Featuring Jen Rubin interviews with Ritchie Torres & Nancy Bolan, with Nancy Clair, and with Daniel Solove. Written pieces by Walter White, Brian O'Neill, Josh Levs, Scott Rosenstein, and Jeff Nesbit
DOGE (the Department of Government Evisceration) is carrying out the most foolish, thoughtless, callous, de-humanizing, destructive, and disastrous action in American history. Nothing our government has ever done equals it for sheer lunacy and cruelty. And yet, so far, the political party supporting the men doing it are standing by in cowardice, looking desperately the other way and praying to god they won’t suffer for it in the next election, but unwilling to put an end to it, which they could.
Indeed they could have put an end to it before it ever got started if they’d done their clear duty during the impeachment trial following January 6th.
The two oligarchs doing it will not be paying any of the price for what they are doing.
This is the result of far too many Americans knowing and/or caring next to nothing about what their government actually does, how it helps people both at home and abroad, the vast width and depth of the sea of misinformation and lies behind DOGE’s actions, or the terrible flawed characters of the men who have set it in motion.
Well done, MAGA! You are successfully doing exactly the opposite of Making American Great.
I just finished a call with a ACLU attorney. I was looking for what a citizen can do to stop Trumps anti democracy actions. I want to sue him for treason. He told me that nothing can be done because he hasn’t broken any laws and that Trumps support is greater than Obama’s. It was a very disturbing call. He had no interest in addressing Trumps actions.
Trump and Musk will be more than on the run if there is a run on lawsuits. Every fired employee. Every contract canceled. Each has a lawsuit. EVERY ONE! County court civil cases. Here is a primer. https://bit.ly/4i4b0Is
I very much appreciated that we are hearing from people who have directly experienced the impact of the Dumpster's policies. Facts won't changes the minds of those who already hold "alternative" facts. Stories that touch our common humanity maybe the only thing that works.
The only answer I see, very reluctantly, is that the Trump regime must be removed from power by force, as soon as possible. I know that's a tough call, but we are in beyond desperate conditions... we are terminal!
I am working on ideas in my Substack articles, driven in part by long-ago research as I was writing my prophetic Constitution thriller in the 1990s.... (CON2: The Generals of October, retitled after 06 Jan 2021 as Washington Under Siege: Autumn of the Republic). A consortium of willing, patriotic state governors, combined with past *elected* presidents (not Bush43, although he could be allowed in as an observer), must unite to send military and police units to the necessary points in Washington, D.C. like the White House. There is no time left.
The USA has been taken over by Putin and his allies like Xi, who are smirking and laughing more than ever. There are all sorts of treasonous forces at work inside the USA, like those for a second time trying to convince Californians to secede from the Union. That must never happen,and we cannot allow the Simple People (Proverbs 1, Magabrains) to be manipulated by corporate republican oligarchs into destroying our nation, our republic, and our democracy. We need to strike fast, hard, and resolutely.
Then we need a temporary caretaker government of previously elected living Presidents and Vice Presidents (not a single living corporate-republican among them...there is no 'electoral college' in the Constitution so neither Bush43 nor Trump were ever elected... I'm talking Al Gore, HIllary Clinton, and Kamala Harris (who all won with overwhelming majorities of the popular vote until being trashcanned by the likes of Gingrich and McConnell... That caretaker govt will last until the next lawful elections. Then we can resume our strong leadership in the USA and in the world.
Looking at what Trump has been doing, it is becoming clear to me that his goal, his intent, is to wreck the economy, the country and thereby bring us to our knees. If one understands that as his intent, then we see how good, how competent he is at working towards that goal. In fact, his best as a destroyer is really very good.
Right, this is the crux of it all: fascists are typically people who cannot live in harmony with their environment and they have to destroy it. Once that is accepted, everything becomes crystal clear and all the Hitlers and Mussolini's of this world can be understood.
Communism as a violent Revolution required by every Communist state to make its neighbor Communist was something to be Anti-Communist about, even to fighting the Korean and Viet Nam wars about. See "Every War Is An UnCivil War" 4th edition Amazon kindle or Paperback.
Communist as a reformist evolution is more a kin to progressive tolerance for differences among us. more Christian sharing with those less fortunate; more the Golden Rule; Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. More Henry Ford: pay his worker enough they can afford to buy a Fprd. How different from Musk. Two very different world views. Bound by our humanity. 2/3 of us would, if we knew we had AIDS, so ANYTHING to avoid giving it to anyone else. !/3 of us said "Some sob gave it to me. I will give it to as many others as I can." Which third do you want to be part of? Love, Doc
Good analysis of the problems of giving technology a free pass. How to get a course correction? We were fortunate to have major leadership for safer cars. The tech industry in general doesn't listen or care, that "something stronger" you are asking for.
DOGE (the Department of Government Evisceration) is carrying out the most foolish, thoughtless, callous, de-humanizing, destructive, and disastrous action in American history. Nothing our government has ever done equals it for sheer lunacy and cruelty. And yet, so far, the political party supporting the men doing it are standing by in cowardice, looking desperately the other way and praying to god they won’t suffer for it in the next election, but unwilling to put an end to it, which they could.
Indeed they could have put an end to it before it ever got started if they’d done their clear duty during the impeachment trial following January 6th.
The two oligarchs doing it will not be paying any of the price for what they are doing.
This is the result of far too many Americans knowing and/or caring next to nothing about what their government actually does, how it helps people both at home and abroad, the vast width and depth of the sea of misinformation and lies behind DOGE’s actions, or the terrible flawed characters of the men who have set it in motion.
Well done, MAGA! You are successfully doing exactly the opposite of Making American Great.
But if the goal is not to make America great, Maga is successful!
I think that’s what I said.
I just finished a call with a ACLU attorney. I was looking for what a citizen can do to stop Trumps anti democracy actions. I want to sue him for treason. He told me that nothing can be done because he hasn’t broken any laws and that Trumps support is greater than Obama’s. It was a very disturbing call. He had no interest in addressing Trumps actions.
This is dangerous.
Message to Contrarian Publishers, Authors and Contributors!!!
Please do not be pansies.
When Trump LIES, don’t say he committed a “falsehood”.
A LIE is a LIE!
Call it EXACTLY what it is!
Trump and Musk will be more than on the run if there is a run on lawsuits. Every fired employee. Every contract canceled. Each has a lawsuit. EVERY ONE! County court civil cases. Here is a primer. https://bit.ly/4i4b0Is
I very much appreciated that we are hearing from people who have directly experienced the impact of the Dumpster's policies. Facts won't changes the minds of those who already hold "alternative" facts. Stories that touch our common humanity maybe the only thing that works.
How to we reach beyond our choir?
The only answer I see, very reluctantly, is that the Trump regime must be removed from power by force, as soon as possible. I know that's a tough call, but we are in beyond desperate conditions... we are terminal!
I am working on ideas in my Substack articles, driven in part by long-ago research as I was writing my prophetic Constitution thriller in the 1990s.... (CON2: The Generals of October, retitled after 06 Jan 2021 as Washington Under Siege: Autumn of the Republic). A consortium of willing, patriotic state governors, combined with past *elected* presidents (not Bush43, although he could be allowed in as an observer), must unite to send military and police units to the necessary points in Washington, D.C. like the White House. There is no time left.
The USA has been taken over by Putin and his allies like Xi, who are smirking and laughing more than ever. There are all sorts of treasonous forces at work inside the USA, like those for a second time trying to convince Californians to secede from the Union. That must never happen,and we cannot allow the Simple People (Proverbs 1, Magabrains) to be manipulated by corporate republican oligarchs into destroying our nation, our republic, and our democracy. We need to strike fast, hard, and resolutely.
Then we need a temporary caretaker government of previously elected living Presidents and Vice Presidents (not a single living corporate-republican among them...there is no 'electoral college' in the Constitution so neither Bush43 nor Trump were ever elected... I'm talking Al Gore, HIllary Clinton, and Kamala Harris (who all won with overwhelming majorities of the popular vote until being trashcanned by the likes of Gingrich and McConnell... That caretaker govt will last until the next lawful elections. Then we can resume our strong leadership in the USA and in the world.
John T. Cullen JTC Sheep Heil!
johntcullen.substack.com <---- please read!
https://www.galleycity.com <---- 40+ books; bookstore model (read half free)
MARA Make America Real Again
PLEASE headline the videos. Aside from that, keep on doing what you’re doing.
Looking at what Trump has been doing, it is becoming clear to me that his goal, his intent, is to wreck the economy, the country and thereby bring us to our knees. If one understands that as his intent, then we see how good, how competent he is at working towards that goal. In fact, his best as a destroyer is really very good.
Right, this is the crux of it all: fascists are typically people who cannot live in harmony with their environment and they have to destroy it. Once that is accepted, everything becomes crystal clear and all the Hitlers and Mussolini's of this world can be understood.
Trumpiad VII: Fabulous Interviews
“Mr. Trump, why do you take personally the criticism of your actions?”
“I take personally every attack on me. It’s normal. It’s human.”
“Yes, but people say you think every criticism of your official actions is personal. This, they say, makes you a paranoid psychopath.”
“That’s a fancy phrase for their opinion. I don’t pay any attention to them.”
“Well, apparently you pay a lot of attention to them. You threaten to ‘come after them,’ to punish them for criticizing you.”
“Wouldn’t you do the same?”
“You mean, wouldn’t I behave like a paranoid psychopath, too?”
“Everybody else does.”
* * *
“Mr. Trump, you claim the 2020 election was stolen, that you really won it. What is your evidence?”
“It’s obvious. Everybody knows the election was rigged.”
* * *
“Mr. Trump, you say America has domestic enemies, people who want to destroy our democracy, our freedoms. Traitors. Can you identify them?”
“I don’t need to. They reveal themselves.”
“How do they do this?”
“All you have to do is listen to what they say. Listen to them.”
“For example?”
“Just listen. You can tell who they are.”
* * *
“Mr. Trump, do you understand what ‘burden of proof’ means?”
“What are you talking about?”
“In our legal system, a person accused of a crime is considered innocent until proven guilty. The accuser has to prove guilt—it’s a legal burden.”
“What if it’s obvious that the person is guilty?”
“Obvious to whom?”
“Anybody with common sense. Any smart person.”
“In legal terms, guilt is never ‘obvious.’ It must be proven. Not just asserted. Not even by someone with common sense, some smart person.”
“I’m a smart person. To me it’s obvious that Nancy Pelosi is a traitor.”
“You have to prove it. You can’t just say it.”
“I can say it. I’m the president.”
* * *
“Mr. President: What would you do if the Supreme Court said that you cannot legally deport 1.7 million immigrants from the U.S.?”
“Fire them.”
“Mr. President: You cannot fire the Supreme Court.”
“I know.”
“So, what will you do if they rule against your deportation action?”
“They won’t.”
While Trump & Musk trash the economy & betray allies, Russia cheers the kleptocratic corruption & self dealing.
The Kremlin patted Trump on the head for betraying our democratic ally & aligning the U.S. with dictators & kleptocrats. #VladsPoodle https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2025/02/sec-fraud-prosecution-chinese-crypto-entrepreneur-justin-sun-donald-trump-world-liberty-financial-tokens/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-9tiGDuwCc Thanks Sen Merkley
Communism as a violent Revolution required by every Communist state to make its neighbor Communist was something to be Anti-Communist about, even to fighting the Korean and Viet Nam wars about. See "Every War Is An UnCivil War" 4th edition Amazon kindle or Paperback.
Communist as a reformist evolution is more a kin to progressive tolerance for differences among us. more Christian sharing with those less fortunate; more the Golden Rule; Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. More Henry Ford: pay his worker enough they can afford to buy a Fprd. How different from Musk. Two very different world views. Bound by our humanity. 2/3 of us would, if we knew we had AIDS, so ANYTHING to avoid giving it to anyone else. !/3 of us said "Some sob gave it to me. I will give it to as many others as I can." Which third do you want to be part of? Love, Doc
I am going to unsubscribe from this publication unless you can do a PRINTED story to get me the information I am seeking!!!
How do I get through to you?
Good analysis of the problems of giving technology a free pass. How to get a course correction? We were fortunate to have major leadership for safer cars. The tech industry in general doesn't listen or care, that "something stronger" you are asking for.
Trumpiad VII: Fabulous Interviews
“Mr. Trump, why do you take personally the criticism of your actions?”
“I take personally every attack on me. It’s normal. It’s human.”
“Yes, but people say you think every criticism of your official actions is personal. This, they say, makes you a paranoid psychopath.”
“That’s a fancy phrase for their opinion. I don’t pay any attention to them.”
“Well, apparently you pay a lot of attention to them. You threaten to ‘come after them,’ to punish them for criticizing you.”
“Wouldn’t you do the same?”
“You mean, wouldn’t I behave like a paranoid psychopath, too?”
“Everybody else does.”
* * *
“Mr. Trump, you claim the 2020 election was stolen, that you really won it. What is your evidence?”
“It’s obvious. Everybody knows the election was rigged.”
* * *
“Mr. Trump, you say America has domestic enemies, people who want to destroy our democracy, our freedoms. Traitors. Can you identify them?”
“I don’t need to. They reveal themselves.”
“How do they do this?”
“All you have to do is listen to what they say. Listen to them.”
“For example?”
“Just listen. You can tell who they are.”
* * *
“Mr. Trump, do you understand what ‘burden of proof’ means?”
“What are you talking about?”
“In our legal system, a person accused of a crime is considered innocent until proven guilty. The accuser has to prove guilt—it’s a legal burden.”
“What if it’s obvious that the person is guilty?”
“Obvious to whom?”
“Anybody with common sense. Any smart person.”
“In legal terms, guilt is never ‘obvious.’ It must be proven. Not just asserted. Not even by someone with common sense, some smart person.”
“I’m a smart person. To me it’s obvious that Nancy Pelosi is a traitor.”
“You have to prove it. You can’t just say it.”
“I can say it. I’m the president.”
* * *
“Mr. President: What would you do if the Supreme Court said that you cannot legally deport 1.7 million immigrants from the U.S.?”
“Fire them.”
“Mr. President: You cannot fire the Supreme Court.”
“I know.”
“So, what will you do if they rule against your deportation action?”
“They won’t.”