Great points ... and while a good missile defense system is worthwhile ... the better one is one we never have to use because we have a good State Department, too. Yet I read today about potentially closing a number of overseas facilities by summer ... making us even less safe.

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What a waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayers dollars. We are not surrounded by enemies. While ICBMs exist, can they really make it to any US city and, if so, how many does that fkfaced idiot think he needs - and can afford? No matter what hapens, Trump’s legacy is carved in granite - destroyer of the once greatest United States of America, a beautiful experiment in self-governing brought down buy superior ignorance and incompetence.

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Except that I do believe we are surrounded by enemies, or have plenty to fear from enemies especially as created by Trump's lack of diplomacy and repeated announcements of taking Greenland and Canada, etc. Trump has shown he wants to grab other countries like Putin is doing. A dictator to amass land.

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Lunacy is the right word! (Thanks, Roger). They all are lunatics but they’re also running the asylum — not good for the rest of us! One more thing to keep track of. Thank goodness for The Contrarian which does keep track!!!

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The whole idea is lunacy. Reagan used SDI as a bluff to get the USSR to bankrupt its weak, over-militarized economy. It is not clear that the bluff worked, but it certainly won't work a second time.

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SDI... what a trip down memory lane... I remember the periodic announcements of yet a new demonstration, and the damn thing always blew up a mile away. But, the following press releases back then were definitely what inspired that recent Space X communique on a blowup - rapid unscheduled disassembly. So there, something was put to use after all...

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Although it’s a good idea to have some sort of defense system in place, the Golden Dome sounds more like a marketing scheme. I have read that the greatest enemy of the US is from within it’s borders not other countries bombing us. In other words, we need to be worried about homegrown terrorists fuelled by misinformation. Oops, the FBI was for discovering homegrown terrorists. It is more likely that the US will implode and fall into a messy civil war divided ideologically (Republicans vs Democrats) with lots of murders and reprisals. This time it won’t be the North vs the South (geographical) but rather personal and based on opposing beliefs. Are you prepared to kill your neighbor, Uncle Bob, Grandma or your brother?

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