So looking forward to the day when Zelenskyy gets the last laugh against Trump the felon!

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He and the Ukranian people are going to need a lot of support to cover for that scumbag president and the Manchurian Candidate created vacuum.

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Here is one place to give support to Ukraine: https://u24.gov.ua/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Thanks for spelling Zelenskyy's name accurately, a sign of respect for this great leader and his people being unfairly and mercilessly attacked. I've noticed that most US media spell it with only one "Y".

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Putin's Manchurian candidate showed his true colors yesterday. The Emperor now has no clothes! Impeach him now, before he destroys our democracy!

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Sadly, that's not going to happen anytime soon given how Congressional Republicans have assumed the writhing-in-place position, tongues extended, hoping for...whatever from their Manchurian Cantaloupe. Senator Pittypat from South Carolina led the wormtongue caucus yesterday afternoon outside the White House, showing undying obedience and obeisance to a Putin-licking moron. The day before, the first Cabinet meeting of the New Dark Age looked like a desperate hostage video. I half expected them all of them to suddenly get up and start dancing to "YMCA" going 'no, this is NOT a gay anthem, nope, no sirree, Bob. Uh-uh, absolutely not, why, I would NEVER do that...'

The past 3-day shitshow was enough to make a normal person simply projectile vomit.

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Trump and JD invited Zelensky to a hostile ambush--not a private negotiation--expressly for the purpose of pitching it to conservative consumers via FOX News and RW media. GOP elites know that throwing Ukraine completely under the bus will outrage most citizens--including natsec GOP voters. But if given enough time, that the FOX News propaganda machine will bring enough conservatives back into fantasyland by running the top KGB talking points, like that Ukraine is run by Nazis, or that Ukraine is an ancestral part of Russia (it isn't), or that it was Ukraine that attacked Russia in 2014 and 2022.

This was all about Trump obediently serving his Vladdy, while attempting damage control for the 2026 Midterms.

For over a decade now, FOX News has convinced the 85% of GOP voters who go to it for some/most/all of their news, that Russia is some sort of anti-Woke, ultra-masculine, Christian, free market paradise. When it's actually a brutal dictatorship, with a transitional semi-Communist economy, where the KGB (FSB) still happily send protestors to the Gulag, where the abortion rate is three times the US, and from which anyone with even a modicum of talent and ability wants to escape.

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The fact that the Tass reporter was unexpectedly admitted to the press corps for that meeting appears to confirm that the event was indeed staged for Putin's edification. "Good television!" laughed Trump at the end.

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It wasn't unexpected. It was purposeful to ensure Putin knew the Felon was still bowing to Putin. The Felon still wants to build a Trump Tower in Moscow and now he's asking the Russian oligarchs to come to America and join with the American oligarchs in running the United States.

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It was totally planned as a gift to Ras-Putin. I can just imagine Orange’s excitement when his “Daddy” praised his new tv highlight.

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Not to forget the many dissidents or unwanted comrades who conveniently fall out a window of a high-rise building or exiled Russians who are poisoned in foreign countries

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Sadly, yes.

I just rewatched the Zelensky Oval Office ambush, and it made me sick to my stomach at how the very first question was from a RW influencer who accused Zelensky of showing disrespect by not wearing a suit. Both AP and Reuters were excluded from that meeting; but a reporter from TASS--Russian state media--was there. Sickening.

This meeting puts any doubts to rest about whether Trump is indeed a KGB (FSB) thrall. Last week he accused Ukraine of starting the war. Who's your Vladdy, Donny?

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Why is nobody asking elon to wear a suit when he holds court in the Oval Office or towering over meek cabinet members???

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Because Trump's his Daddy? Because he's not officially a Cabinet member--yet holds more power than most of them combined? Because he'd have Trump permanently ban any reporter who dared ask such an impertinent question?

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No the Felon is Elon's boy.

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Apparently the dude who asked the question about the suit is Marjorie Taylor Gangrene's boyfriend. Yech.

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"Mr Wagner" went in a plane crash (too bad about the other passengers).

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Not to forget Alexei Navalny, who was poisoned and after his painful recovery interned in Siberia and murdered.

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During that disgusting shit-show, the Ukrainian ambassador to the US holding her head in her hands and US #1 diplomat Marco Rubio silently slinking down his chair said it all. Yet, despite the effort by trump and vance to diminish Zelenskyy, Rubio blamed the debacle on Zelenskyy for not apologizing. We're already cooked and this guy is going to be negotiating for us in the world?

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Little Marco will not be doing any negotiating. Like the rest of the Felon's cabinet, they are in their positions in name only. Did Little Marco say anything during the negotiations between Russia and the US concerning Ukraine. Hell no.

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Impeachment would go nowhere Justin. Maga control Congress and everything else. We'll have one chance, if we have it at all, in 2026 midterm election

I don't have the crystal ball but my gut feeling is telling me that the maga party is going to either commit straight cheating or create an incident t justify declaring state of energy or invoke the insurrection act. Be aware. This is not the America that was a month ago.

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If we have a mid-term election...

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That's my whole point Justin. Nobody in it's right mind would expect to winn an election based on the policies they are implementing and the devastating effect they will have on the general population including the maga voters. They are acting as if the political implications don't matter, as in they don't care. It's concerning to say the least.

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Unfortunately, Trump, Vance, the Oligarchs and the authors of Project 2025 ALL understand this 👇 “The big joke on democracy is that it gives its mortal enemies the means to its own destruction.” - Joseph Goebbels, March 23, 1933 (The day Hiter succeeded in destroying Germany"s democracy)


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It's very possible, but I'm much less concerned about some state of emergency than I am about fear and resignation on the part of the people as a whole. With this mindset, who needs martial law? People everywhere are already oppressed just by the everyday things gradually made worse by the increasingly illegitimate Supreme Court, and quickly getting worse under an entirely illegitimate president*.

There are all kinds of logistical and strategic obstacles to bringing out the armed forces, even if an emergency is implemented. Several people here, who have first hand military experience have commented on it. It's a big country. It's a very mobile country, which breaks down community and makes us vulnerable, but also makes opposition much harder to stamp out.

Also, while the illegitimate president* is very good at surviving attempts at accountability, and keeping his popularity from utterly tanking (thanks for nothing, magatears!), he and his appointed thugs are not very bright when it comes to actual despotism. Just seeking to clarify the issue(s).

I was getting hot under the collar there for a while (actually, late this week - LOL) when reading comment after comment about martial law, cancelation of elections in 2026 and 2028, and "what if they ignore the courts"? I really think those last two would be the hardest to pull off. But gradually I've come to realize, these concerns need to be addressed. So, for what it's worth...

I am definitely *not* an "it can't happen here" person. For huge sections of the population, it HAS happened here, and much worse. Martial law would not be a first; it's oddly comforting and disturbing at the same time to know. I just think it's important to avoid overestimating the enemy's reach, as well as underestimating it.

If you've read this far, thank you for your time, and for all you do. Just by being here, you're doing something, and something is better than nothing. And again, thanks for bearing with me on a pretty long winded response!

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Your comment was as long as it was interesting ,so don't worry

I think you are a little bit more optimistic than I am. I don't think there are good alternatives. It's, again, as if they don't care. They are determined to carry on with Proyect 2025 no matter what, they know most people would be hurt, badly, and they know people vote if given a chance. Even their own supporters are going to be hurt and that the not so stupid among them, will realize the 1% gets all the benefits and they get less than before. That's a horrible strategy if you need to winn an election. And that's my main concern. Isn't just a gut feeling, it's the disconnect between what a normal political party would do and what they are doing. They don't care about winning or losing an election. An election it's too risky for them and I don't think we'll have one.

I'm not competing with you but I think my comment is longer than yours.

Thanks for your patience. 😀

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It's concerning, all right. On that point, we're agreed. For my part, I'm determined to go right ahead preparing for the elections, and do plenty in the meantime, small, large, or in between, to disrupt this out of control so called administration*, and make sure the elections happen. Time allowing, I'll share some pretty mundane but probably hopeful info about a local election we just had. It's really nothing to write home about, but there may be a small lesson in it - for both of us. The backstory may be even more informative. Stick around, if interested, I'll tell more.

For now....goo's night, take care!

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The Roberts SCOTUS has given them permission to gerrymander *Congressional* districts at their pleasure. With 9 states still heavily gerrymandered GOP, it is the sole reason the House is not in Dem hands right now.

Right now we're tracking the path of the semi-democracies Poland and Hungary. The GOP will continue to allow elections, because they believe that their current advantages with gerrymandering, Dem voter suppression, FOX News/RW Media propaganda, etc. will give them perpetual minority rule. And make them overconfident.

If the 18-30 year old voters can be persuaded to actually get out and vote, we'll get our country back.

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He already has destroyed our democracy. He will try to cling to power until he dies. Usually, when an autocrat gets this much power it takes blood in the streets to get rid of him. He has zero respect for democracy or truth.

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When a Russian Mafioso laid down $6 Million for five units in Trump Tower in the mid/80’s, Drump has been singing whichever song the Russians wish to hear. Does anyone have Real Estate “transaction numbers” between Russian oligarchs and Transaction Trump over the last 45 years? Does it qualify for money laundering when a parcel is listed for sale at $1 million and sells for $2 million??

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I disagree. Impeachment efforts would be a distraction and a waste of time. Given that Republicans control both champers of Congress, and the fact that virtually no Republican currently in office is willing to stand up to Trump, our efforts are far better channeled into other ways of fighting him and his agenda.

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Actually, the Felon showed his true colors in his first administration when he stood with Putin in Helsinki against the Felon's own intelligence services, and when he refused to have notes taken in discussions with Putin.

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Yesterday was a day of shame, but still what the world saw was, ultimately, a TV show. What looks much less like TV is the fact that apparently Hesgeth has ordered the Cyber Command to stand down every activity against Russia, on the same day. What comes next? Perhaps Monday they will cancel all sanctions against Russia? Surely Putin's offer to trade 'rare minerals' with them just refers to that. Every day we let go by takes us closer to sinking into a bottomless well.

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There's no bottom for them, well keep falling.

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Once the Canadian tariffs take effect, it will be cheaper to buy aluminum from Russia Russia Russia. And they're ready to sell it to us!


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I just asked Gemini to list the occasions in which a US SECDEF has overridden a military commander on military operations. Gemini's reply is "I can't help right now." I am not good enough at US history: anyone here knows?

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If only there were concrete actions that we could take now that would make a difference: calling my democratic representatives is not substantive. This is our country and I am so frustrated and horrified with standing by and watching it devolve.

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Sent email today to Ukraine Embassy WDC, in part (full name and location included) Attn: The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the United States of America Subject: Apology to President Zelensky Dear Madam Ambassador Markarova: On behalf of myself and the majority of American people standing for the freedom of Ukraine, may I request that the following subject apology be forwarded to President Zelensky: Please apologize to President Zelenskyy for the shameful behaviour of President Trump and Vice-President Vance on Feb. 28, 2025. It was a despicable, pre-coordinated setup ambush by two bullies against one courageous man standing tall. Trump and Vance have forever stained the sacred honor of the Oval Office. Thank you. Sincerely, (Ordinary American citizen)

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Well done Larry, we have to show that there're decent people in this country not just the maga horde. 👍

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Excellent. I’ll do the same thing. I attended an Indivisible rally/demonstration at the Bangor, Maine Federal Building today and finally feel as though I’ve done something, at least, if only to make myself feel better. The Oval Office meeting was very deliberate as well as orchestrated and rehearsed, in my opinion, and it’s sparked outrage around the world. I’d live to think this is the beginning of the end for Trump but of course then there’s Vance. I think this country is screwed!

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No, it is not substantive, as none of the Congress are willing to stand up to this monster. Simply put, the 25th amendment needs to be invoked, but of course, that would take a more courageous Congress to do that. If Nancy Pelosi were still around, it would be done. Trump committed treason.

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Many Congressional Democrats are speaking out and even joining demonstrations in D.C. Your calls and emails to Congress do have an impact - they pressure Dems to be more aggressive and unified against Trump, Musk, and the Congressional Republicans; and they pressure Republicans to grow a spine.

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Thanks, I’ll keep calling. I’d like us all to have things that we can do that stops or slows this regime from dismantling government and destroying foreign policy, healthcare, etc.

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More actions we can take: sign up for Indivisible.org to get lists of suggested, strategic actions every week. Ditto for Jessica Craven on Substack - Chop Wood, Carry Water.

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I follow both. Just donated to Ukraine per Jessica Craven

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The 25th is of no help. Read it again. It takes the cabinet or a supermajority of Congress to remove Trump but then we get Vance. Get rid of both and we have the Republican speaker of the house. The only way to get rid of them is to hope we have an election in 26 and we win huge. Even then it takes the election in 28 to really get rid of them… IF they allow elections. The only other choice is blood in the streets, a horrible thing to contemplate especially since MAGA idiots own lots of guns.

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That's up to the cabinet to invoke the 25th, and he can just say he *is* competent, and that's that.

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Can the House call for impeachment of both President and VP?

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We don't have the votes Rosemarie 😔

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True re the Democrats, but I don't believe for a minute that all of the Republicans are in Trump's camp, not at all. They are, for some unknown, ungodly reason, afraid of this tyrant. All it would take would be for a group of moderate Republicans to find their gonads and stand up to this farce, and realize that before we become a Russian satellite, they need to do something.

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I don't think it's the tyrant they're so afraid of, but rather the MAGA hordes. One mean tweet gets them riled up enough to commit violence in his name.

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Frankly, screw the MAGA hordes. They can commit all the violence they want. Trump has his moneyed minions everywhere, putting enormous pressure on Congressional reps that they are afraid of not getting reelected. I could care less that the hordes get riled up. I'm pretty riled up myself.

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I totally agree.

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Brace yourself and do anything and everything you can. If we all do something, it adds up . Keep the faith.

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Timothy Snyder offers some suggestions on how individuals can stand with Ukraine - it is a drop in the bucket compared with the $$ aid we have been providing Ukraine that Trump has cut off, but a surge in small dollar donations from those of us who can afford it will show the world that many Americans are appalled by the ambush of Zelensky by Trump and Vance.


NOTE: Scroll down below the video for the links to donate.

Also check out this substack post from Demcast with suggested video clips and memes share on social media in support of Zelensky:


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Contacting "my" republicon contact produces...... a form letter. The only town halls he will hold are via Facebook.

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• It will soon be too late to prevent the total collapse of the rule of law and irreversible implosion of America's Constitutional government ...

• Stop asking us for money!

• Stop trying to alarm us about the terrible things the treasonous Putin surrogates in the White House are doing to America and the world! ...

• We already know! ...

• All of you, along with all the military and national guard, who vowed to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" ...


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Thank you! I see I'm not alone in being sick of these alarms! Tell me something I don't know, and stop asking for money!!!


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I’m from Massachusetts and want to join an updated Minuteman force to free us from the tyrant! Want to meet in Lexington?

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The Ugly American phrase has never been more true than now - he is alive and (not) well, and making the rest of America sick in body, soul and mind.

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If the Ukranian people was able to endure what the Russians thrown at them for three years, we should endure and overcome the garbage thrown at us. Buckle up!!!

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Norm-your former colleague Christianne Amanpour reacted by looking like the famous Munch "Scream" painting-her hands on her cheeks, mouth open, eyes of fear. I felt the same way.

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But Fox & Friends are telling 1/2 the country that Trump has proven once again that he is a master negotiator. Gag.

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Many MAGA are furious over that debacle. I guess they're starting to see that they voted in a Russian asset.

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If that's true, that is very good news. We'll see.

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master negotiator-my way or the highway?!

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It would be funny if not were tragic Deborah. You were not alone feeling the same way.

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Thank you all at the Contrarian!! What an amazing group of scholars, experts, and journalists. I follow multiple substacks and podcasts.

What I am looking for (I live in Mill Valley CA) is a coordination of information for mobilizing pubic protests. I was ready to hit the streets today but could find no information about any happening. As Jamie Raskin said, the courts are doing what they can but “We need massive protests around the country, especially in D.C.” Can the Contrarian help to coordinate and disperse this information?

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Take a look at the Stand up for Science Website - they are organizing events all over the country . The 50501 group is holding one on Tuesday. I live right down the street from the capital in Denver but we are only going to the Friday event. Having one larger event would be much better.

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I'm a graduate of the protest movements of the 1960s and 70s, but the body can't get up to protest anymore. What this body can do, however, is send money to Ukraine and fly a Ukrainian flag, which I have just ordered. And, of course, continue to shout and scream online.

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Anything helps Marta, you are doing what you can and we need the millions of people like you to do the same. Thanks 🤩

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This has already been scrubbed from the Sugarbush Snow Report site - but here is the first version that went out this morning - in advance of Vance skiing there today:

"Mar 1st, 2025, 6:49 AM: Today of all days, I would like to reflect on what Sugarbush means to me. This mountain has brought me endless days of joy, adventure, challenges, new experiences, beauty, community, and peace. I’ve found that nothing cures a racing mind quite like skiing through the trees and stopping to take a deep breath of that fresh forest air. The world around us might be a scary place, but these little moments of tranquility, moments I’ve been fortunate enough to enjoy as a direct result of my employment here, give me, and I’d guess you, too, a sense of strength and stability. This fresh forest air, is, more specifically fresh National Forest air. Sugarbush operates on 1745 acres of the Green Mountain National Forest. Right now, National Forest lands and National Parks are under direct attack by the current Administration, who is swiftly terminating the positions of dedicated employees who devote their lives to protecting the land we love, and to protecting us while we are enjoying that land. This Administration also neglects to address the danger, or even the existence of, climate change, the biggest threat to the future of our industry, and the skiing we all so much enjoy here. Burlington, VT is one of the fastest-warming cities in the country, and Vermont is the 9th fastest-warming state. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA), a resource I use every day for snow reporting, is crucial in monitoring extreme weather events and informing public safety measures, and is also experiencing widespread layoffs and defunding at the hands of the Administration. Sugarbush would not be Sugarbush without our wonderful community. Employees and patrons alike, we are made up of some of the most kind hearted, hardworking people I have ever met. Our community is rich with folks of all different orientations, ethnicities, and walks of life, who all contribute to make this place what it is. They all love Sugarbush because it is a place where they can come to move their bodies, to connect with the land, to challenge themselves, to build character, to nourish their souls with the gift of skiing. Many of these people are part of the LGBTQI+ community. Many (well, that’s a stretch, we all know this is an incredibly white-washed industry) are people of color. Half are women. Many are veterans or adaptive skiers who, through Vermont Adaptive, are able to access snow sports in part thanks to federal grants through the Department of Veterans Affairs, which is also facing devastating cuts. Many of our beloved employees moved across the world through an exchange program on the J1 visa to help this resort run, and they are not US citizens. ALL of these groups are being targeted, undervalued, and disrespected by the current Administration. The beauty of National Forest land, is that anyone and everyone is welcome to enjoy it. Anyone and everyone can buy a lift ticket. I also imagine it is incredibly difficult, and likely impossible, to say “No” to the Secret Service. I hope that, instead of faulting Sugarbush management or employees for “allowing this to happen”, you can direct your anger to the source–the Administration that, in my oh-so-humble opinion, is threatening our democracy, our livelihoods, our land. I want to reiterate how much I admire and respect my fellow employees and managers–they work so hard to make this place operate, to keep you coming back and enjoying it and making lifelong memories. Many of them may feel the same way that I do, but their hands are tied, and for good reason. They have families to support, they have benefits and health insurance to receive, they face far greater and more binding pressure from Corporate. I am in a privileged position here, in that I work only seasonally, I do not rely on this job for health insurance or benefits, and hey, waking up at 4:30 AM isn’t exactly sustainable. Therefore, I am using my relative “platform” as snow reporter, to be disruptive—I don’t have a whole lot to lose. We are living in a really scary and really serious time. What we do or don’t do, matters. This whole shpiel probably won’t change a whole lot, and I can only assume that I will be fired, but at least this will do even just a smidge more than just shutting up and being a sheep. I am really scared for our future. Acting like nothing is happening here feels way scarier than losing my job. I want to have kids one day, and I want to teach them to ski. The policies and ideals of the current Administration, however, are not conducive to either of these things, because, at least how things look now, I’d never be able to afford a good life for a child anyway, and snow will be a thing of Vermont history. So please, for the sake of our future shredders: Be Better Here. It has truly been a pleasure writing your morning snow reports–I hope this one sticks with you. With love, peace, and hope, Lucy Welch"

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Kudos to Lucy Welch. She went out with guns blazing and spoke truth to power.

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Thank you for posting her message!

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Hello Norm, Can you tell us about "a peaceful, lawful, and vigorous demonstration in support of Ukraine" you wrote about joining? Also, I'd like to share information provided by a Contrarian member, Ellie Hampton, on where to reach out to Zelensky and Ukrainian Embassy to show our support. I already emailed them. The info is:

email - emb_us@mfa.gov.ua

phone - 202-349-2963

Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Embassy of Ukraine

3350 M St. NW

Washington DC 20007

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You can donate directly to Ukraine


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Thanks for sharing Jan 👍

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Unfortunately, I don't believe our letters can either apologize for Trump and Vance's malignant behavior or help Ukraine win the war against Russia that was forced on them. Ukraine needs money, battle equipment, supplies, etc. now.

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I think hearing Americans care and support Zelensky and his country is valuable in itself. They are at a low ebb and our support can, at the very least, help to feel less alone. There's value in psychological support. I watched C-Span Washington Journal this morning for about 1 hour and callers from every political affiliation called in, with an almost unanimous condemnation of the White House behavior. I am hoping that the European countries, who almost all abhor Putin, will be able to step up and help Ukraine. Perhaps those are the nations who should get mineral rights.

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I think the Europeans have frozen assets from Russia. (I know the US does). I think they should use these assets to support Ukraine.

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According to March 2nd article in NPR, "Rachel Ellehuus, director-general of Royal United Services Institute, a defense and security think tank...said...Europe needs to step in and could release some 200 billion euros ($207 billion) in seized Russian assets to help fund that effort."

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Your concern is well based Pat. Hopefully Europe would be able, at least partially, to cover the tremendous vacuum created by this scumbag president and the Manchurian Candidate. Keep the faith, no much other than showing support for now.

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Thanks for sharing Irene 👍

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Irene, thank you so much for the above information. I don't know if you or another put it out there, but last night I did send an e-mail of my firm support for President Zelensky.

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Hi Emilie, Ellie Hampton was the one who provided the contact info in another Contrarian thread. I'm just passing it on, both to other Contrarians, and to my family and friends. I'm heartened to hear about support to such a worthy person as President Zelensky.

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Time to change the name of the Oval Office to what it’s become: The Offal Office

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You have to come up with something to replace the title of President before the scumbag name. Please 😁

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I've heard PINO - president in name only.

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That's a good one Cheryl but I read it at one of Jennifer's column. Keep trying 😁

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Thank you, Norm. Quite an ambush. What a site. Just imagine a little over a month. Four more years. We must keep fighting towards democracy! 👏👏

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Danielle, I am afraid that if you give them four years we will be living under martial law and our kids will be going to school in little tr*mp suits.

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Not far from reality 😔

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They thought they were being clever, but Zelinsky faced them down and won on the stage of world opinion. The EU, which has already been building up their defenses, have gone into overdrive. The French are seriously discussing sending nuclear-capable* Rafale attack jets to forward bases in Germany. They aren't playing games. They remember what it was like to live under occupation.

*Both the UK and France have nuclear forces.

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Danielle we'll have a shot in the 2026 midterm election if we have one at all.

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You should check out Robert Hubbell's substack.


He is confident that there will be an election. Even Federal elections are run by the states. And the constitution dictates the end of terms, so sitting representatives and senators can not stay on past the end of their terms.

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Please forgive me if you have seen the following information elsewhere, but I feel the need to share it with you in case you wish to express support for Ukraine, especially after the Great American Embarrassment in the Oval Office on February 28, 2025:

Ukraine Embassy

3350 M. St. NW

Washington, DC 20007

Telephone: 202-349-2963

E-mail: emb_us@mfa.gov.us

Charities supporting Ukraine:


https://savelife.in.ua/en (for the soldiers)

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Thanks for sharing C K. If you don't mind, I'll borrow your phrase " Great Embarrassment Day" place and date. Thanks 😁

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Please share far and wide because that is exactly what it is.

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I encourage you to do the same since, as you said, its exactly what it is. Thanks C K. 😄

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Are people leaving signs, flowers, flags, other symbols of visible support, for the Ukraine, outside embassy door? Though donations are crucial,it seems important to show trump physically, that Americans support the Ukraine. Thnks. (3350 M sounds like a multi-embassy office building. Will walk over + find out.)

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Suze I am pretty sure the address means it is on M St. not 3350 suite M

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Ukraine embassy entrance is on Cady's Alley, behind 3350 M, so posters + flowers with support messages would not be readily seen, eg as Congress people drove to or from airport down M over Key Bridge.

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I am all for any demonstration of support for Ukraine, whatever it might be. For 3 years I have flown two large Ukrainian flags at my house in suburban Atlanta, and my car’s back window is covered in Ukrainian support stickers. You would be surprised at how many conversations these efforts have inspired. To answer your question, though, M is the name of the street for the mailing address. Place flowers there, if you wish, but I believe the money would be more meaningful if sent to the Ukrainian people.

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Whatever hole Vance found to hide in, he needs to stay there for quite a while. Trump is going to deny he said any of things that were heard and celebrated in Moscow. He is incapable of speaking truth on any matter. He cannot tell right from wrong.

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And on top of that, he is a coward always deflecting responsibility.

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that is so true

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Norm, you have always been one of my favorites, along with Jen. The Contrarian's coverage of the news has been excellent!

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