Thank you for sharing these important and impressive court filing statements. It gives me hope in these dark times.

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So happy that The Contrarian has made this available. It's the kind of thing that the lamestream press doesn't cover well.

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They've basically not covered it at all!

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The vote on the misogynistic Hegseth is rushed by a party that had no empathy or moral construct. Psychopathic neo-fascists have used techniques of mass psychosis to stupefy half the electorate and to suppress massively voting. We have things to fix, and I will not be surprised to see Violence ensue. The midterms may be our turning point. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/mentally-impaired-psychopathic-neo?r=3m1bs

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Look out for even more voter suppression disguised as underfunding public education.

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The midterms will be America's last stand.

lets hope the maggots have been dissallusioned by their trump god by then....

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Wen some of the new policies hit them in the wallet and abridge their own freedoms some might reconsider, though confidence is not high.

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I believe their racism and xenophobia will outweigh the high cost of eggs.

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Hunger and desperation are powerful forces. We'll see what unfolds, but be sure to speak often about who is really responsible. Defend the truth.

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Those last two sentences are the most important for the long game.

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They will be. Not all. But some.

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The hardcore Trump group will not see the evidence that is in front of their faces or their wallets. However, the occasional voters who turned out for Trump may be reachable, as may be people who did not vote for anyone or who voted third party.

BTW, FOX news has now discovered that avian flu is responsible for the high cost of eggs!

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Very very last. Feels almost over already.

It’s been 4 days. See how the worm has turned…

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Hopefully, we can avoid violence with tough unity and diplomacy, though I agree that we may be approaching a tipping point.

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yes, and trump's SS is now free to roam around the country

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You do mean the 'enforcers' of the immigration squad, right?

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yes, but also the J6 crowd

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actually all maggots , they are the ones who send death threats to judges, and throw dog shit, and do swats

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now he is removing security details from those he wants to get back at or get rid of.....

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You are correct when you point out that the midterms may be a turning point. We must get the vote out in great numbers this time around. A majority in Congress will enable us to change course, but only if people participate. Spread the word.

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hegseth doesn't know how to run the pentagon, but gen flynn does.........

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It is important we all read these rulings and remind anyone who tries to sanitize the actions of the J6 domestic terrorists that there is ample video evidence and sworn eyewitness testimony that documents exactly what happened on one of America's worst days in history.

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Just a quibble: The term "ruling" implies and stinks of royalty - one step below an edict. Trump and the courts aren't kings. The term 'decision' is one step above opinion, and seems more appropriate.

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Sorry - no. "Ruling" has nothing to do with royalty - today's kings are figureheads. They don't rule. "Ruling" is a formalised and recorded finding by a judge.

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News organizations and social media with any semblance of integrity should public the statements of these judges repeatedly. We cannot overturn these pardons. But, Americans need to know how wrong and how damaging they are to the rule of law. To pardon Tarrio and Rhodes from conviction of seditious conspiracy against our Nation, as well as to pardon 600 invaders of the Capitol who assaulted police show be loudly criticized by millions of Americans.

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Thank you, Bruce.

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Appreciate it, especially in light of the typos

"public" = publicize

"show" = should

I should have spellchecked the spellchecker!

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I agree that these judges' statements should appear on the top page of all newspapers and be reported again and again to people who think having all those criminals released was condoned by everybody. On the other hand, I fear for the lives of these brave judges.

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I agree. I think Trump plans for the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and other violent White supremacists to be his Brownshirts who attack citizens protesting his actions.

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I’m so glad that these judges were at least able to set the record straight on the thugs that were released upon society to again wreak havoc!

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Thank you for this information. Have read nothing about court statements elsewhere. I need any good news I can find. Thanks to those judges who speak up.

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I have been surprised and disappointed to see nothing (so far) in either The Atlantic or NYT about the judges' comments. Or I haven't dug deep enough. Which is itself rather disappointing that it wasn't front page news.

So what, they're just pretending like 47 is just a normal president, now?

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Just unbelievable, Elle!

What is that old saying???...

" Something is wrong in Denmark..".???

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Something is rotten in Denmark, an old saying from Shakespeare

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Thank you, Pam! My.90 year old synapses are a bit rusty.🤗

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Gee, and mine are only 77🤣 but I have been noticing some failures of connection !

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You, my dear...are sparking on.all cylinders🤗

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Thank you for sharing all these powerful rulings. They should be front page reading, but since they're not and the media is seriously failing their duty, at least we get to read them here.

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It is very likely that many January 6th thugs will end up back in jail fairly soon. They had already declared they plan to take revenge on people who turned them in. Sadly, there will likely be more bloodshed and suffering before they are put back under lock and key. Bloodshed and suffering that could have been prevented by treating criminals as criminals.

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Remember that the Trump Treaty in Afghanistan allowed the criminals in the prison to be released as well. He seems to like to do things like this to encourage chaos.

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where are they gathering under gen flynn ?

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why did he pardon the silk road guy(he knows how to get trump anything), and what's with the untraceable cryptocurrency ??

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trump is building a shadow army so he won't have to leave in 2028. it will be funded by cryptocurrency. and led by gen flynn...

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why did trump call the pres of El Salvador ?? why is the crypto gang relocating there in the crypto capital of the world ?

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There is a new case in the works, a civil case which is not as easily dismissed and for which pardons are not available. Smith v. Trump. It's headed straight for the rioters' front door, and contending at the gates of Mar-a-Lago and the White Palace, er House. Read it in Salon this morning. This is not over.

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Glad to hear. It seems the Capitol police, DC police, and others defending the Capitol on Jan 6th all have great civil lawsuits against all of these convicted, even if pardoned, criminals. All of the evidence is still available to the plaintiffs lawyers and readily available. Where are all personal injury lawyers?

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Great question. Mike Slocumb? Paging Mike Slocumb! He advertises thus: do you want a nice guy or someone who can win your case? I am thinking the right guy, right? Personal injury attorney? He could make a fortune from this! Great point, Bruce.

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These comments by the DC judges should be on the front pages of major newspapers across the country.

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Don't expect it. Most of the MSM is now owned and/or significantly influenced by people like Jeff Bezos, who are attempting to curry favor with Trump. We'll have to get this kind of information from outlets like The Guardian, New Yorker, Atlantic, and other similar publications.

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Sadly, you are right. I think at least the NY Times should post these comments.

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Even the NYT isn't what it used to be - not as bad as the NY Post, though far from the high standard that it was. The Washington Post has fallen even faster.

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And now The Conntrarian, which already has quite a fair readership.

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Excellent reporting. I was aware of Judges Howell and Chutkan's court filings but not the others. Hopefully their stands will embolden judges in all the upcoming challenges to be equally bold as they face the onslaught of legal bullshit.

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I am filled with admiration for the high eloquence and moral standing of these judges, who remind us of the truth all while drumpf is trying to cover it up like a cat (pace cats) throwing dirt over its excrement.

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Nancy Gertner - thank you for sharing your moral clarity. I am so buoyed by the responses of those three Judges, and now yours.

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Will the Judical Branch of our government save our democracy from Trump and his minions?

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They cannot be the only guardrail against Trump's insane actions. We need to constantly email our representatives in Congress and let them know we are watching. They need to engage on a daily basis with MAGA and not let them simply pass laws that affect us all without a fight.

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And who should we contact when all of our Congressional reps are MAGAs?

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Letting maga know that you do not support them deflates their egos and their misguided notions that they have some sort of mandate from all of their constituents.

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Because if you don't support them, you won't vote for them again.

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The GOP representatives should receive the messages. If flooded by dissent, perhaps some will do the math and grow a spine.

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I would hope the sane candidates running against them in the ‘26 and ‘28 elections

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not likely with the heritage foundation supreme court

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I'm going to bookmark this article for its clear presentation of the facts of January 6th and the abomination The Felon perpetrated on this country by emptying our prisons of violent criminals and putting them back on the streets - all because they carried out their crimes in his name.

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Thank you. There is Hope.

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