I don't feel much sympathy for Ryleigh Cooper. Trump told us all who he was years ago.
I would also like to know, since conservatives allegedly are interested in fiscal prudence, WHY thr federal government ought to be subsidizing what could be multiple rounds of IVF. As I understand it IVF doesn't necessarily have a high success rate- variables about thr woman 's age, the number of eggs retrieved, for example.
While it is undoubtedly heartbreaking for couples ejo hope to conceive to fail, once again WHY should my tax dollars pay for them?
Presumably to grow the population (for our Ponzi scheme growth economy) and to get the votes. If we start to ferret out what will be paid and what won't, that is an encroachment on your individual health care, and they may cut your desired procedure next. Breast reconstruction after mastectomy? Penile implants? Gastric bypass? Tubal ligation or vasectomy? If we let the politicians in the door (the biggest problem with letting them dictate women's choices), it is a slippery slope they will make their own.
Absolutely, Bonnie. Politicians have no right to dictate anybody's health care. A good government cares about the health and well-being of all of its citizens. We are now on the edge of the slippery slope because lickspittle Republicans allowed the packing of the SC with political appointees who seem to hold the "keep them home and keep them pregnant" attitude toward women. Except that after the child is born, s/he is free to die from measles, lack of affordable health care, or a rampaging school shooter.
Excellent question! I have many many "how come" questions I would like to ask American voters about 77 million voters putting the likes of TDrump into the White House. This certainly is not what we thought we were going to get, was it??!!
Department of Defense schools get strong outcomes with a diverse population that is highly mobile, which is no small feat. The DoD has the only school system of the United States that did not see a drop in test scores during the pandemic. Data could tell us how the changes you describe affect student outcomes, but the Trump administration is actively undermining educational data collection. I am particularly horrified by girls being excluded from STEM. This means girls can’t learn science, technology, engineering, and math. This is the stuff of the Taliban.
I looked up the racial breakdown of the military. 20% of the military are Black. But no Black history allowed in the schools! Whites are just barely in the majority. Sickening policies.
If 4 equally qualified job candidates applied for the same position and were named Juwan, Juan, Jane, and John, who do you suppose will get an interview? The anti DEI movement will set us back decades and diminish us as a country.
There has been the call for monthly town halls, especially in Red States. People in all states should organize them, even if it is for a specific wrong. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Stop PINO giving white male Maga[ts] something to hate, i.e. women, brown skin, DEI. Distraction. Pure Facist distraction.
I am crafting a fan letter to Attorney General Pamela Jo Bleached Blonde Bondi letting her know that many Floridians recognize that the mediocrity & malevolence that made her term as Florida AG most regrettable had placed her in the altogether unique position of performing more grandiose feats of derring-do for the least qualified ‘president’ to ever prop his ample gut upon the Resolute Desk.
We applaud the vigor with which she violates the law by issuing legal decrees pronounced by that esteemed scholar, Donald J (for Jurist) Trump, Esq.
With him as her tutor, she may have the dubious distinction of not only being the first AG impeached & convicted, but also playing the lead role in ‘Illegally Blonde,’ a biopic shot entirely on location at her new residence, the military prison at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
I know the Mad River Valley well as a couple dozen family members live in Waitsfield. I am so proud they stood up to Vance's presence, boosting his boss against the people and then expecting to be welcomed by them. Hopefully this energy of resistance and protest will multiply and become a permanent obstacle for this administration.
Sorry, this has little to do with today's Contrarian, but I can't help myself. Just saw a clip of Larry Kudlow on State Media blame today's economic down term on "the failing economy Biden left us". Unf***ing believable. Sadly MAGA'S suck that sh*t up as reality.
Well spoken Ms. Wolf. We have lived here in New Hope, PA these last 40 years but were native to NYC. My wife, Camille wrote a weekly column in the Bucks County Herald for over 21 years and I came to appreciate her keen insights and her empathy for the status of women (mostly under appreciated) in our world. Thank you for your voice, Peter Mancuso, formerly Asst. Dir. Training, NYPD and charter member, NYS Governor's Task Force and Commission of Domestic Violence
#VladsPoodle. Constitution & Bill of Rights for MAGA, but not for us?
Trump tariffs: a $2,000/yr tax hike on the average American household. MAGAs better buy their new pickup trucks before April 2nd to avoid ~$8,000 to $10,000 price hike.
Lucy Welch is a brave soul and I would like someone to tell me if she was fired for speaking out! I first heard about her on Bill McKibben's substack "The Crucial Years".
Yes she was fired. Unfortunately. If you want to read her post, my daughter send to me. Its worth your time. I hope she is scooped up by a more forward thinking company. https://www.reddit.com/r/burlington/s/0KJjFAZZWA
I assume most readers in the SubStack spheres are decently educated and well informed.
There’s been a lot of anxiety expressed about the ignoramus aka kennedy heading up our health department. But in my view the ongoing debate on trans gender seriously misses the facts of science as current proofs bear out: I’m not a supporter of males who declare themselves women (with or without surgical/pharma induced transformation) should be “naturally” allowed into female only areas!
It appears the majority of living beings are when it comes to sex either female or male.
A "biological sex change" is not possible in the current understanding of science, as a person's genetic makeup, including their sex chromosomes, cannot be altered, meaning the fundamental biological sex determined at conception remains unchanged regardless of any physical modifications made through hormone therapy or surgery; essentially, while outward appearance can be altered, the underlying biological sex remains the same.
Key points about biological sex:
The primary determinant of biological sex is the combination of sex chromosomes (XX for female, XY for male), which cannot be changed.
While hormone therapy can be used to alter hormone levels, this does not change the underlying genetic sex.
Gender-affirming surgeries can modify physical characteristics associated with sex, but do not change the biological sex itself.
BUT I am strongly opposed to any form of discrimination.
Fine by me if a male decides he’s more comfortable presenting as female BUT I draw the line in areas barely even these days created for females only! A male declaring himself female does NOT EVER BELONG IN FEMALE SPORTS—NOR IN FEMALE ONLY PRISONS. It doesn’t seem like advanced or higher mathematics to figure out what’s happening here. The hatred of women can be mounted in both direct and devious ways.
Here’s an entertaining essay on this nagging issue
Not much sympathy for a college-educated woman who ignored overwhelming evidence to vote for Trump out of a total self-centered belief that she is owed a birth family.
......and the women who voted for Trump? How come? Surely nothing in his past indicated respect for women or that he cared a fig for women's' health.
I don't feel much sympathy for Ryleigh Cooper. Trump told us all who he was years ago.
I would also like to know, since conservatives allegedly are interested in fiscal prudence, WHY thr federal government ought to be subsidizing what could be multiple rounds of IVF. As I understand it IVF doesn't necessarily have a high success rate- variables about thr woman 's age, the number of eggs retrieved, for example.
While it is undoubtedly heartbreaking for couples ejo hope to conceive to fail, once again WHY should my tax dollars pay for them?
Presumably to grow the population (for our Ponzi scheme growth economy) and to get the votes. If we start to ferret out what will be paid and what won't, that is an encroachment on your individual health care, and they may cut your desired procedure next. Breast reconstruction after mastectomy? Penile implants? Gastric bypass? Tubal ligation or vasectomy? If we let the politicians in the door (the biggest problem with letting them dictate women's choices), it is a slippery slope they will make their own.
Absolutely, Bonnie. Politicians have no right to dictate anybody's health care. A good government cares about the health and well-being of all of its citizens. We are now on the edge of the slippery slope because lickspittle Republicans allowed the packing of the SC with political appointees who seem to hold the "keep them home and keep them pregnant" attitude toward women. Except that after the child is born, s/he is free to die from measles, lack of affordable health care, or a rampaging school shooter.
How come???
Excellent question! I have many many "how come" questions I would like to ask American voters about 77 million voters putting the likes of TDrump into the White House. This certainly is not what we thought we were going to get, was it??!!
Department of Defense schools get strong outcomes with a diverse population that is highly mobile, which is no small feat. The DoD has the only school system of the United States that did not see a drop in test scores during the pandemic. Data could tell us how the changes you describe affect student outcomes, but the Trump administration is actively undermining educational data collection. I am particularly horrified by girls being excluded from STEM. This means girls can’t learn science, technology, engineering, and math. This is the stuff of the Taliban.
I looked up the racial breakdown of the military. 20% of the military are Black. But no Black history allowed in the schools! Whites are just barely in the majority. Sickening policies.
If 4 equally qualified job candidates applied for the same position and were named Juwan, Juan, Jane, and John, who do you suppose will get an interview? The anti DEI movement will set us back decades and diminish us as a country.
There has been the call for monthly town halls, especially in Red States. People in all states should organize them, even if it is for a specific wrong. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Stop PINO giving white male Maga[ts] something to hate, i.e. women, brown skin, DEI. Distraction. Pure Facist distraction.
Get Bernie out there with his mittens. Passive obstruction.
This is great work!
I am crafting a fan letter to Attorney General Pamela Jo Bleached Blonde Bondi letting her know that many Floridians recognize that the mediocrity & malevolence that made her term as Florida AG most regrettable had placed her in the altogether unique position of performing more grandiose feats of derring-do for the least qualified ‘president’ to ever prop his ample gut upon the Resolute Desk.
We applaud the vigor with which she violates the law by issuing legal decrees pronounced by that esteemed scholar, Donald J (for Jurist) Trump, Esq.
With him as her tutor, she may have the dubious distinction of not only being the first AG impeached & convicted, but also playing the lead role in ‘Illegally Blonde,’ a biopic shot entirely on location at her new residence, the military prison at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Jennifer, I was more than happy to protest in Waitsfield.
Good work
I know the Mad River Valley well as a couple dozen family members live in Waitsfield. I am so proud they stood up to Vance's presence, boosting his boss against the people and then expecting to be welcomed by them. Hopefully this energy of resistance and protest will multiply and become a permanent obstacle for this administration.
Sorry, this has little to do with today's Contrarian, but I can't help myself. Just saw a clip of Larry Kudlow on State Media blame today's economic down term on "the failing economy Biden left us". Unf***ing believable. Sadly MAGA'S suck that sh*t up as reality.
Well spoken Ms. Wolf. We have lived here in New Hope, PA these last 40 years but were native to NYC. My wife, Camille wrote a weekly column in the Bucks County Herald for over 21 years and I came to appreciate her keen insights and her empathy for the status of women (mostly under appreciated) in our world. Thank you for your voice, Peter Mancuso, formerly Asst. Dir. Training, NYPD and charter member, NYS Governor's Task Force and Commission of Domestic Violence
#VladsPoodle. Constitution & Bill of Rights for MAGA, but not for us?
Trump tariffs: a $2,000/yr tax hike on the average American household. MAGAs better buy their new pickup trucks before April 2nd to avoid ~$8,000 to $10,000 price hike.
WSJ 10/3//24: "The Next President Inherits a Remarkable Economy" then envy of the world. https://www.wsj.com/economy/the-next-president-inherits-a-remarkable-economy-7be2d059
Lucy Welch is a brave soul and I would like someone to tell me if she was fired for speaking out! I first heard about her on Bill McKibben's substack "The Crucial Years".
I am not clear if the message was later edited or toned down, sorry. That's the best I can do
Yes she was fired. Unfortunately. If you want to read her post, my daughter send to me. Its worth your time. I hope she is scooped up by a more forward thinking company. https://www.reddit.com/r/burlington/s/0KJjFAZZWA
I assume most readers in the SubStack spheres are decently educated and well informed.
There’s been a lot of anxiety expressed about the ignoramus aka kennedy heading up our health department. But in my view the ongoing debate on trans gender seriously misses the facts of science as current proofs bear out: I’m not a supporter of males who declare themselves women (with or without surgical/pharma induced transformation) should be “naturally” allowed into female only areas!
It appears the majority of living beings are when it comes to sex either female or male.
A "biological sex change" is not possible in the current understanding of science, as a person's genetic makeup, including their sex chromosomes, cannot be altered, meaning the fundamental biological sex determined at conception remains unchanged regardless of any physical modifications made through hormone therapy or surgery; essentially, while outward appearance can be altered, the underlying biological sex remains the same.
Key points about biological sex:
The primary determinant of biological sex is the combination of sex chromosomes (XX for female, XY for male), which cannot be changed.
While hormone therapy can be used to alter hormone levels, this does not change the underlying genetic sex.
Gender-affirming surgeries can modify physical characteristics associated with sex, but do not change the biological sex itself.
BUT I am strongly opposed to any form of discrimination.
Fine by me if a male decides he’s more comfortable presenting as female BUT I draw the line in areas barely even these days created for females only! A male declaring himself female does NOT EVER BELONG IN FEMALE SPORTS—NOR IN FEMALE ONLY PRISONS. It doesn’t seem like advanced or higher mathematics to figure out what’s happening here. The hatred of women can be mounted in both direct and devious ways.
Here’s an entertaining essay on this nagging issue
Not much sympathy for a college-educated woman who ignored overwhelming evidence to vote for Trump out of a total self-centered belief that she is owed a birth family.
Fabulous (even though there's plenty that far from fabulous in it).
Knowledge is power though and I appreciate your succinct summary. Thank you!