Thanks for the ongoing excellence.

Pia's wonderful cartoon illustrates a major element of our plight perfectly. Leaders who don't know how to lead, when we are in the midst of an unprecedented coup that is on course to break a 248 year run of the republic's democracy. I don't know how we wake these people up. They're getting the message from many sources, but are doing . . . nothing out of their usual blah blah blah . . .

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re "Leaders who don't know how to lead":

Elaine Godfrey's excellent article for The Atlantic titled "Democrats Wonder Where Their Leaders Are," which was posted Feb. 1, includes this gem of a paragraph:

“I assumed that we would be prepared to meet the moment, and I was wrong,” Shannon Watts, the founder of the gun-control group Moms Demand Action, told me. “It’s like they’ve shown up to a knife fight with a cheese stick.”




(One truism about leadership: You can't fake it. No matter how hard Schumer and Jeffries may try.)

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Thanks for the directions concerning the reading versions .

I'm not a video person.

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Agreement. Too busy these days to watch videos. Reading is quick.

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What are the instructions? I have to read also. Will you be provide transcripts?

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Read the last paragraph of the evening roundup above!

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I read the instructions, but still can’t find anything at the bottom right of the video that allows me to access a transcript. Is this something available on a desktop that’s not available on mobile? All I can find is the turn on closed caps function.

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I read this on a laptop and it's easy to find see the notation. I've never tried on my mobile.

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Thanks!!! I only read Substack on my phone. Obviously I have a laptop, so can check that out.

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Please let the world know that the weapons we send to Ukraine come from our own stockpiles and we spend the money to UPGRADE our OWN weapons! The idea that Ukraine owes us money is so outrageous - as is everything else going on. Thanks for this great new journal!

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For all intents and purposes, the rule of law no longer exists in America, except as a feel-good memory of the past. As for "EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW," as inscribed in white marble above the front entrance of the Supreme Court Building, it's an ever darker punchline. The court's MAGA Six have ensured that.

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Maybe Alito and Thomas deserve to be brought in front of the building and read as lauder as possible, EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW, no less than a thousand times, at night, if is too cold the better, surrounded by the press and TV cameras.

As for the rest, except for the 3 democratic nominated decent judges, maybe only 900 repetition would be enough.

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Thomas and Alito? A thousand times each, that's for sure. But let's not forget Roberts – *ten thousand times* for him. His fingerprints are all over Trump v. United States, Citizens United v. FEC and the other bad stuff. Thomas and Alito do it with a scowl. Roberts prefers a big smirk.

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Ok Gene , I give you that one.

I have to confess, I had a moment of weakness. Sorry 😃

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No need to be sorry. Roberts's insidiousness is something we all wish weren't there.

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I was struck, Norm, by your remark that it may be Donald Trump who is being couped by Musk. Are you aware of the Silicon Valley whistleblowers' warning, published on Feb. 7, 2025, here: https://bylinetimes.com/2025/02/07/silicon-valley-whistleblowers-warn-elon-musk-hijacking-republicans-to-control-entire-us-government/, that Elon Musk may be spearheading a hostile takeover of the federal government on behalf of an anti-democratic, so-called neoreactionary agenda promoted by a group of tech billionaires? It sounds like science fiction, I know, but some version of this theory seems plausible in light of Musk's rapid and ongoing consolidation of control over core functions of the federal government. I urge you to consider the possibility that Musk is acting primarily for himself and his fellow neoreactionaries, with Trump providing cover, either wittingly or unwittingly. Read the article and the whistleblower document it links to and judge for yourself whether the private interests of Musk and his allies may be in play. With gratitude and admiration for your work, Stephen Penningroth

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The first newsy thing I read each day is Heather Cox Richardson’s Letters from an American. She’s excellent at digesting the most relevant news events for those of us concerned about democracy and she’s often ahead of the ball in disseminating new stories, such as the one you highlight. So I read about the story several days ago in one of her letters. Very disturbing. Heather Cox Richardson is my replacement for the NYT, WaPo. She boils things down to the essence that most concerns me at this time and connects dots that often go unconnected by journalists who write on single topics, which seems to be all of them. I recommend her letters to those who want advance notice of what is coming next and how to understand it.

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Heather Cox Richardson is my go-to every morning, also! She hits that nail directly on the head every single time. I agree, wholeheartedly, with Stephen, too, that Muskrat is the coup director. Amazing what $290 million dollars can buy. I am very willing to fight back but I am also shuddering at what is and will happen to our country if this is permitted to continue. I pray that we get the opportunity to bite back, with ferocity, to stop this in its tracks! Please don't stick your heads in the sand. This is your freedom and your lives at stake here!

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I appreciate all you are doing to bring us as much information as possible. I am just sick at what is happening, and at the end of my rope worrying that the Social Security check and my part-time caregiver salary will be taken away. How do we pay the mortgage? The banks collapse in 2008 took our pension. I am not the only senior who is frightened, and it appears the slow ball of justice can not move fast enough for the fast ball of Musk, and Trump's rapid-fire edicts. I am relating what others my age are feeling. In a "normal" world litigation should be enough to at least temporarily halt things, but they are defying the rulings and if that fails - our 3rd branch of government is no more effective than our Legislative one, which seems to have merged into the Executive branch.

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That is awesome !!!

Also Andrew Weissman answers to our questions today.

Highly recommended !!! 🎉🤗🤺🎉

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Thank you for providing sanity in this moment.

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Boycott Trump and Musk. Refuse to work for them. Dr. Tabak at the nih just resigned. That's the tactic/strategy. "The History of the German Resistance: 1933-1945" It is really tough once we have abandoned the institutions that restrain the republic as they also sustain it. Love, Doc www.dykers.com

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Thank you!

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I love the energy and enthusiasm you both bring to the reports. As a resident of Texas with two worthless senators and Chip Roy for my "representative," I need all the encouragement I can get.

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You folks in Texas should get a medal for standing up for what is right. Not that it's easy anywhere, just saying...

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I am a retired worker of 43 years, it's criminal what rump is doing to our country, we need to fight his wrong doings at every turn!

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like we have to admit it is a coup, we have to admit we, the American system, we are f__ked. The Constitution and our government up to date has not given the Justice branch enforcement powers against a president Our only hope is midterms and 4 years from now in elections. Democracy needs to shore up a secure election system that the DOJ cannot influence and start recruiting good candidates. Also there are the streets

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Likely there will be no more elections, or at least no more which are not fixed to maintain the status quo. Is a General Strike possible?

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Where is the leadership ? It seems that every day there is an email asking for a donation of $ 3 and every day there is different theme, a new alarm, an new emergency.....some one needs to loudly lead

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That's been annoying me for years. I sign petitions like there's no tomorrow, but I have not given one penny no matter how many times they follow up with a plea for it. I'm not about to start, either, because for one thing I don't know who their "donations" are going to.

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I would like to have a list of the consequences of Trump's actions that could be used powerfully in messaging as many people as possob;e/ Thanks. And thanks for all you're doing!

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YES The rationale and moral side of this struggle desperately needs to message loudly the effects of this evil on real people of ALL political persuasions. Where the hell is the leadership ?

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This Truthout link is FYI in case others here have watched the movements of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) over the years specifically with regard to their efforts rid the country of public education by all sorts of Trumpian methods.

Right-Wing Group ALEC Publishes Its Own Project 2025 — for the States | Truthout

Here is a clip from that article:

"The ideological harmony between ALEC and the Trump administration has been apparent for some time, with Nelson already telling donors in the early days of Trump’s first term that his cabinet and other advisors had 'the potential to be an ALEC administration… full of the people and ideas we’ve advanced since 1973.' And she was already exultant then, proclaiming, 'Now is our time. And ALEC is ready.'"

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