Thank you for switching to the 2x daily email format! I love you to bits, but I've been feeling a bit email-bombed, and have been trouble keeping up. The new format is a great improvement, as it gathers all your completely wonderful content in one place.

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I agree. I was getting overwhelmed, but this format is much better.

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Yes definitely. I am enjoying all the articles, but I felt it was hard to keep up.

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Yup. I'm with them. Personally, I just must limit the amount of horror I can tolerate without descending into a funk that serves no one but the evil upon us. You are a voice of light in a rapidly descending dark. I barely survived the first time. I intend to outlive the perpetrators I refer to as dump, if not the horrors he is enacting.

On a more pleasant note, my daughter, a physical therapist in a nursing home, was giving a mental status screening (you know,the one dump "Aced") to a new patient. She asked the patient who the president was. The response: he who shall not be named!

Ya gotta laugh or you're gonna cry all day.

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Totally agree! Move to the Round Up is much preferred.

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Great to consolidate. Rather than more discussion of all the awful things Trump is doing, I want to hear more about what the Democrats are doing to be a true opposition party and what we can do other than wring our hands.

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This, x1000

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Yep! Exactly!

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Yes! Sick of the Trump, Trump, Trump news 24/7.

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I would like to hear more about what people in addition to the DFL are doing and how we can participate in resisting trump and his magas.

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Did you listen to the most recent Weekly Show podcast episode where Jon Stewart hosts AOC? It was great for exactly that reason— answering the question of what the Democrats need to be doing

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I would love to have more written material-I am not someone who likes listening to interviews, blogs etc. The more in-depth written material the better for me. Thanks!

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Second that. I suspect most of us come here to read, which I do much faster than I listen. Many of us are Post refugees and take pleasure in reading the non-compromised written word. Suspect also this is an age-related thing, with older folk wanting to read, younger ones to listen. Please consider fewer podcasts and more written posts -- there's an endless supply of podcasts out there already for those so inclined. Thanks.

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Or a transcript of a podcast is a great option as well. I’m 60 and don’t do podcasts.

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I'm well into my 70's and you should see how many podcasts I subscribe to... too many. I listen to many podcasts per day.

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I actually “transcribed” Harry’s opening remarks on that conversation noted above. I did several screen shots of the “transcription” offered with the time stamp. It’s actually weird, because that must have been created by someone (or something) trying to capture the English language, but using the wrong word or making a foreign term incomprehensible. (It’s like closed captions that are sometimes hilarious.) It took me quite awhile to do it, but I ended up with a printed transcript that I was then able to share. He really nailed it and expressed the horror that has befallen us

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I tend to read more too. Little more convenient to find time to read throughout day as opposed to watching things. Also feel like I take information in more by reading rather than listening.

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I completely understand a preference for reading over listening, which was always my choice . . . until a few years ago when macular degeneration reduced that joy. Reading is harder now, and much slower. I appreciate having audio stories. Increasingly I need them, and I'm trying to learn to love them. It's an age-related thing.

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Oh, an I very much like the round-up. That's definitely something I'd take the time to read.

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I just wrote my first comment saying the exact same thing. A transcript of the podcasts would work.

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100% agree, and just posted a comment above to that end. It would make a huge difference for me!

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All the videos have transcripts. The button link is right below the video screen.

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I keep seeing comments to a transcript button but have yet to see it despite looking at every video to find it.

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I don’t see any buttons

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If you go to the site page (not the email) like this one: https://contrarian.substack.com/p/live-wjennifer-rubin, the button is below the video screen and the author name, off to the right.

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Ok, thank you.

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Thank you.

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I feel the same way.

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Yes. I don’t want to watch videos. I want to read

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Couldn't agree more. I have been frustrated with all the live content. I much, much prefer reading.

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I absolutely agree with you!

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I’m on a Mac and I find transcript offered right under the ALL CAP name on the top right. A fellow commenter found them on his phone. Try it; you’ll like it!

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Those "transcripts" are pretty hard to read, for me.

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How do we get our concerns to those who run Contrarian? I’m surprised they haven’t issued instructions for finding them and now — responding to your comment — make them easier to read?

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Retired and love all forms ~ written, audio and pods!! Audio and pods are great for driving and multi tasking.

Thank you for EVERYTHING you all do and hope you can keep the gifted links coming and the subscription reasonable as absolutely every cost in my life has increased except my income! Its getting difficult. Thanks 😊

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I agree. I can read much faster than listen, and my time is limited. I do understand that some people prefer podcasts and interviews, and serving everyone is important. It just seems as though lately it's been mostly interviews.

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Every interview I've been interested in has had a "transcript" button, so I can choose to read rather than listen if I wish. Is that not the case?

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Yes, Yes, and Yes!

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Phew! My sister and I were just talking about how overwhelming the number of emails were. Were you listening in? This is the perfect solution. I would also like to see transcripts of the interviews as an alternative to watching videos. Overall though thanks for the excellent reporting. You’re off to a great start!

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Love your new site, it’s awesome! I have one major issue, your podcasts. I am unable most days, to listen to podcasts. Would you please start including a transcription of the pods? If all you’re going to do is be another podcast, I’ll probably drop my subscription as I am not able to listen to your podcasts.

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Agreed - some of us work during the day and miss most of the podcasts anyway and would prefer being able to read.

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"Transcripts" icon - bottom right hand corner of page.

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just posted the same thing! I hope they're listening!!

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"Transcripts" icon - bottom right hand corner of page.

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If you're using e-mail, there's a "transcript" icon, bottom right corner of the screen. Works perfectly.

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Two emails a day is fine. And I agree with Karen, please more written content, I greatly reading to listening. You could also make a script of the interviews available, it could be generated automatically.

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It is. "Transcripts" icon - bottom right hand corner of page.

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I love the Round-up! Much better than lots of separate emails. Great idea, thanks.

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Fewer emails is better.

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Thank you so much consolidating. Love the idea and the contributors (followed Jen Rubin here when she left the Post), but like everyone, I'm drowning in email and found I wasn't opening any.

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Agree 100%

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Thank you for the switch to 2x ending with the Evening Round-up. And please, more written material, fewer audio- visuals.

Thank you for continuing to anchor us with your gravitas and eloquence.

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Thank you for switching to the twice daily format. All those emails were too much to manage. Personally, once a day is great for me. I tend to consume most of my news in the evening, so a roundup then is most useful. I like how the one tonight offered news from the morning - having it in one place like that is best.

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Agree that one email a day would be great. If I want to check on news during the day, I can go to your page.

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The Round-up is much easier than the too-many daily emails. Make it an option to only get this useful digest. Thanks!

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I prefer the Round-up! Thanks.

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Summaries please. I am overwhelmed with email.

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The roundup format would be very welcome.

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I read. I don't podcast or video. Would you consider transcripts? I doubt I'm alone. Zoom and others will generate them automatically along with an ai summary

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All the videos have transcripts. The transcript button is right below the video screen.

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If you go to the Contrarian site.

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Thanks for that info. I read the posts in my email and wasn't aware there was a way to read a transcript. It would be helpful to include the link in the emails.

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"Transcripts" icon - bottom right hand corner of page.

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Great idea!

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I’m not seeing a transcript button under any video screen. And I’m on the Contrarian site.

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Phone or laptop?

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Desktop. I never read on my phone.

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If you click on the "article" Live w/Jennifer Rubin at the Contrarian site, for example, you will see the transcript button right below the video area, both on phone and desktop. I just check my iPhone and it is there. I am using the website and not the Substack app, but I assume it would be similar. On the phone the button is right between the video and the title.

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"Transcripts" icon - bottom right hand corner of page.

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