I was just wondering, can we the people sue Elon Musk and DOG e for TWO TRILLION DOLLARS for
hacking the treasury and other Government systems and having access to every American's private information without any security clearances or legal means of doing so? Just sayin!
I think the Aid groups should sue Musk personally for damages on behalf of their clients who are injured and dying.
And groups like farmers or university researchers who were awarded government grants or contracts which remain unpaid can sue for restitution as they relied on receipt of the funds to their detriment .
Exactly. That means boycott Tesla, boycott the companies that are going along with Trump and Musk and getting rid of DEI and A, boycott those billionaire-owned companies that support them, etc. They love money so hit them where it will hurt them.
IMHO it would be more effective to reduce their ability to use their money and power to influence the lives of other people. They are busy gaining a stranglehold on the things the rest of us need to live; that is the real danger. The numbers of dollars in their ledgers are a symptom, not the disease itself.
I think we have to prove that their snooping caused a real harm to an identifiable group of us in some way in order to have a cause of action and standing to sue.
I'm not an expert but it seems to me that, since what he's doing is illegal, we should be able to literally grab him and put him in jail. We might need cooperation of the military to do that. We could also sue him (in a district whose judge was not appointed by trump).
He has taken over the military and many of the elected offices. He has many judges. We need to be realistic and understand where we can do things. Suing him is useless.
He may not have taken over part of the military. Remember he insulted them in general. There may be enough left who see him for what he is, plus those he fired and the retired ones who feel unappreciated, to be able to resist the ones who haven't thought things through. I don't know. I've never been in the military. I think we need some kind of armed resistance, and it's not going to be everyday citizen Democrats, because we're not gun thugs.
This is a great idea. Is anyone pursuing this? Certainly if the shoe was on the other foot, and Musk was doing what he is doing under the auspices of a Democratic administration, the basket of deplorables would leach out of the sewers and sue and stomp and insurrect. We need to fight fire with fire!
Thank you, Ms. Rubin and Mr. Eisen. Will you please interview someone, anyone, maybe a lot of them, who can explain that Trump is clearly in serious cognitive decline? His responses to Macron today were frightening gobbledygook, and there have been other evidences of mental slippage as bad or worse. Seems as if Musk may be taking advantage of a senile president to pillage the government and trample the constitution. Thank you, b
I have been saying this for a while. Notice not so many photo ops? And when he there, he really isn’t. Vacant eyes, vacant expressions. GOP is trying to COVER UP his Alzheimer’s. They were quick to jump on Biden. Accusations flew the Dems were covering it up. Someone needs to go back as far as Regan, to understand their deceit.
Remember the Arab Spring, where millions protested against corruption and for human rights? We need an American one, the American Spring….starting very, very soon
I think that it is high time for the United States Senate and its members to do some real soul searching and to weigh our consciences as to the manner in which we are performing our duty to the people of America.... I think that it is high time that we remembered that we have sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution..."
Last week we sold all our Tesla stock. Today I placed an order for a Lucid electric vehicle. Next week we will sell our 2019 Tesla model S. That one was fully paid for with a free charging for life and I don't care that this is costing us money because I don't want to be part of this evil empire for another minute. I own a travel agency and we refuse to sell Trump hotels or even help with outings to his golf courses around the world. On Friday 2/28 we will boycott all businesses that support this madness. I believe that voting with our wallets is one of the ways we show our belief to these undemocratic authoritarians that this is unacceptable. It is what we all can do right now, in whatever way we can, big or small. Hitting them where it really matters is the message that each of us can do and it feels good to take some action however small the impact because together in this way we can create a strong message.
Yes!! I had previously unsubscribed to X, stopped going to Hobby Lobby, cutting way back on Chic Fil A (occasionally the only option ) and planning to source and move to other things - next up is goodbye Amazon hello Target and see ya to the Washington post. Hitting them in their wallets is the one way to strike back!
I would suggest giving up eating chickens. Just go to Joyce Vance's Substack where she has pictures of her chickens (https://joycevance.substack.com/p/if-you-need-chicken-pictures). Just eat their eggs, please. Another way to get back at agribusiness that is trying to drive family farmers out of business!
Thank you so much for this compilation!!! it made my day, maybe my week. More of this please -it inspires us so much. I live in the boonies so don’t have much opportunity to march.
I am thrilled with these kinds of things happening but please don't say this is not what we voted for --- this IS what half of the country DID vote for. They were told this was going to happen - they just did not listen.
As I pointed out to some MAGA jerk on another forum, no one said that the new admin was going to do absolutely nothing about food prices, the issue Frump said he ran and won on. No one said Musk was going to steal sensitive data from all sorts of agencies in the government, and lie about it. He did say he would end the war in Ukraine on day one, but that was a bold faced lie when he said it, and of course now he is just caving to Putie. So I disagree that we didn't listen. In fact Frump lied about Proj. 2025 too, so if you listened, you did get suckered. That was a true Whopper! Lies, Lies Damnable Lies! Sir/MAGA, have you no decency?????
Many of us heard the promises and knew they were lies. How could half of America vote for a convicted felon and misogynist and not know what they were getting?
One more reason the Department of Education should not be dismantled. The American public, especially the less than half who voted for this administration, needs to be educated or seriously re-educated on civics, history (not just American History, but World History, with emphasis on imperialism and disregard for indigenous peoples), and decency (i.e. how to communicate in a civilized country).
I have emailed my Senators(Rick Scott and Ashley Moody)as well as Representative Byron Donalds. What I had to say to them was this-do not fear a primary if you cross Trump, fear for your present job, which Trump will make unnecessary and irrelevant when he grabs enough power to dismiss Congress. So, begin to be loyal to your oaths of office, not to a false king, and, if nothing else, realize where your real loyalties are, and start behaving for the purpose we elected you.
What we need is a gofundme for lots of $ to hire all the best lawyers and sue everyone in sight. I donate to Marc Elias' group, they get things done, and to the ACLU, same thing. Flood the zone as the criminals like to say!!!!!
Excellent!!! This protesting across the country is energizing! I write to my senators and reps (democratic) a few times a week and pester them at the office too!
Last Wednesday in Brunswick GA was the first of a weekly protest. Crowd was small but grew as the time went on. I expect we will have more folks joining us this week!
I am a PROUD subscriber and appreciate the honesty, the passion and the clarity The Contrarian provides. This video is powerful and I plan on sharing it with my circle of OUTRAGED friends and family! Thank you Jen and Norm and all the rest of the talented and awesome writers.
I was just wondering, can we the people sue Elon Musk and DOG e for TWO TRILLION DOLLARS for
hacking the treasury and other Government systems and having access to every American's private information without any security clearances or legal means of doing so? Just sayin!
I think the Aid groups should sue Musk personally for damages on behalf of their clients who are injured and dying.
And groups like farmers or university researchers who were awarded government grants or contracts which remain unpaid can sue for restitution as they relied on receipt of the funds to their detriment .
I feel that the way to hurt Rich Guys is to hurt them in the pocket book.
I'd be satisfied to just grab them & put them in prison.
Exactly. That means boycott Tesla, boycott the companies that are going along with Trump and Musk and getting rid of DEI and A, boycott those billionaire-owned companies that support them, etc. They love money so hit them where it will hurt them.
Feb 28th, national boycott day!!!
IMHO it would be more effective to reduce their ability to use their money and power to influence the lives of other people. They are busy gaining a stranglehold on the things the rest of us need to live; that is the real danger. The numbers of dollars in their ledgers are a symptom, not the disease itself.
Instead we need a Populist uprising like the 1890s. Enough with the lawyers!
I think we have to prove that their snooping caused a real harm to an identifiable group of us in some way in order to have a cause of action and standing to sue.
I'm not an expert but it seems to me that, since what he's doing is illegal, we should be able to literally grab him and put him in jail. We might need cooperation of the military to do that. We could also sue him (in a district whose judge was not appointed by trump).
He has taken over the military and many of the elected offices. He has many judges. We need to be realistic and understand where we can do things. Suing him is useless.
He may not have taken over part of the military. Remember he insulted them in general. There may be enough left who see him for what he is, plus those he fired and the retired ones who feel unappreciated, to be able to resist the ones who haven't thought things through. I don't know. I've never been in the military. I think we need some kind of armed resistance, and it's not going to be everyday citizen Democrats, because we're not gun thugs.
Yes you can and you should! Faster the better
This is a great idea. Is anyone pursuing this? Certainly if the shoe was on the other foot, and Musk was doing what he is doing under the auspices of a Democratic administration, the basket of deplorables would leach out of the sewers and sue and stomp and insurrect. We need to fight fire with fire!
Highly effective class-action lawsuit!
But the judge would have to not be one of his appointments.
Here is a great tik tok video explaining you can sue him and what you need to do. https://www.tiktok.com/@rickywat2do/video/7466146675426446623
Thank you, Ms. Rubin and Mr. Eisen. Will you please interview someone, anyone, maybe a lot of them, who can explain that Trump is clearly in serious cognitive decline? His responses to Macron today were frightening gobbledygook, and there have been other evidences of mental slippage as bad or worse. Seems as if Musk may be taking advantage of a senile president to pillage the government and trample the constitution. Thank you, b
I have been saying this for a while. Notice not so many photo ops? And when he there, he really isn’t. Vacant eyes, vacant expressions. GOP is trying to COVER UP his Alzheimer’s. They were quick to jump on Biden. Accusations flew the Dems were covering it up. Someone needs to go back as far as Regan, to understand their deceit.
I had the same thought today - Muskrat is scamming the increasing senile and deranged trump. Same with the Project 2025 gangsters.
He's "weaving." LOL
That’s called elder abuse!
Thank you for this. I needed this today. We all did. This is OUR country. We won't lose it!
Remember the Arab Spring, where millions protested against corruption and for human rights? We need an American one, the American Spring….starting very, very soon
Starting NOW - the American Spring has begun - we the people are taking back our republic from dick-tater wannabes and oligarch robber Barons!
March 1st is the meteorological first day of Spring. Maybe that soon???
Just don’t stage it in the Gulf of Mexico or try to serve French fries! 😉
Couldn’t agree with you more. I’m sitting here waiting. I will join in any day!
Go out by yourself! My hubby and I do!
Thank you for giving us hope and an honest news media that we can trust.
Reading this today.... thinking about sending it to my elected officials in Congress....
Declaration of Conscience by Senator Margaret Chase Smith, June 1, 1950
I think that it is high time for the United States Senate and its members to do some real soul searching and to weigh our consciences as to the manner in which we are performing our duty to the people of America.... I think that it is high time that we remembered that we have sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution..."
Last week we sold all our Tesla stock. Today I placed an order for a Lucid electric vehicle. Next week we will sell our 2019 Tesla model S. That one was fully paid for with a free charging for life and I don't care that this is costing us money because I don't want to be part of this evil empire for another minute. I own a travel agency and we refuse to sell Trump hotels or even help with outings to his golf courses around the world. On Friday 2/28 we will boycott all businesses that support this madness. I believe that voting with our wallets is one of the ways we show our belief to these undemocratic authoritarians that this is unacceptable. It is what we all can do right now, in whatever way we can, big or small. Hitting them where it really matters is the message that each of us can do and it feels good to take some action however small the impact because together in this way we can create a strong message.
We’re getting rid of our Tesla, trading it for a Rivian. My husband asked the Rivian sales rep if he could set the Tesla on fire in the lot. 😂😂
I see that Cheryl Crow donated hers to PBS. Brilliant move wish I could do that!
Bravo! We need to hit them where it will hurt, their pocket books. These are people who put greed above everything else in life.
Yes!! I had previously unsubscribed to X, stopped going to Hobby Lobby, cutting way back on Chic Fil A (occasionally the only option ) and planning to source and move to other things - next up is goodbye Amazon hello Target and see ya to the Washington post. Hitting them in their wallets is the one way to strike back!
I would suggest giving up eating chickens. Just go to Joyce Vance's Substack where she has pictures of her chickens (https://joycevance.substack.com/p/if-you-need-chicken-pictures). Just eat their eggs, please. Another way to get back at agribusiness that is trying to drive family farmers out of business!
Target should also be boycotted
I cancelled my Amazon Prime account and will not buy anything on Amazon again. What they sell can be found elsewhere.
we are doing the same. Checking out Target who has a similar annual program
"The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people." Martin Luther King
Thank you so much for this compilation!!! it made my day, maybe my week. More of this please -it inspires us so much. I live in the boonies so don’t have much opportunity to march.
I am thrilled with these kinds of things happening but please don't say this is not what we voted for --- this IS what half of the country DID vote for. They were told this was going to happen - they just did not listen.
As I pointed out to some MAGA jerk on another forum, no one said that the new admin was going to do absolutely nothing about food prices, the issue Frump said he ran and won on. No one said Musk was going to steal sensitive data from all sorts of agencies in the government, and lie about it. He did say he would end the war in Ukraine on day one, but that was a bold faced lie when he said it, and of course now he is just caving to Putie. So I disagree that we didn't listen. In fact Frump lied about Proj. 2025 too, so if you listened, you did get suckered. That was a true Whopper! Lies, Lies Damnable Lies! Sir/MAGA, have you no decency?????
No - Frump has no decency.
Many of us heard the promises and knew they were lies. How could half of America vote for a convicted felon and misogynist and not know what they were getting?
I agree, but don’t forget that 90 million Americans chose not to vote. We need to somehow engage the 90 million Americans to vote.
One more reason the Department of Education should not be dismantled. The American public, especially the less than half who voted for this administration, needs to be educated or seriously re-educated on civics, history (not just American History, but World History, with emphasis on imperialism and disregard for indigenous peoples), and decency (i.e. how to communicate in a civilized country).
Exactly, the 'good evangelical "Kristians" voted for this all the way - well, 80% of them.
I have emailed my Senators(Rick Scott and Ashley Moody)as well as Representative Byron Donalds. What I had to say to them was this-do not fear a primary if you cross Trump, fear for your present job, which Trump will make unnecessary and irrelevant when he grabs enough power to dismiss Congress. So, begin to be loyal to your oaths of office, not to a false king, and, if nothing else, realize where your real loyalties are, and start behaving for the purpose we elected you.
The Contrarian provides two important services at this vulnerable point in U.S. history—reliable news and reason to hope! Thank you!!
You heard about the woman pulled from her seat in a Town Hall meeting in Idaho?
The gofundme set up for her legal expenses has now passed $150,000.
Yes, citizens are acting!
What we need is a gofundme for lots of $ to hire all the best lawyers and sue everyone in sight. I donate to Marc Elias' group, they get things done, and to the ACLU, same thing. Flood the zone as the criminals like to say!!!!!
Excellent!!! This protesting across the country is energizing! I write to my senators and reps (democratic) a few times a week and pester them at the office too!
Last Wednesday in Brunswick GA was the first of a weekly protest. Crowd was small but grew as the time went on. I expect we will have more folks joining us this week!
I am a PROUD subscriber and appreciate the honesty, the passion and the clarity The Contrarian provides. This video is powerful and I plan on sharing it with my circle of OUTRAGED friends and family! Thank you Jen and Norm and all the rest of the talented and awesome writers.