What pissed Vance and Trump off, was Zelensky correctly pointing out that they already had a peace deal, in 2019, that Putin broke and that Putin, therefore, could not be trusted.

He was simply pointing out that we have already been there and done that.

And Trump and Vance went off the rails based on this simple factual statement.

He also pointed out that the invasion by Russia started in 2014, and that the war, in reality has lasted though 3 presidents and now Trump again.

Trump does not want his base to know this.

Thus, the whole reason for all the shouting over Zelensky is because Trump and Vance do not want their supporters to know the facts that Zelensky was simply mentioning.

Trump and the GOP tell their base that an invasion first began under Biden, not the fact that Putin did not back down under Trump.

Zelensky, by simply explaining his rational position, was undermining Trump's propaganda, so Trump and Vance started trying to drown him out by yelling loudly and to discredit him.

Trump wants people to think that the war started under Biden and does not want his base to know that Putin did not back down under Trump's first term, and even broke the agreement signed in 2019. There has been a battle on the border for over a decade.

Vance and Trump were yelling because they are desperate for their base not to hear the truth and likely because they had found out that Zelensky would not go along with whatever harebrained scheme Trump was offering.

Also, we have NOT given them over 300 billion, like Trump claims, in fact the EU have now provided far more support for Ukraine.

It seems to me that Trump and Vance had already cooked up something with Putin and could not get Zelensky on board and were furious that their plan to bully him did not work.

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A ceasefire without guarantees cannot be in Ukraine's interests. The ceasefire would just let Russia rest and regroup. That's what they want.

Good for Zelenskyy standing up to PINO. It's an embarrassment for the U.S.

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Bang pots and pans at 9 pm Eastern for Ukraine (like we did for covid heroes) and do it every day until our government gets the message. Someone help spread the message.

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I was the only one in my area banging pots and pans today, at 6 pm Pacific time, but it was fun, anyway. I'll keep going tomorrow.

Pots and pans to scare away bears, Russian bears, and to remind Zelensky we are with him.

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I'm sure the parents with infants and young children as well as chronically ill people will Not appreciate your efforts. How about standing outside, waving signs and talking to people instead?

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We have already been doing as you suggest.

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you nailed it.

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Yes, Zelensky was the hero and truth-teller in the room, confronted by a couple of Mob thugs armed only with bluster and lies.

Our erstwhile allies, seeing this, would do well not to trust this iteration of America. We are weakened in a world where one needs friends. If our new "friends" are Russia and North Korea, it is we American citizens who should fear for our own futures.

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Correctly stated. Every point a lie, a gross disfigurement of the truth, complete with screaming and faked "outrage", like a canned laugh-track, to be replayed endlessly on Russian State TV to bolster the humiliation and amplify the lies. This entire event has Putin's fingerprints all over it.

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What also concerns me is that before things got quite as heated, as Zelensky started to explain the history of the war, Trump actually leaned in and was listening and even asked about 2015 and Zelensky corrected him and said the first invasion was in 2014 and Trump seemed happy for a moment, like the thought crossed his mind that at least he was not president when the war originally started.

The rest is just my speculation from what I saw and have seen...

Trump seemed to know nothing at all about the origins of the war.

Then as Zelensky went on to explain there had already been a peace deal in 2019 that had been broken by Putin, Vance got even louder with the "thank you" nonsense to cover all of that explanation up and Vance's outrage then triggered Trump, as well. Like Trump thought, OK here is where I should be outraged too.

It seemed that they were not only covering this up because it interfered with their propaganda, but that Trump seemed to have zero clue about the history of the war and was simply taking all of his cues from Vance.

With Vance's speech in Munich and Musk's speech to the AfD, as well, one wonders who is pulling the strings and who might be operatives charged with manipulating this mentally doddering old fool of a POTUS.

In meetings and press conferences, it seems Trump is also letting others dominate the conversation more and more, weather it be Vance or Musk, etc. and just sits there looking annoyed and bored.

First of all, I'm not sure he really wants to be president, and second, I am concerned about possible dementia, although with Trump being so informed about most things, it can be hard to tell.

If not for the potential for court cases to reemerge and his father instilling never be a loser or quitter into him, I could see him resigning to play golf which he seems to be spending most of his time doing, anyway.

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We must never forget just how ignorant, illiterate, incurious and just plain dumb Trump is, always has been. I doubt he's read a single book in his wretchedly long life (save for Hitler's speeches). His first Secretary of State summed it up well: the guy's "a fucking moron." Your suspicions about Vance make sense -- interrupt and yell, not just to kick Zelenskyy in the face, but to divert attention from Trump's gobsmacking stupidity. And the fawning MAGA media snd wormtongues lapped it all up like white on rice. Zelenskyy "got his dander up" "would not accept criticism" "acted like an entitled child." All falling in line like good little voidoids, with Little Beta Lindsey serving as cheerleader.

A real shitshow served on a saltine cracker.

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He cannot even be bothered to read his intelligence briefings, no matter how simplistic the staff make them.

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Does anyone have an email address we can use to send our support to Zelensky and apologize for our idiot-in-chief's disgraceful behavior yesterday? Also, what is the best way to send $$ support to Ukraine defense fund?

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You can check this one out:


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Thank you. Donation made!

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Trump is known for walking into a room and pushing a finger into another's chest during his "art of the deal days". Trump has always been a little boy with sand in his diapers playing alone in his sandbox. Always posturing. He's angry because the grift didn't go his way

There are no real words to describe what went down yesterday at 1600 PA. I can't even watch the video in its entirety, to much rage.

America as a country now stands alone on the world stage. We aren't even united in these United States.

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I hope President Zelinski doesn’t give in to this bullying. God save Ukraine. All of America should be livid at this outrage!

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First, I'm willing to bet this was an ambush set up by Trump and Vance in advance. They wanted it televised; it was part of the plan.

Second, the moment that really set Trump off was when Zelenskyy pointed out (correctly) that the ramifications of Russia's aggression would not stay on the other side of the pond. Ukraine's (and Europe's) interests are our interests, too.

Third, Trump needs to be reminded of the Budapest memorandum, signed by the US, UK, France, and Russia that guaranteed Ukrainian sovereignty in exchange for their surrendering what was then the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world.

Not that Trump cares about any of this. But he has to know that abandonment of Ukraine and NATO and the EU, along with crippling tariffs, appointment of a cabinet more loyal than competent, and destruction of agencies charged with keeping us safe from foreign intervention, disease, hurricanes, and corrupt corporations and politicians is not the way to make America great.

Either Trump is certifiably insane, obsessed with a desire to be part of the boys' club of dictators or tech bros, or a sleeper agent for Russia...because nothing else makes sense.

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The Felon doesn't even know about the Budapest agreement, and wouldn't care about it if he did know. The Felon only wants America to become Putin's Russia, an authoritarian theocracy with the Felon as the leader with the American oligarchs running the Country.

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I disagree with Karl Rove. It was a moment that needed to be televised. Imagine if President Zelensky had been subjected to this horror behind closed doors, with the Putin puppets emerging to lie about the whole encounter. As tooth-grinding, stomach-churning, shameful and horrific as it was, it is out in the open and spelled out for the most obtuse. Except, the most obtuse are mostly plugging their ears and covering their eyes.

We are part of the axis of evil now, and to hear Trump tell it, it's all because he and Putin suffered the indignity of being called out for their collusion: "Putin went through a hell of a lot with me. He went through a phony witch hunt where they used him and Russia, Russia, Russia." Of course there is much more to it than that, but oh the outrage, the aggrieved victimhood of the predator.

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Good point about it being televised. Maybe now some of those who voted for the idiot-in-chief will wake up to exactly what he thinks he is: a dictator!!

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I cannot say it better:

"Zelensky has endured tragedies, and risked his life, in ways that men such as Trump and Vance cannot imagine."

" I am ashamed for my nation; even if Congress acts to support and aid Ukraine, it cannot restore the American honor lost today."

~ Tom Nichols, in the Atlantic

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David Brooks on PBS's News Hour summed up my feelings pretty darn well. I rarely agree with him. His comment are within the first few minutes.

I also agree with Tom Nichols. A sad day for our nation.


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Mistake to get his dander up, says Rove? BS. The two fascists were lucky they got out of there in one piece. Long live Zelensky. Long live Ukraine. F**k Russia and F**k all maggots, especially those two fascists in the Oval Office.

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I love how Rove is chiming in on anything. A lot of the divisiveness that got us here was started by him and his cronies years ago. He should not be surprised how this turned out and the last person Zelenski needs to take advice from is Karl Rove.

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Nixon's Southern strategy, Reagan's dismantling of the New Deal, and the right-wing actions to restrict the vote or make it more difficult for citizens who won't vote the way they want. The Southern strategy and Jim Crow tactics used by right-wingers for over sixty years have brought us to the dystopian reality we are living in today.

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I think you misread Vance. His comments drip utter disregard and contempt. They're deliberately insulting.

I can't help but think the whole thing was staged.

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I believe it was staged. After all, Pino commented that"it made for good television."

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I agree. He provoked and pointed his finger. If he sat closer he would’ve poked Z in the chest.

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Russian state media outlet was present in the room live streaming. Later Trump officials were like "golly gee whiz, we didn't invite a Russian in as part of the press pool, must have snuck in." Um, really? What a remarkable coincidence if that wasn't staged!

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I guess the Secret Service really is inept at securing the white house and protecting the President.

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Impeachment is overdue.

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Karl Rove is full of it - Zelensky did not "get his dander up" - but remained dignified and calm as he was being bullied. I think the whole ordeal was planned in advance by Trump/Vance to make it a volatile hostile environment ot get them out of supporting Ukraine. Except it backfired on them and they came out looking like bullies and fools in front of the world. Zelensky is a hero. If this display of loyalty to our enemy wasn't enough to move the cowardly GOP Congress to join with Democrats to denounce Trump as a traitor and get in gear to help stop him, then we haven't much hope.

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Karl Rove is a vile human being. He was in at the start of moving the Republican party in the direction it has gone. I don't pay one whit of attention to him.

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Of course it was planned, and JD had to get his two bits in, as he realizes he has no role in this incompetent and illegal administration, with Musk really running the show. Trump has hated Z for years since he wouldn’t jump on Hunter Biden; that’s what this is really all about, and Putin, the king of criminals, is laughing all the way to his dacha. He got his Oval Office asset exactly where he needs him, and the asset is too stupid to recognize it. If this crap occurred when George Washington was around, there would be gallows being built. Arnold had to run to Britain to escape his arrest and execution. GW took no crap, and recognized traitors immediately. No different with this outrage. Trump is doing business with the enemy.

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Yes, Karen - I thought Zelenskyy handled the moment with great self-control.

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PINO Trump and his vice-bully could only humiliate Zelensky in front of the Magats; the rest of the Western world is admiring the heroic Ukrainian president for his presidential behaviour whereas Trump & Co. humiliated the U.S. on TV.

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I don't see that Zelensky was humiliated as much as PINO Trump/Vance were bullies and ganged up on him with lies and demands.

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Susan Glasser just made an interesting point in discussion with Katie Couric. She suggests that Trump may have judged that Putin is not amenable to any deal and Trump, having promised to get one (in 24 hours, no less), being unable to do so makes him look weak. Therefore, he wants to deflect the blame to Zelenskyy.

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Trump may have judged that Zelensky would cave to Trump's demand to be reimbursed for past US aid in order to (maybe) keep getting US weapons and a cease fire while Zelensky would only sign away 50% of Ukraine's "raw" mineral wealth in exchange for a guarantee of future aid if (when) Russia renigs on the deal. And Trump would never agree to a possible US boots-on-the-ground scenario to defend Ukraine, in an Article 5 type of commitment. What exactly are the terms of this agreement? Ukraine gets to keep their electricity on for the rest of the winter while the US gives weapons to Vlad so he can finally finish the job by the fall and then move on to Poland or the Baltics?

What exactly does Putin want in the end - all of the former USSR and Alaska too? Why is Trump so hell bent on appeasing Vlad? Does he now owe $500 billion because he never repaid the golf course money he got from Russia (that Eric mentioned years ago to a Golf magazine writer) and the vig is a bitch? Are we really sure she was alone when Ivana fell down those steps? Ivana wasn't an actual family member anymore so maybe useful for a lesson. Maybe Trump never wants to report on phone calls he has with Putin because he never fails to end the call without using the words defenestration and Ivanka in the same sentence.

Trump was seriously triggered when Zelensky mentioned that an ocean wasn't big enough to protect us from a possible future. Does Vlad really want Alaska back?

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A little tired of the media's take that Zelensky should have been more restrained for the sake of strategic diplomacy. He should have punched them both in the nose.

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I have rarely been ashamed to be an American but today I am. I have flown a Ukrainian flag for nearly three years to remind myself and others not to forget their plight. I felt confident that the United States would do the right thing in standing up for the victim and against the bully. To watch the US government elected reps Trump and Vance become the bullies today with Zelenskyy made me angry, sad and more determined than ever to continue flying the Ukrainian flag.

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Russia is weak right now, and this is the best time to double down on support for Ukraine and economically starve them to take Putin off the field.

Why is trump rescuing Putin?

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Me, too, Marianne! My flag is now in tatters - I will get hold of a new one and continue to fly it every day to hold Ukraine and the Ukrainian people in my awareness daily.

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This is the contact information if you are inclined to express support directly to the Ukrainian Embassy:

email - emb_us@mfa.gov.ua

phone - 202-349-2963

Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Embassy of Ukraine

3350 M St. NW

Washington DC 20007,

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Thank you, Ellie Hampton. I was hoping to find some contact information. Zelensky and Ukraine need to know how much support and respect they have.

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If you are able to, send Ukraine money. https://u24.gov.ua

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I finally figured out it out. Instead of hitting the yellow "donate" button, I scrolled to the bottom, selected one of the images, and used the donate button there.

In other words, don't give up! :)

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Thanks. I had problems using Apple Pay but if I used a cc, no problems,

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I've tried to several times. It doesn't ask for my name/address and won't process the payment. Is there something I'm missing? I want the donation to go to "defence"...is it blocked?

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I just did it.

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I'm going to try again.

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Thank you so much!!!!

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Hi All

I tried to call. Correct phone number is 202 349 2920.

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Thanks, Ellie. Sharing this widely.

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Senator Graham's response to the meeting is reprehensible and a complete embarrassment. For Graham to say President Zelensky simply stood up against the Felon and the court jester (Vance). Both the Felon and the court jester have sided with Putin at every turn.

With the support of the six Christian Nationalists on the Supreme Court, president Musk and the Felon are attempting to make America an authoritarian theocracy where the Felon is the leader and the American oligarchs run the Country.

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Let's be clear here, Senator Graham is a complete embarrassment.

Wonder what John McCain thinks of his friend these days?

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And they are going to destroy our government, economy, health, and safety to accomplish that goal.

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