
"Someday, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me."

They are gangsters. It'll never end for Eric Adams. They have him in the genital cuff.

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Ms Orlins, thanks for breaking this down for us and keep us informed.

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My question is will the lawyer assigned by Judge Ho be able to call witnesses; and if so will he be able to call the Attorney's who resigned, or will he be able to at least provide all of the documentation provided by the Acting AG and those Attorney's who resigned?

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Excellent quick summary. Thank you!

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There's been lots of commentary on various platforms, but Ms. Orlins explained the stakes with more clarity and concision than anyone else. Kudos to her, and please feature her frequently, Contrarians.

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I've said it before and I will say it again. Our country is being dismantled and replaced with an authoritarian Fascist state and it is being done quickly. There are many things that the Justice department could challenge and indict Trump on. They had better get going now. American democracy, in my opinion, will not last another two years.

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The trouble is the justice department itself! The Pam Bondy in charge who the hell is going to bring such a challenge? We are in deep trouble

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Thank you for this informative breakdown. If you're terrified, then I am too.

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Great explanation. Keep us updated. Thanks

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Thank you for this excellent summary.

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