It is so disappointing to see how human nature is so immune to change. Since the end of WWII, we have being educated about how dictatorships manipulate public opinion by demonizing innocent minorities in order to galvanize their supporters against a non-existent threat to their way of life. We lionized the "Greatest Generation" as the saviors of democracy against the evil of Hitler and his minions. Yet we have still fallen prey to a copycat autocrat using the same playbook to grab power and is now using that power to do exactly what every other current and historical dictator has done or is doing. Will Americans wake up in time to prevent a total collapse of our Constitutional Democracy or will we end up like the Germans (historical), Italians (historical), Hungarians (current), Russians (current) and Chinese (current) under the thumb of an immoral, self-indulgent and ultimately destructive maniac and his childlike billionaire minions?
It is horrifying how the president of the USA ordered this with such flourish and obvious glee as if he had resolved the biggest threat to women's safety, ever. When all it is, is kicking that one trans female athlete off a team in a four-state área. Folks, if Trump can do that with such vitriol and demonic joy for such an infintessimal thing, and yet be cheered on by millions, then most definitely the worst is yet to come. And he will do the worst, he always does.
So much for playing sports for the love of the game which means you understand that it’s more than “winning “. Also, the winner isn’t necessarily the ‘best’ which is subjective and , it is one moment in time. Many factors play into winning. A true sportsman knows how to win and lose with grace when they do their best. That is the real winning.
All this brouhaha over trans etc. is bigotry at its worst.
I have played golf with two trans women. They can both hit the ball farther than me. But, why does that matter? I can hit the ball a lot farther than most of the women I play with, and a lot farther than a lot of men. I'm not trans, I'm just a good athlete who has worked really hard at the game in order to get better. I don't care if a trans woman beats me every once in a while. It won't happen every time, and when it does, I'll be motivated to work even harder. All of this trump bullsh*t has absolutely nothing to do with protecting girls and women from trans women. It's all about white christian nationalism and Dominionism. Don't be fooled by what they call it. It's a distraction. Call it out for what it is. And I'd feel safer with my children in a bathroom with a trans woman or trans man than with a Catholic priest.
I'm still getting my mind around this. In the best of all worlds, transgender girls would just play and no one would think a thing about it. But one study I read about in a legitimate newspaper reported that transgender girls are stronger and bigger than regular girls. Apparently that advantage dissipates over a few years but in the high school years, when many gender changes occur, those testosterone advantages would be in effect. My granddaughter is fast and agile, but she's little wisp of a thing. She just graduated from high school. If the sport is track I'd say that's less of a problem. But contact sports are another thing. I want real evidence about the situation before I back any position. As to the general idea about boys changing to transgender girls, I am sympathetic and I hope they are relieved and happy. I figure it's none of my business if they feel they should have been born a girl, nor is it anyone else's except theirs and their parents. And if they use the girls' bathroom, fine with me.
Maybe an interim step, until we have more evidence, is to have transgender teams.A problem with that is that while there has been lots of talk about transgender matters, the numbers are actually very few.
If I had a daughter who wanted to trans into a boy, I 'd be worried about her if she wanted to play football.She'd be at a disadvantage even if she were fast. This stuff is complicated and it should be investigated with sympathy for all the kids and science for everyone. It should not be turned into the culture wars which is what the mean bigots are doing.
The NY Road Runners recently had a 10K race. There were 3 categories a person could compete in: Men Women Non-binary. Think this is the way to go. The top 10 men's times were faster than the first place woman (this is approximately true for all races ever held which is why there is a separate set of awards for women.) In this race the first place woman was about 30 seconds faster than the first place Non-binary.
I am an active and devoted Democrat. A couple in our group have a trans daughter who is 6’2” and 240 lbs, with broad shoulders, and the build of a very strong man. My daughter is 5’ 1” and 100 lbs. I’m sorry, I just can’t see how my daughter should have to defeat their daughter to win the trophy.
Appalling how much hateful rhetoric has been thrown out concerning this issue. For the religious, Jesus said love your neighbor and you are your brother’s keeper. This means, in my opinion, love your neighbor and love also means respect, respect who your neighbor is even if different from you. You are your brother’s keeper, in my opinion, means make sure no harm comes to your neighbor. Harm can be in the form of discrimination, hate speech, invasion of privacy, or physical harm. These are expectations you have for yourself and they are deserved by all. Add to the fact that these discriminations are aimed at children makes them even more heinous. Children deserve protection always, period.
Hi Hal, not sure I understand the point you are making. Yes, you are correct that within the "anti-woke" mindset there are only girls and boys, men and women. However, within the world we actually live in there is more gender variability than can be defined through a cis-gender lens. To argue otherwise is a grave injustice to those that don't fit into that narrow definition. They too deserve the freedom to be who they are.
I agree that we must disagree with what Trump has done to and about women and girls, and what it means for them (and us). However, I fear that resistance on this (culture war) issue has a political cost to our opposition greater than any benefits. In the present moment and for the short term, we must keep the focus of our resistance on the fundamental issues of governance, the rule of law, and law enforcement. With all federal law enforcement agencies in Trump's control, we have to fight against the non-enforcement or the eviscerating of electoral and related civil-rights laws. We face the real possibility that the DOJ, along with the FBI, will not obey court orders. By comparison (only), concerns about transgender people competing in sports is not critical to the preservation of democracy. (I wish I did not have to say what I have just said.)
I think it is precisely because of "culture wars" that the Republicans swept the elections. A lot of people were fed up with woke culture, with having to watch every word, with drag queens reading to little kids in libraries. While a number of "woke" policies were meant well, they really smacked of "telling me what to do" for many people. What reaction was expected to "critical race theory"?? Do people want to be blamed for something that happened centuries ago? But I think all those who "turned" to vote for this administration will realize that a high price was paid.
Appalling, as are many of President Trump’s words and actions. I am also concerned about his being around so many lovely young girls. I just hope he isn’t making a list of future acquisitions for him and his cronies. Hopefully parents and guardians, teachers and others, are aware of the danger of smiling wolves speaking sweet words and bearing gifts.
Any time I hear about Trans, I go on my crusade. of two years. You all are educated people and can understand. Down syndrome is accepted in this country. Klinefelter is another syndrome that leads to trans. 180,000 articles on-line. Please look it up and spread the word when the subject comes up. Girl babies are born with two XXs. Boys XY but one out of 500 baby boys are born with extra Xs which make them tend towars being female. They get bullied because people don't understand. I don't know that Matthew shepard had extra Xs, but he could have. One Congress member. Another who was booted out of Congress. I've never met a Trans person (that I know of), but if we only spread the word. I even contacted the Supreme court. (who didn't care) There are treatments.
It is so disappointing to see how human nature is so immune to change. Since the end of WWII, we have being educated about how dictatorships manipulate public opinion by demonizing innocent minorities in order to galvanize their supporters against a non-existent threat to their way of life. We lionized the "Greatest Generation" as the saviors of democracy against the evil of Hitler and his minions. Yet we have still fallen prey to a copycat autocrat using the same playbook to grab power and is now using that power to do exactly what every other current and historical dictator has done or is doing. Will Americans wake up in time to prevent a total collapse of our Constitutional Democracy or will we end up like the Germans (historical), Italians (historical), Hungarians (current), Russians (current) and Chinese (current) under the thumb of an immoral, self-indulgent and ultimately destructive maniac and his childlike billionaire minions?
It is horrifying how the president of the USA ordered this with such flourish and obvious glee as if he had resolved the biggest threat to women's safety, ever. When all it is, is kicking that one trans female athlete off a team in a four-state área. Folks, if Trump can do that with such vitriol and demonic joy for such an infintessimal thing, and yet be cheered on by millions, then most definitely the worst is yet to come. And he will do the worst, he always does.
"...if Trump can do that with such vitriol and demonic joy for such an infintessimal thing..."
It's not "an infinitesimal thing" to the biological female athletes who have to compete with or against biological males.
So much for playing sports for the love of the game which means you understand that it’s more than “winning “. Also, the winner isn’t necessarily the ‘best’ which is subjective and , it is one moment in time. Many factors play into winning. A true sportsman knows how to win and lose with grace when they do their best. That is the real winning.
All this brouhaha over trans etc. is bigotry at its worst.
"All this brouhaha over trans etc. is bigotry at its worst."
Uh, no. It's our society returning to common sense.
I have played golf with two trans women. They can both hit the ball farther than me. But, why does that matter? I can hit the ball a lot farther than most of the women I play with, and a lot farther than a lot of men. I'm not trans, I'm just a good athlete who has worked really hard at the game in order to get better. I don't care if a trans woman beats me every once in a while. It won't happen every time, and when it does, I'll be motivated to work even harder. All of this trump bullsh*t has absolutely nothing to do with protecting girls and women from trans women. It's all about white christian nationalism and Dominionism. Don't be fooled by what they call it. It's a distraction. Call it out for what it is. And I'd feel safer with my children in a bathroom with a trans woman or trans man than with a Catholic priest.
I'm still getting my mind around this. In the best of all worlds, transgender girls would just play and no one would think a thing about it. But one study I read about in a legitimate newspaper reported that transgender girls are stronger and bigger than regular girls. Apparently that advantage dissipates over a few years but in the high school years, when many gender changes occur, those testosterone advantages would be in effect. My granddaughter is fast and agile, but she's little wisp of a thing. She just graduated from high school. If the sport is track I'd say that's less of a problem. But contact sports are another thing. I want real evidence about the situation before I back any position. As to the general idea about boys changing to transgender girls, I am sympathetic and I hope they are relieved and happy. I figure it's none of my business if they feel they should have been born a girl, nor is it anyone else's except theirs and their parents. And if they use the girls' bathroom, fine with me.
Maybe an interim step, until we have more evidence, is to have transgender teams.A problem with that is that while there has been lots of talk about transgender matters, the numbers are actually very few.
If I had a daughter who wanted to trans into a boy, I 'd be worried about her if she wanted to play football.She'd be at a disadvantage even if she were fast. This stuff is complicated and it should be investigated with sympathy for all the kids and science for everyone. It should not be turned into the culture wars which is what the mean bigots are doing.
The NY Road Runners recently had a 10K race. There were 3 categories a person could compete in: Men Women Non-binary. Think this is the way to go. The top 10 men's times were faster than the first place woman (this is approximately true for all races ever held which is why there is a separate set of awards for women.) In this race the first place woman was about 30 seconds faster than the first place Non-binary.
I wonder why no attention is being paid to the fact that Elon Musk has a transgender daughter.
I would imagine that Elon doesn't love that child. He doesn't love anyone but Elon and those who boost his pride.
Oh, he does not. And the feeling is mutual. Pretty sure most of Elon's dozen kids despise him.
I am an active and devoted Democrat. A couple in our group have a trans daughter who is 6’2” and 240 lbs, with broad shoulders, and the build of a very strong man. My daughter is 5’ 1” and 100 lbs. I’m sorry, I just can’t see how my daughter should have to defeat their daughter to win the trophy.
It shouldn’t be about the trophy. It should be about the love of the sport plus doing your best!
Appalling how much hateful rhetoric has been thrown out concerning this issue. For the religious, Jesus said love your neighbor and you are your brother’s keeper. This means, in my opinion, love your neighbor and love also means respect, respect who your neighbor is even if different from you. You are your brother’s keeper, in my opinion, means make sure no harm comes to your neighbor. Harm can be in the form of discrimination, hate speech, invasion of privacy, or physical harm. These are expectations you have for yourself and they are deserved by all. Add to the fact that these discriminations are aimed at children makes them even more heinous. Children deserve protection always, period.
"And then Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) asked the question that should have ended the argument forever.
“How many athletes are there in the United States in NCAA schools?,” Durbin inquired.
Baker: “510,000.”
“How many transgender athletes are you aware of?,” Durbin asked.
“Less than 10,” Baker said."
Any number greater than zero is too many, a point that Democrats like Durbin fail to grasp.
If you have to modify "girl", "woman", "boy" or "man" with "trans" or "transgender", you have already lost the argument.
Hi Hal, not sure I understand the point you are making. Yes, you are correct that within the "anti-woke" mindset there are only girls and boys, men and women. However, within the world we actually live in there is more gender variability than can be defined through a cis-gender lens. To argue otherwise is a grave injustice to those that don't fit into that narrow definition. They too deserve the freedom to be who they are.
"Hi Hal, not sure I understand the point you are making."
That biological males should not be playing in biological female sports, and vice versa.
I agree that we must disagree with what Trump has done to and about women and girls, and what it means for them (and us). However, I fear that resistance on this (culture war) issue has a political cost to our opposition greater than any benefits. In the present moment and for the short term, we must keep the focus of our resistance on the fundamental issues of governance, the rule of law, and law enforcement. With all federal law enforcement agencies in Trump's control, we have to fight against the non-enforcement or the eviscerating of electoral and related civil-rights laws. We face the real possibility that the DOJ, along with the FBI, will not obey court orders. By comparison (only), concerns about transgender people competing in sports is not critical to the preservation of democracy. (I wish I did not have to say what I have just said.)
I think it is precisely because of "culture wars" that the Republicans swept the elections. A lot of people were fed up with woke culture, with having to watch every word, with drag queens reading to little kids in libraries. While a number of "woke" policies were meant well, they really smacked of "telling me what to do" for many people. What reaction was expected to "critical race theory"?? Do people want to be blamed for something that happened centuries ago? But I think all those who "turned" to vote for this administration will realize that a high price was paid.
Appalling, as are many of President Trump’s words and actions. I am also concerned about his being around so many lovely young girls. I just hope he isn’t making a list of future acquisitions for him and his cronies. Hopefully parents and guardians, teachers and others, are aware of the danger of smiling wolves speaking sweet words and bearing gifts.
Any time I hear about Trans, I go on my crusade. of two years. You all are educated people and can understand. Down syndrome is accepted in this country. Klinefelter is another syndrome that leads to trans. 180,000 articles on-line. Please look it up and spread the word when the subject comes up. Girl babies are born with two XXs. Boys XY but one out of 500 baby boys are born with extra Xs which make them tend towars being female. They get bullied because people don't understand. I don't know that Matthew shepard had extra Xs, but he could have. One Congress member. Another who was booted out of Congress. I've never met a Trans person (that I know of), but if we only spread the word. I even contacted the Supreme court. (who didn't care) There are treatments.
Frankly I am surprised that the Orange Baboon didn't outlaw gays to participate in sports.
We're next on the Project 2025 hit list.