This is downright scary stuff! I'm surprised they didn't go further and consider what DOJ is going to be working on if this purge goes through. I'm assuming it's going to be weaponized against the enemies of our Dear Leader. Also wondering what can be done to slow this down as much as possible.

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How are you getting this valuable information out to people whole listen to Fox news? The people who subscribe to The Contrarian are interested in the truth and not listening to the conspiracy theories meant to confuse, doubt and fear.

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Keep the faith!

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Congress needs to start impeachment proceedings. We Americans will not go back. Impeach and ASAP.

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In view of today's news, I believe that even more than #45, Elon Musk is our biggest threat.

He wants to buy the country. He is not accountable to anyone since he wasn't elected.

Elon Musk has Asperger's syndrome which means that he has these things common to people with this disease: strong verbal skills, obsession with a topic, feel & act awkward in social settings, responding to people in conversation, miss social cues, show very few emotions, dislike change unless they initiate it.

If there are any rational Republicans left in Congress, and Dems unite then they must act now to throw him out. He is a liar, manipulative and is playing #45. Anybody reading this that still uses X should immediately get off it, tell anyone you know that still uses it to subscribe to Blue Sky. Call your representatives and senators asap.

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Freeze your credit asap to protect yourself. Call Experian, Eqifax, Trans union

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