Just a few minutes ago, in the most cringeworthy public spectacle the Oval Office has ever seen, President Felon and his Maybelline Mini-Me Boy deliberately turned an important diplomatic meeting into an episode of Trash Wrestling TV. A dumb, obese moron with a spray-painted face berated, bullied, lied, and screamed at one of the bravest men on earth --- Volodymyr Zelensky, who tried to speak for his beleagured country, one-third of whose people have been displaced, eking out a wartime existence for the past 3 years -- either overseas, in internal exile, in bomb shelters, hospitals, refugee centers, fighting for their very lives.
Trump and his lapdog spewed arrogant, dishonest chickenshit in English, purposely denying Ukraine's president even an opportunity to speak a single sentence (not in his own language) uninterrupted. What do you call arrogant bastards going out of their way to kick a suffering ally *fighting for our values* in the face while greedily sucking up to his despotic enemy?
Contrarians, let’s write a letter to Zelensky condemning the appalling way he was treated, supporting him and his country in their struggle against Putin
Thank you, Daniel. I enjoy calling republican senators and congress people and giving them a piece of my mind. You've saved me some work, and I appreciate that. I will be happy to call these conflicted and usually morally ambiguous people. Not calling MicConnell, though. What a waste of my precious time.
I call him a A$$ hole, embarrassing, and as of this week an extortionist! My heart goes out to President Zelenskyy (a word I refuse to use in connection with the orange one) and his people . I wish to extend my apologies on behalf of our nation
I'm very jaded from the last 8 years of Trump but watching that deplorable scene has shaken me to my core. Who are we as a country anymore? How could such a person(s) be elected to the highest office in the land? It turns out American exceptionalism was all a lie.
I was really surprised that Zelensky agreed to visit the White House. Surely he knows what a lying bastard trump ( and musk) is (are). He couldn't have actually thought that signing any kind of agreement with trump would gain anything for his country.
I'm sure President Zelinsky knows that agreement isn't worth the paper it's written on. All Putin needs to do is tell his agent to end or change it. 🙄😮💨
Yes. That is what I saw and heard. The whole, excruciating performance of the Orwellian Pig Pair. And the face of President Zelensky spoke volumes. A truly Great Man, being haranged by a couple of vicious, rabid, junkyard dogs. He stayed remarkably calm and utterly civil through that hideous spectacle of two arrogant, lying, insolent ignoramuses browbeating a hero and statesman trying to save his country and his people.
He now knows that the USA government has joined his enemy. He knows an extortion racket when he sees one. The truth is STRONG with this man.
Will America's PEOPLE stand up and say "HELL NO!!! We stand with Ukraine!!! And felon4547, YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!"?
O God, I hope so, but hope won't be enough. We have to DO.
I enjoyed and benefitted from this post. Thanks. However, I would not have used the adjective 'malevolent' to describe the actors and architects of our current administration. Why not? It's too general a term, and too vague. What they appear to be are arrogant, greedy, misogynistic, racist, classist, autocratic and aberrant-brained psychopaths unafraid to bully, bribe, threaten and if necessary eliminate all opposition to their self-servings acts.
Protest all year. They deserve no economy. Democrats introduced many amendments to stop tax cuts:
• First, stop tax cuts for those making over $10 million a year—Republicans voted no.
• Second, they tried to set the cutoff at $100 million—Republicans still said no.
• Third, they tried to set the cutoff at $500 million—Republicans still said no.
• Fourth, they tried to set the cutoff at $1 billion— Republicans said they were for giving billionaires a tax break on the backs of the poor and the elderly.
1) Republicans, 217 of them in the House, won’t even block tax cuts for people making $1 billion in a single year.
2) Republicans, 217 of them in the House, are more than happy to slash funding for kids with disabilities and seniors in nursing homes to give billionaires a financial break.
If you voted for one of these Republicans you are complicit in their actions.
"That’s what we saw in broad daylight, in front of the cameras.
Behind the scenes is where the corrupt dealings take place, where self-dealing and conflicts of interest have become standard operating procedure."
" Take Ukraine. As of this week, we see that America’s “protection” of Ukraine now hinges, in part, on a mineral deal with the besieged country. When asked why Ukraine would agree to such a deal, Trump answered that it would give Ukraine “350 billion and lots of equipment, military equipment, and the right to fight on.” Trump concedes that he will only ensure Ukraine’s security in order to get a piece of the action. And while at first glance, Trump securing U.S. access to Ukraine’s mineral repositories might not seem like a bad approach, extorting Ukraine and undermining an ally who has been under siege is not typically how the U.S. treats its friends."
Your column is incredibly timely!
Just minutes ago a TV program was interrupted to show Trump in the White House bellowing and bullying President Zelensky from Ukraine, with Vance sitting on the other side of Trump, chiming in with a chorus.
It was the most sickening, dangerous and disgusting display of the behavior of a third world tyrant I have EVER seen in my life.
Trump continually berated Zelensky in a very loud voice. He wouldn't let Zelensky speak, Everything Trump said was a damning lie. Then on cue, Vance would interject that Zelinsky had not thanked America for what we've done for his country.
It turned my stomach. The only question I had left after turning that so called "breaking news" away was this:
Exactly what does Putin have on Trump that would cause Trump to put on his "freak show" with such an abominable, embarrassing and ignorant display of bullying and grifting to be broadcast in the middle of the day on national TV?
Putin might have something "on" Trump. But I think we are witnessing Trump at his best-worst--I'm hoping Zelinsky's cool presence (in the light of what was happening) will spark some GOP resolve. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THOSE PEOPLE! Give it up and come together--we cannot do this and survive.
Putin MUST have something on trump, i.e. something that the orange monster wants to prevent from coming into the open at all cost; something that might really cause his downfall.
Don’t forget the ones that the election wasn’t even important to vote. Those are the ones I really blame. maga drank the koolaid and g o p in congress care more about their paycheck and don’t have the “balls” to do otherwise
I just saw the appalling spectacle of Vance and Trump berating and demeaning Zelensky at this meeting. A reporter actually asked why Zelensky was not wearing a suit and said he was showing disrespect. It was like a bad episode of Saturday Night Live. Trumps thuggery and surly responses included a quip that said he would be supporting Putin in any agreement that was attained. Zelensky left, as he should have. This should leave little doubt in anyone's mind that we have a mob boss and his crony, as Potus and VP. I hope Europe steps up with help until we can get Democrats back in office. This is the most shameful thing I have ever seen and our country has been damaged in reputation, that will be hard to overcome by the next administration. No other country, with the exception of Russia is going to trust us on any issue, after this debacle.
"A reporter actually asked why Zelensky was not wearing a suit and said he was showing disrespect" - Just one more insult to this brave man, while there is never a comment regarding musk's t-shirt? Disrespectful were trump and vance in their berating and demeaning verbal onslaughts - truly shameful!
"Appalling" almost too weak. Excruciating, painful, insulting!
"This should leave little doubt in anyone's mind that we have a mob boss and his crony, as Potus and VP." YES, YES, YES! (And please thank me 20 times!!! - keep my EGO happy!) I am going out to NOT shop, maybe just visit the horses.
What has just happened now at the white house is outrageous and i am embarrassed for our country. To treat the President of Ukraine in such a manner . This awful tragic happening is making a major change in the world order and we are less secure as of today . Congress better get hold of this and, if the clean-up is even possible and given the lack of spines of our Representatives and Senators may mean we are in serious insecurity. None of us voted for such infatile stupid incompetence! Lornasmha@cox.net
Oh, they are all about "fixing" things. Like elections and fraud schemes. The time to fumigate the White House is about 6 weeks overdue. We don't have forever to turn this around. Maybe not even 2 years...
Nor do we want Mikey Johnson to inherit the "throne!" He is no patriot; he is a tool.
Let's all lobby for President Zelensky to win the Nobel Prize. He and his countrymen and women have single handedly upheld the world's rules based order. And I hope King Charles rescinds his invitation to Trump on the basis of this bullying display against a world hero this afternoon.
I'd cancel WaPo but I already did that back when Bezos killed the Harris endorsement. The vaccine block and Brain Worm are going to be deadly. Elmo is playing the odds with his baby hackers' destruction, will it be Ebola or Bubonic Plague or a nuclear accident that kills us all?
This leading up to what just happened, the most shameful, disgusting, monstrous, everything wrong meetings in the White House. President Zelensky is a leader. Agent Orange and Guyliner are traitorous sociopathic lumps of radioactive waste. I just can't with this.
If you’re seeking Truth in the era of Trump, you definitely won’t find it in the White House briefing room. I wouldn’t mind if major outlets left the WH press pool en masse in protest of their lies and gaslighting. Nothing riles Trump up more than the press ignoring him!
Congress. DOJ. FBI. Defense. The free press (AP, lawsuits, WaPo, LA Times, selective access). Threats to the judiciary. All falling in line as the authoritarian regime requires.
I am so proud of Zelinsky. I hope the GOP's skin crawls right off their body. Trump accuses and turns everything around on Zelinsky--and everyone could see it. If Z was "shown the door," he should be proud of it. Trump is a dumpster fire.
All true. America looks like a country in melt-down when a lifelong criminal, mafia associate, and Putin asset for over thirty years is president of the country. It has been handed over to a maniac to burn down like he did with Twitter, to make it his own private play-ground and for his billionaire buddies. Foreign policy is now dictated by the Kremlin while Trump threatens allies and extorts what he can. A shameful humiliation for a proud country independent since 1783 to now be subordinate to Moscow through its puppet thug in the White House. All the institutions were to blame - the corrupt judges, senators and representatives, the billionaire funders of the criminal Republicans and their candidate, the lackadaisical prosecutions by the DoJ, the religious bigots and lunatics spreading lies on social media. As the old nursery rhyme goes: "A hush-a, a bush-a, we all fall down!" That was invented in the time of the Great Plague of 1665-6 in London, and it meant people would die after a couple of sneezes when they were taken ill. The Eagle is down - America has fallen! We should weep for what will now follow, as we have barely seen the beginning.
I feel your pain and know the evidence only too well. Now pull on your work boots and get busy. Every single American will be needed, and each of us need to give it our best, if we want to survive as a decent, functional, humane, prosperous and trustworthy democratic nation. Regaining status as a world leader and example for others may take a while...
Well, what do you think I'm doing? We all contribute in the ways we know and are good at, and they can be different. Who says it won't happen without more radical mobilization, outside the party system? Or without further gross provocations by the Trump regime which will enrage even Trump's voters? There's no guarantee that America will 'regain status as a world leader and example"...all we can do is our best as much as we are permitted in this life and some of us are at the end of our lifespans. No country stays the leader forever...Patricia Stewart or Sarah Kendzior (on Substack) have much to say on how America has come to this stage of its politics and society.
Just a few minutes ago, in the most cringeworthy public spectacle the Oval Office has ever seen, President Felon and his Maybelline Mini-Me Boy deliberately turned an important diplomatic meeting into an episode of Trash Wrestling TV. A dumb, obese moron with a spray-painted face berated, bullied, lied, and screamed at one of the bravest men on earth --- Volodymyr Zelensky, who tried to speak for his beleagured country, one-third of whose people have been displaced, eking out a wartime existence for the past 3 years -- either overseas, in internal exile, in bomb shelters, hospitals, refugee centers, fighting for their very lives.
Trump and his lapdog spewed arrogant, dishonest chickenshit in English, purposely denying Ukraine's president even an opportunity to speak a single sentence (not in his own language) uninterrupted. What do you call arrogant bastards going out of their way to kick a suffering ally *fighting for our values* in the face while greedily sucking up to his despotic enemy?
Tiny, tiny, tiny, revolting, Putin-licking traitors, that's who.
Contrarians, let’s write a letter to Zelensky condemning the appalling way he was treated, supporting him and his country in their struggle against Putin
Write, call, picket, sit in Congress. 22 senate Republicans supported Ukraine funding. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4464791-here-are-the-senate-republicans-who-voted-for-the-ukraine-package/
House joint committee.
Thank you, Daniel. I enjoy calling republican senators and congress people and giving them a piece of my mind. You've saved me some work, and I appreciate that. I will be happy to call these conflicted and usually morally ambiguous people. Not calling MicConnell, though. What a waste of my precious time.
Does anyone here know how to send a letter to him?
To Jen and Norm (I hope you can make the time to read the comments you get every day from us Contrarians):
1. Do you know how to get a letter to Zelensky, signed by thousands of us and posted in the public domain?
2. If so, would one of you take on the task of writing it and posting it on Substack for all of us who want to to sign it?
He needs to know that
We are appalled by the attempt by two of the world’s biggest bullies to humiliate the world’s bravest man, and that they did NOT succeed.
Send it to the Ukrainian embassy:
Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C.
3350 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20007
United States
(+1) 202 349 2963
Homepage for the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C.
Send it to the Ukrainian embassy:
Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C.
3350 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20007
United States
(+1) 202 349 2963
Homepage for the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C.
Thank you. I just sent an email of apology and shame to the Embassy.
That is the most disgusting, vile display from a president I have ever witnessed. Corbin, your words are true.
It’s way beyond disgust . Evil supported by people kissing his …whatever! Vote them all… ALL OUT!
Slava Ukraine
I call him a A$$ hole, embarrassing, and as of this week an extortionist! My heart goes out to President Zelenskyy (a word I refuse to use in connection with the orange one) and his people . I wish to extend my apologies on behalf of our nation
I'm very jaded from the last 8 years of Trump but watching that deplorable scene has shaken me to my core. Who are we as a country anymore? How could such a person(s) be elected to the highest office in the land? It turns out American exceptionalism was all a lie.
Russia interfered in our election to elect the SOB.
No doubt he did
Yes, absolutely!!
I was really surprised that Zelensky agreed to visit the White House. Surely he knows what a lying bastard trump ( and musk) is (are). He couldn't have actually thought that signing any kind of agreement with trump would gain anything for his country.
Shameful behavior. The little boy couldn’t get his way and throws a tantrum. Lower than low behavior.
This was revolting.
I'm sure President Zelinsky knows that agreement isn't worth the paper it's written on. All Putin needs to do is tell his agent to end or change it. 🙄😮💨
Yes. That is what I saw and heard. The whole, excruciating performance of the Orwellian Pig Pair. And the face of President Zelensky spoke volumes. A truly Great Man, being haranged by a couple of vicious, rabid, junkyard dogs. He stayed remarkably calm and utterly civil through that hideous spectacle of two arrogant, lying, insolent ignoramuses browbeating a hero and statesman trying to save his country and his people.
He now knows that the USA government has joined his enemy. He knows an extortion racket when he sees one. The truth is STRONG with this man.
Will America's PEOPLE stand up and say "HELL NO!!! We stand with Ukraine!!! And felon4547, YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!"?
O God, I hope so, but hope won't be enough. We have to DO.
I enjoyed and benefitted from this post. Thanks. However, I would not have used the adjective 'malevolent' to describe the actors and architects of our current administration. Why not? It's too general a term, and too vague. What they appear to be are arrogant, greedy, misogynistic, racist, classist, autocratic and aberrant-brained psychopaths unafraid to bully, bribe, threaten and if necessary eliminate all opposition to their self-servings acts.
That is a better description.
Why oh WHY quibble with "malevolent"? We already know all your descriptions. For sake of brevity, "malevolent."
Sounds about right! Thank you.
Protest all year. They deserve no economy. Democrats introduced many amendments to stop tax cuts:
• First, stop tax cuts for those making over $10 million a year—Republicans voted no.
• Second, they tried to set the cutoff at $100 million—Republicans still said no.
• Third, they tried to set the cutoff at $500 million—Republicans still said no.
• Fourth, they tried to set the cutoff at $1 billion— Republicans said they were for giving billionaires a tax break on the backs of the poor and the elderly.
1) Republicans, 217 of them in the House, won’t even block tax cuts for people making $1 billion in a single year.
2) Republicans, 217 of them in the House, are more than happy to slash funding for kids with disabilities and seniors in nursing homes to give billionaires a financial break.
If you voted for one of these Republicans you are complicit in their actions.
MAGA voters and office holders are clearly complicit in this national disaster called Trump.
"That’s what we saw in broad daylight, in front of the cameras.
Behind the scenes is where the corrupt dealings take place, where self-dealing and conflicts of interest have become standard operating procedure."
" Take Ukraine. As of this week, we see that America’s “protection” of Ukraine now hinges, in part, on a mineral deal with the besieged country. When asked why Ukraine would agree to such a deal, Trump answered that it would give Ukraine “350 billion and lots of equipment, military equipment, and the right to fight on.” Trump concedes that he will only ensure Ukraine’s security in order to get a piece of the action. And while at first glance, Trump securing U.S. access to Ukraine’s mineral repositories might not seem like a bad approach, extorting Ukraine and undermining an ally who has been under siege is not typically how the U.S. treats its friends."
Your column is incredibly timely!
Just minutes ago a TV program was interrupted to show Trump in the White House bellowing and bullying President Zelensky from Ukraine, with Vance sitting on the other side of Trump, chiming in with a chorus.
It was the most sickening, dangerous and disgusting display of the behavior of a third world tyrant I have EVER seen in my life.
Trump continually berated Zelensky in a very loud voice. He wouldn't let Zelensky speak, Everything Trump said was a damning lie. Then on cue, Vance would interject that Zelinsky had not thanked America for what we've done for his country.
It turned my stomach. The only question I had left after turning that so called "breaking news" away was this:
Exactly what does Putin have on Trump that would cause Trump to put on his "freak show" with such an abominable, embarrassing and ignorant display of bullying and grifting to be broadcast in the middle of the day on national TV?
Putin might have something "on" Trump. But I think we are witnessing Trump at his best-worst--I'm hoping Zelinsky's cool presence (in the light of what was happening) will spark some GOP resolve. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THOSE PEOPLE! Give it up and come together--we cannot do this and survive.
Putin MUST have something on trump, i.e. something that the orange monster wants to prevent from coming into the open at all cost; something that might really cause his downfall.
There once was an "asset" * named Krasnov.
A criminal, fascist, and spaznov.
He pawned his few scruples
For X million rubles.
Now sold out his country he hasnov.
* "useful idiot" is more accurate
I totally blame the voters who elected the current administration and the Republican members of Congress. This is what we all get.
Irene, I totally agree
And where does blame get you? What is the next step to get somewhere better?
It's not about blame per se. It's voicing my opinion. The next step is what citizens and press and judges are all trying to do in opposition.
Don’t forget the ones that the election wasn’t even important to vote. Those are the ones I really blame. maga drank the koolaid and g o p in congress care more about their paycheck and don’t have the “balls” to do otherwise
I heard (but don't actually know) that there were 58 million eligible voters who did NOT vote.
I just saw the appalling spectacle of Vance and Trump berating and demeaning Zelensky at this meeting. A reporter actually asked why Zelensky was not wearing a suit and said he was showing disrespect. It was like a bad episode of Saturday Night Live. Trumps thuggery and surly responses included a quip that said he would be supporting Putin in any agreement that was attained. Zelensky left, as he should have. This should leave little doubt in anyone's mind that we have a mob boss and his crony, as Potus and VP. I hope Europe steps up with help until we can get Democrats back in office. This is the most shameful thing I have ever seen and our country has been damaged in reputation, that will be hard to overcome by the next administration. No other country, with the exception of Russia is going to trust us on any issue, after this debacle.
"A reporter actually asked why Zelensky was not wearing a suit and said he was showing disrespect" - Just one more insult to this brave man, while there is never a comment regarding musk's t-shirt? Disrespectful were trump and vance in their berating and demeaning verbal onslaughts - truly shameful!
The reporter was apparently MTG's boyfriend. No surprise for asking his inane question
trump could never be a mob boss.......they kicked him out of Atlantic City for a reason
"Appalling" almost too weak. Excruciating, painful, insulting!
"This should leave little doubt in anyone's mind that we have a mob boss and his crony, as Potus and VP." YES, YES, YES! (And please thank me 20 times!!! - keep my EGO happy!) I am going out to NOT shop, maybe just visit the horses.
What has just happened now at the white house is outrageous and i am embarrassed for our country. To treat the President of Ukraine in such a manner . This awful tragic happening is making a major change in the world order and we are less secure as of today . Congress better get hold of this and, if the clean-up is even possible and given the lack of spines of our Representatives and Senators may mean we are in serious insecurity. None of us voted for such infatile stupid incompetence! Lornasmha@cox.net
It may be time for impeachment of both President and Vice President if they do not fix this NOW!
Oh, they are all about "fixing" things. Like elections and fraud schemes. The time to fumigate the White House is about 6 weeks overdue. We don't have forever to turn this around. Maybe not even 2 years...
Nor do we want Mikey Johnson to inherit the "throne!" He is no patriot; he is a tool.
They will be the death of us. Literally.
Let's all lobby for President Zelensky to win the Nobel Prize. He and his countrymen and women have single handedly upheld the world's rules based order. And I hope King Charles rescinds his invitation to Trump on the basis of this bullying display against a world hero this afternoon.
I'd cancel WaPo but I already did that back when Bezos killed the Harris endorsement. The vaccine block and Brain Worm are going to be deadly. Elmo is playing the odds with his baby hackers' destruction, will it be Ebola or Bubonic Plague or a nuclear accident that kills us all?
This leading up to what just happened, the most shameful, disgusting, monstrous, everything wrong meetings in the White House. President Zelensky is a leader. Agent Orange and Guyliner are traitorous sociopathic lumps of radioactive waste. I just can't with this.
If you’re seeking Truth in the era of Trump, you definitely won’t find it in the White House briefing room. I wouldn’t mind if major outlets left the WH press pool en masse in protest of their lies and gaslighting. Nothing riles Trump up more than the press ignoring him!
Congress. DOJ. FBI. Defense. The free press (AP, lawsuits, WaPo, LA Times, selective access). Threats to the judiciary. All falling in line as the authoritarian regime requires.
I am so proud of Zelinsky. I hope the GOP's skin crawls right off their body. Trump accuses and turns everything around on Zelinsky--and everyone could see it. If Z was "shown the door," he should be proud of it. Trump is a dumpster fire.
All true. America looks like a country in melt-down when a lifelong criminal, mafia associate, and Putin asset for over thirty years is president of the country. It has been handed over to a maniac to burn down like he did with Twitter, to make it his own private play-ground and for his billionaire buddies. Foreign policy is now dictated by the Kremlin while Trump threatens allies and extorts what he can. A shameful humiliation for a proud country independent since 1783 to now be subordinate to Moscow through its puppet thug in the White House. All the institutions were to blame - the corrupt judges, senators and representatives, the billionaire funders of the criminal Republicans and their candidate, the lackadaisical prosecutions by the DoJ, the religious bigots and lunatics spreading lies on social media. As the old nursery rhyme goes: "A hush-a, a bush-a, we all fall down!" That was invented in the time of the Great Plague of 1665-6 in London, and it meant people would die after a couple of sneezes when they were taken ill. The Eagle is down - America has fallen! We should weep for what will now follow, as we have barely seen the beginning.
I feel your pain and know the evidence only too well. Now pull on your work boots and get busy. Every single American will be needed, and each of us need to give it our best, if we want to survive as a decent, functional, humane, prosperous and trustworthy democratic nation. Regaining status as a world leader and example for others may take a while...
Well, what do you think I'm doing? We all contribute in the ways we know and are good at, and they can be different. Who says it won't happen without more radical mobilization, outside the party system? Or without further gross provocations by the Trump regime which will enrage even Trump's voters? There's no guarantee that America will 'regain status as a world leader and example"...all we can do is our best as much as we are permitted in this life and some of us are at the end of our lifespans. No country stays the leader forever...Patricia Stewart or Sarah Kendzior (on Substack) have much to say on how America has come to this stage of its politics and society.
It’s time to put the screws in hard.
NO SUSPENSION of the debt ceiling.
NO TEMPORIZING with a stopgap CR.
NO BUDGET, period. If the Federal Budget is an instrument of overthrowing my country, I don’t want a budget. Make them come to us for a budget.
This sadly small choir has been wonderfully preached to.
But unless there is some way to get these observations/insights before the eyeballs of, say, 100 million Americans, all is lost.
The failure to put these sorry facts in the faces of the oblivious and misled is how democracy dies. Hello Democratic Party. Anyone home?