Thank you for this interview and the work you do here and at State Democracy Defense.

Many listeners might find lots of benefit from reading today's entry at Simple Politics by Kim Wehle, "What the federal judge in Massachusetts really said: He did not endorse Trump’s “Fork” plan for thousands of federal employees; he did not even rule on the merits of the case"

Kim Wehle, Feb 13 2025. Ms Wehle's commentary is very detailed and very matter of fact, substantively and procedurally, at least in my understanding of this action.

A note on consumer prices. The price of eggs is an example of a set of real circumstances involving how well real production can occur and of the decisions of sellers and buyers of eggs in our market economy. Please note this excerpt from a Newsweek report, Map Shows Where Most Chickens Have Been Killed Amid Egg Shortage Published Feb 10, 2025 "... The availability of eggs has decreased across the U.S. due to a combination of supply chain disruptions, an ongoing bird flu outbreak and new state regulations requiring cage-free egg production. The largest losses in chickens have occurred in conventional chicken caging systems, which account for 71 percent of affected flocks. Cage-free and organic flocks have also been impacted, exacerbating shortages across all market segments...."

I won't discuss all of the environmental [actually ecological scale] real events that contribute to this level of successful bird flu infection and impairment of laying hens; but bear in mind, this is not failed, politicized policy effects. This is an ecological crisis that is being worsened by lack of competent health and environmental policy and is being felt by consumers as financial shock because food has been subject to commodification and transactional attention and is not considered a genuine need of anyone and everyone. In other words, we face a combination of ecological crisis, shown here as effect on flock viability and disease resistance, but also evident through out the US and the world as evidenced by loss of farmland productivity and loss by farms of significant amount of production because of climate change impacts and other environmental degradation.

Having stated this perspective, I suggest that ag policy at the federal and the states levels be reviewed, carefully reviewed, to remedy practices that do not contribute to more healthfully resilient and robustly cared for flocks, with careful attention actually paid to general living conditions so as to prevent the weakening of living ecological relationships, with the subsequent weakening and dis-functioning and malfunctioning of many kinds that then occurs in living individuals and in living communities.

I agree that the Trump Administration cares little about the effects of it activities or of its in-actions that adversely affect any persons capacity to afford healthful foods. Trump et al are remorselessly selfish and single-mindly destructive of civil society and peoples' lives; the lack of genuine humanity that they show, in word and deed, is appalling and unacceptable.

I only by the above observations intend here to support the much needed and very respectable work of by The Contrarian and at the same time contribute to the improved understanding of our work as citizens to do informed discussion and contribute to factually informed public policies and programs.

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Of course there are explanations, but the point is that the ecological situation is unchanged from last fall when Trump represented that the price of eggs was due to the president and that, as president, he would bring that price down immediately! He is not keeping that PROMISE, and should be reminded every day.

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Thank you, Ms Morrison.

You are correct to remind me and us that he is not keeping that promise. That he is not may assist some who chose to put him in office to work against his false promises and is lawless promises as well.

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thank you bob...

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Thank you for this feature, I think it is a good way to start the day, and I appreciate your continuing efforts to evolve this site.

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I love these Jen and Norm discussions. They really complement each other.

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You need a bigger audience, but I enjoyed your new feature! Thank you!

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Thank you! Jen and Norm, please know how much I appreciate all you are doing.

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Secretary Kennedy can now order the removal of fluorosilicic acid from our public drinking water to improve the health of our kids #Maha

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Would appreciate even an AI transcript of this and other videos. Some of us prefer reading to watching/listening, and for the time-pressed it’s much quicker to read.

I skip the videos and so I miss out on the information.

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I believe there is a transcript option just below the video screen block.

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Where are the people who thought they would get cheaper eggs by voting for this president?

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Pleased to hear that the case about fed workers taking buyouts was reversed & now might be challenged. It was implied that unions & workers not on the same page? What? (Sorry. I’m not a lawyer.) That is the incorrect interpretation. Hope challenge will be covered on The Contrarian when the time comes. Thanks.

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Good way to start the day, I enjoyed your energy both.

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Is this a regularly scheduled event? I generally hear about these live streams after they have happened. Alternatively, I get a notice that a live stream is beginning, with no advance warning, no time to stop what I’m doing to watch.

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Thanks for Morning Live!

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Regarding the disgraceful Republican budget, it is a sellout of the millions of financially struggling Americans who voted for Trump for that reason. And to paraphrase Sir Winston Churchill ‘Never in the field of human events is so much attempting to be done at the expense of so many for the benefit of so few.”

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GREAT pieces today! And I really like the new morning coffee session!!! On another subject, why has no one reported on Elon Musks compensation for his DOGE work and from what budget it comes. I heard him say in an interview that it is a “contingent” compensation—a percentage of the money he says he saves the government. Is that true? If it is, how is it calculated and when is it determined?

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yikes! Talk about conflict of interest...!!

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Thank you!!!

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Refreshing and humorous… that’s the spirit! We have to smile when taking on the hairy beast of their god awful hubris.

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