I did appreciate, among the superfluous words, that Rep. Melanie Stansbury, the New Mexico Democrat...photobombed the president as he entered the chamber with a small, handwritten sign that conveyed what we were all thinking, “This is not normal.” She has been out there from the start, outspoken, clear and present. Kudos to Ms. Stansbury.
I don't know that any one way works, or conversely, that even seemingly pointless acts have no effect at all. You never know what might spark something. We've got to keep trying and suggesting different things, without being in disarray about it. In some ways, halting this disarray is job one.
Black, the color of mourning, would have been a more appropriate statement, were color to have been the choice for a Democratic protest. Since the meeting was already turning into a free-for-all and lacking any level of decorum, Democrats should either have turned their chairs around and sat in them, or preferably gotten up and left when Rep. Al Green was evicted.
The idea for all one color (black) would be for a show of unity, though it's true and you're correct that there's no one way to get a message across, and we should employ them all.
At least they did something visible. Pink may not do it for you, but pink represents the Divine Feminine, which is powerful. Also, the current administration gives people permission to express their worst selves. I’m glad to see Democrats exploring other ways to do this.
These days are bringing back all kinds of memories, of tactics with varying effectiveness. Donald Dumb would look even dumber with lemon meringue pie all over him. Security may be just a tad tight for that, though. Keep brainstorming.
I think Key Lime pie would be more of a statement. For those of you who are fans/familiar with Nora Ephron, and her book "Heartburn", you know the significance!
This needed to be said. Democratic Party needs to step up its vitriol at what is happening to the United States of America. Schumer's, and now Jeffery's, leadership has done nothing to call out the lawlessness of the Felon's administration. All of what these two "leaders" have done is appeasement.
You're wrong about Schumer and Jeffries calling out the lawlessness. Try following them on social media and looking for their statements, and pressers.
In my humble opinion it’s long past time for statements and pressers. It’s time for disruption. Because of Schumer, there are no John Lewis Voting Rights and Freedom to Vote Acts, and no child tax credit. Taxes on those making over $450,000,000 and large corporations should have gone up long ago. Schumer and Jeffries should have both led the disruption of the message to Congress on Tuesday. The Felon stood up there and lied at every turn. The Felon also berated the Democratic Party with little challenge. In these times, sitting back and upholding decorum is not leadership, it’s appeasement.
The Rs have one thing figured out: a unified message. Just because Dems represent diverse interests, the message needs to be unitary: Democracy not Oligarchy. Democracy is a big umbrella but one that means no one person's interests have more value than another's. I, frankly, have been wearing black since the war against Ukraine started. This is where you and I agree. Black is the appropriate protest color.
Here’s one thing positive I will say about the sign-holding at the fiasco of a speech: it was quiet, correct message-making at an otherwise loud, lie-filled, self-serving night for the musk-trump ticket. And sometimes, a quiet reminder is a powerful reminder. Better still, visually, it carries across all platforms. I’m all in for a loud fight, 100%, but in this case a little quiet activism, mixed in with the yelling, walking out, staying home, etc. was fine with me.
So, we can't take our eye off the women's health care ball. Ever. And the press HAS done just that since Trump was inaugurated. Trump sure as heck doesn't want to talk about it. The issue is dead to him.
It didn't bother me in the least for some of the Dem women to wear pink. They reminded us of our sisters who are living with the consequences of Trump's SCOTUS picks who ripped their rights - and proper health care -- away from them. Pink is never not appropriate.
Please please please all women dress as Handmaids from Margaret Atwood's prescient novel, The Handmaid's Tale for the real State of the Union address. Wouldn't that be great? Relevant, scary, and so red.
Pink may not have been the best choice, particularly poorly designed and chaotic pink, but how did the choice of almost identical dark blue suits with ties and shirts (and pants) not receive any comment? (Rhetorical question)
I did appreciate, among the superfluous words, that Rep. Melanie Stansbury, the New Mexico Democrat...photobombed the president as he entered the chamber with a small, handwritten sign that conveyed what we were all thinking, “This is not normal.” She has been out there from the start, outspoken, clear and present. Kudos to Ms. Stansbury.
I don't know that any one way works, or conversely, that even seemingly pointless acts have no effect at all. You never know what might spark something. We've got to keep trying and suggesting different things, without being in disarray about it. In some ways, halting this disarray is job one.
Democrats should have been thrown out one-by-one, pointing to Trump, yelling Felon.
Black, the color of mourning, would have been a more appropriate statement, were color to have been the choice for a Democratic protest. Since the meeting was already turning into a free-for-all and lacking any level of decorum, Democrats should either have turned their chairs around and sat in them, or preferably gotten up and left when Rep. Al Green was evicted.
I think the Black caucus members work black. There was a group that wore blue & yellow in support of Ukraine.
There is no one right way to get a message across.
The idea for all one color (black) would be for a show of unity, though it's true and you're correct that there's no one way to get a message across, and we should employ them all.
At least they did something visible. Pink may not do it for you, but pink represents the Divine Feminine, which is powerful. Also, the current administration gives people permission to express their worst selves. I’m glad to see Democrats exploring other ways to do this.
Yeah, wondering how croissants Meyer has ruined for the wrong purpose.
The days when clothing could make a statement are over, folks. What we need are exploding cans of red paint.
These days are bringing back all kinds of memories, of tactics with varying effectiveness. Donald Dumb would look even dumber with lemon meringue pie all over him. Security may be just a tad tight for that, though. Keep brainstorming.
If the SS can't keep a sniper from taking a potshot at him on the golf course, pretty sure a pie fight would be way beyond their capabilities.
You got it!
Now I wish I had kept in touch with my 60s and 70s radical friends! Get that pie ready - oops, who said that? LOL!
Well, you've got a new friend now. Subversive to the core, baby! Onward together.
I think Key Lime pie would be more of a statement. For those of you who are fans/familiar with Nora Ephron, and her book "Heartburn", you know the significance!
Really? This is all you could come up with to write about today? How disappointing.
This needed to be said. Democratic Party needs to step up its vitriol at what is happening to the United States of America. Schumer's, and now Jeffery's, leadership has done nothing to call out the lawlessness of the Felon's administration. All of what these two "leaders" have done is appeasement.
You're wrong about Schumer and Jeffries calling out the lawlessness. Try following them on social media and looking for their statements, and pressers.
In my humble opinion it’s long past time for statements and pressers. It’s time for disruption. Because of Schumer, there are no John Lewis Voting Rights and Freedom to Vote Acts, and no child tax credit. Taxes on those making over $450,000,000 and large corporations should have gone up long ago. Schumer and Jeffries should have both led the disruption of the message to Congress on Tuesday. The Felon stood up there and lied at every turn. The Felon also berated the Democratic Party with little challenge. In these times, sitting back and upholding decorum is not leadership, it’s appeasement.
And yet you are still on X?
The Rs have one thing figured out: a unified message. Just because Dems represent diverse interests, the message needs to be unitary: Democracy not Oligarchy. Democracy is a big umbrella but one that means no one person's interests have more value than another's. I, frankly, have been wearing black since the war against Ukraine started. This is where you and I agree. Black is the appropriate protest color.
Here’s one thing positive I will say about the sign-holding at the fiasco of a speech: it was quiet, correct message-making at an otherwise loud, lie-filled, self-serving night for the musk-trump ticket. And sometimes, a quiet reminder is a powerful reminder. Better still, visually, it carries across all platforms. I’m all in for a loud fight, 100%, but in this case a little quiet activism, mixed in with the yelling, walking out, staying home, etc. was fine with me.
So, we can't take our eye off the women's health care ball. Ever. And the press HAS done just that since Trump was inaugurated. Trump sure as heck doesn't want to talk about it. The issue is dead to him.
It didn't bother me in the least for some of the Dem women to wear pink. They reminded us of our sisters who are living with the consequences of Trump's SCOTUS picks who ripped their rights - and proper health care -- away from them. Pink is never not appropriate.
At least it wasn’t beige. Yes purple says power. I want to see some kick them in the balls power!
Please please please all women dress as Handmaids from Margaret Atwood's prescient novel, The Handmaid's Tale for the real State of the Union address. Wouldn't that be great? Relevant, scary, and so red.
I thought it made a clear statement back in 2018, was it? When the Democrat Women Representatives all wore White to the SOTU address.
Pretty spot on. The dems need better strategic thinkers and communications people. All of this could have been avoided….
Well, it made me want to watch VEEP!
Pink may not have been the best choice, particularly poorly designed and chaotic pink, but how did the choice of almost identical dark blue suits with ties and shirts (and pants) not receive any comment? (Rhetorical question)