are bringing a guest. Many of those guests are federal workers who were unceremoniously terminated. Some of those workers are veterans and some are disabled veterans. That is a strong statement. Extra points to people who wear blue and yellow, the colors of Ukraine, tonight.
Agree with Pipandjoe. Walking out would “flood the zone with shit” and the media would capture the narrative. Be the adults in the room, for goodness sakes.
We should be adults that aren't afraid to use rhetorical muscle. Half of the voters don't care if we are "adults". They voted for the toddler. We should be adults who are capable of spanking the toddler and able to take away his toys. Let's stop being weak adults.
I completely agree, and so does Nancy Pelosi who can hardly be surpassed as a tactician. She recently expressed her opposition to any disruption of Trump's speech by Democrats in Congress, even though she tore up Trump's speech during his first term; different circumstances call or different behavior, I guess. Significantly, she apparently does not oppose protest as such, but recommends that we go do that away from Washington. We should continue protesting at the grassroots level.
I also strongly believe that we should start preparing for the possibility that Trump will cross the ultimate red line, disobedience to court orders. I hope that never happens, but hope is not an organizing principle. MAGA supporters are armed and we are not. We need to prepare now to face an existential threat: call a general strike; disrupt vital activities (ports, airports, etc.); get our governors to "impound" residents' tax payments and hold them in escrow until Trump complies with court orders; if all else fails, secede.
That's why the best course of action is simply not to show up. Period.
My Rep in Alexandria VA, Don Beyer, is not attending. He had a phone town hall last night, focused on fired people. A Trumpie called in and said that Beyer was "disrespectful" because he didn't say "President" Trump, just Trump. Beyer had said nothing scurillous, and he added, "Give me a break, I've always said Biden, Obama, and so forth!" So this is the new tack: Insist on "respect." If not? We will kick you and beat you bloody. Soon thugs will be everywhere, enforcing respect.
My response to the 'respect' argument is simple: Respect isn't a given; it has to be earned.
I can see that. Good point.
PipandJoe, I totally agree with you. Bad behavior on the part of Democrats or anyone would only yield far worse behavior and smearing in retaliation. I believe that calm, dignified responses and clean and thoughtfully expressed language are always admirable and result in much better consequences. We must show wisdom and strong character in upholding our values. We do not want or need to stoop to levels we see exhibited.
NAILED it!!!
There's no reason for any Democrat to even show up for Trump's dog and pony show tonight. Even before the current ****show, the SOTU speech had become nothing but political theater anyway. If people were looking for a reason to put an end to the charade, they have one now, served up on a tacky gold-painted platter.
To have them turn their backs to him, on camera, and shout the word "liar" each time he tells one of his lies, would be pricklier to king dt than not showing up at all. I would love to watch that in re-runs of the video. I'll be watching much better TV tonight and not getting my BP up.
That would only make the story 'Democrats Behaving Badly' and put the focus on the Democrats instead of on Trump's heinous actions.
I disagree. If they walked out, that would put the focus on "Dems Behaving Badly". Turning their backs and standing their ground, would make him screw up everything he wants to say, so badly. He doesn't like to be ignored.
We'll have to agree to disagree. I just see no value in performative crap like the republicans pull. Trump wouldn't be thrown by it; he'd feed off of it. If you've ever watched one of his rallies, he likes nothing better than having someone or some group in the crowd he can pick on. It would backfire on the Dems.
The new Canadian anthem :
The felon-in-chief's whole raison d'être is to manufacture publicity, notoriety, and ego-stroking directed at himself. He doesn't care how or whom he hurts in doing so. He just craves the attention. It makes him feel big and important. He is a despicable weakling. He is so preoccupied with seeing himself on Fox News that he has no mental capacity to understand what he is doing to the country and the world. So, yes, let's not give him the strokes he salivates for. The media should shut him up, as you say Joanne, and shut him out and report only the facts without any attempts at editorializing. The facts are horrific enough.
Im grateful for this short video that simply acknowledges reality for those of us trying to remain grounded in the truth of what is happening - no matter how painful.
Europe will stand with Ukraine, the UK might have boots on the ground if necessary and Canada will cut off electricity to the United States. I need to thank my neighbor with the Trump and maga signs. Jen, you rock so please hang in there! Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦
Amazing how much horror in such little time. Thanks for the alert and hope the day will be better for everyone.
How can he legally do that? Funds have been approved by congress!
He can't, but the Putin-tonguing, Repulsican troglodytes in Congress aren't about to do the first thing about it.
They don't care about the law. That's the whole point.
There is not much that TDrump has done that is legal. That is why I have been saying that we should inundate him with law suits.
I keep on asking that same question. But the question that keeps me awake at night is: Why don't we Democrats have a comprehensive and detailed strategy for stopping Trump, Musk and Congressional Republicans?
Trump and Musk are following the Project 2025 playbook, which is more than a blueprint for action, according to Kevin Roberts, CEO of the Heritage Foundation. "Project 2025 is the conservative movement. We've got 111 conservative organizations that are part of it. And, we're never going to stop."
Using Project 2025 as their guide, it only has taken Trump and Musk two months to destroy the stability of our government, savage its workforce, fire the best and the brightest experts, switch our allegiance from democratic countries to the Soviet Union, invade our personal privacy, and delete our history.
What are we doing to combat this? We have access to thee former Democratic presidents, powerful members of their administrations, and staff members with an intimate knowledge of how government works, as well as Republicans who are against Trump, and the best minds in the country and world who support democracy.
Lawsuits can be effective, but they take time. We have got to act now. Who is going to recruit and consolidate the best organizations and experts so they can work together, to develop a comprehensive plan and strategy for helping us save our democracy from a traitorous president?
I am sorry you had to deliver the hard and horrible news to us Jen. I liked the way you did it with forthrightness, directness, and a sense of urgency. Thanks for being a guiding light when our mainstream media reports all of this, but is stifled and cannot express indignant opinion (re. WaPo's latest putdown of Opinion pieces by Bezos). In deep gratitude one of your faithful listeners.
Thank you Jen and Norm for the Contrarian. It has been a nightmare with Trump, Musk and Vance. I hope the Dems walk out in unison during Trump's speech. Also, wish they would wear blue and yellow tonight.
Blue & yellow tonight. I like that!!
Here is the official website of the Ukrainian government donation center.
It's very easy to donate and you can choose what you want your donation to be used for. I donated on Saturday morning after the Friday disgrace in the oval office. Will continue to do so every month until this insanity ends!
I just made my first donation. It IS easy and secure. You also have an opportunity to receive a weekly newsletter if you choose.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't these ridiculous and nonsensical tariffs on Canada and Mexico a violation of the NAFTA 2.0 agreement Trump himself negotiated?
There needs to be a discussion and analysis of what Hegseth has done to compromise our cybersecurity. I realize there is a lot to report on, especially when there is a brainwashing attempt happening tonight, but please consider this real and present danger.
Thank you, Gail.
Jen, we so appreciate your candor and the outstanding news reporting and analysis your team provides. I’ve chosen to be a paid subscriber here because you are also taking action by forcing Trump to defend his actions in court. Many of the other channels simply serve up Trump-implosion-porn. We need Dem leaders to step up and clear a path forward out of this mess. Articulate a solid plan and we will follow.
Thank you. The Democrats should not walk out, but should bear witness to what is said and follow with clear, fact-based statements on every possible media.
That political theater in the Oval last week was the pretext for pulling aid to Ukraine, something Trump has been angling to do since his last abominable term in office. The mask is fully off now, though. No one in this administration is even pretending to be anything but Putin assets, doing his bidding on foreign policy. Watch for China to take this as their cue to invade Taiwan.
The only way this metastasized cult will start to collapse is for MAGA America to start undergoing real economic pain themselves. Pretty hard to pin -2% growth on Hunter Biden, when the price of nearly everythung starts to skyrocket *after* his father gave America a robust recovery and brought inflation down after Covid.
I disagree with any strategy that is rooted in fear of how right wing media will spin it. Right wing media and the Putin-MAGA disinformation industry will flood the zone with lies and propaganda no matter what Democrats do or don’t do.
Those who oppose the Trump-Vance-Musk coup need to stand up and fight fiercely for what’s true and right and hope their courage and clarity reach the hearts and minds of American patriots outside the far right bubble.
When in history has fighting tyranny successfully been based on fear of what the tyrants and their enablers might do or say?
The opposition needs to meet this extraordinary moment in history with more than more of the same.
Thank you for everything that you are doing!