I hope Slotkin delivers the message using some new language. Abstract soft words like “the few wealthy at the top” has been played to death. We need to hit those points HARDER. It takes a lot to capture and hold American’s attention and recycled words aren’t going to cut it. “These filthy rich bastards don’t want you to have a home to live in or a dime in your pocket.” HIT THEM.

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I agree. Elissa is one of the younger and more effective Democrats in the Senate.

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An on-point ode to Michigan -

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I supported Senator Slotkin's campaign and voted for her and now I want her to hammer the tRump administration for these first six disastrous weeks. Never in my darkest nightmares could I have imagined an American President crawling into Putin's lap. That pack of hyenas in the Oval Office on Friday were yapping at a true hero.

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She and Sen. Peters both voted to confirm Kristi Noem. I predict that she will be earnest and dull tonight, when what we need is fire. But then, as I have to keep reminding myself these days, my state of MI is a red state now.

We even have a Republican legislature again. 40 years to get a Democratic legislature and then it was only for two years. My particular district elected a meteorologist who was fired by the biggest TV station up here in the UP, because he refused to get vaccinated during the pandemic. He will be the special guest tonight of our Congressman, Jack Bergman, who is refusing to meet with his constituents so they are holding a town hall anyway on Thursday where he will be represented by an empty chair. They should put a red MAGA hat on that chair because Bertman is a Trump toady all the way. (sigh)

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Yup, my congressman John Moolenaar will be at the tRump travesty tonight, cheering on his lies. The Democratic party representatives in our district are totally supine. They weren't the least bit interested in attending the protest in Lansing.

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For better or worse, Slotkin is also a centrist. There's a lesson there.............................

I'm sympathetic to the Progressive Wing policies, but while individually many of these things they espouse poll well, somehow the whole is less than the sum of its parts. There's very little, if anything, that would bother me if somehow lightning stuck and all of the Progressive proposals came to be. But my main problem is that once you leave places like Brooklyn, Bronx, Boston and Berkeley, Progressives can't win. Not only that, but they manage to tank the Democrats who actually might win, when Republicans tie other Democrats to them.

All Progressive Democrats have proven is that they can defeat in a primary, long-serving Democrats who have grown lazy and out of touch with their already deep-blue districts. But you don't get your policies implemented by taking blue districts and making them even bluer. You get your way by taking purple, or even red, districts and turning them blue!

When even ONE progressive manages to capture an open seat formerly held by a Repugnican't, let alone defeat an incumbent Repugnicant, ONLY THEN will I take them serioiusly. But so far I haven't seen that. Making Blue districts even more blue isn't the way to go where we need to go.

OK, I've "dropped the puck". Now let the slug-fest begin!

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Maybe the progressives in Michigan who wouldn't vote for Harris will have time to think about this on their vacation in Mar-a-Gaza.

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Slotkin took Mike Rogers to task in their November debate. She ate his lunch! I have no doubt her critique will be reasonable and fair.

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Slotkin was fantastic! We need to hear more of her voice

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Every republican member of congress needs to get this from their constituents.

Just a note. I was going to call Sen. Grahams office and tell him what a despicable toady he is ..but.. all forms of contact to him have been shut off on his official website.

Coward bastard.

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Lame. Slotkin voted for 8 of Trump's cabinet nominees. I used to think it was the Republican party that needed an overhaul. Schumer, Jeffries and Slotkin can go pound sand.

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