Ooooooo, Hakim Jeffries letter took, "'a strong stand against the Republican introduction of a “continuing resolution,'” and his, 'words refusing to go along are powerful.'"
And who besides The Contrarian and those who follow politics super closely read all that? Answer: virtually no one. Who saw photos of a dual session of Congress with no Democrats in their seats, refusing to sit and be berated and co-opted into tacitly agreeing with a lying president by virtue of being there? No one saw such a photo, because that's not what happened.
Sorry, but the GOP is the most effective American political party for the last 10 or so years because they understand that virtually no one, no one, reads long statements. I'm not advocating for the Dems to start lying like the GOP, but more effective and powerful messaging (auction paddles? really?) is required. And so is a party-wide, unified response to what's going on, not polite disagreement and intra-party vacillation.
Who Will Lead the Patriotic Opposition? — You asked the question but I do t see any answer… this comment by skip resonates with me. The Damnacrats are inept in their opposition — I get pleas for more campaign $$$s but I see almost zero congealing around an effective opposition. Show me some PISSED OFF DEMS who are willing to get out there and say “bring it on, you venal pusillanimous lickspittle Trumpian toadies”…. We’re going to throw your lies back at you. We’re going to oppose every one of your illegal firings of federal workers. We’re going to stand up to your atta KD on democracy. Jasmine Crockett is out there…. AOC is out there. So is Vindman. Senators Murphy, Sanders, Whitehouse are out there. But they all need to organize and cohere as an effective focused opposition. Those is either a no holds barred battle for democracy or we’re screwed.
So—answer for me the question raised here: Who Will Lead the Patriotic Opposition?
"So—answer for me the question raised here: Who Will Lead the Patriotic Opposition?"
For the time being, no one. Sure, Gov. Newsom is starting to establish his bona fides with a podcast before announcing a 2028 presidential run. But there's no one in Congress or any governor right now who has the spine to step up and lead. Heck, they can't even acknowledge the reasons why they lost in the last election (hint: it wasn't racism or misogony). They don't want to admit how out of touch they were the last election cycle. Until the Dems figure that out and adjust their policies/platform all they will be is simply the opposition with no leader or game plan.
Not sure what election you were watching in 2024. Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party announced tax increases for the top 20% (remember taxes will not go up for anyone making over $450,000), saving Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. There were five reasons Kamala Harris lost:
Biden should never have attempted re-election and should have kept his promise to be a bridge;
the Felon promised he'd not touch Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and said he knew nothing about Project 2025 (surprise, surprise, surprise, the Felon lied again);
racism: white women voted overwhelmingly for abortion rights, yet still voted for the likes of Josh Hawley and Rick Scott, brown and white men and women believed the Democratic Party is for Black Americans;
misogyny: millions of men believe women should be subservient to men and are jealous of the accomplishments women have made since Title IX.
This is pretty close to what I think is true, even though I HATE it, and feel like Cassandra on the steps of Troy. But I also think there was Russian interference with the swing state voting machines, there was gerrymandering and voter suppression, and the media which is owned by oligarchs was not helping us, and/or it was not being read; and that many of us did exhaust ourselves in every way trying to help the country face the problem and deal with it effectively. The largest voter block did not vote.
"Not sure what election you were watching in 2024."
The one where Trump won and Kamala lost.
"Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party announced..."
Kamala Harris became the Democratic "nominee" as the result of an internal coup orchestrated by the donors, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Barack Obama. They, along with the WH staff and the media, deliberately hid Biden's mental decline from the voters, but they were all exposed during the June debate. Then the panic set in.
"Biden should never have attempted re-election and should have kept his promise to be a bridge..."
He never should have run in 2020 - the signs of his mental decline were already there. But the Dems and the media were OK with it just as long as they could get rid of Trump. Be careful what you wish for.
"racism: white women voted overwhelmingly for abortion rights..."
"misogyny: millions of men believe women should be subservient to men..."
That's OK, continue to believe those lines if you wish. What you're not mentioning as factors are the economy and border security/illegal immigration. Harris decided to pin her hopes on two things: "reproductive rights" and "Orange Man a Threat to Democracy". Neither of them gave Harris the numbers she needed.
"60 Minutes Overtime: The factors that led to Donald Trump's victory"
What Rep. John Lewis said is always relevant: " “Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. , . Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.”
Further, tell us when it's demonstrated and incontrovertible that the Trump administration has actually complied with various court orders. All the info up till now has been that the court orders get made and the administration does nothing.
I could not have said that better. Thank you. The only thing I ever get from Hakeem Jeffries are emails begging for money. We need a strong spokesman/woman with a daily news conference telling us what specific measures are being taken by our Democrat leaders. Pete? AOC? Jasmine?
All of them! I don't think we need one right yet but we do need to flood the zone. I would add Bernie and Pritzker and Sen Murphy and a few others we aren't thinking about.
For example, new manufacturing plants are being developed right now in hundreds of red districts. Some of the money has been paused by Trump. Dems in those districts need to be communicating that those jobs are thanks to Joe Biden and Dems. Otherwise they risk Trump doing a big communication blitz by unfreezing the funds and taking credit for building those plants.
Biden/Harris hit a home run on the economy EXCEPT inflation. They could have but didn't communicate reasons why inflation was no reason to throw the baby out with the bath water. That is why Dems lost.
Actually, no. I'm out at rallies and protests. We donate money. We call our elected pols. And yes, I'm willing to speak (sic) my mind online, and in person. What else do you suggest, or does your handle explain all we'll get to hear?
the problem of opposition is huge because americans are idiots with a narrow view of the world. remember the man on the street thing Leno used to do ? question :when was the american revolution...around 1880 I think who did we fight against...Mexico I think . Do americans know what NATO is ? Too many football stadiums not enough schools.
What took the House Democrats so long before they filed a lawsuit? And why not against shutting USAID, and illegal impoundment of the funds it owes contractors as well as hollowing out the Veterans Administration. The Congressional Dems need to be leading the legal resistance to Trump’s unlawful usurpation of their authority rather than being late to act. And, how could Hakeem Jefferies allow ten of his members to join MAGA House Republicans in censuring Al Green. Nancy Pelosi would never permitted it!
I have been really disappointed by him. All talk. Greater allegiance to the DNC than the Democratic Party voters. We donated millions and they managed to lose an election they should have won. Now I am getting requests for money again.
We need to hold our elected officials accountable for their failures.
The Democratic Party is in shambles, did not pull off the 2024 election and have allowed trump to run all over them for 9 years. Who is suffering? Not them. They have fat paychecks, platinum health care, lush pensions and perks galore.
I fail to see where closing one's eyes to failure, ineptitude and grandiosity works.
Carville & Axelrod still living in 20th century! Time to get new leaders, Dems. Schumer, Jeffries, Durbin, other old Dems need to give way to Crockett, Chris Murphy, Raskin, et al who have a beating pulse, leadership skills. Even Bernie at 80+ has more guts than rollover Dems. New blood needed ASAP. PS, I'm clocking in at 83+.
Yup … as a “young” 80 I’m totally through with the codgers controlling the Damnacratic party. Nancy ran a tight ship. Septuagenarian Al Green showed the Damnacrats how to stand up up for democracy ….WHY THE HELL DIDN’T OTHER DEMS MARCH OUT IN SOLITARY WITH HIM ?? But too much focus on “decorum” and not enuff on protecting our democracy, our hard earned benefits of social security, Medicare and Medicaid and on supporting our veterans and our civil servants. Not to say anything honoring our international obligations to NATO and Ukraine.
"Septuagenarian Al Green showed the Damnacrats how to stand up up for democracy ….WHY THE HELL DIDN’T OTHER DEMS MARCH OUT IN SOLITARY WITH HIM ?? But too much focus on “decorum”..."
I actually expect decorum for functions such as Tuesday night's speech. The Speaker of the House officially asks a President to speak before a joint session of Congress. That's a big deal and should be treated with the utmost respect. I don't care what party is in control of the White House or Congress. Everyone in that chamber needs to be on their best behavior. They represent us, the people.
But what have we gotten in the recent past? Idiot members of Congress yelling at the President, and I mean from both parties. Presidents calling out members of Congress or the opposition party as if they are the enemy of the people. House Speakers sitting behind a President making little tears in a speech so it can be ripped up for all to see after the speech. Presidents refusing to shake hands with the Speaker. They act like petulant little children wanting some attention. They are all supposed to act like well-mannered adults, but our society has now come to expect these histrionics as acceptable behavior. I say throw them all out, even the ones carrying those silly protest paddles or wearing their best and brightest protest attire.
Yes, plus a deal to end the illegal Executive Branch co-opting of Constitutional Congressional responsibilities, and end to "stopping" disbursement of already appropriated funds, and an end to illegal DOGE employees' intrusions into government departments, *and* a 3 month shelf life for any such assistance to the GOP, so we have a hedge against the GOP/Trump's going back on the deal.
It is laughable that Jeffries has power or is a leader. 10 Dem reps voting to censure Rep Al Green? Nancy Pelosi wouldn’t have let that happen. She wasnt perfect but she ran a tight ship. Out with Jeffries.
Many of the NATO countries threw off Russian rule: Hungary, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Chechoslovakia. Spain eventually came out from Franco's dictatorship. It has been done and will continue to be done.
From 1989 through 1991, Poland engaged in a democratic transition which put an end to the Polish People's Republic and led to the foundation of a democratic government, known as the Third Polish Republic (Polish: III Rzeczpospolita Polska), following the First and Second Polish Republic.
Well it was a democracy that elected a very right wing government that was becoming more and more authoritarian and then elected their current administration which is much more democratic.
From NPR in 2023:
Poland's ruling Law and Justice Party leaves government today following its defeat in last month's national election. Donald Tusk will become prime minister.
Um, the United States of America, all thirteen of them, in 1776? And of course Russia in 1917, but that didn't last long, did it? I'm struggling to come up with a real answer to your question but I'm open to suggestion.
Jen, you are amazing! You do so much, I hope you’re not going to burn yourself out and that you get the support YOU need. We need you, and yes, thousands and thousands are standing by to do whatever it takes to end this nightmare.
I'm sorry Mr. Eisen, but your praise of Democratic leadership sounds more like wishful thinking than actual reality. The relative silence of the party establishment, especially Jeffries, Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, who seems so out of touch it's comical, and others of the "old" guard, is a flashing alarm bell that they have no clue about how to respond. Jeffries' letter is pretty weak sauce in the face of the outright war on this country being waged by Musk, Trump and the sycophants in the GOP. The shock and awe tactics of the current administration have worked in that the leaders of the Democratic Party, with a few notable exceptions - Bernie, AOC, Chris Murphy - are like deer in the headlights waiting to get vaporized by the oncoming semi.
Eric, I agree. What frightens me the most is Project 2025, for which, Kevin Roberts, the Heritage Foundation President and chief architect of the playbook paid $22 million. It was released in April, 2023. I wonder what Jeffries, Pelosi, and Schumer did about it.
According to Roberts, "Trump's first presidency got off to a slow start," so they provided a 922-playbook he could follow. And, they spent a year-plus recruiting people whom he could hire in the White House to help implement them.
The following memo from DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd was sent on September 25, 2024, 17 months after it was published. I'm including a slightly edited first paragraph. The link is underneath it. The quote is from Kevin Roberts.
"The MAGA extremists behind the dangerous blueprint are ‘waiting for the policy making season’ and are ‘never going to stop’ as they continue working to give Donald Trump and JD Vance unprecedented and unchecked power to carry out their dangerous MAGA agenda. Project 2025 isn’t just ‘the conservative movement’ – it’s the Trump-Vance ticket’s playbook to gut checks and balances, ban abortion nationwide, and rig the economy for billionaires and big corporations on the backs of the middle class."
[If you read the rest, you'll see how involved Vance has been.]
"I'm sorry Mr. Eisen, but your praise of Democratic leadership sounds more like wishful thinking than actual reality. The relative silence of the party establishment, especially Jeffries, Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, who seems so out of touch it's comical, and others of the "old" guard, is a flashing alarm bell that they have no clue about how to respond."
I have seen & heard Jeffries in several news conferences. I have seen and heard Richie Torres and Senator Gillibrand. I have heard Tom Suozzi. And last, but not least, Governor Hochul. I am proud to be a New Yorker among these New Yorkers who are speaking out.
CBS is reporting that Trump has, of course, strong-armed all the GOP members in the house by meeting with them and calling them, put out statements saying the Democrats want to shut the government down, and all of the other seemingly endless BS. I don’t hold out much hope.
"CBS is reporting that Trump has, of course, strong-armed all the GOP members in the house.."
LBJ was famous for "strong arming" members of Congress because he was the former Senate Majority Leader and knew better than most what levers to pull. I don't believe the media had any objections over that.
I am sensing that some of us are getting impatient that movement is not fast enough. I personally think we must recognize that our patience will be our greatest strength. Let’s give Jeffries much time and resolve to carry forth our interest a needs for the greatest needs we see daily.
My thanks and appreciation for all of you and the contacts I see daily.
I agree, I think! And the Party can’t do it all, nor should it. Hard to be patient in an impatient world, but it worked for Putin! I remember Khrushchev saying Russia would one day win over the west, then rule over them.
Are you reporting that the Democrats in the House are going to vote no on the CR? This is a calculated move, if all the MAGAt’s vote yes it still passes. What is the thought about that?
I think it’s naive to expect the Democratic Party to do the work of all the voters who don’t realize they have to do their part in a self-governing country. Maybe if the general population would do a better job of understanding and advocating for what we actually need, we wouldn’t be in this mess. It’s too easy to blame the Party for everything. Remember, the Rs are shallowly powerful because 1) they’re the bad guys, and 2) they cheat. We don’t need 2 parties who exploit under-informed people. This is a real test for a real country.
Sharon, if we actually had a small (not smaller) federal government like the Founders envisioned we wouldn't be having these issues. Most of the power would rightfully belong to state and local government. We fought a war against a far-away and powerful central government 250 years ago, and we've managed to end up in the same spot. Both parties care more about power than they do about the Constitution or the voters.
Oy Norm, this Jeffries’ paean is… something else. Scary actually, as you had no one else to put in the front seat and had to go rummaging in the drawers in the dark, and you had to fish out that boy toy… Susan above is right, btw, while everything is going to hell, that homunculus was busy kissing Peter Thiel’s ring in CA, for enough of a pittance to appear more of an accomplice than a politician. Peter Thiel is an architect of Trump 2! Perhaps even the lead architect, if that Vance’s caper in the White House with Zelensky is the giveaway.
And that parody of a House Leader goes and take his money? WTFFFF
Ooooooo, Hakim Jeffries letter took, "'a strong stand against the Republican introduction of a “continuing resolution,'” and his, 'words refusing to go along are powerful.'"
And who besides The Contrarian and those who follow politics super closely read all that? Answer: virtually no one. Who saw photos of a dual session of Congress with no Democrats in their seats, refusing to sit and be berated and co-opted into tacitly agreeing with a lying president by virtue of being there? No one saw such a photo, because that's not what happened.
Sorry, but the GOP is the most effective American political party for the last 10 or so years because they understand that virtually no one, no one, reads long statements. I'm not advocating for the Dems to start lying like the GOP, but more effective and powerful messaging (auction paddles? really?) is required. And so is a party-wide, unified response to what's going on, not polite disagreement and intra-party vacillation.
Knife to gun fight, folks.
Who Will Lead the Patriotic Opposition? — You asked the question but I do t see any answer… this comment by skip resonates with me. The Damnacrats are inept in their opposition — I get pleas for more campaign $$$s but I see almost zero congealing around an effective opposition. Show me some PISSED OFF DEMS who are willing to get out there and say “bring it on, you venal pusillanimous lickspittle Trumpian toadies”…. We’re going to throw your lies back at you. We’re going to oppose every one of your illegal firings of federal workers. We’re going to stand up to your atta KD on democracy. Jasmine Crockett is out there…. AOC is out there. So is Vindman. Senators Murphy, Sanders, Whitehouse are out there. But they all need to organize and cohere as an effective focused opposition. Those is either a no holds barred battle for democracy or we’re screwed.
So—answer for me the question raised here: Who Will Lead the Patriotic Opposition?
"So—answer for me the question raised here: Who Will Lead the Patriotic Opposition?"
For the time being, no one. Sure, Gov. Newsom is starting to establish his bona fides with a podcast before announcing a 2028 presidential run. But there's no one in Congress or any governor right now who has the spine to step up and lead. Heck, they can't even acknowledge the reasons why they lost in the last election (hint: it wasn't racism or misogony). They don't want to admit how out of touch they were the last election cycle. Until the Dems figure that out and adjust their policies/platform all they will be is simply the opposition with no leader or game plan.
Not sure what election you were watching in 2024. Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party announced tax increases for the top 20% (remember taxes will not go up for anyone making over $450,000), saving Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. There were five reasons Kamala Harris lost:
Biden should never have attempted re-election and should have kept his promise to be a bridge;
the Felon promised he'd not touch Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and said he knew nothing about Project 2025 (surprise, surprise, surprise, the Felon lied again);
racism: white women voted overwhelmingly for abortion rights, yet still voted for the likes of Josh Hawley and Rick Scott, brown and white men and women believed the Democratic Party is for Black Americans;
misogyny: millions of men believe women should be subservient to men and are jealous of the accomplishments women have made since Title IX.
This is pretty close to what I think is true, even though I HATE it, and feel like Cassandra on the steps of Troy. But I also think there was Russian interference with the swing state voting machines, there was gerrymandering and voter suppression, and the media which is owned by oligarchs was not helping us, and/or it was not being read; and that many of us did exhaust ourselves in every way trying to help the country face the problem and deal with it effectively. The largest voter block did not vote.
The crushing blow was still crushing.
"Not sure what election you were watching in 2024."
The one where Trump won and Kamala lost.
"Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party announced..."
Kamala Harris became the Democratic "nominee" as the result of an internal coup orchestrated by the donors, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Barack Obama. They, along with the WH staff and the media, deliberately hid Biden's mental decline from the voters, but they were all exposed during the June debate. Then the panic set in.
"Biden should never have attempted re-election and should have kept his promise to be a bridge..."
He never should have run in 2020 - the signs of his mental decline were already there. But the Dems and the media were OK with it just as long as they could get rid of Trump. Be careful what you wish for.
"racism: white women voted overwhelmingly for abortion rights..."
"misogyny: millions of men believe women should be subservient to men..."
That's OK, continue to believe those lines if you wish. What you're not mentioning as factors are the economy and border security/illegal immigration. Harris decided to pin her hopes on two things: "reproductive rights" and "Orange Man a Threat to Democracy". Neither of them gave Harris the numbers she needed.
"60 Minutes Overtime: The factors that led to Donald Trump's victory"
not...but I will allow you to believe such
What Rep. John Lewis said is always relevant: " “Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. , . Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.”
Further, tell us when it's demonstrated and incontrovertible that the Trump administration has actually complied with various court orders. All the info up till now has been that the court orders get made and the administration does nothing.
Amen. I am weary of the long-winded diatribes of theirs in front of the cameras.
I could not have said that better. Thank you. The only thing I ever get from Hakeem Jeffries are emails begging for money. We need a strong spokesman/woman with a daily news conference telling us what specific measures are being taken by our Democrat leaders. Pete? AOC? Jasmine?
All of them! I don't think we need one right yet but we do need to flood the zone. I would add Bernie and Pritzker and Sen Murphy and a few others we aren't thinking about.
For example, new manufacturing plants are being developed right now in hundreds of red districts. Some of the money has been paused by Trump. Dems in those districts need to be communicating that those jobs are thanks to Joe Biden and Dems. Otherwise they risk Trump doing a big communication blitz by unfreezing the funds and taking credit for building those plants.
Biden/Harris hit a home run on the economy EXCEPT inflation. They could have but didn't communicate reasons why inflation was no reason to throw the baby out with the bath water. That is why Dems lost.
Gee, another brave keyboard warrior.
Actually, no. I'm out at rallies and protests. We donate money. We call our elected pols. And yes, I'm willing to speak (sic) my mind online, and in person. What else do you suggest, or does your handle explain all we'll get to hear?
the problem of opposition is huge because americans are idiots with a narrow view of the world. remember the man on the street thing Leno used to do ? question :when was the american revolution...around 1880 I think who did we fight against...Mexico I think . Do americans know what NATO is ? Too many football stadiums not enough schools.
What took the House Democrats so long before they filed a lawsuit? And why not against shutting USAID, and illegal impoundment of the funds it owes contractors as well as hollowing out the Veterans Administration. The Congressional Dems need to be leading the legal resistance to Trump’s unlawful usurpation of their authority rather than being late to act. And, how could Hakeem Jefferies allow ten of his members to join MAGA House Republicans in censuring Al Green. Nancy Pelosi would never permitted it!
Exactly re rep Green
the rest of the dems are the ones who should be censored
Spare me the adulation of Hakeem Jeffries. He’s not leading nothing. Instead he’s accepted $2.5M for the DCCc from Theill & Muck.
I have been really disappointed by him. All talk. Greater allegiance to the DNC than the Democratic Party voters. We donated millions and they managed to lose an election they should have won. Now I am getting requests for money again.
Stop treating the voters like an ATM.
Wrong. I’ve supported Dems all my life … no matter how hard I had to hold my nose. Stop with ad hominem attacks
We need to hold our elected officials accountable for their failures.
The Democratic Party is in shambles, did not pull off the 2024 election and have allowed trump to run all over them for 9 years. Who is suffering? Not them. They have fat paychecks, platinum health care, lush pensions and perks galore.
I fail to see where closing one's eyes to failure, ineptitude and grandiosity works.
And here I thought he was finally waking up. I should have known it was just for the money. Thanks for sharing this information.
Sayz someone who didn't support Dems.
Carville & Axelrod still living in 20th century! Time to get new leaders, Dems. Schumer, Jeffries, Durbin, other old Dems need to give way to Crockett, Chris Murphy, Raskin, et al who have a beating pulse, leadership skills. Even Bernie at 80+ has more guts than rollover Dems. New blood needed ASAP. PS, I'm clocking in at 83+.
Yup … as a “young” 80 I’m totally through with the codgers controlling the Damnacratic party. Nancy ran a tight ship. Septuagenarian Al Green showed the Damnacrats how to stand up up for democracy ….WHY THE HELL DIDN’T OTHER DEMS MARCH OUT IN SOLITARY WITH HIM ?? But too much focus on “decorum” and not enuff on protecting our democracy, our hard earned benefits of social security, Medicare and Medicaid and on supporting our veterans and our civil servants. Not to say anything honoring our international obligations to NATO and Ukraine.
"Septuagenarian Al Green showed the Damnacrats how to stand up up for democracy ….WHY THE HELL DIDN’T OTHER DEMS MARCH OUT IN SOLITARY WITH HIM ?? But too much focus on “decorum”..."
I actually expect decorum for functions such as Tuesday night's speech. The Speaker of the House officially asks a President to speak before a joint session of Congress. That's a big deal and should be treated with the utmost respect. I don't care what party is in control of the White House or Congress. Everyone in that chamber needs to be on their best behavior. They represent us, the people.
But what have we gotten in the recent past? Idiot members of Congress yelling at the President, and I mean from both parties. Presidents calling out members of Congress or the opposition party as if they are the enemy of the people. House Speakers sitting behind a President making little tears in a speech so it can be ripped up for all to see after the speech. Presidents refusing to shake hands with the Speaker. They act like petulant little children wanting some attention. They are all supposed to act like well-mannered adults, but our society has now come to expect these histrionics as acceptable behavior. I say throw them all out, even the ones carrying those silly protest paddles or wearing their best and brightest protest attire.
trump will get /deserve decoram when he stops lying so......
You should apply that standard to most politicians and the media.
No CR, no cloture, nothing at all without budgetary protections of veteran services, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare and SNAPS
Yes, plus a deal to end the illegal Executive Branch co-opting of Constitutional Congressional responsibilities, and end to "stopping" disbursement of already appropriated funds, and an end to illegal DOGE employees' intrusions into government departments, *and* a 3 month shelf life for any such assistance to the GOP, so we have a hedge against the GOP/Trump's going back on the deal.
It is laughable that Jeffries has power or is a leader. 10 Dem reps voting to censure Rep Al Green? Nancy Pelosi wouldn’t have let that happen. She wasnt perfect but she ran a tight ship. Out with Jeffries.
Great piece, thank you. For historical perspective can you provide examples of countries that have overthrown authoritarian regimes -
Many of the NATO countries threw off Russian rule: Hungary, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Chechoslovakia. Spain eventually came out from Franco's dictatorship. It has been done and will continue to be done.
Ukraine in 2014, Poland and Brazil a little later
Poland became an independent nation in 1993. Ukraine in 1991. Brazil in 1822.
I referred to whenThey overthrew authoritarian governments
When did Poland switch to democracy?
From 1989 through 1991, Poland engaged in a democratic transition which put an end to the Polish People's Republic and led to the foundation of a democratic government, known as the Third Polish Republic (Polish: III Rzeczpospolita Polska), following the First and Second Polish Republic.
History of Poland (1989–present) - Wikipedia
Well it was a democracy that elected a very right wing government that was becoming more and more authoritarian and then elected their current administration which is much more democratic.
From NPR in 2023:
Poland's ruling Law and Justice Party leaves government today following its defeat in last month's national election. Donald Tusk will become prime minister.
Um, the United States of America, all thirteen of them, in 1776? And of course Russia in 1917, but that didn't last long, did it? I'm struggling to come up with a real answer to your question but I'm open to suggestion.
You and the Contrarians are doing a lot of work. And I’m a gratefully subscriber. Best substack.
Jen, you are amazing! You do so much, I hope you’re not going to burn yourself out and that you get the support YOU need. We need you, and yes, thousands and thousands are standing by to do whatever it takes to end this nightmare.
I'm sorry Mr. Eisen, but your praise of Democratic leadership sounds more like wishful thinking than actual reality. The relative silence of the party establishment, especially Jeffries, Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, who seems so out of touch it's comical, and others of the "old" guard, is a flashing alarm bell that they have no clue about how to respond. Jeffries' letter is pretty weak sauce in the face of the outright war on this country being waged by Musk, Trump and the sycophants in the GOP. The shock and awe tactics of the current administration have worked in that the leaders of the Democratic Party, with a few notable exceptions - Bernie, AOC, Chris Murphy - are like deer in the headlights waiting to get vaporized by the oncoming semi.
Eric, I agree. What frightens me the most is Project 2025, for which, Kevin Roberts, the Heritage Foundation President and chief architect of the playbook paid $22 million. It was released in April, 2023. I wonder what Jeffries, Pelosi, and Schumer did about it.
According to Roberts, "Trump's first presidency got off to a slow start," so they provided a 922-playbook he could follow. And, they spent a year-plus recruiting people whom he could hire in the White House to help implement them.
The following memo from DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd was sent on September 25, 2024, 17 months after it was published. I'm including a slightly edited first paragraph. The link is underneath it. The quote is from Kevin Roberts.
"The MAGA extremists behind the dangerous blueprint are ‘waiting for the policy making season’ and are ‘never going to stop’ as they continue working to give Donald Trump and JD Vance unprecedented and unchecked power to carry out their dangerous MAGA agenda. Project 2025 isn’t just ‘the conservative movement’ – it’s the Trump-Vance ticket’s playbook to gut checks and balances, ban abortion nationwide, and rig the economy for billionaires and big corporations on the backs of the middle class."
[If you read the rest, you'll see how involved Vance has been.]
"I'm sorry Mr. Eisen, but your praise of Democratic leadership sounds more like wishful thinking than actual reality. The relative silence of the party establishment, especially Jeffries, Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, who seems so out of touch it's comical, and others of the "old" guard, is a flashing alarm bell that they have no clue about how to respond."
Totally agree.
I have seen & heard Jeffries in several news conferences. I have seen and heard Richie Torres and Senator Gillibrand. I have heard Tom Suozzi. And last, but not least, Governor Hochul. I am proud to be a New Yorker among these New Yorkers who are speaking out.
CBS is reporting that Trump has, of course, strong-armed all the GOP members in the house by meeting with them and calling them, put out statements saying the Democrats want to shut the government down, and all of the other seemingly endless BS. I don’t hold out much hope.
"CBS is reporting that Trump has, of course, strong-armed all the GOP members in the house.."
LBJ was famous for "strong arming" members of Congress because he was the former Senate Majority Leader and knew better than most what levers to pull. I don't believe the media had any objections over that.
I am sensing that some of us are getting impatient that movement is not fast enough. I personally think we must recognize that our patience will be our greatest strength. Let’s give Jeffries much time and resolve to carry forth our interest a needs for the greatest needs we see daily.
My thanks and appreciation for all of you and the contacts I see daily.
I agree, I think! And the Party can’t do it all, nor should it. Hard to be patient in an impatient world, but it worked for Putin! I remember Khrushchev saying Russia would one day win over the west, then rule over them.
Are you reporting that the Democrats in the House are going to vote no on the CR? This is a calculated move, if all the MAGAt’s vote yes it still passes. What is the thought about that?
Check out Feathers of Hope. Shared governmdnt. If I were Jeffreies, I'd offfer the House intelligence committee to Mike Turner, R. Ohio.
Impeach the bastards.
I think it’s naive to expect the Democratic Party to do the work of all the voters who don’t realize they have to do their part in a self-governing country. Maybe if the general population would do a better job of understanding and advocating for what we actually need, we wouldn’t be in this mess. It’s too easy to blame the Party for everything. Remember, the Rs are shallowly powerful because 1) they’re the bad guys, and 2) they cheat. We don’t need 2 parties who exploit under-informed people. This is a real test for a real country.
Sharon, if we actually had a small (not smaller) federal government like the Founders envisioned we wouldn't be having these issues. Most of the power would rightfully belong to state and local government. We fought a war against a far-away and powerful central government 250 years ago, and we've managed to end up in the same spot. Both parties care more about power than they do about the Constitution or the voters.
Oy Norm, this Jeffries’ paean is… something else. Scary actually, as you had no one else to put in the front seat and had to go rummaging in the drawers in the dark, and you had to fish out that boy toy… Susan above is right, btw, while everything is going to hell, that homunculus was busy kissing Peter Thiel’s ring in CA, for enough of a pittance to appear more of an accomplice than a politician. Peter Thiel is an architect of Trump 2! Perhaps even the lead architect, if that Vance’s caper in the White House with Zelensky is the giveaway.
And that parody of a House Leader goes and take his money? WTFFFF