The only thing that surprises me is that it has taken the markets this long to react. I think they all assumed that some adult in the room would stop him. Well, the adults are gone.
The CEO's were all dazzled by the thought of the huge tax cuts the GOP/Trump will pass this year, 70% of which will go to the top 5%. And which will add trillions more to the deficit. They were all thinking of how much their stock options were going to appreciate.
But, SURPRISE!! The market is gonna pop like a rotten canteloupe once all those tariffs and counter-tariffs slam our GDP into reverse, and turbocharge inflation. Any buyer's remorse yet Wall Street?
They can't pass the tax cuts without the support of some Democrats in the House. I am hoping that the Democrats hold firm and refuse to support the madness in any way.
An overnight rally in stock futures largely fizzled out on Wednesday morning after ADP’s private payroll data showed another worrying sign for the economy. Private sector job creation slowed to a crawl in February, fueling concerns of an economic slowdown, payrolls processing firm ADP reported Wednesday
Daniel, what is happening is a tragedy for relatively few who have been affected (i.e., those who have lost jobs), but as the numbers grow along with the collateral damage to our economy, perhaps then, and only then, will we see change. If we can survive the impending disaster until 2026, perhaps there will be enough Congressional Republicans to lose their seats and switch both houses to the Democrats.
I don't wish or hope for economic harm to Americans, but realistically it may be the only way to inspire enough of a critical mass of bipartisan opposition, which isn't yet happening.
The time is NOW. Check out Feathers of Hope. Ukraine is a window of opportunity. 22 Republican senators voted to fund Ukraine. Dozens in the House. (S)he who hesitates is lost. We may never get another vote.
Lots of other issues, like theft of the Treasury.
Trump is his own enemy. E.G. Musk says that old folks need to just die. Called SS a "ponzi scheme." As Thom Hartmann documented the other day, Trump/Musk have a scheme to disrupt SS, to enrage the public.
According to Pew,
Among voters ages 60 and older, the GOP holds a clear advantage:
Republican alignment is 10 percentage points higher than Democratic alignment (53% vs. 43%) among voters in their 60s.
Voters ages 70 to 79 are slightly more likely to be aligned with the GOP (51%) than the Democratic Party (46%).
About six-in-ten voters 80 and older (58%) identify with or lean toward the GOP, while 39% associate with the Democratic Party.
Older voters overwhelmingly identify with a party; among younger voters, substantial numbers lean.
Therefore Musk and Trump are targeting their own supporters. Maybe this will light a fire.
Surely some Congressional Republican can feel the heat.
Good critical thinking. As a mental health therapist I've had many clients talk about wanting to change, targeting goals, and agreeing to actions they will take. Yet they won't lift a finger UNTIL they hit rock bottom. Unfortunately it's going in the direction you've outlined. The agents of change will be food scarcity and an economic recession....
Nubby, the scumbag president keeps an eye on the stock market all the time and needless to say, noticed a bad reaction to the stupidest war he declared on our closest allies. Now he is suggesting ,maybe ,both sides should find a middle ground. He is stupid but his instincts are not.
Sure are, Amy! Jen Rubin is spot on. DJT is part of a two man wrecking ball and Republicans are too stupid to realize that it affects their constituents as well
Democrats have to stop being the adults in the room and 'going high'. They need to bring together everyone affected by this madness from Veterans, and workers to nursing home residents and go after Republicans. Tie these actions directly to local reps and take back congress in 26. Attack, don't just roll your eyes and act concerned.
i don't think we can wait til '26 elections. If T, M and Vance have their way, there won't be an election. We need some of the GOP Congress and Senators to vote with us on some of this unconstitutional crap...I thought for sure they would 25th amendment him out, but he surrounded himself with sycophants. So, no chance of that happening. SCOTUS just denied him this am regarding USAID. So, great, someone over there has some sense, but, what is to stop him from ignoring them like he did the Fed Judge who originally ordered him to keep funding and sending $. At that point, what happens...i know, we have a "Constitutional crisis". I would argue we have had a CC since about 1/21/25? He is ignoring the courts, he has the GOP Senate and Congress in line because they are worried about losing their jobs. Ofcourse, they are irrelevant at this's really bad. And, i am a 65 year old woman born in a Red state who has voted Dem since 1980.
Now you are talking, Jim Hayes!! The time has past come for us to fight back. And we definitely need to show the media on what side of the bread their future is buttered!
The CEO's are waking up to the fact that they were conned by a failed NY hustler and bully. Greed blinded them to the ignorance and malfeasance of Trump/MAGA. Now we all will suffer.
Private sector job creation slowed to a crawl in February, fueling concerns of an economic slowdown, payrolls processing firm ADP reported Wednesday.
Companies added just 77,000 new workers for the month, well off the upwardly revised 186,000 in January and below the 148,000 Dow Jones consensus estimate, according to seasonally adjusted figures from ADP.
What if ..sinking the markets was done on purpose to let Russian oligarchs get the shares at a good price? Russia is in, for sure in government computer and else, after the orange idiot has invited them. Collusion with Putin has been demonstrated, directly even said by the Crook in charge. You have traitors that should be treated as they deserve.
His purposeful wrecking of the market, meaning letting it fall drastically, to allow particular people who were clued in ahead of time to buy in at low cost, is exactly what I envisioned.
I think it's worse than that: traders are fully aware of what Trump is likely to do to the economy and don't care. This is a casino where nothing matters but winning. They were simply riding the wave until it broke and taking profits while they could. Yesterday was simply the fall of the suckers who waited too long to sell and the time to buy low so they can eventually sell high. As a wise person once said, "the markets don't care if you live or die."
This morning on NPR News, I heard that the markets, or one of them, possibly the DOW, has gone up by 1200 points, if I heard correctly. That announcement makes me wonder if he caused them to fail on purpose so his richest buddies and supporters could buy shares at low costs, own and control much more stock in our country, and then convince the world that he knows how to create success. Could it be such a trick that has taken place, or did the market go up that much this morning for another reason? Will it stay up snd climb, or is it part of a bigger, camouflaged scheme for a wealth and power grab?
You mean the "adults" that gave us an aggregate 20% inflation over the past four years and essentially opened our southern border to the biggest influx of illegal immigration in our history? The ones who lied to us about how mentally sharp Joe Biden was? Those same "adults" that lost control of Congress and the White House? Those "adults"? Please, spare me.
Not sure who you are addressing, but the “adults” I was referring to were Rex Tillerson, John Kelly, Jim Mathis, John Bolton, John McCain, Mike Pence, Steve Mnuchin and, yes, even Bill Barr. Those are the ones who found ways to keep Trump from truly going off the deep end.
You weren't at all specific as to who the "adults" were. That's why I asked. Regardless, there are plenty of adults in Trump's orbit. The ones who looked like children were the Dems with their silly paddles and refusal to even acknowledge a kid with cancer or the massive decrease in border crossings. There are no adults, much less leaders, in the Democratic Party. All they seem to be able to do is show disdain, disrupt things and disapprove of anything Trump says or does. That's not a winning strategy.
This is apparently the best the Dems can do:
"‘Going off talking points’: 22 Democrats use same script in anti-Trump post"
nice analysis but this morning I saw a poll that shows Republican voters loved his speech. I'm guessing that they won't change their love for him until our country is destroyed beyond repair. I'm so depressed 😞
Don't be depressed Barbara, we don't need all of them for the next election (if we have one at all) ,we need a few thousands here and there ,and above all, we need democrats and independents to get out and vote. Also keep it mind that the pain of his policies are not spread out yet. That time will come. In the meantime keep the faith 😁
AND Ricardo, we need to take swift action to counter or suppress all the voter-suppression legislation in place and coming down the legislative pipeline (e.g.- the SAVES Act).
Agreed, Ricardo. Here's my comment posted to Daniel Solomon:
Daniel, what is happening is a tragedy for relatively few who have been affected (i.e., those who have lost jobs), but as the numbers grow along with the collateral damage to our economy, perhaps then, and only then, will we see change. If we can survive the impending disaster until 2026, perhaps there will be enough Congressional Republicans to lose their seats and switch both houses to the Democrats.
I don't wish or hope for economic harm to Americans, but realistically it may be the only way to inspire enough of a critical mass of bipartisan opposition, which isn't yet happening.
Hi Barbara, I suggest tuning out what Republicans think, make of all this. That’s what I’ve done and I feel better. Does what they think matter, really? We have to do what we have to do, so what is it that we have to do? Each of us needs to figure that out. Republicans haven’t changed and we shouldn’t expect them to. WE have to change, each of us has to do more, whatever that may be. And if it was just one poll, question the poll. There’s a lot of info out there designed to disable us. I’m not going along. Lisa
Agreed. Wringing our hands and finding new ways to characterize how bad it is doesn't do much good. Write postcards to Wisconsin, where the muskrat is sniffing at the judicial election. Or wherever.
Yaaaay, Doug! Good on you!! As you know, for 12 bucks and a coupla bucks S&H you can get a kit which includes 100 cards and stick-on, preprinted addresses. You're responsible for the postage (54c each) and the one-sentence, handwritten message urging them to vote. Nothing partisan about it, just VOTE! (Of course, you hope they'll do the right thing.)
Everything hurts, depending on the weather, but I still can write postcards!!
Dr. S, mine came from Postcards Across America — and I mailed a couple hundred to Michigan in October 2024. No reprinted mailing addresses, just a list (I'd have paid $12 for the mailing labels!) Cheers!
I just signed up for the Indivisible phone bank for Susan Crawford for 2 upcoming Wednesday evenings. Here’s the link they encouraged me to share to get other recruits.
i agree, i have seen a few stories popping up that i immediately saw as GOP propaganda. RE: voter suppression, we need some sort of a campaign to let women know that if they changed their name when they married, they need to get a passport right NOW with their legal name. I can't imagine they would pass the law that says a woman with a name the same as her husband can't vote...but, we are clearly heading for Handmaids Tale-type situations.
It's good to think positive. I also would target the tens of millions who did NOT vote in 2024. What a difference that could have, and perhaps will, make.
Barbara, don't believe the polls. Those the Felon and his abettors in crime show are manipulated by them. Whom are they polling? Fat chance those polled are representative of the real America.
I hope that You kept watching after Trump to see the Democratic reply by Elissa Slotkin. She was brief but powerful, and underscored the importance for each of us (who recognize Trump as the poison he is and has been for U.S. and the World) to Stay Involved. Trump IS Depressing for anyone who can see just how sick he is; but—as one of this psychiatrist’s Patients wisely said—“Don’t get Anxious, Take Action.”
Besides Voting Democratic Every chance I get, or Campaigning for them, my “Action Plan” includes Donating to Democratic causes and Candidates, plus Donating to the Legally Active groups (ACLU, AARP, Southern Poverty Law Center, NRDC, etc.) who can and DO file the suits that will thwart Trump and Musk’s Illegal steps. Even filling Democrats’ Text Surveys can give them some of the data they’ll need to plan successfully.
Another "brief but powerful" rebuttal was by Bernie Sanders (now at ~3 million views since last night). A brilliant 22-minute message that sets the example for how to communicate with the majority of the American public. His approach--and his values--should be a model for Democrats. I hope this Contrarian audience will take the time to look at it.
it's probably the same 45% who have had his back all along...we'll see now that eggs are $8/dozen. And, wait til the economy really craters because of all the job losses and now the tariffs. Ofcourse, will they actually understand what is going on?
I understand why you would be depressed, although I don't care what Republicans think. I'm more concerned about what Democratic leaders are 'not' doing in response to Trump's actions. They clearly learned nothing from the last election because they picked Elissa Slotkin, who few people have ever heard of, to do the rebuttal, which was too short, too conciliatory and too tame.
The base of the Democratic party is angry, and we want leaders who are fighters to represent us. It's not enough to mention Trump's abuses in a dispassionate way. I want to see anger, passion, and action. And, I wanted her/him to thank Americans who are protesting, and suggest the best ways of getting our voices heard.
If I knew Congressional Democrats were going to hold up signs, dress in pink (I'm a woman so it's not a sexist comment), and signal their weakness, I would have preferred they boycott the event. They looked ridiculous, and accomplished nothing.
Which poll? One poll only? I bet there are other pollsters and other methods and callers and groups of voters who say exactly the opposite. Beware of legacy media!!
And don't get depressed. That's exactly how they want you. Get busy! ;-D
I noticed the same thing during call ins on Washington Journal. It is depressing that many people choose to believe the liar. Disinformation is the real war when it comes to voters.
Fascism here isn’t just a possibility. It isn’t just something we have to guard against.
E. Loon, who fancies himself as a James Bond movie supervillain, and nazis like stephen miller and many others, have succeeded in completely taking over the U.S. government, military, justice department, law enforcement, and the “supreme” court.
As for trump…he’s just their “useful idiot”, a figurehead, worshiped by breathtakingly stupid people who needed his permission to act out on their feelings of inadequacy, resentment, homophobia, racism, hatred, and anger, and voted for him.
He’s too stupid to implement Project 2025 on his own. He just signs the papers they put in front of him, saying “What’s this” and “Oh, that’s a good one”.
Fascism is here. Now.
New Defense Secretary pete hegseth is a member of a strict militant fundamentalist christian sect that believes in biblical law, and he agrees with them that homosexuals should be executed.
He and trump are replacing top military commanders with trump sycophants who will carry out his unlawful and unconstitutional orders.
He will be delighted to follow trump’s orders to send military forces to shoot American citizens participating in protests and demonstrations.
I'm not waiting. You're right to point to an American style fascism as having already arrived. Other than that, none of us knows exactly what's going to happen, including what the military might do with mass demonstrations. I'm ready to support that if and when it happens and call their bluff. (Remember Kent State and the uproar that caused.)
If the army did open fire, I predict it would be the start of a civil war, which, along with all the other things people, including in here, have feared, I've found strangely absent. That's what I think. Like anyone, I could be wrong.
What I'm looking to now is an expansion of the Feb. 28 boycott. That is almost certain to happen, and I'm all in. Boycott, unlike other firms of protest, are extremely hard to suppress, and we need to use every tool we have while we still have some freedom. A full-fledged police state is not here, yet, and I intend to do my part to keep it that way. And speaking of boycott, no one will convince me the Montgomery Bus Boycott was ineffective.
It isn’t only the regular military that is now a concern regarding shooting protesters, it’s the militia groups like the 3 Percenters, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and others. They’re raring to go, and are planning violent actions to be carried out by small cells scattered around the country. The FBI had been tracking them, but trump’s goon leaders at the FBI have stopped monitoring those thugs.
I have backup plans for that contingency as well. It's not as if I'm unaware, and I'm not one of those who needs convincing of the danger Donald Dumb poses. Anyway, while I'm not about to disclose my specific backup plans, but I will say if anyone plans to come after my family, or community, they'll have to get thru me first, and it'll be a helluva fight. And I'm not alone.
I think we need to spend at least as much time
1) warning others, reasonable people who may for whatever reason seem unaware of the threat,
2) preparing our own plans for defending ourselves and ours, and
2a) discussing and preparing this with our loved ones prepared....
as we spend time online, or otherwise talking to ourselves, necessary as that is.
Not saying that you're not doing these things - I don't know, and maybe I don't need to know.. But I refuse resignation just as much as that "obedience in advance". If not more.
Which brings me back to the boycott. When I hear something definite, I'll be among the first to spread word, here and in real-time.
Obviously, I hope you're wrong, but just as obviously cannot guarantee it. Myself, I'm blessed with miraculously good health, after a life-threatening illness as a toddler. God bless you for whatever you can do, and are doing. I'll give you a "Like", though of course not liking the prospect of civil war, increased fascism, etc.
Frankly, I'm pretty sure this opening round was mostly symbolic, and being one-day didn't do much. I've been looking and listening to hear any echoes, but I do know for a fact that there are more planned, and longer ones, and specifically targeted ones. Very likely some surprise-timed ones, too, so as to give them no time to prepare. This is not a mere "hopeful rumor". It's happening, where I live, and across the country. That's what I'm looking at, and I'm all in.
Where are you looking, Wayne? I got a credible list of Rump-supporting companies on TikTok, of all places. I knew about Target, Walmart and Whole Foods (anything amazon-related), but was dismayed that I should stop buying, say, Chobani yogurt, Smucker's and Land o'Lakes and shopping at Home Goods and Marshall's.
Spot on analysis. (The only thing I would add is how discomfited he was at the beginning when only half the room stood up. He had to deliver the line that Dems should work together with him when he was clearly cut to the quick. Good that he got out of his bubble. Sad that the Republicans overcompensated with cheers for the worst policies.)
The thinnest of skins, the most delicate, wee little snowflake in the room. And he got all dressed up for them, too, slathering that orange formaldehyde grease paint all over his face so it made that dead marmoset on his head look like used bubble gum, while those little white raccoon eye sockets practically glowed with contempt.
We must remember that these awful people HATE to be laughed at more than anything. How we can use this to our advantage is another story, but humor is a potent weapon here. Let’s not forget it.
Very clear color portrait! Yes, the darker greasepaint reminds me of certain Egyptian mummies I've seen in the great museums of my travelling days. The white skin around eyes and eyebrows is looking worse and worse.
Even though felon47 demonstrates every day what a loser he is, the American people lose as a result. Down the tubes in such a short span of time, it continues to boggle my mind.
I couldn't watch it, though I heard some of the commentary afterwards. You've clearly listed the dire situation we were in. I'm with Simone Sanders Townsend. I think that when Al Green was ejected, all of the other Ds should have walked out too and left that side of the chamber empty.
Yes. I keep waiting for some real "spine" and actions from the Democrats; but so far, they seem as weak as Trump believes they are. Where are the statesmen and women in this party who will finally rise up and say "NO!" to this administration and nonsense? I keep praying for that.
I wish all the remaining Democrats would had all stood up and turned their backs on tRump for the remainder of his banter. He speaks out of his ass thus they should listen with theirs.
Like you, I simply did not have the stomach to watch the orange-faced madman last night. This morning, I learned that Congressman Al Green was escorted out of the chamber and the Dems sat on their hands and did NOTHING except raise a few ping pong paddles with messages. Then, Jasmine Crockett and Maxwell Frost walked out and took off their coats to reveal these messages: Resist and No Kings Live Here. I know that several Dems boycotted the event (AOC and Sens. Patty Murrary and Sheldon Whitehouse to name 3). However, it is clear as the nose on your face that the only patriots who attended the rant with spines were Black. People, it is time to get going and start acting up (to borrower a phrase from the gay activists fighting for research and medicines during the AIDS crisis). Get into "good trouble" as the late John Lewis used to call it. Get fired up! These are not normal times and we can't simply play footsie with these MAGAts thinking that they will abandon their insanity if we're just nice enough. The time for niceties is over. We need some firebrands like Gov. Josh Shapiro who will raise their voices loud and clear. If the Dem leadership can't do it, they need to step aside and let those who can. The survival of our very democracy depends on it.
I I noticed up in the balcony many were not cheering each time the republicans were. I think they were people invited to be there but were not simpatico.
The slight (very slight) majority of last November's voters have, in effect, given the national car keys to the stupidest kid in the class, told him to drive as fast as possible on the freeway, and packed the car with all his most immature and irresponsible buddies. You remember those kids? They're the ones who always sat in the back of the class and threw spitballs and made farting sounds and thought they were both funny and cool when, in fact, they were just ignorant jerks. But now, they're running the country! What could possibly go wrong?
Manic who is draining the life out of the country. Ashamed doesn't adequately describe how I feel. Do everything you can (non violant of course) to resist this meglomanic and his minions.
I agree with absolutely everything--except the denigration of poodles. Poodles are very intelligent, curious, compassionate, free-thinking dogs who exhibit loyalty, affection, and trust only to people who deserve those things. As a poodle-mom (a 67-lb standard I rescued from a terrible situation as a puppy mill stud), I object to the use of poodles as an analogy for someone as reprehensible and disgusting as the Felon in Chief. I think a far better analogy would be Wormtongue, the sniveling scraping minion of Sauron. Or Uriah Heep.
Any animal is undeserving of a comparison to the Felon-in-Chief. Worms are useful unlike the FIC. FIC is lower even the fungi which keep the Earth green and growing. The only unoffensive comparison would be to any of the MAGA members of Congress who are as useless and dangerous as he is.
Yes--I don't know how you all write so well, so fast.
Other than that, has any of the press asked Trump about the death threats to person and family that are apparently a constant problem and keeping people in a fearful situation? And is anyone following up on finding and prosecuting those who are in the threat business?
Republican congress has turned itself into a mafia organization. If you are threatened by the mafia you are the least likely person to talk, and even if you had the guts with whom would you talk, the FBI? Patel, anyone?
To Longer Name: I went there already in my thinking, but with Pam of DOJ fame. That's a huge weakness in a democracy. I think many have wondered the same things I am wondering about. But if you can scare people into quietude, . . .
We need a slush fund to hire protection for people who talk, and someone with some experience to track down the intimidators. Threats of exposure . . . .
As far as I know Mafia whistleblowers generally need a 'witness protection program' and with the tools the government has (more so if they take over the Intelligence), I am hopeless that anything non-governmental can defeat that. Sorry for being so negative, it's just that all is crumbling so quickly.
Layers of anonymity helps--and several layers of clipped information--it's the mafia boss's tool for staying out of the picture--apparently blameless. But generally, there is hope in a future that no one, even, and especially them, do not know. Shit happens, but so do good things. So, to me, hope is not dead. One can keep setting the stage for "turning" events.
My point is that the MAGA group has lots of people who are NOT cruel and who really did not know what was coming down the pike. (WE didn't even know how bad it was going to be.) And for many, there is life after Fox News. But in the famous words from some movie or other: "Who'd a thunk it?" And many would probably balk if they knew how bad it was with death threats to families, etc. It's not all about being primaried--a new euphemism perhaps for combined with believable death threats? Apparently, it even happened back during the first impeachment trial.
I think the press should ask people directly if they've been threatened with more than merely being primaried, which is nasty, but which is not as noxious as death threats and pictures of one's children put up on the net. CBK
The only thing that surprises me is that it has taken the markets this long to react. I think they all assumed that some adult in the room would stop him. Well, the adults are gone.
The CEO's were all dazzled by the thought of the huge tax cuts the GOP/Trump will pass this year, 70% of which will go to the top 5%. And which will add trillions more to the deficit. They were all thinking of how much their stock options were going to appreciate.
But, SURPRISE!! The market is gonna pop like a rotten canteloupe once all those tariffs and counter-tariffs slam our GDP into reverse, and turbocharge inflation. Any buyer's remorse yet Wall Street?
They can't pass the tax cuts without the support of some Democrats in the House. I am hoping that the Democrats hold firm and refuse to support the madness in any way.
Sure they can. Using reconciliation they can bypass the filibuster.
There are many reports that indicate the Republicans are going to need Democratic votes to get reconciliation to pass the House.
The filibuster applies only in the Senate.
By now, they should realize that Musk has the capacity to steal from them, too.
The operative word in the comment is 'should'. Nothing has swayed them so far.
The market says otherwise.
An overnight rally in stock futures largely fizzled out on Wednesday morning after ADP’s private payroll data showed another worrying sign for the economy. Private sector job creation slowed to a crawl in February, fueling concerns of an economic slowdown, payrolls processing firm ADP reported Wednesday
Daniel, what is happening is a tragedy for relatively few who have been affected (i.e., those who have lost jobs), but as the numbers grow along with the collateral damage to our economy, perhaps then, and only then, will we see change. If we can survive the impending disaster until 2026, perhaps there will be enough Congressional Republicans to lose their seats and switch both houses to the Democrats.
I don't wish or hope for economic harm to Americans, but realistically it may be the only way to inspire enough of a critical mass of bipartisan opposition, which isn't yet happening.
The time is NOW. Check out Feathers of Hope. Ukraine is a window of opportunity. 22 Republican senators voted to fund Ukraine. Dozens in the House. (S)he who hesitates is lost. We may never get another vote.
Lots of other issues, like theft of the Treasury.
Trump is his own enemy. E.G. Musk says that old folks need to just die. Called SS a "ponzi scheme." As Thom Hartmann documented the other day, Trump/Musk have a scheme to disrupt SS, to enrage the public.
According to Pew,
Among voters ages 60 and older, the GOP holds a clear advantage:
Republican alignment is 10 percentage points higher than Democratic alignment (53% vs. 43%) among voters in their 60s.
Voters ages 70 to 79 are slightly more likely to be aligned with the GOP (51%) than the Democratic Party (46%).
About six-in-ten voters 80 and older (58%) identify with or lean toward the GOP, while 39% associate with the Democratic Party.
Older voters overwhelmingly identify with a party; among younger voters, substantial numbers lean.
Therefore Musk and Trump are targeting their own supporters. Maybe this will light a fire.
Surely some Congressional Republican can feel the heat.
I continue to distrust voting equipment or counting, gerrymandering, and whether we will be able to have a fair election.
Good critical thinking. As a mental health therapist I've had many clients talk about wanting to change, targeting goals, and agreeing to actions they will take. Yet they won't lift a finger UNTIL they hit rock bottom. Unfortunately it's going in the direction you've outlined. The agents of change will be food scarcity and an economic recession....
Nubby, the scumbag president keeps an eye on the stock market all the time and needless to say, noticed a bad reaction to the stupidest war he declared on our closest allies. Now he is suggesting ,maybe ,both sides should find a middle ground. He is stupid but his instincts are not.
His influencer is off-kilter but not stupid.
Sure are, Amy! Jen Rubin is spot on. DJT is part of a two man wrecking ball and Republicans are too stupid to realize that it affects their constituents as well
The constituents might think differently (assuming they do) when programs that they personally depend upon start getting the axe. Or maybe not.
Democrats have to stop being the adults in the room and 'going high'. They need to bring together everyone affected by this madness from Veterans, and workers to nursing home residents and go after Republicans. Tie these actions directly to local reps and take back congress in 26. Attack, don't just roll your eyes and act concerned.
i don't think we can wait til '26 elections. If T, M and Vance have their way, there won't be an election. We need some of the GOP Congress and Senators to vote with us on some of this unconstitutional crap...I thought for sure they would 25th amendment him out, but he surrounded himself with sycophants. So, no chance of that happening. SCOTUS just denied him this am regarding USAID. So, great, someone over there has some sense, but, what is to stop him from ignoring them like he did the Fed Judge who originally ordered him to keep funding and sending $. At that point, what happens...i know, we have a "Constitutional crisis". I would argue we have had a CC since about 1/21/25? He is ignoring the courts, he has the GOP Senate and Congress in line because they are worried about losing their jobs. Ofcourse, they are irrelevant at this's really bad. And, i am a 65 year old woman born in a Red state who has voted Dem since 1980.
Now you are talking, Jim Hayes!! The time has past come for us to fight back. And we definitely need to show the media on what side of the bread their future is buttered!
Agreed Jim!!
The CEO's are waking up to the fact that they were conned by a failed NY hustler and bully. Greed blinded them to the ignorance and malfeasance of Trump/MAGA. Now we all will suffer.
Private sector job creation slowed to a crawl in February, fueling concerns of an economic slowdown, payrolls processing firm ADP reported Wednesday.
Companies added just 77,000 new workers for the month, well off the upwardly revised 186,000 in January and below the 148,000 Dow Jones consensus estimate, according to seasonally adjusted figures from ADP.
right...too little too late.
What if ..sinking the markets was done on purpose to let Russian oligarchs get the shares at a good price? Russia is in, for sure in government computer and else, after the orange idiot has invited them. Collusion with Putin has been demonstrated, directly even said by the Crook in charge. You have traitors that should be treated as they deserve.
His purposeful wrecking of the market, meaning letting it fall drastically, to allow particular people who were clued in ahead of time to buy in at low cost, is exactly what I envisioned.
I think it's worse than that: traders are fully aware of what Trump is likely to do to the economy and don't care. This is a casino where nothing matters but winning. They were simply riding the wave until it broke and taking profits while they could. Yesterday was simply the fall of the suckers who waited too long to sell and the time to buy low so they can eventually sell high. As a wise person once said, "the markets don't care if you live or die."
This morning on NPR News, I heard that the markets, or one of them, possibly the DOW, has gone up by 1200 points, if I heard correctly. That announcement makes me wonder if he caused them to fail on purpose so his richest buddies and supporters could buy shares at low costs, own and control much more stock in our country, and then convince the world that he knows how to create success. Could it be such a trick that has taken place, or did the market go up that much this morning for another reason? Will it stay up snd climb, or is it part of a bigger, camouflaged scheme for a wealth and power grab?
Darn tootin' Amy. The Inmates are well and truly in charge of the asylum at this point.
There are no adults. Just pension fund algorithms. They are necessarily slow to react.
So, apparently, is the American public. Anyone care to get old fashioned & protest? Canada would sure appreciate that.
"Well, the adults are gone."
You mean the "adults" that gave us an aggregate 20% inflation over the past four years and essentially opened our southern border to the biggest influx of illegal immigration in our history? The ones who lied to us about how mentally sharp Joe Biden was? Those same "adults" that lost control of Congress and the White House? Those "adults"? Please, spare me.
Not sure who you are addressing, but the “adults” I was referring to were Rex Tillerson, John Kelly, Jim Mathis, John Bolton, John McCain, Mike Pence, Steve Mnuchin and, yes, even Bill Barr. Those are the ones who found ways to keep Trump from truly going off the deep end.
You weren't at all specific as to who the "adults" were. That's why I asked. Regardless, there are plenty of adults in Trump's orbit. The ones who looked like children were the Dems with their silly paddles and refusal to even acknowledge a kid with cancer or the massive decrease in border crossings. There are no adults, much less leaders, in the Democratic Party. All they seem to be able to do is show disdain, disrupt things and disapprove of anything Trump says or does. That's not a winning strategy.
This is apparently the best the Dems can do:
"‘Going off talking points’: 22 Democrats use same script in anti-Trump post"
"Dems "Choose Your Fighter" TikTok Goes Viral For ALL THE WRONG REASONS!"
He thanked John Roberts which is the only honest remark he made all night.
Neither John Roberts nor his quasi-Supreme Court deserve any praise whatsoever.
nice analysis but this morning I saw a poll that shows Republican voters loved his speech. I'm guessing that they won't change their love for him until our country is destroyed beyond repair. I'm so depressed 😞
Don't be depressed Barbara, we don't need all of them for the next election (if we have one at all) ,we need a few thousands here and there ,and above all, we need democrats and independents to get out and vote. Also keep it mind that the pain of his policies are not spread out yet. That time will come. In the meantime keep the faith 😁
AND Ricardo, we need to take swift action to counter or suppress all the voter-suppression legislation in place and coming down the legislative pipeline (e.g.- the SAVES Act).
Good though JohnM, but we need majority in Congress and some states. It's like a vicious circle. Thanks for your reply 👍
Agreed, Ricardo. Here's my comment posted to Daniel Solomon:
Daniel, what is happening is a tragedy for relatively few who have been affected (i.e., those who have lost jobs), but as the numbers grow along with the collateral damage to our economy, perhaps then, and only then, will we see change. If we can survive the impending disaster until 2026, perhaps there will be enough Congressional Republicans to lose their seats and switch both houses to the Democrats.
I don't wish or hope for economic harm to Americans, but realistically it may be the only way to inspire enough of a critical mass of bipartisan opposition, which isn't yet happening.
We are on the same page Doug.
Now, we need another 100 millions to agree with us...😄
Agreed, Ricardo.
Hi Barbara, I suggest tuning out what Republicans think, make of all this. That’s what I’ve done and I feel better. Does what they think matter, really? We have to do what we have to do, so what is it that we have to do? Each of us needs to figure that out. Republicans haven’t changed and we shouldn’t expect them to. WE have to change, each of us has to do more, whatever that may be. And if it was just one poll, question the poll. There’s a lot of info out there designed to disable us. I’m not going along. Lisa
Agreed. Wringing our hands and finding new ways to characterize how bad it is doesn't do much good. Write postcards to Wisconsin, where the muskrat is sniffing at the judicial election. Or wherever.
I have my 100 postcards, Judith.
Yaaaay, Doug! Good on you!! As you know, for 12 bucks and a coupla bucks S&H you can get a kit which includes 100 cards and stick-on, preprinted addresses. You're responsible for the postage (54c each) and the one-sentence, handwritten message urging them to vote. Nothing partisan about it, just VOTE! (Of course, you hope they'll do the right thing.)
Everything hurts, depending on the weather, but I still can write postcards!!
Dr. S, mine came from Postcards Across America — and I mailed a couple hundred to Michigan in October 2024. No reprinted mailing addresses, just a list (I'd have paid $12 for the mailing labels!) Cheers!
I mailed 100 last year but had to write in the addresses. I find this much easier. Cheers right back! ;-)
I just signed up for the Indivisible phone bank for Susan Crawford for 2 upcoming Wednesday evenings. Here’s the link they encouraged me to share to get other recruits.
i agree, i have seen a few stories popping up that i immediately saw as GOP propaganda. RE: voter suppression, we need some sort of a campaign to let women know that if they changed their name when they married, they need to get a passport right NOW with their legal name. I can't imagine they would pass the law that says a woman with a name the same as her husband can't vote...but, we are clearly heading for Handmaids Tale-type situations.
It's good to think positive. I also would target the tens of millions who did NOT vote in 2024. What a difference that could have, and perhaps will, make.
Don’t be. Of course they loved it. It’s a cult Barb. They have already drank the juice. It just hasn’t killed them … yet.
Barbara, don't believe the polls. Those the Felon and his abettors in crime show are manipulated by them. Whom are they polling? Fat chance those polled are representative of the real America.
Polls are a propaganda tool. Worse, supposing there's a mid-term election: has the muskrat chewed holes throughout the voting system?
I loved your "supposing" there's a midterm election 😉
Dear Ms. Hawkins,
I hope that You kept watching after Trump to see the Democratic reply by Elissa Slotkin. She was brief but powerful, and underscored the importance for each of us (who recognize Trump as the poison he is and has been for U.S. and the World) to Stay Involved. Trump IS Depressing for anyone who can see just how sick he is; but—as one of this psychiatrist’s Patients wisely said—“Don’t get Anxious, Take Action.”
Besides Voting Democratic Every chance I get, or Campaigning for them, my “Action Plan” includes Donating to Democratic causes and Candidates, plus Donating to the Legally Active groups (ACLU, AARP, Southern Poverty Law Center, NRDC, etc.) who can and DO file the suits that will thwart Trump and Musk’s Illegal steps. Even filling Democrats’ Text Surveys can give them some of the data they’ll need to plan successfully.
Another "brief but powerful" rebuttal was by Bernie Sanders (now at ~3 million views since last night). A brilliant 22-minute message that sets the example for how to communicate with the majority of the American public. His approach--and his values--should be a model for Democrats. I hope this Contrarian audience will take the time to look at it.
it's probably the same 45% who have had his back all along...we'll see now that eggs are $8/dozen. And, wait til the economy really craters because of all the job losses and now the tariffs. Ofcourse, will they actually understand what is going on?
I understand why you would be depressed, although I don't care what Republicans think. I'm more concerned about what Democratic leaders are 'not' doing in response to Trump's actions. They clearly learned nothing from the last election because they picked Elissa Slotkin, who few people have ever heard of, to do the rebuttal, which was too short, too conciliatory and too tame.
The base of the Democratic party is angry, and we want leaders who are fighters to represent us. It's not enough to mention Trump's abuses in a dispassionate way. I want to see anger, passion, and action. And, I wanted her/him to thank Americans who are protesting, and suggest the best ways of getting our voices heard.
If I knew Congressional Democrats were going to hold up signs, dress in pink (I'm a woman so it's not a sexist comment), and signal their weakness, I would have preferred they boycott the event. They looked ridiculous, and accomplished nothing.
Which poll? One poll only? I bet there are other pollsters and other methods and callers and groups of voters who say exactly the opposite. Beware of legacy media!!
And don't get depressed. That's exactly how they want you. Get busy! ;-D
I noticed the same thing during call ins on Washington Journal. It is depressing that many people choose to believe the liar. Disinformation is the real war when it comes to voters.
Fascism here isn’t just a possibility. It isn’t just something we have to guard against.
E. Loon, who fancies himself as a James Bond movie supervillain, and nazis like stephen miller and many others, have succeeded in completely taking over the U.S. government, military, justice department, law enforcement, and the “supreme” court.
As for trump…he’s just their “useful idiot”, a figurehead, worshiped by breathtakingly stupid people who needed his permission to act out on their feelings of inadequacy, resentment, homophobia, racism, hatred, and anger, and voted for him.
He’s too stupid to implement Project 2025 on his own. He just signs the papers they put in front of him, saying “What’s this” and “Oh, that’s a good one”.
Fascism is here. Now.
New Defense Secretary pete hegseth is a member of a strict militant fundamentalist christian sect that believes in biblical law, and he agrees with them that homosexuals should be executed.
He and trump are replacing top military commanders with trump sycophants who will carry out his unlawful and unconstitutional orders.
He will be delighted to follow trump’s orders to send military forces to shoot American citizens participating in protests and demonstrations.
Wait for it.
I'm not waiting. You're right to point to an American style fascism as having already arrived. Other than that, none of us knows exactly what's going to happen, including what the military might do with mass demonstrations. I'm ready to support that if and when it happens and call their bluff. (Remember Kent State and the uproar that caused.)
If the army did open fire, I predict it would be the start of a civil war, which, along with all the other things people, including in here, have feared, I've found strangely absent. That's what I think. Like anyone, I could be wrong.
What I'm looking to now is an expansion of the Feb. 28 boycott. That is almost certain to happen, and I'm all in. Boycott, unlike other firms of protest, are extremely hard to suppress, and we need to use every tool we have while we still have some freedom. A full-fledged police state is not here, yet, and I intend to do my part to keep it that way. And speaking of boycott, no one will convince me the Montgomery Bus Boycott was ineffective.
I say, onward!
It isn’t only the regular military that is now a concern regarding shooting protesters, it’s the militia groups like the 3 Percenters, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and others. They’re raring to go, and are planning violent actions to be carried out by small cells scattered around the country. The FBI had been tracking them, but trump’s goon leaders at the FBI have stopped monitoring those thugs.
I have backup plans for that contingency as well. It's not as if I'm unaware, and I'm not one of those who needs convincing of the danger Donald Dumb poses. Anyway, while I'm not about to disclose my specific backup plans, but I will say if anyone plans to come after my family, or community, they'll have to get thru me first, and it'll be a helluva fight. And I'm not alone.
I think we need to spend at least as much time
1) warning others, reasonable people who may for whatever reason seem unaware of the threat,
2) preparing our own plans for defending ourselves and ours, and
2a) discussing and preparing this with our loved ones prepared....
as we spend time online, or otherwise talking to ourselves, necessary as that is.
Not saying that you're not doing these things - I don't know, and maybe I don't need to know.. But I refuse resignation just as much as that "obedience in advance". If not more.
Which brings me back to the boycott. When I hear something definite, I'll be among the first to spread word, here and in real-time.
I wish you all the best. Take care.
Yup. I’m doing what I can online to spread information about the threats. I’m physically disabled, so I’m limited to what I can do.
But I do think civil war is inevitable, and soon.
Obviously, I hope you're wrong, but just as obviously cannot guarantee it. Myself, I'm blessed with miraculously good health, after a life-threatening illness as a toddler. God bless you for whatever you can do, and are doing. I'll give you a "Like", though of course not liking the prospect of civil war, increased fascism, etc.
And speaking of that boycott, where can I find how much impact it had?
Frankly, I'm pretty sure this opening round was mostly symbolic, and being one-day didn't do much. I've been looking and listening to hear any echoes, but I do know for a fact that there are more planned, and longer ones, and specifically targeted ones. Very likely some surprise-timed ones, too, so as to give them no time to prepare. This is not a mere "hopeful rumor". It's happening, where I live, and across the country. That's what I'm looking at, and I'm all in.
Where are you looking, Wayne? I got a credible list of Rump-supporting companies on TikTok, of all places. I knew about Target, Walmart and Whole Foods (anything amazon-related), but was dismayed that I should stop buying, say, Chobani yogurt, Smucker's and Land o'Lakes and shopping at Home Goods and Marshall's.
Spot on analysis. (The only thing I would add is how discomfited he was at the beginning when only half the room stood up. He had to deliver the line that Dems should work together with him when he was clearly cut to the quick. Good that he got out of his bubble. Sad that the Republicans overcompensated with cheers for the worst policies.)
The thinnest of skins, the most delicate, wee little snowflake in the room. And he got all dressed up for them, too, slathering that orange formaldehyde grease paint all over his face so it made that dead marmoset on his head look like used bubble gum, while those little white raccoon eye sockets practically glowed with contempt.
We must remember that these awful people HATE to be laughed at more than anything. How we can use this to our advantage is another story, but humor is a potent weapon here. Let’s not forget it.
Dead marmoset! lolol
Very clear color portrait! Yes, the darker greasepaint reminds me of certain Egyptian mummies I've seen in the great museums of my travelling days. The white skin around eyes and eyebrows is looking worse and worse.
Even though felon47 demonstrates every day what a loser he is, the American people lose as a result. Down the tubes in such a short span of time, it continues to boggle my mind.
Thank you for succinctly summing up the chaos.
I couldn't watch it, though I heard some of the commentary afterwards. You've clearly listed the dire situation we were in. I'm with Simone Sanders Townsend. I think that when Al Green was ejected, all of the other Ds should have walked out too and left that side of the chamber empty.
Michael Steele was the one that suggested Democrats should have walk out when Greene was ejected.
I totally agree with you Gillian. That's exactly what they should have done!
Yes. I keep waiting for some real "spine" and actions from the Democrats; but so far, they seem as weak as Trump believes they are. Where are the statesmen and women in this party who will finally rise up and say "NO!" to this administration and nonsense? I keep praying for that.
I wish all the remaining Democrats would had all stood up and turned their backs on tRump for the remainder of his banter. He speaks out of his ass thus they should listen with theirs.
Like you, I simply did not have the stomach to watch the orange-faced madman last night. This morning, I learned that Congressman Al Green was escorted out of the chamber and the Dems sat on their hands and did NOTHING except raise a few ping pong paddles with messages. Then, Jasmine Crockett and Maxwell Frost walked out and took off their coats to reveal these messages: Resist and No Kings Live Here. I know that several Dems boycotted the event (AOC and Sens. Patty Murrary and Sheldon Whitehouse to name 3). However, it is clear as the nose on your face that the only patriots who attended the rant with spines were Black. People, it is time to get going and start acting up (to borrower a phrase from the gay activists fighting for research and medicines during the AIDS crisis). Get into "good trouble" as the late John Lewis used to call it. Get fired up! These are not normal times and we can't simply play footsie with these MAGAts thinking that they will abandon their insanity if we're just nice enough. The time for niceties is over. We need some firebrands like Gov. Josh Shapiro who will raise their voices loud and clear. If the Dem leadership can't do it, they need to step aside and let those who can. The survival of our very democracy depends on it.
You're so right. Being nice isn't going to make them reciprocate. Where's there's no sense there's no feeling.
I I noticed up in the balcony many were not cheering each time the republicans were. I think they were people invited to be there but were not simpatico.
It would have had the same effect as Nancy Pelosi's slow handclap and tearing up of the speech.
What an outstanding compilation of the current situation with the Trump administration.
The slight (very slight) majority of last November's voters have, in effect, given the national car keys to the stupidest kid in the class, told him to drive as fast as possible on the freeway, and packed the car with all his most immature and irresponsible buddies. You remember those kids? They're the ones who always sat in the back of the class and threw spitballs and made farting sounds and thought they were both funny and cool when, in fact, they were just ignorant jerks. But now, they're running the country! What could possibly go wrong?
And then they ended up wrapped around a telephone pole and being scraped up by EMS. Which could be our national fate if this keeps on.
Manic who is draining the life out of the country. Ashamed doesn't adequately describe how I feel. Do everything you can (non violant of course) to resist this meglomanic and his minions.
Rump and Musty real goal is glaring clear—destroy the USA. Dance in its ashes. Retire behind your gilded walls.
I agree with absolutely everything--except the denigration of poodles. Poodles are very intelligent, curious, compassionate, free-thinking dogs who exhibit loyalty, affection, and trust only to people who deserve those things. As a poodle-mom (a 67-lb standard I rescued from a terrible situation as a puppy mill stud), I object to the use of poodles as an analogy for someone as reprehensible and disgusting as the Felon in Chief. I think a far better analogy would be Wormtongue, the sniveling scraping minion of Sauron. Or Uriah Heep.
Any animal is undeserving of a comparison to the Felon-in-Chief. Worms are useful unlike the FIC. FIC is lower even the fungi which keep the Earth green and growing. The only unoffensive comparison would be to any of the MAGA members of Congress who are as useless and dangerous as he is.
I have decided to call him "it"
I'm not so sure about the miniature poodles though. 😉
Glad you are on our side. Trump is a loser.
IMHO Jennifer, if you and your merry band would concentrate on Feathers of Hope, we could get rid of the mumser and his band of thieves.
Thank you for posting this link, Daniel Solomon. I was not aware of the Feathers of Hope and will share this widely. Thank you so much!
THIS is the help and direction I have been searching for hing for!!!
The Feathers of Hope
My hope!
It's a nightmare and it's hard not to despair
Yes--I don't know how you all write so well, so fast.
Other than that, has any of the press asked Trump about the death threats to person and family that are apparently a constant problem and keeping people in a fearful situation? And is anyone following up on finding and prosecuting those who are in the threat business?
Republican congress has turned itself into a mafia organization. If you are threatened by the mafia you are the least likely person to talk, and even if you had the guts with whom would you talk, the FBI? Patel, anyone?
To Longer Name: I went there already in my thinking, but with Pam of DOJ fame. That's a huge weakness in a democracy. I think many have wondered the same things I am wondering about. But if you can scare people into quietude, . . .
We need a slush fund to hire protection for people who talk, and someone with some experience to track down the intimidators. Threats of exposure . . . .
As far as I know Mafia whistleblowers generally need a 'witness protection program' and with the tools the government has (more so if they take over the Intelligence), I am hopeless that anything non-governmental can defeat that. Sorry for being so negative, it's just that all is crumbling so quickly.
Layers of anonymity helps--and several layers of clipped information--it's the mafia boss's tool for staying out of the picture--apparently blameless. But generally, there is hope in a future that no one, even, and especially them, do not know. Shit happens, but so do good things. So, to me, hope is not dead. One can keep setting the stage for "turning" events.
My point is that the MAGA group has lots of people who are NOT cruel and who really did not know what was coming down the pike. (WE didn't even know how bad it was going to be.) And for many, there is life after Fox News. But in the famous words from some movie or other: "Who'd a thunk it?" And many would probably balk if they knew how bad it was with death threats to families, etc. It's not all about being primaried--a new euphemism perhaps for combined with believable death threats? Apparently, it even happened back during the first impeachment trial.
I think the press should ask people directly if they've been threatened with more than merely being primaried, which is nasty, but which is not as noxious as death threats and pictures of one's children put up on the net. CBK
Speaking the unspoken, and insisting on a reply. Yes. As publicly as possibcle.