I was finishing up some postcarding for Susan Crawford while listening to this!!

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I was looking for just that this morning. What org are you working with?

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Thanks for this! I will make a donation, but not today....Feb 28 needs everyone abstaining from credit cards.

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This guy's knowledge and enthusiasm is phenomenal!!! and contagious!!! and reassuring!!! It made my day and I was already looking for ways to help, so I'm going to wisdems.org now.

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The facts about the opposition candidate should be put forward so as to remind the Wisconsin electorate what they would be voting for if they go for the Republican nominee. Making the argument for Susan Crawford is all they need to do to get her there. Getting all the Crawford supporters to vote as well as persuading the Independent voters will be key to getting her there. Wikler knows and he’s quite capable of helping deliver. No one needs a candidate who is stuck in 1840’s or 1850’s.

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Wishing Wisconsin best in hopefully electing Susan Crawford. I think Mr. Wikler's messages might go further if they were shorter and not repetitive. Good luck.

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I am fuzzy here, did Wisconsin go Democratic in November?

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Trump won by the smallest margin in any state. But Tammy Baldwin, Democrat, won her senate race.

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