Do not, repeating, DO NOT expect there to be any national elections in 2026. Trump will not allow them thru any, repeating, ANY means he can dream up (reference to 2020 election).

The solution now is to get him out of office. Full Stop.

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I wish that more Americans would recognize this clear and present danger. Trump can declare a national emergency at any time, for any reason. He is immune from any legal sanctions (many thanks to the Roberts Court).

Elections during a State of Emergency? Perish the thought.

We have demonstrated that a democracy can elect a King. I do not know of any examples wherein a Monarchy was voted out of office.

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That is why I support Democracy Docket, which fights for the right of every American to vote in free and fair elections. I refuse to wave the white flag. That does not mean that I ignore what Trump is attempting to do, and we need plans for that, but right now, we need to fight like hell to protect our right to vote. We do not want people to give up. We want to be out there encouraging people to recognize how horrible the Republican agenda under Trump is for their lives, and who will vote to oust him and the quislings.

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Start by adhering to tomorrow's economic strike!

Friday, February 28, 12:01am until 11:59pm.

No charge cards, no big box, no online orders.

Have your cash ready for small local businesses

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I have seen it posted in numerous places, on facebook, on bluesky, on various substacks.

It is not going to be in the New York Times, and Contrarian is relatively new. Where do you get your news?

I recommend getting an account on bluesky. I signed onto it as a substitute for Twitter, which I followed loosely, because there are so many people posting a wide variety of news items. Now I follow all the same people, but on bluesky.

I follow a lot of Congressional people, some reporters, some experts of a various backgrounds. Then I end up following some of the people whose posts they repost. After a while, you have quite a flow of information

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"My Country tis of Thee, Sweet Land of Liberty, You've been Betrayed..."

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Google Feb 27-28 boycott - it is all over the news.

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Who owns all of the corporate media in the US Bernie?

That should answer your question.

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Thank you for not waving the white flag. I think my blood pressure rises when I see too much of that, in these chats where we should be encouraging, not discouraging one another.

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Yes agreed - enough already. All the shouting-in-caps words are not helpful for the mental health of those of us here who are engaged. There is only so much we all can control.

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A couple of suggestions of things we can do to fight the MAGAs and the white Christian nationalists.

1) Urge EVERY wealthy American to tithe. the Bible commands everyone to tithe--at least 42 times. So the greedy oligarchs expect their tax cuts within a few weeks, but give absolutely nothing back.

2) Boycott the oligarchy owned consumer businesses by buying local. The Walton family are "trustifarians." They are all living off of the greedy Walmart stores spread across America. They have put thousands of mom and pop businesses out of business, just to improve their bottom line.

3) write or call your Senators and Congresscritters. Complain about the draconian cuts to personnel when they are allowing contractors to run the prisons, predict our weather, etc.

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and that is the truth of the matter...if Jan 6th insurrection was after a fair and real election...do you think he is leaving ? HE WILL CHEAT AND LIE AND RIG to stay "king" and RICH RICH RICH....there is a special place waiting for him...it is warm warm warm

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I certainly hope there is a spot in hell waiting for him, but it will be after he has destroyed this country.

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It's time for the guillotine.

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Unwanted monarchs were beheaded in both England and France....

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Elections went on during world war 2, Vietnam etc

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There was a Solon back in Greek pre-Christian times who left his kingship of his own accord. And then there was George Washington who, I understand, was offered but refused to be king.

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I completely agree and have been saying so to anyone who would listen. To think that we will have elections in 2026, let alone 2028, is living in a fool’s paradise. Then we have fools like James Carville, who wants Democrats to just play dead until 2026. If action is not taken soon to stop the musk-rump coup, rump’s campaign promise that we will never need to have another election will undoubtedly come true.

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I definitely do NOT live in a "fool's paradise", I work in the nation's capital, where the tension is even thicker than usual. I am, however, fortunate to work at a relatively secure job that fully supports DEI, and is showing no signs of backing down, though it leans conservative.

And I DO think that there will be secure elections in 2026 *and* 2028, but I'm not at all naive about voter suppression.

Pardon me if I'm being too literal, but the logic of "if, then" simply doesn't apply here. I am much more concerned about a kind of mass self-fulfilling prophecy about something going very wrong with the next elections (more than it already has!) than I am about them being prevented altogether or being massively fraudulent (again, more than they have been).

It also bothers to hear this panicked tone, albeit interpreted as such virtually, about ignoring court orders, and martial law.

The question each of us has to answer, for ourselves first, is: what am I doing to ensure that 1) this does NOT happen, 2) that there WILL be elections (caps intentional), and 3) the results begin to turn things around.

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Good on you Wayne. TY for your words of encouragement.

As Jen says, “Markets do not lie”. However, I’d wager a steel penny that T2 will convince half the electorate that the economic mayhem, stagflation and higher prices are all the democrats fault, specifically Bidens IRA, silly support for Ukraine, massive SSA&Medicaid fraud and that Javier Musk’s chainsaw massacre called DOGE is a Soros plot. No, this is not the Borowitz Report.

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I think that's a much more realistic assessment than simplistic and fatalistic "there won't be any more elections", or "he'll never leave" fire alarms. And for those who insist on worst case scenarios, that might actually if anything be a greater danger than any repeat coup attempts and the like. There are many dangers ahead, but when has that ever not been the case? Thank you for your input and response as well.

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Markets haven't seen Trump's Sharpie.

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Amid all of the unrelenting stress, it's easy to lose sight of the fact that the GQP enjoys historically razor-thin majorities and Trump's approval is already well under water. They're confirming unqualified cabinet officials on one-vote party-line decisions, and passing that undoable, open-ended budget resolution the same way. Then they go home to brag about their work and get pummeled in town halls that were supposed to be supportive or blandly pro forma.

They have neither a mandate nor commanding majorities, but they're running with hubris, running scared from reality sinking in among an electorate that sees zero progress on prices and rapidly deteriorating foreign policy in a suddenly dangerous world. An electorate that has soured on Emperor Musk, his childish antics, and incompetent, dishonest "work."

All kinds of things are going to go badly wrong soon. Another near-miss aviation accident, the first measles death in a decade, a resurgence of higher inflation, and, as this article elaborated, plunging business and investment confidence. A correction has to be on the horizon, because it's just so horribly bad.

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its basically true now..how to remove him, is the problem as with any autocrat - who stacks the legal, military against the people. it is going to take alot of people....right ....WE HAVE ALOT OF PEOPLE !!!!! :) What / where/ how is the trip wire going to be snapped with the people is the question....???

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Congress: Wakeup! Wakeup! Wakeup! Impeach! Impeach! Impeach!

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There is literally no way to get him out of office right now. Non-Trumpist Americans WILL have midterm elections in 2026 largely because the TrumpMusk

“administration “ won’t have time to stop them, busy as they are with figuring out how to maximize the profitability of the presidency for themselves personally, and because the American people won’t stand for it. Talks to your elected folks. Call them. Email them. Email your displeasure to the White House. Get active with your local Party. Encourage everyone that you know, especially those who did not vote in 2024 or who were butt-hurt by some line item in the Harris agenda and left the presidential line blank, to get to the polls in 2026 as though their lives depended on it. TrumpMusk would like you to feel hopeless and that they are unstoppable……you’re not, and they’re not.

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Agreed. The midterm election campaigns of 2026 need to start NOW.

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Many argued in 1974 that there was literally no way to get him out of office right now, until suddenly, there was. I was there. I absolutely recall the hopelessness of ever seeing accountability happen. Relentless pressure and keeping the incompetence of this regime in the forefront may well force an error, like the revelation of previously unknown damaging information (Russian asset?) or obstruction to hide ongoing obvious lawlessness (a cover-up). IMO, it's only a matter of time and at the rate they are moving it'll come sooner than expected. There is nothing to lose at this point by continuously beating the drum for accountability. Unpredictable things will happen and when they do we need to be poised to act immediately to press the case for removal.

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Thought about that too. Many times. Remember that time vividly, despite not being old enough to vote yet.

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"Negative sentiment eventually could translate to a pullback in spending,”"

Expect the rich, who have been cowed so far to step up and do everything to protect their profits from Trump.

Anyone at anytime can remove Trump. There are too many moving parts for Trump to try to stop things.

The most important thing to understand it that Trump is a weak man. He doesn't have the power to really pull it off.

As Ms. Rubin ably points out at the beginning of his article, Trump is a con man. He may try to put troops on the streets to enforce his will, but will every single soldier follow his orders? That's why Trump has turned to private contractors, such as Blackwater, to do his dirty work. Well, that's nice, but there are NOT enough of them to be able to pull it off.

There are so many places where Trump can and will fail. The questions are what, where and when?

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This is very true. It would only take a few "moderate" Republican house members to change to independent and then support impeachment. I wonder how much regret there is in the Senate that they didn't convict him the first two times though.

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Excellent synopsis, Doctor Go. Thank you.

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I respectfully disagree, for now. The good thing about our Federalist system is the states determine when our elections are held, and they respond quicker to public pressure than the Federal elected officials. In my red state/county I can only imagine the uproar if the local election officials decided not to hold elections. One thing both red and blue supporters here agree on is that they WILL vote.

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Excellent. Thank you, Ellie, from solid blue territory. I am seriously considering putting in time helping monitoring the midterms locally, one more reason I must reject the "there won't be elections" panic. Even though the Republican Party has no chance in any election locally anytime soon, and even though I vehemently oppose what any maga candidate stands for, I would still consider it my job to help endure every vote is counted, whoever it's for.

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Yes: if enough people get together, Trump and Musk can be stopped and the sooner the better.

No: I do not accept resignation that the 2026 or 2028 elections will be able to be stopped, or even disrupted.

I agree with you completely on the first point. I will not agree on the second.

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If there is an election Musk will buy the results and the muskrat will count the votes. So we will know the winners ahead of time just like 2024. How could they be so certain they had PA.

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States count the votes. Take a closer look at the down-ballot results.

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. . . but don't you know that the rules say . . . . (wait a minute while I vomit).

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This is wrongheaded and counterproductive.

If we could get him out of office, we should do it. We can't.

Elections are local. There is no conceivable legal pathway to preventing elections from occurring. The elections in 2026 will go forward.

What you are saying is counterproductive because a good deal of our effort should be made towards preparing for 2026 elections.

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This POS worked with the Russians in 2016 (successfully), tried to torpedo Biden with Ukraine-gate (got impeached for it), And of course attempted a coup in 2020. If he thinks the 2026 mid-terms pose an existential threat to him and his fascist agenda, I have no doubt at all he will try to cancel them. The question in my mind is - can he? Any move toward that end would be met with major law-suits, and judgements in court. But nothing says he won't just ignore it. It would have to come down to the military holding him in power against a millions-strong angry mob. It would at a minimum be very ugly.

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Totally agree!

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I predict we'll have the 2026 mid-terms, the question is whether they will be free and fair. Even if Trump was removed from office, it wouldn't change the trajectory we are on, as Trump's administration is full of authoritarians and oligarchs to run the show. We are officially a dictatorship, which started on January 20th (and I don't care if people disagree with that opinion, and some will, no doubt).

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"We are officially a dictatorship, which started on January 20th (and I don't care if people disagree with that opinion, and some will, no doubt)."

Well if that's the case, I want my vote back! I was PROMISED a dictatorship and what do I get? A media that is still able to write and say whatever it wants! Constant 24/7 criticism of our Dear Leader yet no one has been rounded up and put in a gulag, Gitmo or lined up against the wall and shot as examples. Martial law has not been imposed - why is this taking so long??? In fact, we still have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights - NOOOOOOOO.....

Good grief, people, a little common sense here. Just because your side lost the election doesn't mean the end of democracy. Maybe you just need a safe space, a grief counselor or some mood ameliorating drugs...

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A new dictator will threaten people, breaks laws, and lie. Trump has done all three. Your examples, understood to be on the sarcastic side for editorial value, are example of a dictator in the last phase of his reign. Trump has threatened all of that before, so I can't assume he's kidding or joking around.

Even dictatorships have constitutions. Trump is rendering ours useless.

In 38 days, he has done quite a bit of damage to our government institutions, most of it, illegal. Plus, he has plans for more illegality. He's getting sued for breaking the laws. He should be indicted by the States at some point if he lives long enough.

I absolutely abhor ad hominem attacks. Please stop, as I don't appreciate that type of discourse.

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"A new dictator will threaten people, breaks laws, and lie."

A dictator will consolidate power and eliminate his enemies. At least that's what history shows us.

"Your examples, understood to be on the sarcastic side for editorial value, are example of a dictator in the last phase of his reign. Trump has threatened all of that before, so I can't assume he's kidding or joking around."

So Trump had practice in his first term yet can't seem to close the deal now to total dictatorship? What's next on his timeline, in your opinion?

"In 38 days, he has done quite a bit of damage to our government institutions..."

How has he "damaged" the federal courts or Congress? Aren't those government institutions? As for the bureaucracy, the President is in charge of that. So what, exactly, has he "damaged" in your view?

"I absolutely abhor ad hominem attacks."

I absolutely abhor arguments based entirely on emotion and rhetoric with no facts. Get familiar with the word "specificity". Roll it around your tongue a few times.

"Please stop, as I don't appreciate that type of discourse."

Then please stop using emotional, fact-less hyperbole as the basis for your arguments.

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This site tracks the progress of Trump's agenda following the Mandate for Leadership: Project 2025. (I've read most of it, and while there are some very good ideas in it, with many different contributors, Trump seems to be picking the ideas that dismantle, combine, or eliminate whole agencies.)


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"...Trump seems to be picking the ideas that dismantle, combine, or eliminate whole agencies."

And your point is what, exactly?

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"Trump will not allow them thru any, repeating, ANY means he can dream up (reference to 2020 election). "

Last time I checked, Trump actually left office in January 2021. So why do you think he won't leave in January 2029?

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Sadly, I've been thinking the same thing. The chaos and disfunction that Trump and Musk have ushered in and the gutting of government services almost make Congress unnecessary! Why would there be elections to replace them? And let's face it, on the Republican side they do nothing anyway apart from rubber stamp whatever the felon in chief direct. I am VERY worried.

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We need to start calling trump “Pino Greedio”.

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People are waiting for a leader to tell us what to DO. Disobedience, resistance. Anything?

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We will not be saved by some all-powerful leader. We will be saved by many individuals standing up with courage and being joined by others.

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It was never about making America great again (MAGA), it was always about making oligarchs great again or MOGA.

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If Trump and Musk are "public servants" any profits thay make should go directly into the Treasury. .

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Don't forget, the Felon bragged about having paid NO taxes.

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Don't forget that tomorrow (2/28) is the National Boycott; no purchases of any kind (unless it's an emergency). Might not make a difference but will be interesting to see.

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If it is successful, perhaps we can set up a Don't Buy Anything Week.

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There’s a NO BUY week scheduled starting March 7. 👍

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Just to clarify: tomorrow's boycott includes "Don't Buy Anything" (including on-line). on Friday, Feb. 28. But a whole week of NOT buying on March 7 would be powerful.

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Thanks! I'll put it on my calendar.

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Thank you

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This is an organized protest/boycott with more to follow:

March 7-14 No Amazon;

March 14 National Strike (no work for 24 hours);

March 21-28 No Nestle;

April 7-14 No Walmart;

April 18 Economic boycott (no spending);

April 21 No General Mills.

Shopping only at locally owned places is encouraged. Check out https://www.onearthpeace.org/ and https://thepeoplesunionusa.com/ as they seek to help us organize resistance that is widespread for greater impact.

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Can I still buy Girl Scout cookies?

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😂 Well, they are sort of corporate; at least wait of couple of days?

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Sadly, trump did the old Republican bait and switch and voters fell for it.

The GOP took control of the House in 2022 promising to deal with inflation and good governing. They dealt with neither, couldn't pass any budgets, had too many internal fights that almost closed down the government. They were focused on investigations that were based on heresy and went no where, and kicking the can down the road multiple times rather than do their job.

And then they rewarded the GOP with keeping (albeit smaller) a majority, and electing one of the world's biggest con artists who was responsible for one of the darkest incidents in American history (now being covered over) and convicted for felonies, and liable for fraud and sexual assault. Of course he promised one thing to get elected and is doing anything else.

The joke was on you, and you were not bright enough to see through it. Now we are changing inflation up, with no action on prices, and threatening and enacting tariffs that will raise prices further. Sadly, it impacts all of us. Negatively.

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Unfortunately, today's GQP doesn't allow for internal fights. Agent Orange threatens anyone who thinks about stepping out of line. Hence, they passed a budget granting oligarchs full access to the US Treasury and throwing the rest of us into the trash heap.

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Folks join your local Indivisible group right now. You will enjoy being with like minded people working for change. Being angry will change nothing.

Taking action will. You can do as much or as little as you wish. Thank you

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The point of all of this is to utterly destroy our government, shred all the systems in place to protect our health and safety, and make us dependent on the traitor Trump as dictator. All the talk about efficiency and cost cutting is just a smoke screen.

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Thank you! I don’t understand why people don’t understand this, just sleep walking into an autocracy. I’ve been protesting, writing and calling my representatives, I feel like I have to do something. When people finally wake up it will be too late and I fear for my 3 year old granddaughter😢.

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I've been voting since 1968. Trust me, enough voters don't 'get it' to where we now live under an authoritarian regime. Another even bigger factor is that most voters don't trust politicians to do what they say they will do. Promises made, promises broken, is the norm, which has resulted in massive voter apathy. The electoral college and 48 winner take all states have repeatedly elected a president who does not represent the majority.

The wealthy have corrupted our political system. You have to be a millionaire or funded by millionaires to get elected and keep your seat in Congress. Quid pro quo has been the norm on both sides of the aisle.

Our political system and the Constitution are in dire straits because we are unwilling to confront the simple truth that what was true 250 years ago is not true today. It is a different world. Unscrupulous and self-serving people has exploited every weakness in our political system.

If there is a silver lining, maybe the people who have been politically sleep walking will realize the importance of a democratic system that will address their needs. Voters will become more active and vocal in their demands of their representatives in Congress. Before that happens, it is going to take another Bastille Day to restore a true democracy.

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It's a smoke screen and a lie. Nothing that has been done or is being done goes to efficiency. The cost cutting may be taking place, but where are the cuts being made and who won't benefit? That should be obvious.

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Anxiety is the point. Poverty, confusion also

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And illness; see the news about the cancellation of the HSS meeting to determine the next flu vaccine.

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I love that you refer to him as PINO! I can't decide which is better, PINO or POTUS (Putin Of The United States)

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To be honest I first heard of this term on Substack yesterday. I can’t remember where, but is was from a woman’s elderly mother

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oh oh oh I like this one ! Dicktraitor .....has the right meaning...the right ring to it ... I was just using TRAITOR but can upgrade

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PINO (pronounced pin-o) as in short for Pinocchio, the lying wooden boy. In the end, he reformed and became a real human being. Do not expect the same from Trump.

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Please remind everyone about the economic blackout on Friday, February 28.


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It's the blatant bad faith - outright lies to get elected that should force his supporters to wake up! Let me just share here: My 25 y/o daughter has profound autism. Right now all the parent groups (there are quite a few) are ON FIRE with dire requests that EVERYONE contact their elected officials in D.C. And this is just one segment of those who will feel the cruel blunt impact of these cuts. Sadly, those in poverty are most often not heard from in these fights. Let us all remember to be their champions. As the weather warms I believe we will see an even greater awakening of the American people spilling out into the streets. And tomorrow: FEBRUARY 28TH - DO NOT BUY ANYTHING!!

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Thanks Jen Rubin, I hope you will write about the latest decision from Bezos on the opinions section at WaPo soon - another bad day for the 1st amendment, and haven’t seen much on it at all.

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The 'comments' sections on the articles in the Washington Post are full of attacks on the Bezos approach. These do need more publicity though. What was once a respected 4th Estate publication is sliding toward a tabloid entity.

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Yes, everyone needs to participate in the nationwide boycott on 02/28/25. It might only make a small ripple, but from small ripples can come a large wave. Take, for example, the Vietnam War protests and the Civil Rights movement of the 60s and 70s. Both of those small movements in the beginning resulted in major changes. America did it then, and we can do it again!

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Two things come to mind.

1. Kamala Harris's opening sentence at her debate with the Insurrectionist-in-Chief (IiC). I'm not sure I have it quite right but something to the effect of 'trump is an unserious man who will have very serious consequences if elected.'

2. trump's statement to his fan club: "I am your retribution." I think he misspoke. We are his retribution.

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Did you see that video of the meeting of Trump's department heads? It looked like a meeting of avidly fearful board members listening to The Mush Report.

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Why was Musk even there, and why was he permitted to monopolize it?

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Steve 218: You'd have to ask our dear leader--he asked him (or so they say).

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Waste of time. He would lie, assuming he'd answer at all.

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Try and stop him.

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​I really like The Contrarian, but this quote took me aback:

"The president had hoped to achieve robust growth and disinflation—a mixture that could help push up stocks and bring down yields...."

The president had no such hope. His hope was only and always to enrich himself.

I think, perhaps, that you might have made an editorial remark in response to this.

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His hope was also to avoid prison.

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Yes, indeed.

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Jen trusts us to be able to discern when she is quoting someone else.

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And scary.

We must keep up the pushback, resistance, visiting elected officials (local and national) and truth telling.

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