Great question. Maybe Jonathon Alter's "Old Goats" Substack today, "Let's create "Town Hall Night in America" has some promise. I'd also imagine that most of us reading this article already knew that this was a primary Republican goal, and that the tax cuts were the main reason. We need to take it upon ourselves to spread the word, even if the conversations are uncomfortable. We need to maintain our composure, avoid the "you voted for this, dumbass, now you're getting what you deserve" attitude -- I certainly felt that way for a while-- and talk to people about facts, including how their representative voted. We may not see much in the way of immediate results, but planting that seed may spark a little curiosity, it may lead to a little research, and it may lead to people being better able to connect the dots when the cuts come. If we all sit around waiting for someone else to do it, it's not going to get done. But if we all get out there and work at it, we'll wake up a few folks that just aren't paying attention, and we might even get some of the disinformed to start thinking for themselves a bit.
Time for the Democrats to step up and be LOUD! Daily press conferences and put the blame directly where it belongs, on the Rs. Demand things on the House floor, in committee hearings. Take action ASAP! Hakeem Jeffries on TV every night, Ds go into R districts where they refuse to have town halls and meet with their constituents. Lay out the facts. Need Ds to take action immediately!
Sorry. If you can, call your elected Rs daily, or weekly. Be polite, firm and keep your message concise. Let them know your concerns. Ask for a in-person town hall. This site is very helpful.
They do pay attention to their call logs. Even more so than emails. If you want to really get their attention, send them a letter. As in a piece of mail. The more often you and your local friends hear from you the better. This will take some time but let your voice be hears. They want you to feel powerless, overwhelmed, exhausted. This is how you let them know it ain't working.
So how do we get the word out to Trump voters who have no idea Medicaid is about to be gutted? It would not surprise me to see Republicans figure out a way to blame Democrats for the diminished benefits. If it is repeated over and over again in media outlets favorable to Republican disinformation, it will be believed.
To put all of this into context, we have a handicapped niece, who is now 65 years old. She is wheelchair bound and has been for most of her life, except for her very early years. She has Cerebral Palsy and this affects all of her muscular movements. She has lived in institutional type of settings for many years and has been in a group home setting for over 25 years now. She cannot bathe herself. She cannot feed herself. She cannot dress herself or even move herself from her wheelchair to her bed at night. All of her needs are met by Medicaid and her state provisions. Her mother is now 96 and lives in an assisted living facility. She would never be able to care for her daughter now, on a full-time or part-time basis, should this group home have to close for lack of funds. Medicaid is not just a program for the lowest income citizens of this country. It is there to provide for the needs of our handicapped citizens, mostly.
My husband and I also had a handicapped child. He had a very rare syndrome called Moebius Syndrome. This caused him to be gastro tube fed his entire life. He had multiple issues to deal with during his 34 years here on earth, from clubbed feet to severe spinal curvature to the lack of facial muscles and movement of his mouth. We found 2 wonderful hospital/school scenarios for him to live in as we were not medically trained to have him live at home. Once he reached the age of 13, we finally felt comfortable enough to have him home with us for a weekend or a week's vacation and all holidays. His excellent care in his facilities was paid for by Medicaid, after he reached the age of 18. Prior to that, our state paid for his care and we paid them back on a month-to-month basis, until we couldn't afford it anymore. When we sold our home, we had to pay off the lien the state had placed on our house. Sadly, we lost this beautiful soul 21 years ago next month.
My husband and I now receive Social Security checks each month and we use this to sustain our ability to continue living in our home. This is in addition to a pension that my husband earned by working for a major corporation for over 41 years. And we also have Medicare to subsidize our medical needs.
My whole point is this: almost every single person in the US, ages 0 to 100, would have no place to live if Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, etc. are taken out of the picture. We ALL need to start pressuring our Senators and Representatives to fight for our human rights! There is no reason for anyone to be sitting on their arses, waiting for someone else to do the fighting for them. Start bombarding their offices with emails, phone calls and snail mail, demanding that they stand up for us or we will make sure they do not sit in their respective offices any longer!!
Re—the last two paragraphs—how do we get the word out so that Trump voters who need to know the truth, can know the truth?
Great question. Maybe Jonathon Alter's "Old Goats" Substack today, "Let's create "Town Hall Night in America" has some promise. I'd also imagine that most of us reading this article already knew that this was a primary Republican goal, and that the tax cuts were the main reason. We need to take it upon ourselves to spread the word, even if the conversations are uncomfortable. We need to maintain our composure, avoid the "you voted for this, dumbass, now you're getting what you deserve" attitude -- I certainly felt that way for a while-- and talk to people about facts, including how their representative voted. We may not see much in the way of immediate results, but planting that seed may spark a little curiosity, it may lead to a little research, and it may lead to people being better able to connect the dots when the cuts come. If we all sit around waiting for someone else to do it, it's not going to get done. But if we all get out there and work at it, we'll wake up a few folks that just aren't paying attention, and we might even get some of the disinformed to start thinking for themselves a bit.
Time for the Democrats to step up and be LOUD! Daily press conferences and put the blame directly where it belongs, on the Rs. Demand things on the House floor, in committee hearings. Take action ASAP! Hakeem Jeffries on TV every night, Ds go into R districts where they refuse to have town halls and meet with their constituents. Lay out the facts. Need Ds to take action immediately!
How are you going to get the word out when your Congresspeople are all Republicans and, well, you get it.
Sorry. If you can, call your elected Rs daily, or weekly. Be polite, firm and keep your message concise. Let them know your concerns. Ask for a in-person town hall. This site is very helpful.
They do pay attention to their call logs. Even more so than emails. If you want to really get their attention, send them a letter. As in a piece of mail. The more often you and your local friends hear from you the better. This will take some time but let your voice be hears. They want you to feel powerless, overwhelmed, exhausted. This is how you let them know it ain't working.
Good luck.
So how do we get the word out to Trump voters who have no idea Medicaid is about to be gutted? It would not surprise me to see Republicans figure out a way to blame Democrats for the diminished benefits. If it is repeated over and over again in media outlets favorable to Republican disinformation, it will be believed.
To put all of this into context, we have a handicapped niece, who is now 65 years old. She is wheelchair bound and has been for most of her life, except for her very early years. She has Cerebral Palsy and this affects all of her muscular movements. She has lived in institutional type of settings for many years and has been in a group home setting for over 25 years now. She cannot bathe herself. She cannot feed herself. She cannot dress herself or even move herself from her wheelchair to her bed at night. All of her needs are met by Medicaid and her state provisions. Her mother is now 96 and lives in an assisted living facility. She would never be able to care for her daughter now, on a full-time or part-time basis, should this group home have to close for lack of funds. Medicaid is not just a program for the lowest income citizens of this country. It is there to provide for the needs of our handicapped citizens, mostly.
My husband and I also had a handicapped child. He had a very rare syndrome called Moebius Syndrome. This caused him to be gastro tube fed his entire life. He had multiple issues to deal with during his 34 years here on earth, from clubbed feet to severe spinal curvature to the lack of facial muscles and movement of his mouth. We found 2 wonderful hospital/school scenarios for him to live in as we were not medically trained to have him live at home. Once he reached the age of 13, we finally felt comfortable enough to have him home with us for a weekend or a week's vacation and all holidays. His excellent care in his facilities was paid for by Medicaid, after he reached the age of 18. Prior to that, our state paid for his care and we paid them back on a month-to-month basis, until we couldn't afford it anymore. When we sold our home, we had to pay off the lien the state had placed on our house. Sadly, we lost this beautiful soul 21 years ago next month.
My husband and I now receive Social Security checks each month and we use this to sustain our ability to continue living in our home. This is in addition to a pension that my husband earned by working for a major corporation for over 41 years. And we also have Medicare to subsidize our medical needs.
My whole point is this: almost every single person in the US, ages 0 to 100, would have no place to live if Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, etc. are taken out of the picture. We ALL need to start pressuring our Senators and Representatives to fight for our human rights! There is no reason for anyone to be sitting on their arses, waiting for someone else to do the fighting for them. Start bombarding their offices with emails, phone calls and snail mail, demanding that they stand up for us or we will make sure they do not sit in their respective offices any longer!!
Ok. Need precise information here. Republicans "probably just voted to" cut Meducare. Please, spell it out more precisely.