Has anyone considered that the true purpose of the Doge cruelty IS to kill us?
They realize that resources will become scarce if we don’t address climate change, so we’ll continue with fossil fuels, making the oligarchs richer, while decimating the population, so they WON’t HAVE TO SHARE!!!
I think DOGE is just the latest iteration of MAGA 'kill the poor and the elderly.' Don't forget the number of republicans who claimed, at the height of COVID, that if elderly people really loved this country, they wouldn't mind dying, and they've never had any use for the poor, especially poor children. 'Pro-life' is just a marketing slogan.
Yes, the "pro-life" lie was just a slogan. Their real agenda for women has always been shoving women back into a few narrow roles, approved by Christian nationalists.
The right's true gods have always been Mammon and power-for themselves.
Let's remind our "pro life" elected officials that, in practice, the policies that they are illegally implementing are killing people from the embryo in the woumb to the elderly in the nursing home. Add to the list, people, world wide, who depend on USAID for survival.
When these individuals claim they are pro life they are framing this ideological belief within their personal narrow interpretation of life as originating from either the abstract patriarchal super power of God’s Will or Darwin’s natural selection. A choice of wilful ignorance in both cases.
One can also see the marketing slogan in anyone in the state that is trying to give tax credits to male female married couples w bio kids. Wow where is all that "adoption is good" retoric?
yes. i have considered that. they do want to wipe out old people (save social security money) and poor people (because they hate the poor). and yes, they don't want to share anything.
They don't want to share, but I'm not sure they think about the old, sick and poor. Trump shrugs at the pain of others. Trump's parents stayed home while their eldest son died alone in a hospital. Their emotional detachment surely must have influenced Donald's callous personality. Now, he surrounds himself with people of limited empathy like Musk, or encourages other politicians to be ruthless or be primaried. Ambitious politicians check their empathy and fall in line to keep their jobs.
It sure seems like everything the GOP is pushing would upend the lives of tens of millions of Americans and help trigger the collapse billionaires have been building fortresses, island hideouts, and luxury yachts to withstand.
It's no longer just American lives that are being upended. Our new and defective foreign aid policy, bereft of any empathy, integrity, or compassion has left those who have depended upon our assistance suffering and dying.
They have upended many lives already as they cut many needed agencies, firing people. We are heading to a depression and we will be isolated in the world.
Robots might do the work. By killing off a lot of people, they save money, promote the growth of families who support them, and take all they want of a world with a far smaller population to support. Computerize jobs so people are not needed. No voting would be needed if everybody is in agreement or pays no attention. However, crowd sizes would be smaller. Another glitch is that there would be far fewer customers to buy products as well as to make them. Otherwise, it sounds like somebody’s version of a personal utopia with everything belonging to them. If they become jealous of each other, what then? Or will their varied parts of owned earth start new civilizations to cycle, in decades or centuries to come, into the same types of problems they have been fighting? Will they invent youth preserving pills so it will be theirs forever? Oh my, if such a scenario were to take place, anyone wanting masses of admirers would not have enough of them with a reduced population. Who would be left to be impressed? The people who would be left would become used to whose ever face is present and ignore it as being commonplace. Also, King Midas became very lonely. He was lucky to be able to restore life and life’s needs with water once he recognized the fallacy of his greed.
It seems that saving our democracy and our Constitution plus helping The People of the
U. S. and of the world now is the only path forward. We must continue to preserve and restore it and to do the best we can.
Obviously life would be very, very boring for those billionaires in their doomsday cocoons. Where will they get gourmet food, toys, entertainment, labor? Who will provide medical, dental, and veterinary care? Will there be elite parties? Will they be relegated to virtual sex when their partner(s) get fat or old? It’s obvious they have not thought this through.
Actually, do you think it's possible that we're being invaded by Russia? Clearly, not with tanks and armor, but in a most insidious way, via compromising Trump and many others in power. Putin has America doing self-harm! And there's this from Heather Cox Richardson today:
"Shortly after the election, a newspaper reporter asked Nikolai Patrushev, who is close to Putin, if Trump’s election would mean “positive changes from Russia’s point of view.” Patrushev answered: “To achieve success in the elections, Donald Trump relied on certain forces to which he has corresponding obligations. And as a responsible person, he will be obliged to fulfill them.”
Russia has already invaded, KSE. Every action Trump has taken has been in the best interests of Russia and against America's interests. (He tried to hand over Ukraine as well but Zelensky refused.) See Rachel Maddie's show from last week.
Putin is our de facto president now. Respond accordingly.
Janet (and others), you can edit your posts by clicking on the three dots to the upper right and then clicking on "edit." Better than trying to correct in another one that may appear much later.
Thank you. Sometimes editing by clicking on the three dots will work. Other times scrolling is not allowed, and it is not possible to reach the parts needing the edits, dedpite best efforts.
I've been saying for the last several years that we are in a war and don't even know it. Russia is so far up in our business, it is absolutely war. And China has been feeding our citizens drugs that kill them (plus don't forget COVID- whoops!) And here we sit, eating chips and barking at each other, oblivious that the enemy is within already. I started saying this when it was clear the Russians were gaining direct access via the NRA. And I honestly don't think Trump won this last election. There were inconsistencies that have not been investigated, but must be.
I agree. The election seemed so suspicious. I just don't know why there weren't investigations. I am so depressed about everything. Absolutely no no one I know, really, no one, approves of Trump . I really am so worried that the coming elections will not be fair.
Our option, as citizens, is to, loudly, point this out. We resist in any way that is possible for us. Large companies lose stock value when consumers don't use their products. Boycotts of large companies are easy.
General Colin Powell’s aide Col. Wilkinson has said repeatedly, “The first sign of an empire in decline is when the elites pillage the treasury. It started with Reagan, and here we are.
We have known about these people for as long as there have been human societies. There are always resource hoarders. People utterly unwilling to share for the good of the group. It is what allows people like the Waltons to build a multi-billion dollar business (Walmart/Sam's) based on keeping people part-time so they get no benefits and forcing people who want to provide for their families to seek public assistance while not being paid a living wage. So, in essence these oligarchs are getting richer and richer while their employees are dependent on social programs which are next on the chopping block. Class wars here we come.
NO, the opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference.
They just don't care about us, even recognize that we exist.
They close their tinted windows so that that cannot see us when they drive by us. As long as we are out of their minds, we don't exist. And as long as we don't exist, they don't have to think about us. They can say that they are doing a good thing by cutting wasteful spending. And since the only people who, in their own minds exist are the rich people they can say they are doing a good thing by giving the tax breaks for their hard work for the country and the world. they are secure in their feeling that no one is being hurt - because how can you hurt people who don't exist?
It was exactly this kind of self referencing belief system of the wealthy that led to German industrialists backing Hitler and eventually the creation of the death camps to deal with the collateral damage of their political choice. Actions of the ruling class often have unintended murderous consequences.
No, I don't think that their goal is to kill anyone. Musk and his fellow "tech bro" Far-Right Libertarians have preached for a long time that government services must all be privatized. They believe the only legitimate use for government is defense, courts, and police. Everything else should be subject to capitalism. So, for example, they aren't trying to get rid of social security per se, they just think that Wall Street and fund managers should be paid to invest retirement money for people. Of course, that might mean that people would lose all their retirement savings in a down market, but that's too bad. Banks don't want to be regulated and want to gamble with depositor's money so they want to get rid of the FDIC. And so on---to understand what is going on, it is not just lowering taxes on the wealthy. They already pay very low taxes (e.g., Bezos paid nothing last year). Instead, you have to think "get rid of the deep state," which is any government services beyond defense, courts, and police. That is their ultimate goal. But Dicken's is a good analogy because that is what the world used to be like and would be again if the Far-Right Libertarians get their way.
... and as I've said, medical practices are being bought up by the same finance people and they are making the docs work very hard and skimming off profits. That takes gall when highly specialized docs aren't entering the workforce until their mid-thirties.
@ Nancy: "I don't think that their goal is to kill anyone."
“I don’t think we should try to have people live for a really long time. That it would cause asphyxiation of society because the truth is, most people don’t change their mind,” Musk said. “They just die. So, if they don’t die, we will be stuck with old ideas and society wouldn’t advance.”
Musk's latest comments about Social Security being a big Ponzi scheme and is going broke because people are living too long is a tell. Lift the Social Security tax cap on high earners, and perhaps Social Security will be there for the people currently paying into the system.
I think it is more to break us...then Russia will take over. trump is no strong man !!!!!!!! He is doing either what he has too for the win of the election or what he wants to for the Power...it makes NO DIFFERNCE. putin will find an open window for him...asap - sorry to be so frank ....but you know....you can just sense it all
Too late, Shauna. Russia has already taken over. No need for Putin to get rid of anyone who is doing such a phenomenal job of handing America over to him!
Absolutely. And I think it started with the first Trump administration. This is a president who cares not one bit about anyone but his own inner circle. Brutality is the point. It. Just listen to Trump talk about the people who have suffered climate disasters. No one should forget that he threw paper towels at Puerto Ricans when they have just experienced a devastating hurricane.
However, the oligarchs will then have to do their own cooking, cleaning, and repairing, so maybe they have not thought it through to its logical conclusion.
There is no shame in these spineless, kleptocratic cowards. Universal healthcare would have solved so many of these problems. We need the rich to pay into the system- their tax burden should be appropriate to their wealth. And they need to pay into our social programs. I want to do away with healthcare for elected officials until they come up with a plan to fix our horrible, cruel, greedy healthcare system. Let them suffer in the market or with Medicare like the rest of us. Maybe there will be a silver lining in all of this horrible chaos, the U.S. will finally be completely exposed worldwide for what it is-a cruel, greedy, selfish, ignorant, heartless country that rewards only the richest and most powerful and ignores everyone else. We deserve to lose our alliances worldwide. Like a mean little brat, we need to sit in the corner by ourselves, with a dunce cap on, and think long and hard about our behavior before we get let back in with the rest of the class.
Very well said. I’m a Canadian who is subscribed to the Contrarian in the hopes of reading truthful news and commentary on what’s happening today in the US. I really appreciate all that you are doing.
I live in Western New York near the border, we love our cousin Canada and want her to remain the True North Strong and FREE. Our hearts are broken over this split between us.
I live in NNY on the St. Lawrence river. We fly both flags in this area: the Stars and Stripes and the Maple Leaf. Many families are internationally blended. Without Canada, we would be much poorer in many ways.
In Baghdad By the Sea we have more Canadians per square inch than some Canadian provinces. The other day, I posted an analysis, but in summary, half a million Canadians pay Florida property taxes, Caniadian companies hire 54,000 Floridians, a lot of our residents have dual citizenship, own businesses in both countries, etc.
Roughly 3 million Canadian tourists spend billions here every year....absent a pandemic and until Trump threated their sovereignity.
Thank you. You made a smart decision. This American is a paid subscriber of The Contrarian and The Guardian. The Washington Post subscription will run out and not be renewed. Its current idea of integrity in publishing and free speech has been abridged (understatement).
My maternal grmo was Canadian; family from New Brunswick. Most of us in the US reject 47’s tariffs and his threats directed at our neighbors. Our country is being betrayed by this Administration, particularly the Felon who loves Putin’s power. Beware of him🤬
My father was born in Pennsylvania, and all my Mom’s family was born in the US. We have family and friends on both sides of the border. Our families, friends, history, businesses, all are so intertwined aren’t they?
And the distinguished veteran who literally tore Pete Hegseth a new one at his Senate hearing, exposing his stunning ignorance, incompetence and loutishness before the country.
She spoke proudly as a US veteran and should have shamed the orange one but he's a narcissist and thus does not feel shame or embarrassment. Too bad. He's torching his legacy, if indeed he has one...
Trump is not only a narcissist, but a coward who comes from a family of cowards. His paternal grandfather fled mandatory military service in Germany and came to the United States to build brothels in the gold country. When he wanted to return to Germany because his wife didn't like it here, he was banished forever because he didn't serve his country.
Donald Trump didn't serve in the military in our country, despite the draft. For four years, he had a student deferment. For the fifth, his father hired a doctor to say that he had bone spurs...despite the fact that they weren't evident when he played sports in college.
The nursing home issue is a very important one. Nursing home costs run from $6000-$12,000 per month. If your parents have $200,000 in savings, they can burn through this quickly if one has Alzheimer's leaving a spouse without much to live on. There are thousands of people living on social security so they are on Medicaid immediately when they go to a nursing home. Do people really want to care for a parent with severe issues in their home? Do trump voters have a clue about who is paying for mom's care?
Get the guest room ready. If it’s upstairs, you must convert your living area to accommodate hospital furniture & equipment. Pray that both parents don’t become invalids concurrently like mine did. You’ll both have to quit your job & let your kids fend for themselves. No more recreation or social life. It takes 3 FTEs to care for one invalid.
You have given an excellent summary of what people might be facing. I think that Musk commented that people who use government aid, like Medicaid, are parasites. He thinks everyone should have saved a few million before retiring.
It is the ‘let them eat cake’ mind set. I saw someone on Fox News actually saying that people on Medicaid need to go get jobs that have better health insurance. Duh!!! They don’t see the reality that out of 300+ million people some are born with or incur severe health issues which are incapacitating. Not to mention the elderly who have outrun their money caring for their spouse , dealing with inflation which was huge back in the 80’s etc etc. These are kind of folks Jesus wants us to love and help. They are our parents and friends. All the ‘fox newsites’ can see is themselves and dollar signs following their narcissist, facist leader.
The elimination of Waste, Fraud, and Abuse from our government is a commendable objective. I have a list of 535 positions which can be eliminated immediately.
If any of the 535 eventually prove to be capable of serving the National interest, I will consider reinstating them. But don't hold your breath.
It might be commendable but not the way it’s being done. All of musk’s contracts need to be terminated for starters. They are picking on agencies that help people in need. It’s crazy and irresponsible.
If Trump and Musk want to eliminate fraud in Medicaid, they should consult with Senator Rick Scott from Florida to find out how it was done with Medicaid and Medicare--I'm referring to the fraud part. In 1987, Scott founded Columbia Hospital Corporation, purchased two hospitals, and became the CEO. He "quickly grew the hospital by purchasing more hospitals," and in 1994, purchased HCA, which had 100 hospitals, merged the companies, and became CEO Columbia/HCA.
By 1997, "Columbia/HCA became one of the largest for-profit healthcare service companies in the country. They operated 343 hospitals, 136 outpatient surgery centers, and approximately 550 home-health locations. They also provided extensive outpatient and ancillary services in 37 states, as well as in the United Kingdom and Switzerland."
"However, the success of Columbia/HCA came at a price. In 1997, the federal government launched an investigation into the company’s business practices," and four months later, the Board of Directors forced Scott to resign. Eventually, Columbia/HCA pleaded guilty to 14 felonies and paid over $1.7 billion in fines for committing fraud, falsely billing Medicare, and violating federal anti-kickback laws. It was the largest healthcare fraud case ever prosecuted in America."
To be fair, a question that never was answered was why Rick Scott was never indicted.
A continuous drumbeat, reminding us of what should be clear to any rational person: Neither Trump nor Musk possess any sympathy or empathy for others, especially not for the subhuman peasantry. The actions of this administration are an intrinsic reflection of the immutable characteristics of both. Musk proudly proclaims his Asperger's. Trump is more modest, settling for "stable genius."
for some reason americans just can't see that we are responsible not only for ourselves but for others in the world. to whom much is given much is expected
Musk is a toady of Xi because a lot of his businesses rely on China; he's also a Putin shill. It's not an accident that all of our government databases have been left vulnerable by his cadre of malignant children. Musk is helping the hands that feed him.
Jen - good for you for calling it out with your typical passion. We can get lost in the numbers and forget the true bottom line: cruelty. I'd venture to add "sadism" for the obvious pleasure they get in each triumph, as they kick the needy to the curb. But that has too many sexual overtones. Or does it?
I think everyone's distorted psychology, whatever it is and has been, has really come out of the box: the "obvious pleasure . . . ." We all just need to foster every transformative moment that comes our way or that we can make happen ourselves.
Each one of these millions Republicans would like to see die “to decrease the surplus population” is a real person, somebody’s grandmother, the family down the block hoping to stave off disaster, a community in distress, an entire subset of a country without security.
To attack the most vulnerable in order to reward the most comfortable is about as fucked-up a system of family values as I could imagine. Kind of like abandoning a people fighting for democracy to side with their tormentors instead.
Dammit, Russia and China have ongoing government programs to provide universal health care, manage poverty, and otherwise support a civilized society. The society imagined by Elon, Bannon, Miller and these other madmen will send us back to the Stone Age.
Clear as a bell. But, does it matter that we know this when the levers of government are firmly in MAGA hands? Street protests make good TV (when they are even accurately covered), but do they change anything in the next year of pain? The MAGA reps are being booed and heckled at state meetings, so what do they do? Say their constituents are "paid actors" so they will just stop hosting town halls. They've already stopped accepting calls: "This mailbox is full."
So, please help us with concrete ideas to turn this tide against this stone wall. Thanks!
Sorry but protest does matter. All of those people in congress have multiple offices that taxpayers pay to staff. Cut those and see how they like it. If elected congressional reps do not have town halls, they should be voted out. These maga clowns forget that they are hired by citizens and can be fired. We can cut life time benefits to people who were elected at one time and are no longer serving. What other job does that? If you are terminated, you lose your benefits. It must be a cushy job for so many to do so little for their constituents
Go to their local offices and harangue the staffers there. Every week. Be specific about what you are protesting. We did that against Barbara Comstock in Virginia in 2017-2018.
Since the current Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson (R-LA) is complicit in the attack, he must first be removed and replaced by a majority vote of the Members.
Unlike in 2023, according to Rules for the 119th Congress passed last month, a motion to “vacate the chair” requires agreement by nine members of the Speaker’s own party in order to be brought to a vote. While this may today appear to provide a wall of protection for the Speaker, it is not an insurmountable obstacle. Growing economic and social insecurity as a result of the President’s illegal actions can be expected to quickly increase pressure on Congress to end the crisis.
There already exists in the House a de facto bipartisan alliance which has previously provided more than enough votes to raise the debt ceiling, approve military assistance to Ukraine and continue funding to avert government shutdowns.
Member of this alliance must be implored to once again come to the rescue of their country. While enormously more consequential, it should ultimately be an easier task than before, as they will also be acting to protect their own continued role as a co-equal branch of government.
Great care must be exercised when choosing Mr. Johnson’s successor as that person will ascend to the Presidency upon the impeachment and conviction of Mr. Trump and Mr. Vance.
“Taking it to the streets” won’t do it. Taking it to the eyeballs will. Actual FACTS and expressions of decency need to be IN THE FACE of every American. With corporate control of mainstream media worsening the befuddlement of half of America caused by right wing propaganda media, alternative means are needed. Flood inboxes. Put up billboards. Slip printed copies of, for example, Contrarian and HRC columns into a hundred million restaurant menus. Drop millions of printed copies of Joyce Vance columns on high school football stadiums during games. Banners towed behind small planes saying “KGB agent Putin is happy with Trump” should be seen above every beach. When a rural hospital closes, local billboards should explain why the blame is on the Trump/Musk administration.
22 Republican senators and dozens of Republican House members stood with Ukraine funding. We need to pressure them. Call. Write. Email. Picket. Sit in.
Let's not forget that this is a party that loves to claim it's 'pro-life.' Cutting aid to children in need, the disabled, the elderly, veterans, especially those with PTSD who have suicidal ideation, and other Americans in need is being done by a party that also loves to tout its 'bible-believin' christianity.' In truth, MAGA is moral rot, a movement that elevates the worst instincts in its adherents. It's the political equivalent of children pulling the wings off flies.
What's become increasingly clear, as well, is that MAGA republicans think only a relative handful of people are worthy enough of their consideration - and that handful doesn't include ordinary Americans. Far from being the party of the working class, MAGA republicans are the party of, by and for the oligarchy.
Before retiring, I worked 27 years for non-profit and local governments that received federal funding, experienceing also federal funds rescinded due to budget cuts (20 years). Then, as an Army civilian worked in contracting / budgets where I awarded funds, obligated funds, de-obligated funds, rescinded funds, investigated fraud and pulled back funds due to fraud (those funds were sent back to the U.S. Treasury). All this money that DOGE is saving - they need to prove it, especially since with contracts they cancelled that were already closed - there was no savings, the funds were already paid out. How many of these DOGE employees and their cohorts have Accounting Degrees, are CPAs, Certified Fraud Examiners, Internal / External Audit Specialists, and understand and know how to appropriatlely account for Obligations / De-obligations, Revenues / Expenses, Rescissions. And Who is Auditing DOGE?
The budget cuts that would actually cut waste, will never be done. Those are the subsidiary monies given to the Oil Companies and Pharmaceutical Companies. God forbid taking 💰 from billionaires. Everyone is gutless on that.
Yes it is all show business….they aren’t really making serious pointed cuts of waste or fraud. Cuts are only happening to those actually losing their jobs for no good reason.
totally agree on every count: they want us impoverished, sick, and unable to travel (no air traffic controllers). it's sickening and appalling. just one small cx: Tammy Duckworth isn't Minnesota. i think she's illinois. thanks for this column.
Has anyone considered that the true purpose of the Doge cruelty IS to kill us?
They realize that resources will become scarce if we don’t address climate change, so we’ll continue with fossil fuels, making the oligarchs richer, while decimating the population, so they WON’t HAVE TO SHARE!!!
I think DOGE is just the latest iteration of MAGA 'kill the poor and the elderly.' Don't forget the number of republicans who claimed, at the height of COVID, that if elderly people really loved this country, they wouldn't mind dying, and they've never had any use for the poor, especially poor children. 'Pro-life' is just a marketing slogan.
Yes, the "pro-life" lie was just a slogan. Their real agenda for women has always been shoving women back into a few narrow roles, approved by Christian nationalists.
The right's true gods have always been Mammon and power-for themselves.
Let's remind our "pro life" elected officials that, in practice, the policies that they are illegally implementing are killing people from the embryo in the woumb to the elderly in the nursing home. Add to the list, people, world wide, who depend on USAID for survival.
When these individuals claim they are pro life they are framing this ideological belief within their personal narrow interpretation of life as originating from either the abstract patriarchal super power of God’s Will or Darwin’s natural selection. A choice of wilful ignorance in both cases.
Which is why an increasing number of pregnant women in Texas are developing sepsis.
One can also see the marketing slogan in anyone in the state that is trying to give tax credits to male female married couples w bio kids. Wow where is all that "adoption is good" retoric?
yes. i have considered that. they do want to wipe out old people (save social security money) and poor people (because they hate the poor). and yes, they don't want to share anything.
They don't want to share, but I'm not sure they think about the old, sick and poor. Trump shrugs at the pain of others. Trump's parents stayed home while their eldest son died alone in a hospital. Their emotional detachment surely must have influenced Donald's callous personality. Now, he surrounds himself with people of limited empathy like Musk, or encourages other politicians to be ruthless or be primaried. Ambitious politicians check their empathy and fall in line to keep their jobs.
I, too believe that is their plan.
It sure seems like everything the GOP is pushing would upend the lives of tens of millions of Americans and help trigger the collapse billionaires have been building fortresses, island hideouts, and luxury yachts to withstand.
It's no longer just American lives that are being upended. Our new and defective foreign aid policy, bereft of any empathy, integrity, or compassion has left those who have depended upon our assistance suffering and dying.
They have upended many lives already as they cut many needed agencies, firing people. We are heading to a depression and we will be isolated in the world.
And who will serve them in those fortresses, island hideouts, and luxury yachts if the "underclass" dies?
And who will mow their lawns, clean their houses & take care of their kids after all the hard-working immigrants have been deported?
If history tells, they will simply enslave the vulnerable and non conformist members of their immediate families to fulfil these daily menial tasks.
Robots might do the work. By killing off a lot of people, they save money, promote the growth of families who support them, and take all they want of a world with a far smaller population to support. Computerize jobs so people are not needed. No voting would be needed if everybody is in agreement or pays no attention. However, crowd sizes would be smaller. Another glitch is that there would be far fewer customers to buy products as well as to make them. Otherwise, it sounds like somebody’s version of a personal utopia with everything belonging to them. If they become jealous of each other, what then? Or will their varied parts of owned earth start new civilizations to cycle, in decades or centuries to come, into the same types of problems they have been fighting? Will they invent youth preserving pills so it will be theirs forever? Oh my, if such a scenario were to take place, anyone wanting masses of admirers would not have enough of them with a reduced population. Who would be left to be impressed? The people who would be left would become used to whose ever face is present and ignore it as being commonplace. Also, King Midas became very lonely. He was lucky to be able to restore life and life’s needs with water once he recognized the fallacy of his greed.
It seems that saving our democracy and our Constitution plus helping The People of the
U. S. and of the world now is the only path forward. We must continue to preserve and restore it and to do the best we can.
Obviously life would be very, very boring for those billionaires in their doomsday cocoons. Where will they get gourmet food, toys, entertainment, labor? Who will provide medical, dental, and veterinary care? Will there be elite parties? Will they be relegated to virtual sex when their partner(s) get fat or old? It’s obvious they have not thought this through.
Actually, do you think it's possible that we're being invaded by Russia? Clearly, not with tanks and armor, but in a most insidious way, via compromising Trump and many others in power. Putin has America doing self-harm! And there's this from Heather Cox Richardson today:
"Shortly after the election, a newspaper reporter asked Nikolai Patrushev, who is close to Putin, if Trump’s election would mean “positive changes from Russia’s point of view.” Patrushev answered: “To achieve success in the elections, Donald Trump relied on certain forces to which he has corresponding obligations. And as a responsible person, he will be obliged to fulfill them.”
WHAT are our options now??
Russia has already invaded, KSE. Every action Trump has taken has been in the best interests of Russia and against America's interests. (He tried to hand over Ukraine as well but Zelensky refused.) See Rachel Maddie's show from last week.
Putin is our de facto president now. Respond accordingly.
Rachel Maddow. Darn autocorrect.
Janet (and others), you can edit your posts by clicking on the three dots to the upper right and then clicking on "edit." Better than trying to correct in another one that may appear much later.
Thank you. Sometimes editing by clicking on the three dots will work. Other times scrolling is not allowed, and it is not possible to reach the parts needing the edits, dedpite best efforts.
Ah - thank you, Nancy.
Just read that $trump's administration is working with Putin to re-open Nordstream 2. One of his "obligations"?
I've been saying for the last several years that we are in a war and don't even know it. Russia is so far up in our business, it is absolutely war. And China has been feeding our citizens drugs that kill them (plus don't forget COVID- whoops!) And here we sit, eating chips and barking at each other, oblivious that the enemy is within already. I started saying this when it was clear the Russians were gaining direct access via the NRA. And I honestly don't think Trump won this last election. There were inconsistencies that have not been investigated, but must be.
I agree. The election seemed so suspicious. I just don't know why there weren't investigations. I am so depressed about everything. Absolutely no no one I know, really, no one, approves of Trump . I really am so worried that the coming elections will not be fair.
Do not despair. Put your concerns into actions. Many are with you. Together, we can make this right.
My thoughts exactly.
Our option, as citizens, is to, loudly, point this out. We resist in any way that is possible for us. Large companies lose stock value when consumers don't use their products. Boycotts of large companies are easy.
I read that too I wonder the same thing.
@ Iris: The true pupose of DOGE is to steal the national treasury.
Those American oligharchs are marks, along with the rest of us.
The antidote is impeach the bastards. Check this out. https://jerryweiss.substack.com/p/stand-with-ukraine-slava-ukraini?utm_campaign=email-half-post&r=zc69i&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
General Colin Powell’s aide Col. Wilkinson has said repeatedly, “The first sign of an empire in decline is when the elites pillage the treasury. It started with Reagan, and here we are.
We have known about these people for as long as there have been human societies. There are always resource hoarders. People utterly unwilling to share for the good of the group. It is what allows people like the Waltons to build a multi-billion dollar business (Walmart/Sam's) based on keeping people part-time so they get no benefits and forcing people who want to provide for their families to seek public assistance while not being paid a living wage. So, in essence these oligarchs are getting richer and richer while their employees are dependent on social programs which are next on the chopping block. Class wars here we come.
To kill us, they would have to hate us.
NO, the opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference.
They just don't care about us, even recognize that we exist.
They close their tinted windows so that that cannot see us when they drive by us. As long as we are out of their minds, we don't exist. And as long as we don't exist, they don't have to think about us. They can say that they are doing a good thing by cutting wasteful spending. And since the only people who, in their own minds exist are the rich people they can say they are doing a good thing by giving the tax breaks for their hard work for the country and the world. they are secure in their feeling that no one is being hurt - because how can you hurt people who don't exist?
It was exactly this kind of self referencing belief system of the wealthy that led to German industrialists backing Hitler and eventually the creation of the death camps to deal with the collateral damage of their political choice. Actions of the ruling class often have unintended murderous consequences.
No, I don't think that their goal is to kill anyone. Musk and his fellow "tech bro" Far-Right Libertarians have preached for a long time that government services must all be privatized. They believe the only legitimate use for government is defense, courts, and police. Everything else should be subject to capitalism. So, for example, they aren't trying to get rid of social security per se, they just think that Wall Street and fund managers should be paid to invest retirement money for people. Of course, that might mean that people would lose all their retirement savings in a down market, but that's too bad. Banks don't want to be regulated and want to gamble with depositor's money so they want to get rid of the FDIC. And so on---to understand what is going on, it is not just lowering taxes on the wealthy. They already pay very low taxes (e.g., Bezos paid nothing last year). Instead, you have to think "get rid of the deep state," which is any government services beyond defense, courts, and police. That is their ultimate goal. But Dicken's is a good analogy because that is what the world used to be like and would be again if the Far-Right Libertarians get their way.
... and as I've said, medical practices are being bought up by the same finance people and they are making the docs work very hard and skimming off profits. That takes gall when highly specialized docs aren't entering the workforce until their mid-thirties.
@ Nancy: "I don't think that their goal is to kill anyone."
“I don’t think we should try to have people live for a really long time. That it would cause asphyxiation of society because the truth is, most people don’t change their mind,” Musk said. “They just die. So, if they don’t die, we will be stuck with old ideas and society wouldn’t advance.”
- Elon Musk, Fox Business, March 27, 2022
Elon Musk’s Looming Disease Holocaust: https://prospect.org/world/2025-03-03-musk-doge-pepfar-hiv-tuberculosis/
"Elon Musk had decided that he wants you, yes you, dead, & for the next month he will use any & all resources at his disposal to reach this end. " https://www.reddit.com/r/hypotheticalsituation/comments/180jt12/elon_musk_had_decided_that_he_wants_you_yes_you/
Musk's latest comments about Social Security being a big Ponzi scheme and is going broke because people are living too long is a tell. Lift the Social Security tax cap on high earners, and perhaps Social Security will be there for the people currently paying into the system.
They want to create a new world order, the ruling billionaire oligarchs and the rest of us who will remain slaves.
I think it is more to break us...then Russia will take over. trump is no strong man !!!!!!!! He is doing either what he has too for the win of the election or what he wants to for the Power...it makes NO DIFFERNCE. putin will find an open window for him...asap - sorry to be so frank ....but you know....you can just sense it all
Too late, Shauna. Russia has already taken over. No need for Putin to get rid of anyone who is doing such a phenomenal job of handing America over to him!
Trumps autocratic Fascist takeover is going well. We need to throw some monkey wrenches in their gear box.
1. Attend town hall meetings and ask important questions.
2. Encourage the press to ask hard questions to Trump, Musk and all Republicans at all press meetings.
3. Constantly publish and fight against the dismantling of Americas democracy.
I am not typing here for nothing. I believe in America and American democracy.
Absolutely. And I think it started with the first Trump administration. This is a president who cares not one bit about anyone but his own inner circle. Brutality is the point. It. Just listen to Trump talk about the people who have suffered climate disasters. No one should forget that he threw paper towels at Puerto Ricans when they have just experienced a devastating hurricane.
And then they would continue fighting amoung themselves. We are all animals, we fight for dominance.
Pretty sure they don't give a crap about climate change. But they sure don't give a crap about the poor.
However, the oligarchs will then have to do their own cooking, cleaning, and repairing, so maybe they have not thought it through to its logical conclusion.
many people are already economic slaves
There is no shame in these spineless, kleptocratic cowards. Universal healthcare would have solved so many of these problems. We need the rich to pay into the system- their tax burden should be appropriate to their wealth. And they need to pay into our social programs. I want to do away with healthcare for elected officials until they come up with a plan to fix our horrible, cruel, greedy healthcare system. Let them suffer in the market or with Medicare like the rest of us. Maybe there will be a silver lining in all of this horrible chaos, the U.S. will finally be completely exposed worldwide for what it is-a cruel, greedy, selfish, ignorant, heartless country that rewards only the richest and most powerful and ignores everyone else. We deserve to lose our alliances worldwide. Like a mean little brat, we need to sit in the corner by ourselves, with a dunce cap on, and think long and hard about our behavior before we get let back in with the rest of the class.
Very well said. I’m a Canadian who is subscribed to the Contrarian in the hopes of reading truthful news and commentary on what’s happening today in the US. I really appreciate all that you are doing.
I live in Western New York near the border, we love our cousin Canada and want her to remain the True North Strong and FREE. Our hearts are broken over this split between us.
I live in NNY on the St. Lawrence river. We fly both flags in this area: the Stars and Stripes and the Maple Leaf. Many families are internationally blended. Without Canada, we would be much poorer in many ways.
In Baghdad By the Sea we have more Canadians per square inch than some Canadian provinces. The other day, I posted an analysis, but in summary, half a million Canadians pay Florida property taxes, Caniadian companies hire 54,000 Floridians, a lot of our residents have dual citizenship, own businesses in both countries, etc.
Roughly 3 million Canadian tourists spend billions here every year....absent a pandemic and until Trump threated their sovereignity.
Please ask your fellow Canadians not to hate all of us here in the Kingdom of the South.
And disregard any maps denoting Canada as America's 51st star ...
although we could use some decent citizens right now........
You have many, many decent citizens. They need to be louder.
Thank you. You made a smart decision. This American is a paid subscriber of The Contrarian and The Guardian. The Washington Post subscription will run out and not be renewed. Its current idea of integrity in publishing and free speech has been abridged (understatement).
We are with you Canada!
My maternal grmo was Canadian; family from New Brunswick. Most of us in the US reject 47’s tariffs and his threats directed at our neighbors. Our country is being betrayed by this Administration, particularly the Felon who loves Putin’s power. Beware of him🤬
My father was born in Pennsylvania, and all my Mom’s family was born in the US. We have family and friends on both sides of the border. Our families, friends, history, businesses, all are so intertwined aren’t they?
Tammy Duckworth is the Senator from Illinois.
And the distinguished veteran who literally tore Pete Hegseth a new one at his Senate hearing, exposing his stunning ignorance, incompetence and loutishness before the country.
For all the good it did. I appreciate that she exposed him, but to what end!
To speak the truth is a worthy end in and of itself.
She spoke proudly as a US veteran and should have shamed the orange one but he's a narcissist and thus does not feel shame or embarrassment. Too bad. He's torching his legacy, if indeed he has one...
History will condemn him, but the damage is being done now, and has to stop soon. In his mind he's the Savior now. Delusional Ignorance.
Trump is not only a narcissist, but a coward who comes from a family of cowards. His paternal grandfather fled mandatory military service in Germany and came to the United States to build brothels in the gold country. When he wanted to return to Germany because his wife didn't like it here, he was banished forever because he didn't serve his country.
Donald Trump didn't serve in the military in our country, despite the draft. For four years, he had a student deferment. For the fifth, his father hired a doctor to say that he had bone spurs...despite the fact that they weren't evident when he played sports in college.
The Trumps have always been liars and cowards.
Many thanks. Fixed!
The nursing home issue is a very important one. Nursing home costs run from $6000-$12,000 per month. If your parents have $200,000 in savings, they can burn through this quickly if one has Alzheimer's leaving a spouse without much to live on. There are thousands of people living on social security so they are on Medicaid immediately when they go to a nursing home. Do people really want to care for a parent with severe issues in their home? Do trump voters have a clue about who is paying for mom's care?
Get the guest room ready. If it’s upstairs, you must convert your living area to accommodate hospital furniture & equipment. Pray that both parents don’t become invalids concurrently like mine did. You’ll both have to quit your job & let your kids fend for themselves. No more recreation or social life. It takes 3 FTEs to care for one invalid.
You have given an excellent summary of what people might be facing. I think that Musk commented that people who use government aid, like Medicaid, are parasites. He thinks everyone should have saved a few million before retiring.
It is the ‘let them eat cake’ mind set. I saw someone on Fox News actually saying that people on Medicaid need to go get jobs that have better health insurance. Duh!!! They don’t see the reality that out of 300+ million people some are born with or incur severe health issues which are incapacitating. Not to mention the elderly who have outrun their money caring for their spouse , dealing with inflation which was huge back in the 80’s etc etc. These are kind of folks Jesus wants us to love and help. They are our parents and friends. All the ‘fox newsites’ can see is themselves and dollar signs following their narcissist, facist leader.
Nor do they care….👿
The elimination of Waste, Fraud, and Abuse from our government is a commendable objective. I have a list of 535 positions which can be eliminated immediately.
If any of the 535 eventually prove to be capable of serving the National interest, I will consider reinstating them. But don't hold your breath.
I vote for keeping Jamie Raskin. It's just too bad there aren't more of his caliber.
I am impressed with Maxwell Frost speaking truth to power.
It might be commendable but not the way it’s being done. All of musk’s contracts need to be terminated for starters. They are picking on agencies that help people in need. It’s crazy and irresponsible.
If Trump and Musk want to eliminate fraud in Medicaid, they should consult with Senator Rick Scott from Florida to find out how it was done with Medicaid and Medicare--I'm referring to the fraud part. In 1987, Scott founded Columbia Hospital Corporation, purchased two hospitals, and became the CEO. He "quickly grew the hospital by purchasing more hospitals," and in 1994, purchased HCA, which had 100 hospitals, merged the companies, and became CEO Columbia/HCA.
By 1997, "Columbia/HCA became one of the largest for-profit healthcare service companies in the country. They operated 343 hospitals, 136 outpatient surgery centers, and approximately 550 home-health locations. They also provided extensive outpatient and ancillary services in 37 states, as well as in the United Kingdom and Switzerland."
"However, the success of Columbia/HCA came at a price. In 1997, the federal government launched an investigation into the company’s business practices," and four months later, the Board of Directors forced Scott to resign. Eventually, Columbia/HCA pleaded guilty to 14 felonies and paid over $1.7 billion in fines for committing fraud, falsely billing Medicare, and violating federal anti-kickback laws. It was the largest healthcare fraud case ever prosecuted in America."
To be fair, a question that never was answered was why Rick Scott was never indicted.
A continuous drumbeat, reminding us of what should be clear to any rational person: Neither Trump nor Musk possess any sympathy or empathy for others, especially not for the subhuman peasantry. The actions of this administration are an intrinsic reflection of the immutable characteristics of both. Musk proudly proclaims his Asperger's. Trump is more modest, settling for "stable genius."
both are deeply damaged
and in charge of us...due to equally damaged american voters
I include all those who did not vote in 2024
for some reason americans just can't see that we are responsible not only for ourselves but for others in the world. to whom much is given much is expected
Muskrat believes that there is nothing a human can do that a computer can't do better.
Let's not forget how much Putin and Xi benefit from all this. It's illogical to not look at things from the perspective of our enemies as well
Musk is a toady of Xi because a lot of his businesses rely on China; he's also a Putin shill. It's not an accident that all of our government databases have been left vulnerable by his cadre of malignant children. Musk is helping the hands that feed him.
as is it......it being king don the john
Putin is calling the shots. It is crystal clear now. Crystal. We have been infiltrated.
Jen - good for you for calling it out with your typical passion. We can get lost in the numbers and forget the true bottom line: cruelty. I'd venture to add "sadism" for the obvious pleasure they get in each triumph, as they kick the needy to the curb. But that has too many sexual overtones. Or does it?
I think everyone's distorted psychology, whatever it is and has been, has really come out of the box: the "obvious pleasure . . . ." We all just need to foster every transformative moment that comes our way or that we can make happen ourselves.
Each one of these millions Republicans would like to see die “to decrease the surplus population” is a real person, somebody’s grandmother, the family down the block hoping to stave off disaster, a community in distress, an entire subset of a country without security.
To attack the most vulnerable in order to reward the most comfortable is about as fucked-up a system of family values as I could imagine. Kind of like abandoning a people fighting for democracy to side with their tormentors instead.
All of us over age 67 are considered liabilities by Musk et al. https://www.reddit.com/r/hypotheticalsituation/comments/180jt12/elon_musk_had_decided_that_he_wants_you_yes_you/.
Republicans want to "sunset" all government benefits.
Dammit, Russia and China have ongoing government programs to provide universal health care, manage poverty, and otherwise support a civilized society. The society imagined by Elon, Bannon, Miller and these other madmen will send us back to the Stone Age.
Clear as a bell. But, does it matter that we know this when the levers of government are firmly in MAGA hands? Street protests make good TV (when they are even accurately covered), but do they change anything in the next year of pain? The MAGA reps are being booed and heckled at state meetings, so what do they do? Say their constituents are "paid actors" so they will just stop hosting town halls. They've already stopped accepting calls: "This mailbox is full."
So, please help us with concrete ideas to turn this tide against this stone wall. Thanks!
Sorry but protest does matter. All of those people in congress have multiple offices that taxpayers pay to staff. Cut those and see how they like it. If elected congressional reps do not have town halls, they should be voted out. These maga clowns forget that they are hired by citizens and can be fired. We can cut life time benefits to people who were elected at one time and are no longer serving. What other job does that? If you are terminated, you lose your benefits. It must be a cushy job for so many to do so little for their constituents
Go to their local offices and harangue the staffers there. Every week. Be specific about what you are protesting. We did that against Barbara Comstock in Virginia in 2017-2018.
Concrete Ideas. Impeach. https://jerryweiss.substack.com/p/to-stop-the-coup-impeach-the-traitor
Trump gas put his head in the noose.
From Feathers of Hope:
Since the current Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson (R-LA) is complicit in the attack, he must first be removed and replaced by a majority vote of the Members.
Unlike in 2023, according to Rules for the 119th Congress passed last month, a motion to “vacate the chair” requires agreement by nine members of the Speaker’s own party in order to be brought to a vote. While this may today appear to provide a wall of protection for the Speaker, it is not an insurmountable obstacle. Growing economic and social insecurity as a result of the President’s illegal actions can be expected to quickly increase pressure on Congress to end the crisis.
There already exists in the House a de facto bipartisan alliance which has previously provided more than enough votes to raise the debt ceiling, approve military assistance to Ukraine and continue funding to avert government shutdowns.
Member of this alliance must be implored to once again come to the rescue of their country. While enormously more consequential, it should ultimately be an easier task than before, as they will also be acting to protect their own continued role as a co-equal branch of government.
Great care must be exercised when choosing Mr. Johnson’s successor as that person will ascend to the Presidency upon the impeachment and conviction of Mr. Trump and Mr. Vance.
“Taking it to the streets” won’t do it. Taking it to the eyeballs will. Actual FACTS and expressions of decency need to be IN THE FACE of every American. With corporate control of mainstream media worsening the befuddlement of half of America caused by right wing propaganda media, alternative means are needed. Flood inboxes. Put up billboards. Slip printed copies of, for example, Contrarian and HRC columns into a hundred million restaurant menus. Drop millions of printed copies of Joyce Vance columns on high school football stadiums during games. Banners towed behind small planes saying “KGB agent Putin is happy with Trump” should be seen above every beach. When a rural hospital closes, local billboards should explain why the blame is on the Trump/Musk administration.
22 Republican senators and dozens of Republican House members stood with Ukraine funding. We need to pressure them. Call. Write. Email. Picket. Sit in.
Right now, those Republicans, who are also Americans, are like my cat who will follow that pointer light-dot on the wall for hours, regardless.
Let's not forget that this is a party that loves to claim it's 'pro-life.' Cutting aid to children in need, the disabled, the elderly, veterans, especially those with PTSD who have suicidal ideation, and other Americans in need is being done by a party that also loves to tout its 'bible-believin' christianity.' In truth, MAGA is moral rot, a movement that elevates the worst instincts in its adherents. It's the political equivalent of children pulling the wings off flies.
What's become increasingly clear, as well, is that MAGA republicans think only a relative handful of people are worthy enough of their consideration - and that handful doesn't include ordinary Americans. Far from being the party of the working class, MAGA republicans are the party of, by and for the oligarchy.
"Let's not forget that this is a party that loves to claim it's 'pro-life."
Has anyone seen much or any of this exhibited since 20 January, 2025? The claim is like so many of the abandoned promises.
'Pro-life' has only ever been a marketing slogan.
Right you are. It's more "pro forced birth", for after that, any care allowed to children, especially those in need, is parsimonious at best.
I also remember Republicans claiming to be in favor of law and order, the Constitution, and balanced budgets. How quaint.
Yes they were, or so they claimed to be. It now more falls to who is making the law, and who is having to follow orders.
Your Republican senator, Tillis has spoken out. Press him.
I've contacted both Tillis and Budd. It's about as useful as shouting down a well.
So far. Keep it up. Picket. Sit in.
You do you, hon.
Before retiring, I worked 27 years for non-profit and local governments that received federal funding, experienceing also federal funds rescinded due to budget cuts (20 years). Then, as an Army civilian worked in contracting / budgets where I awarded funds, obligated funds, de-obligated funds, rescinded funds, investigated fraud and pulled back funds due to fraud (those funds were sent back to the U.S. Treasury). All this money that DOGE is saving - they need to prove it, especially since with contracts they cancelled that were already closed - there was no savings, the funds were already paid out. How many of these DOGE employees and their cohorts have Accounting Degrees, are CPAs, Certified Fraud Examiners, Internal / External Audit Specialists, and understand and know how to appropriatlely account for Obligations / De-obligations, Revenues / Expenses, Rescissions. And Who is Auditing DOGE?
The budget cuts that would actually cut waste, will never be done. Those are the subsidiary monies given to the Oil Companies and Pharmaceutical Companies. God forbid taking 💰 from billionaires. Everyone is gutless on that.
Yes it is all show business….they aren’t really making serious pointed cuts of waste or fraud. Cuts are only happening to those actually losing their jobs for no good reason.
totally agree on every count: they want us impoverished, sick, and unable to travel (no air traffic controllers). it's sickening and appalling. just one small cx: Tammy Duckworth isn't Minnesota. i think she's illinois. thanks for this column.