Perhaps the product of the SDNY investigations might find its way into the hands of Manhattan DA Bragg??

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I am so tired of these corrupt people.

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Doesn't NY have a recall option? He needs to be recalled. They could have had someone good and picked a closeted republican.

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We don't have a recall option. The only thing is resign or the governor can fire him. We begged her to do that after the indictments. She's also a feckless bird-brained coward.

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That's too bad. California is constantly recalling someone.

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Our city charter would need to be amended. We can barely get people to vote, and we’ve made it super easy allowing no reason by mail now. Adams received the lowest number of votes and turnout since 1953. His Republican opponent was CURTIS SLIWA. We could have had Maya Wiley. They also made a huge mistake by implementing rank choice voting in the throes of the pandemic. It showed me just how many stupid people there are out there. How hard is ranking your choices, alas, very hard it seems. FF to this year and ANDREW CUOMO is polling at the top of the list for mayor. You can’t make this shit up.

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In a country of 330 million, it seems that only two dozen sociopaths are viable candidates for any office. But sure, get rid of the Dept. of Education, because we are a nation of stable geniuses already.

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Ot we could have had Kathryn Garcia who only lost to Adams in the primary by a fraction. Dems should have realized then that he is an empty suit who talks a good game.

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Garcia is a Republican masquerading as a Dem. And the streets got more and more disgusting with her heading up DSNY.

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Adams is in his last year. I assume his re-election chances are minimal, if he’s even running. A blatant interference by Trump to dismiss the case would presumably kill any remaining re-election chance. But what a sleaze Adams has turned out to be.

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We assume so given that I've yet to meet a NYer who has anything good to say about him but then we didn't think Trump could win either . . .

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I always distrusted Adams from the git-go, but I didn't think he would be this transparently corrupt.

Of course, I always clap for Tinkerbell...

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He's always been corrupt. Half of the crimes were committed before he was even mayor. He lied about his residence and a host of other things for years.

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No surprises there. I knew nothing about his past, but my gut told me not to trust him. Nice to know it still functions!

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Maya would have served with honor!

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Welcome to Moscow.

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Next up: George Santos.

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Trump/Musk administration corruption (not just recently) has always been worst than hazardous material/acid corrosion of a Brownsville Environmental site.

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If the charges are dropped, it will allow Adams to receive matching taxpayer campaign funds, which is infuriating!

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