As a Kentuckian, I can validate that all that you said is true. Often in the morning he makes short Facebook videos as he walks to the Governor’s Mansion and talks about issues confronting our state. He especially spotlights areas of the state which are struggling and how we can help our fellow citizens. He builds community among urban, rural , East and West. He is the real deal!

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The contrast between Governor Andy Beshear and Senator Mitch McConnell is stunning. Beshear has helped the people of Kentucky in all the ways that matter, and Mitch McConnell has worked hard to to destroy our democracy. Joan McCarter's article lists the 17 worst things McConnell has done, including: stealing two SCOTUS seats from Democrats, voting against Trumps' impeachments, blocking almost all gun safety bills (except one), making the debt ceiling a permanent hostage (starting in 2011), destroying campaign finance reform, blocking the votes to save the Voting Rights Bill, trying to kill Obamacare, and even blowing off Kentucky coal miners with black lung disease.

The Grim Reaper should die in ignominy, but he won't.

This is the link to McCarter's article in the Daily Kos. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/2/28/2226395/-The-17-worst-things-Mitch-McConnell-did-to-destroy-democracy

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He’s announced his retirement. You have an opportunity to elect someone who actually represents your concerns, Reiminder, the Senator works for you, Make your displeasure known.

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I live in California, not Kentucky.

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I'm a near neighbor (Cincinnati, 8 miles from the KY border). I'm a big fan of your governor, and wish the DNC was paying as much attention to him and other Midwesterners and border state Democrats who have figured out a way to navigate the partisan waters and succeed.

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I like the way Beshear frames and speaks on issues. No, it's not fire and brimstone, but I bet what he says and the way he says it connects with a wide audience. His message is less politically focused and more about the people he serves.

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If he can relate to the folks in Kentucky as well as he has done for so many years, he could be the leader we need to relate to the folks we lost in 2024.

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I don't like to hear "fire and brimstone" from anyone.

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It's usually manipulation.

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At a time when chaos reigns from Trump and Musk’s shock and awe, it’s critical that we see more like Mr. Bashear to demonstrate that we have not capitulated nor weakened by this treacherous regime. He also was on the short list for a while to be Harris’s VP. Democrats with a voice need to speak up. Most of Americans are not cognitively impaired, just MAGA so we need to wake up our sleeping giant. Also, check out what Adam Kinsinger has been up to and we’re going to need a big tent!

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Run for Mitch's seat. Flip that sucker. GO ANDY!!

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No way he gets Mitchy’s seat. He needs to run for president

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Please. There’s a void in Kentucky that needs filling. Ignore at your peril.

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Can I get an "AMEN!" on that!

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Or, run for president in 2028.

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Brenda, I would vote for Andy Beshear in a heartbeat, and have said so for years.

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I am from Hazard, Kentucky. I can tell you how horrible the flood damage has been for the people living there, and will be for the economy moving forward. I can also tell you that Andy Beshear, despite being a Democrat, remains very popular, probably because he demonstrates over and over again his caring for the people. No, not with fiery rhetoric, but with boots on the ground and compassion. And Kentucky is cherry red.

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From the opposite end of the spectrum, there was Larry Hogan, in bright blue Maryland, where I live. He kind of slipped under the radar for me at first, but he handled the pandemic shutdown beautifully. It was around that time that I learned his father, Larry Hogan Sr., was the only Republican to vote for all three articles of impeachment against Nixon. I'm old enough to remember Watergate vividly, but still didn't know that. Let's just say that, while he is not universally loved by Democrats, the apple doesn't fall far from the proverbial tree in his case. Do I agree with him on all issues? No! But I do respect him, and people close to me have had nothing but good experience dealing with his office, while governor. I've heard him described as maga-lite, but I don't agree with that either. We'll need more like him - and Gov. Beshear.

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Oh and by the way, Jen and Norm, I don't know if you saw my email, but to you or whoever fixed my getting locked out of being able to comment - thanks!

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We need to amplify his voice on the largest megaphone we can find as well as others before it becomes a voice in the wilderness of what’s left in this country.

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Excellent point. Thank you

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He is doing a great job caring for his state. He is also diplomatic and careful with his answers but his actions show it is not just words.

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Kentucky, Illinois...what other bold governors are out there speaking the truth? keep telling us. thank you.

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Check out Pritzker, Whitman, and Newsom...and don't forget Tim Waltz. They are all working for their state and speaking out. It's just they don't get much coverage unless they are OUTRAGEOUS because that is the only thing that cuts through the toxic fog of all that is Orange. Seriously, except for this substack, even Beshear hasn't had much national coverage, just a few shots when national media covers Kentucky disasters.

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It's going to have to be a White man. I know that a lot of Democrats don't want to hear that, but it's time to face reality.

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And that tells a lot about our country. It's sad.

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Sadly, I believe you're right. We have to elect someone who can win and, right now, I don't believe Maga types are willing to vote for a woman. There's been some talk on the far right about disenfranchising all women and all people of color. It's unfair, but it's where many voters are at right now.

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ha. tim walz. he's MY governor. love him. but he's not speaking out in the magnitude of the others, and he should. he's mulling a run for Senate (Tina Smith is retiring) or running for an unprecedented third term as gov. probably treading carefully, given that.

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I think he's wonderful! I fell "in love" with him, just from a few appearances he had on TV with Kamala. I sure would vote for him. :)

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I keep sayin' we need Republicans to object -- pressure the Senate Republicans who voted for the Ukraine package https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4464791-here-are-the-senate-republicans-who-voted-for-the-ukraine-package/

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Big Gretch Witmer in Michigan... we don't need fire and brimstone, we need intelligent, human, and long term thinking... all three of these are that...

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I live in NW Michigan I love her but she is not popular up here. Of course, it's full of Trumpsters up here.

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Michelle Lujan-Grisham in New mexico.

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Sadly, Jared Polis from Colorado has turned out to be awful. If there are elections in 2028, which is a big if, at this point, he will be running. He has proven to be one of those Dems who thinks he can play nice with Trump and his cabal.

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Gov Beshear also courageously guided KY through pandemic while GOP did everything they could to stop him from saving lives.

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Beshear’s actions echo his words. Kentuckians hear, see, and believe his commitment to better their lives.

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And then vote for Trump by 30 points. Let it rip for a while until they realize they’re the real welfare queen, takers not makers and DEI recipients.

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Maybe he should run for president!

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"At a time when Democrats need not only strong voices, but effective ones to reach Americans who may have given up on Democrats, Beshear provides a powerful example..."

Governor Beshear is an example of one of the definitive voices that Democrats need today. Honoring him is appropriate, and giving him more attention in the media is as well. In the future, maybe he can undo some of the damage that Mitch McConnell of the same state has done.

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Kentucky voted by 30 points for Trump- that’s “effective dem messaging”? It’s self-serving pandering to dregs that does nothing for the people or the party at large. .

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That's a point, though his win as a Democrat under those conditions may be an indicator that he can address the issues of both sides of the aisle in Kentucky. It would also be interesting to see if that 30 point lead would hold today. A lot has happened since November 2024.

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Gov Andy is at the top of a very short list of things that make me proud to be from KY. During the pandemic he broadcasted every evening, in his calm, Mr Rogers demeanor. He'd start and end it with "We're gonna get through this. We're gonna get through this, together," encouraging all of us watching to say it with him. That might sound trite, but you could tell that he meant every word. I can't imagine what it would have been like without him.

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As Rep. Jasmine Crockett recently suggested, we need a daily “briefing” about the antics of the Trump Administration and how they’re hurting us. Gov. Beshear would be excellent in that role.

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He can tag team with Mayor Pete.

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Andy B. is a gem, and although they vote for him, they still say he is "a democrat", which in KY isn't a compliment. KY is Trump Country, when I have been there, they love DonOld, but never, ever mention either of the US Senators. I have never figured this out. I guess that means I just might be "woke".

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We love our Andy!!!

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