Unfortunately the opinion of women has no influence on MAGA Senators since they have no respect at all for women which is why we don't have a woman president.

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Their motto:

We the "white male Christian nationalist" People

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Notice Hegseth has a blanket forgiveness as a new Christian, especially for sex sins. Exacerbating from a party that is relentlessly in other people’s bedrooms.

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That MADE ME SICK!!! These fake x'ians don't have a CLUE what Christianity is all about. They blaspheme when they use Jesus's name as a cover for their grotesque behaviors.

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And the female christian nationalists (not all white) are with them lock and step.

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Sadly too many MAGAs and certainly most (if not all) Christian Nationalist women have not found their OWN voice nor recognize that they are autonomous human beings.

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I agree: read _Jesus and John Wayne_ by Kristin Kobes DuMez for an analysis of how christo-fascists think and act. We need to educate and support OUR FEMALE KIDS!

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Great book. I grew up southern Baptist & was not shocked by anything in the book. It largely fit into my own evangelical experience. Misogyny is part of the religion, it’s all about controlling women & children.

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Unfortunately, in their lifetime, they've all been taught not to have a voice. They've instead been taught that God will take care of all things great and small and to simply listen to their husbands. Take care of the children but defer all to the male of the household. How many remember the phrase: "wait until your father gets home!"

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(but by far, mostly white)

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Exactly! Can we all say Winsome Sears of VA.

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The Taliban praised America for not voting a woman into the presidency.

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Totally agree. The Dems focus on Hegseth misogyny will just backfire. They should have focused on strategic hypotheticals instead.

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strategic - YES - hypotheticals - NO.

We know the issues as real not hypotheticals. He can't answer basic reality of the job description.

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Or the non-hypotheticals, like, he's a drunk and looks like an idiot doofus - probably because he is. This is the shifting plot of the GOP - define stupidity and deviance down. Quayle looks like an idiot? Well here, have a W. Oh, W looks stupid, have a hefty serving of Sarah Palin. Oh, think she's dumb? Say hello to the grifter from Queens . . .

And the band plays on . . .

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He was asked hypotheticals. He either refused to answer or didn't know what he was being asked.

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Well, there are going to be more and more women in strong positions in government, voting, and showing our extreme competence. Those maga idiots have to deny reality to hold that view--and apparently reality has NO PLACE IN THEIR UNDERSTANDING.

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I am concerned that it is you who is denying reality. Trump won, that's reality. Trump is prohibited by the 22nd amendment from running again and he wants to be president for life, that's reality. Trump a narcissistic sociopathic misogynist and MAGATS have screwed us all for the next four years, but women in particular.

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Clearly, the Republicans are running a DEI program for white male FOX hosts.

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Watching Senator Tammy Duckworth tear this useless jerk a new one yesterday was proof positive of that. The anti-DEI nonsense, the Jeezus-loves-me shinola, the medieval ideas about gender and masculinity, the drunken, loutish behavior is secondary to the obvious -- the guy's a know-nothing bullshit artist whose sole qualification is being Trump's orifice cleaner.

20 years ago, before the cult, none of these Republican Senators would have given an unqualified jerk like Hegseth the time of day. Now look where we are...

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and all the MAGA women at the top look like they have the same plastic surgeon and limp plumper doc -- big Barbies

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They have same everything. Stepford zombies.

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white, stooopid, racist, Trickle downers need only apply; Good ability to SMIRK essential.

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The repercussions of what they are doing are almost overwhelming. The best method of getting the word out and encouraging people to pay attention is to start small, at a local level. Complacency is what MAGAs count on.

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If I have understood one thing since the election, I CANNOT DO ANYTHING TO STOP THE TRAIN WRECK THAT IS COMING. It's naive to think that there is anything that everyday citizens can do. While I keep writing to my Senator, I will bet dollars to donuts that his staff never gives him my messages or maybe he doesn't even read them or most likely he figures he has to follow the herd because he won't get re-elected if doesn't or his family will be threatened.

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I feel as you do. What can I, an average citizen do to stop this train wreck ? I live in a Red state and both Senators are Republicans. I gave up writing to them as they are in Trump’s camp. My concerns fall on deaf ears.

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I live in a red state - Indiana. Our former MAGA Senator Braun is now our Governor and is absolutely destroying public education (trying to eliminate it) and his replacement was Jim Banks - ultra MAGA. I do write to Republican Senator Todd Young as he has done good things, is a patriot, and has integrity. However, I think he will vote to approve these nominees out of fear and intimidation. He will vote for them as he will reason that there are other ways that he can serve his constitutency if he preserves his seat in the Senate. Likely, he will reason that Trump will get what he deserves, a failed presidency, because he doesn't appoint qualified people. Trump will suffer (as will we) the consequences.... It's useless for us to do anything other that stand by ready for civil war.

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Barbara, I feel for those like yourself who live in a red state, for all that you must endure. I'm in NH, which is purplish, but there's not much, other than voting, that I can do either. We have 2 Dem Senators (both female), 2 Dem Reps (male and female), so writing them is merely thanking them for standing up for our country, it doesn't effect change. (Mind you, I've only written our Congressfolk a few times, and thanking them is something I really ought to do.)

Nonetheless, NH's state government is unfortunately red, from the governor to the state senate and state house, as well as our executive council. We are a red blotch in the blue sea of New England.

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Doug, I was born in Exeter and raised in Hillsboro. I will always be a NH born and NH bred girl. I follow NH and have been curious as to how the state turned so RED. Some of my cousins are MAGAs and full of all the fake news nonsense. What happened to the independent thought of Granite Staters? When did they turn so uninformed...what happened? I understand being conservative but MAGA is not conservative, it's radical.

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NH has been red since the 70's when I went UNH. I thought the influx of Dems from MA would changes things but just barely. It's tied to education and poverty levels, same with No ME. Take low education and combine it with fake news and you get cults.

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Barbara, I love Exeter, and good for you to stay strong and loyal to your NH roots. As you know, NH has always been Republican, in the classic New England Republicans sense, so it's not surprising that there's already a strong base. However, NH is also a destination for people from other states (ahem, looking at you, Mass.) seeking to escape higher taxes and greater social support. So those states become bluer and NH more red. Another huge factor is the Free State movement (google it if you're unfamiliar). Free Staters decided NH was the friendliest state in the US for their libertarian causes, and many moved here and have attained offices in municipal and state government, from school boards on up.

Despite all this, NH has still managed to vote for the Democratic candidate for president since (if I recall) Bush in 2004. And our congressional delegation has been solidly blue (since I believe 2018, when our now newly-inaugurated governor Kelly Ayotte was defeated?) And for a while, we had 4 women in Washingon and a woman governor. But when it comes to state governance and representation there is still an advantage that Republicans have over the electorate. Perhaps that's due to the fact that national Republicans are insane and our state ones are merely looney? Sununu played it both ways regarding Trump, depending on how it suited him. However, our current legislature seems to be going down the same path as several other states in terms of abortion, trans rights, state funding of religious schools, etc. and I suspect Ayotte will follow Sununu’s lead both nationally and within NH.

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Same here, Barbara. IF I get an answer from Hawley or Burlinson, it usually has little to do with my letter or email.

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Not much Karen. Resist Peacefully if you get the chance. Do not let them bully you. Keep your head low until you get a safe chance to resist peacefully with others. STAY INFORMED. The Contrarian, The Guardian. Heather

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You can do a lot of little things that won't stop the wreck completely but will make a difference in the long term. Educate your kids, grand-kids, neighbor kids. Teach them critical thinking, how to read, history and about what is happening. Calm their fears. Use the power of your pocketbook to support your local Dem businesses. Stop supporting anyone, media, business who supports Trump! Join a local grassroots movement for companionship, positive motivation and eventually supporting Dem candidates! The list goes on. We need every single person to overthrow this administration. We can do it peacefully in 2026 by taking back the House and Senate. It will happen if people like yourself can help the people around you to see what their voting choices have done and help them see the benefits they will gain by voting for a Dem in 2026!

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And it’s OK to say this is not a legitimate administration. “Not my President” unfortunately has been neutered by the Rs, as they tend to do with vital language. But we can speak truth in fresh ways. Dems are not known for being nimble, but I think that’s what is required especially where language and messaging is concerned. A canned and tested phrase is too slow and too disingenuous. I think if we all mobilize in our daily lives as you suggest, we will have a much better road ahead. That’s what citizens do.

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Spot on... we have a lot going on in Indiana that needs my attention. The super majority Republican Legislature is destroying public education as well as the public universities. They have a bill that will give vouchers to anyone, regardless of income, to send their kids to private schools PLUS close all public schools in the state that go below 50% of eligible students in the district. That means that they will close the Indianapolis public schools and replace them with state run Charter schools without locally elected school boards. Other large metro areas with religious private schools will be closing public schools. State funds to rural schools is dropping as a consequence. Universities are under attack and I belong to a group working against those bills. Keep in mind, all is for naught because the super majority just does what it wants regardless of what the citizens want and for some reasons, the uninformed citizens keep re-electing them.

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Barbara.... I agree with you 100%. That's why all these new podcasts and newsletters, informing us about every detail, every example of outrage, exhorting us to not be complacent, feels like so much wasted energy, as well as a giant echo chamber. Of course we are informed! Those of us who are, or who want to be, sign up for such newsletters and other news sources.

Many of us have spent the past eight years doomscrolling the news, thinking time after time, 'surely Trump will finally meet his demise over [fill in the blank]. But he didn't. John Gotti has nuttin' on the real Teflon Don. MAGA minions and AR-15 rattlers love him, conservative politicians wedded to the perks and fame of their careers fear him. The Big Money behind hate media has reaped the reward of 40 years spent dumbing down half the country. So here we are.

The hard reality is that, as voters, we did the best that we - informed voters - could last November. But that is our only TRUE exercise of power. The truth will never turn a MAGA voter (or only a very small percentage, who were not actually committed) nor a MAGA politician. All we can do is yammer outside the fence, yell against the foul wind.

Give up? In my mind, never. But we have to face reality here. The sh*t storm is just beginning to unfold. It will be a tough go until our next shot at the midterms. In the meantime, I'm not listening to every new recitation of 'OMG, look what they're doing/saying now!' It's too bloody exhausting.

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It's OK to write them and remind them. Truth is though, we elected them to go to congress and take care of things and eliminate the stupid shit.

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Barbara, yes: this. We are powerless because the Republicans have been leading up to this ever since Barry Goldwater failed to beat LBJ. We are the targets. We can hope that the system holds for two years and that the midterms bring a bit of balance, but I also have little faith in that happening because I think that they have plans for that too.

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Exactly why we need to fundamentally change how the DNC operates.

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"Complacency is what MAGAs count on."

That's why they are against anyone who is "woke." A woke person is aware, active, and responsive. They can identify a problem and take the necessary steps to solve it. Go back to sleep, magas. This ain't about you.

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Sandra, I'd rather be woke than comatose.

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I know what you mean Dan. But I'd rather be proactive than woke!

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Bruce, in my mind, to be woke is to be aware. To be proactive is to act on that awareness, so I think the two are related.

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they are Doug, but one does not cause the other, as we are seeng

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Every answer to facts is ad hominem attacks.

It is their only go to - "you're gay", "you're communist", etc. whatever they think will hit our visceral nerves. We need tougher skin.

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It makes them easy to spot so to block and block is what I do. Everyday I take some out of my space! It’s like playing whack-a-mole. And NEVER engage. They are either bots or stupid. Either way, they get a whack!

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I love playing Whack-a-mole. I'm still pretty quick.

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Defeat isn’t inevitable. When enough people see what is going on, and it starts to affect them directly, you’ll see a sea change. Sometimes the obvious isn’t evident until it begins to hurt. Unfortunate but true.

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Yes Patrick -- I've been saying for a while now that we must all endure collective pain that will surely be coming with the incoming administration and new Congress -- or things won't change.

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I hope so. Rs in the past have been good at labeling Dems as alarmists not worth listening to, as they pick our pockets. This is now the real life full on version, so it might actually hurt more sooner, sadly. Still so shocked that Rs aren’t doing anything to stop this. One party in a 2 party system isn’t supposed to do it alone.

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But you can, Patricia. You can write to the DNC leadership and demand that they accept Senator Whitehouse's proposal to implement an Office of Offensive Coordinator (and Defensive). Staffed with the right people to begin countering the Autocratic movement. He has been trying for 3 years.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer is the current co-chair of the DNC and has an email drop at Whitmer@michigan.gov . Maybe she needs to hear from us.

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So, this is what I sent Governor Whitmer:

Dear Governor Whitmer;

First, I admire the stand you have taken on many issues. I am writing to you in your role as DNC Co-chair.

I saw Senator Whitehouse's interview on the "Last Word" yesterday. He mentioned trying to create the role of offensive coordinator within the DNC for the past three years. I understand he has failed to get approval at this time. I am not a football fan, but I understood his point completely based on my experience of 40 years of Strategy Implementation Consulting.

On Nov 16th 2016, I retired as Senior Partner, Kearney Inc. responsible for our Global High Tech Industry Practice, Practitioner in our Strategy Practice, Diversity Board Chairman and 2nd largest Shareholder (by way of humble introduction).

The best way I know of coordinating offensive and defensive Strategy and Tactics (which might have been useful for Democrats in the past 20 years) is through the effective management and operation of a project office which has its information feelers into each and every strategic project within a client boundary (in this case the GOP) and its competitive Ecosystem. I hope that is what you are planning, but implementation is even more important now, in my opinion..

If you require my or younger practitioners assistance in any part of this important endeavour, I stand ready to serve as well as I can. Please note, Governor, this is in no way meant to be a commercial solicitation. Sometimes, us "old guys" have the experience needed to pull complex efforts together extremely fast, as I think William Knudsen did for President Roosevelt in WWII weapons manufacturing.

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Will do!

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Joni Ernst might be the most disappointing. She & they all know he is unqualified & unfit, & they will confirm him.

“Three Sheets Pete,” as one wag said.

I wouldn’t put him in charge of a PTA bake sale, near children.

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Party before country.

The big item is that he supported violations of the Geneva Conventions and Code of Conduct.

If he supported insurrection, that should be disqualifying. They didn't make a record on that issue. Spent too much time on salatious BS.

And those tatoos.....

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Joni has never stood up for principles or others (may hem and haw like Susan Collins, but in the end...) -- she's simply used her background to elected and remain in power. Unfortunately the state of Iowa has been duped for over a decade.

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yeah, he would lose the money and drop the cakes.

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Hegseth's overwhelming qualification is kissing Trumps "ring" and supposed loyalty to Trump. That's all that matters to Trump. If our military goes to hell, Trump doesn't care. Trump stayed out of jail and he's making money- that's all that is important to Trump. Not America.

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Trump likes guys who are out of central casting and look the part, and who fawn over him on TV - Hegseth checked those boxes and that's all that mattered to Trump.

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And tRump hates the military. Remember all the bogus deferments and that his daddy sent him to a military reform school.

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"What was in it for them, I don't get it".

from Gen Kelly's ears

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Once again I was so utterly disappointed to watch the mockery of a confirmation hearing. The lack of bipartisianship was awful and damaging to our country's rule of law. I am astounded that the Republicans don't understand their responsibility to give the president people who can serve him, who can do the job. Let me explain. We know that President Trump has a real thing about alcohol largely shaped by his brother who was an alcoholic. It seems to me that Senator Thune could talk with him about the perils of nominating Hegseth to such an important and key position in the country if the man has "wet" brain. Hegseth's self reporting that he doesn't have a problem will not cut the mustard here. Trump should understand this, especially since Hegseth (as am alcoholic) has masked his problem and most recovering alcoholics can see it. For all the other reasons PLUS the immense problem of a wet brain, Hegseth will not be able to serve Trump. Hegseth himself admitted that he will have lots of people around him to get the job done. He knows he's not prepared for this job... he just wants to build an antiquated warrior foot soldier army that will use brutality. Our wars are likely to be fought at a very different scale considering AI and drones and nonhuman combat strategies that are already here. He is naive, inexperienced, and has a serious cognitive impediment.

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Every alcoholic not in recovery sings the same tune: "I don't have a problem with alcohol; I could quit anytime I wanted." Even as they continue for years abusing alcohol until finally they are no longer functioning alcoholics but hit rock bottom. The LAST thing anybody should do with a problem drinker is put him in a high-stress job that he enters knowing he's over his head. It's just a matter of time before he goes on a bender.

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And think of how stressful and demanding this job will be. I imagine it will be a matter of weeks before he starts showing up drunk.

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Barbara, this is such a good point that you make about the felons aversion to alcohol and his choice of Hegseth. Let's hope he lacks the numbers for confirmation.

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Nail on the head.

Many, many serious people are struggling with the needs of the 21st century at a significant cost to taxpayers for NATSEC capabilities.

Hegseth, Ret Gen Flynn, Kellog, et al. are all fist only adherents without any true understanding of the Military as a whole entity.

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There have been times when Trump was clearly seriously slurring his words, like in his phone call with Raffensperger in GA, when he asked him to find him some votes. It is still on YouTube, in case you have forgotten.

I don't buy most of what Trump says and PolitiFact has his truth rating at only 3%

Why have we bought into the notion that Trump never drinks?

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He is on a ton of "medication" including librium for ADHD--this is why he won't release his medical records. The slurring is also probably because of growing dementia. And the meds he has been on (uppers and downers) also wrecked his digestive system (not to mention his diet) which is why he has to wear a diaper: uncontrollable diarrhea. It is, weirdly, a fact that he doesn't drink alcohol, although his addiction to Diet Pepsi is also noted.

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I keyed on some points you made. SecDef has an immense role but Hegseth has reduced it to an idealogical bumper sticker. His ‘wet brain’ as you cited will only increase his dependence on others, the nameless DoD personnel to get the job done. I suspect he will spend his time on some tv show, and less on the outer ring of the Pentagon.

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Hegseth is a nazi. He is a violent, undisciplined, hate filled misogynist who will ultimately be the cause, together with an ego-inflated liar in the White House, of the 'military, diplomatic and intelligence' failures that are inevitable if he is approved for the position he is in no way qualified for. To say it will be the Senate's fault is an understatement and their doing that people will wind up dead. It's highly likely that hegseth would send the military against peaceful protesters with the approval of a president who tried it in his first term. The man will kill Americans. Count on it. We'll see what happens when they start to bully and threaten other countries of the world. When people get fired upon, they have a tendency to fire back. This administration will probably be the first in history to provoke an attack on U.S. soil.

This is what happens when nazis have power. If this man is approved, we are in serious trouble. And he is only ONE of the poor choices offered up by the incoming.

When I urge people to vote in 2026, I can't stress enough how much our future hangs in the balance. A responsible Congress is the only way to stop this.

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Spot on Celeste....I could not have said it better. I agree, I believe that there will be American deaths as a result of this adminstration and Hegseth. Anyone that has to shout out their religion on the big stage is really not a Christian. He isn't a Christian in any way. He is using the cloak of Jesus and Christianity to get power and justify killing. If anything, I think these people are anything but Christian.

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The women senators who questioned and confronted Hegseth are the best representatives of truth we've seen in a long time. He couldn't answer 1 question directly and not a word of truth was in anything he said. Ugh.

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Ret CAPT/Senator Mark Kelly was great and relevant with the experience to back it up.

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And Joni Ernst, herself a military veteran, has said she's giving this clown a pass. I'm just dumbstruck by the GOP's utter capitulation to this insanity.

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As a retired officer of the United States Navy, the idea of Hegseth being Secretary of Defense is disgusting. Serving in the military has never been easy for women. Having this person as SECDEF will not make it any easier.

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So why were there so many letters of support from military people?

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They watch Fox News

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There is still a culture of fantasy warriors that mostly do live in glass houses. See ex. Ret Gen Flynn. They couldn't campaign fight, manage the diplomacy to get out of the fight, nor re-build their way out of a paper bag.

Their military fighting is their ends not the means to peace.

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Trump's nominations are at least consistent. Given his fragile ego and need for validation, it isn't surprising he wants to surround himself with incompetent but loyal sycophants. He is a tyrant man baby whose disregard for our laws has been on display for 10 years. I work in the global arena and my colleagues around the world are deeply concerned he and his minions will create complete chaos for all of us. World....meet the wrecking ball crew. This administration will be nicknamed "Animal House" in the history books. BTW, I'm loving The Contrarian and appreciate you all.

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Hegseth's performance at the Senate hearing echoed Kyle Rittenhouse's crocodile-teared testimony to the sympathetic jury that acquitted him of murdering un-armed protestors at a distance.

Elevating the guilty and harvesting their gratitude seems to be a key (and effective) GOP tactic in the war against democracy.

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And Kavanaugh's also.

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Clarence Thomas, too, for that matter.

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I stayed at the Post until you left. My subscription there is good into October but I have canceled. I look forward to following you here.

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I gave up on WaPo moments after I found out Jen Rubin had resigned. It was my hometown newspaper and I grew up reading it, so the decision to cancel was emotional, but I have no regrets. I signed up for The Contrarian knowing it will be worth every penny.

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Since Trump’s election, I had basically checked out. The whole thing was so depressing for me. I cancelled my subscription to WaPo after Besos refused to endorse. I had gotten a subscription to The Guardian as I came to the conclusion that (aside from my local paper) I cannot read a paper owned by a billionaire. I was so happy to read that Jennifer Rubin started this new media venture. This article had just what I am looking for. Thank you.

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Hi, Jen. Welcome to your new digs. Trump has typified hubris in myriad ways. His appointment of Hegseth exemplifies one translation of hubris: "insolence in prosperity".

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I also cancelled WAPO when Jen resigned. I read earlier that The Contrarian picked up 175,000 subscribers in 48 hours. We all so need journalists courage and truth telling now.

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Geez! He never held a position of leadership in the military, yet he postures that it is his military experience that makes him more qualified than others. That is insane. It's like showing up at any army base, picking a random major off the streets, and nominating him / her as Secretary of Defense. Similar qualifications. Probably even better qualified given his history of sexual and alcohol abuse, and financial mismanagement. Hell, I was a USAF captain. Maybe I should have been nominated. Geez!

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