Bravo, Senator Whitehouse! It's long past time to clean the Augean stables. Alito and Thomas, at the very least, must be impeached. Kavanaugh should be prosecuted for perjury in his confirmation hearings.
The lying in confirmation hearings started with Roberts. Remember stare decisis, "settled law"? After that all Republican nominees lied in their hearings and ought to be hung by their thumbs and boiled in oil. Sheldon W is a national hero!!!!!
IMO, SCOTUS justices should serve no more than 12-16 years. If one is nominated to the court at age 50 they leave before age 70. Lifetime appointments should no longer be allowed.
Senator Whitehouse, you have my utmost respect for what you are doing. However, the Democrats were outwitted and outspent by the evil Mitch McConnell, who laid the foundation for the misery that is our US "supreme" court to continue unchanged for many more years.
The Democrats simply don't have anyone who is willing to fight anywhere near as dirty as republicons do and the current Democratic leadership, including the minority leader of the senate judiciary committee, is absolutely useless.
In today's political landscape, I don't think Democrats will ever have big enough majorities in either the Senate or the House to do anything about it. Back when they did have those majorities, they simply squandered them or, worse, jumped on the republicon led train to personal riches.
It sounds to me as if you are saying the Supreme Court has been corrupted, but you don’t use that word. Why is that? Your press release about the billionaire gifts program says the program undermines public corruption cases. So Supreme Court corruption makes it hard to go after public corruption? Is it fair to say that? Or do the exchanges you describe not rise to the level of corruption? So some justices are unethical, not corrupt? Is that a distinction people in your world make? You are doing very good work, but your writing has that “I have to be careful about what I say and how I say it” feel about it. Subscribers to The Contrarian like sources to be straightforward and call things what they are. I like your press release better, helps me know what is at stake. Thank you for your work. It’s very important.
Well M.Walker, Senator Whitehouse doesn't have 20 personal body guards like Elon Musk. You do understand how elected reps are likely literally putting their lives in danger?
I defended Merrick Garland as long as I could but I now believe he was a horrific choice for AG. He was much too beholden to decorum. “Why, we can’t look like a banana republic by jailing our political adversaries.” Yes, we should have. The Congress folks who took part in J6 for example. Getting Jack Smith cranked up much earlier. And now finding out he ignored the Senator’s letter to investigate SCOTUS corruption? Beyond disappointing. More like dereliction of duty.
I am so glad to read about your work pertaining to Supreme Court ethics. I have never understood why there isn't a Code of Ethics or why Alito and Thomas have gotten away with their conflicts of interest without recusing themselves and accepting gifts.
It's a great idea, Sen. Whitehouse. But I am very concerned that the patient (our increasingly fragile Democratic Republic) will expire before your prescription has any opportunity to save said patient.
Democrats must regain power in what's left of the 3 branches of government. For now, perhaps not in the future, that means when US has elections, votes for Ds have to outnumber those for Rs (or whatever they opt to be called). More people need to vote. The 32million people who'll have turned 18 since last election have to be communicated with in ways traditional campaign managers are clueless. Cuts in FEMA by trusk should be broadcasted to all those who've needed to rely on them in red states. Oh, and red states need to be prevented from cheating during voting.
Thank you, Sen. Whitehouse! I remember when President Obama called out SCOTUS in his State of the Union Speech about the dangers of Citizens United. I saw Judge Alito mouth the words "not true" but oh my, was President Obama right! I'm with you all the way!
I’ve been following your work for years … and finally the brazenness of some justices has caused the populace to take notice. I’m interested in your take on John Roberts. Is he as corrupt as the others, or just naive? I realize this question’s binary nature lacks nuance, but I trust that won’t deter you.
Ron Wyden is one of the senators from my state. I’m so happy all my congressional reps are progressive fighters. Thank you and Senator Wyden for taking action to try to get the court back in order!
Bravo, Senator Whitehouse! It's long past time to clean the Augean stables. Alito and Thomas, at the very least, must be impeached. Kavanaugh should be prosecuted for perjury in his confirmation hearings.
The lying in confirmation hearings started with Roberts. Remember stare decisis, "settled law"? After that all Republican nominees lied in their hearings and ought to be hung by their thumbs and boiled in oil. Sheldon W is a national hero!!!!!
Gorsuck also.
IMO, SCOTUS justices should serve no more than 12-16 years. If one is nominated to the court at age 50 they leave before age 70. Lifetime appointments should no longer be allowed.
A wonderful article! Thank you, Sheldon Whitehouse. I wish your evidence-based, good faith critiques great success. Keep us posted, please!
Senator Whitehouse, you have my utmost respect for what you are doing. However, the Democrats were outwitted and outspent by the evil Mitch McConnell, who laid the foundation for the misery that is our US "supreme" court to continue unchanged for many more years.
The Democrats simply don't have anyone who is willing to fight anywhere near as dirty as republicons do and the current Democratic leadership, including the minority leader of the senate judiciary committee, is absolutely useless.
In today's political landscape, I don't think Democrats will ever have big enough majorities in either the Senate or the House to do anything about it. Back when they did have those majorities, they simply squandered them or, worse, jumped on the republicon led train to personal riches.
It sounds to me as if you are saying the Supreme Court has been corrupted, but you don’t use that word. Why is that? Your press release about the billionaire gifts program says the program undermines public corruption cases. So Supreme Court corruption makes it hard to go after public corruption? Is it fair to say that? Or do the exchanges you describe not rise to the level of corruption? So some justices are unethical, not corrupt? Is that a distinction people in your world make? You are doing very good work, but your writing has that “I have to be careful about what I say and how I say it” feel about it. Subscribers to The Contrarian like sources to be straightforward and call things what they are. I like your press release better, helps me know what is at stake. Thank you for your work. It’s very important.
Well M.Walker, Senator Whitehouse doesn't have 20 personal body guards like Elon Musk. You do understand how elected reps are likely literally putting their lives in danger?
I think the senator can handle my comment. It’s okay to give feedback such as I have.
I defended Merrick Garland as long as I could but I now believe he was a horrific choice for AG. He was much too beholden to decorum. “Why, we can’t look like a banana republic by jailing our political adversaries.” Yes, we should have. The Congress folks who took part in J6 for example. Getting Jack Smith cranked up much earlier. And now finding out he ignored the Senator’s letter to investigate SCOTUS corruption? Beyond disappointing. More like dereliction of duty.
Thank you Senator Whitehouse for your steadfast work to follow these leads- for years now! and speak the true of what you are seeing. You are brave.
I am so glad to read about your work pertaining to Supreme Court ethics. I have never understood why there isn't a Code of Ethics or why Alito and Thomas have gotten away with their conflicts of interest without recusing themselves and accepting gifts.
Fantastic expose' on the Supreme Court - Thank you Senator Whitehouse!!! And we're sticking with you!
It's a great idea, Sen. Whitehouse. But I am very concerned that the patient (our increasingly fragile Democratic Republic) will expire before your prescription has any opportunity to save said patient.
Democrats must regain power in what's left of the 3 branches of government. For now, perhaps not in the future, that means when US has elections, votes for Ds have to outnumber those for Rs (or whatever they opt to be called). More people need to vote. The 32million people who'll have turned 18 since last election have to be communicated with in ways traditional campaign managers are clueless. Cuts in FEMA by trusk should be broadcasted to all those who've needed to rely on them in red states. Oh, and red states need to be prevented from cheating during voting.
Thank you, Sen. Whitehouse! I remember when President Obama called out SCOTUS in his State of the Union Speech about the dangers of Citizens United. I saw Judge Alito mouth the words "not true" but oh my, was President Obama right! I'm with you all the way!
Thank you, Senator, for continuing to fight for
I’ve been following your work for years … and finally the brazenness of some justices has caused the populace to take notice. I’m interested in your take on John Roberts. Is he as corrupt as the others, or just naive? I realize this question’s binary nature lacks nuance, but I trust that won’t deter you.
It'll take years and years to do anything unfortunately.
Ron Wyden is one of the senators from my state. I’m so happy all my congressional reps are progressive fighters. Thank you and Senator Wyden for taking action to try to get the court back in order!