There was never any doubt in my mind that there would be a slew of lawsuits against this action. That's why everyone needs to hold their horses when The Contrarian does not address such an action immediately. After all, the Contrarian is not a NEWSpaper in the classic sense.
Yes, definitely a coup, but - knock on wood - the US has a larger judicial cohort and well-funded legal organizations, so there are some ways to fight back against the coup.
Hahaha. The water scent of musk (eau de musk - scent on scent - French on Spanish - the orange man should deport him). Love it. In Greek, it would be skata musk. I bet you have a google. Or here is fun for all you college Greeks - Sigma Kappa Alpha Tau Alpha. Who knew going greek sorority or fraternity could be so easy, cheap and painless? I did sorority rush for the alpha dooty pooties and the theme was Roman togas - go figure - greek night in Roman attire, perhaps that is what we are going through...dang, where did I park my chariot? I couldn’t even afford sheets for my bed let alone decorations for that soirée. GDI, proudly.
How can a private citizen, with zero govt. clearance be walking through the doors of OUR federal departments and the treasury, ransacking the places, stealing information, and NOBODY is stopping him? And what is Congress or law enforcement doing about this right now?
Yes, it's a coup. Trump can, and did, order that Musk et al be granted the highest security clearance, as he did for Kushner and other family and cronies in his first term.
There is clearly a bug in our security system if a president or any official acting alone can give security clearance to a henchman or loyal stooge without appropriate investigation, vetting, and approval by one or more neutral officials or agencies with responsibilities for national security. Can Trump give a security clearance or waiver to Stewart Rhodes? Enrique Tarrio? Kid Rock? Kanye? If so, we are in deep doo doo.
While I'm on this topic, Kash Patel or Pete Hegeseth could never pass an ordinary FBI investigation into their past conduct and character. How can they be confirmed to lead the military and the our leading law enforcement agency? The recent and looming irresponsibility of Republican senators who vote(d) to confirm them is mind blowing. Ditto Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr.
Yes, we are in deep sh*t. Almost no one saw this coming, there was no precedent, just as there was no precedent to having a felon, sexual predator, grifter as POTUS. Everyone was just in shock....You've seen the movie Brazil, or read 1984? This is a nightmare, and I pray that the Democrats and any sane republicans left will grow a spine (or a pair, whichever applies) because the Grifter in Chief and his evil geniuses are in the process of eliminating anyone or anything that stand in their way
I saw the new head of DNC last night on Rachel Maddow. He did not inspire confidence in me. I wanted him to be outraged from the gate about the events from the weekend, but initially he talked about winning House and Senate back, speaking up for working families, etc. All great but hey, things are on fire right now. It felt like Rachel had to prompt him.
If I understand correctly, the DNC is merely a machine to win elections. No oath of office there. Congress is supposed to represent us, and further, "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, . . . bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and . . . faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which [they] enter." We should be relentless in our demands on those reps to perform their duty.
Agreed. I like the vice chair though - Malcolm Kenyatta. He's got a lot of fire in him and he knows how to 'preach' it. Reminds me of AOC. If the Dems are smart, they'll give him a very big, very public role. Because from what I see the problem is not that the Dems need to change their platform it's that no one is listening to them. Kenyatta commands attention.
I agree, and her rather terse ending to his rant likely indicated her thoughts about him. He was on autoplay saying the same thing over and over. Where are the women leaders among Dems?
Senator Warren and AOC would not be mouthing the same old DNC lines. Democrats, forget your "moderates" you and the country need leadership with guts to fight this coup.
He's doing what the DNC should have been doing - connecting ideas and programs to working people (to win back their votes). Getting a Democratic majority back into both houses of Congress is important. We can chew gum and walk at the same time. Democrats already in Congress can carry the fight over these illegal actions, and should try to convince the more reasonable Republicans to join them.
Of course those things are important. Right now though, the most important thing is addressing the current madness. Because if we don’t, we might not even have real elections in 2026.
Heads up! If you listen closely this is what he wanted to do. Eviscerate, invite mass confusion and cause pain. He is delivering. He basically believes he can do anything he wants and his wants are all in his best interest not anyone else. He has violated his oath of office, isn’t that a high crime, along with everything else he has done. Democrats need to issue megaphones to everyone and they need to you use it everyday. Furthermore, if citizens are in opposition to the Trump’s behavior along with his republician cohorts, call your representative and let them know that this reign of terror must be contained. If they can’/won’t do it let them know they have lost your vote. If you lose enough votes you extinguish the support for this horror show. Your vote is our trump card.
Many of us are placing our hopes on the midterms to make things right, but the sociopaths that run the Rethuglican party have already set mechanisms in place to make sure that Democratic candidates will never win again. Election officials that are dedicated to keeping elections free and fair are receiving death threats from Trump supporters who are America's version of Jihad. I can't conceive of how a peaceful group of people will be able to overcome the evil that is afoot in America. Orange Hitler will be relentless in his pursuit of maintaining power and wealth
We don't seem to know for sure but it seems very likely it was Trump that granted the security clearances. Also, supposedly, the admin is saying Musk and his teenagers have passed background checks by the FBI. But for me, at the moment, given everything that's happening there, we can no longer trust the FBI. I mean I don't think we can trust anything anyone in any department of this admin says.
Since Orange Hitler's top priority is getting revenge against people who didn't support him, it's not too farfetched to believe that he ordered Musk Rat and his evil minions to take control of the Treasury department to exact revenge on a grand scale, cutting off SS and tax refund payments to residents in Blue states. Treasury dept officials have said that since their system has been hacked by DTs domestic terrorist Musk Rat, it is now compromised and may need to be rebuilt from the ground up, at a cost of billions to American taxpayers
I don't believe that for a minute. Trump has no interest in doing the actual work. What he does is hire loyalists and then give them free rein to do whatever they want as long as they give him the credit and that they are willing to do. He has very little idea what Musk and his tech boys are actually up to. Of course they know revenge is his favorite food and they're also quite willing to supply that for him in the course of doing what they want.
How they could be confirmed is by having a president who sold our country (which he believes he owns) for $290M after bludgeoning a political party into total submission and making sure those elected were weak and servile. A dystopian novel come to life. Remember Star Wars? We need to become the Rebel Alliance! I just bought my tee shirt with the logo.
Perhaps the scariest part of DOGE is that there is a completely legal way for Trump, and the infinitely smarter people behind Project 2025 who control him, to have set this up.
Every President has advisory boards/commissions. Despite its name, that's what DOGE is. A member of a presidential advisory commission/board absolutely can be eligible to get a security clearance. So if they set this up properly, Elon could have been eligible for a clearance. (Whether he would have gotten one is another story.)
IMO, the reason they didn't go through the legal "niceities" of properly setting this really doesn't have anything to do with Elon specifically, or whether he could get a security clearance. It's about Congress and federal budget cuts.
Regardless if it's Elon, Vivek or another horrible individual like Bezos, running DOGE, a presidential advisory commission can't make budget cuts. Any cuts recommended by DOGE would be just as relevant as a budget the White House sends Congress every year. In other words, not worth much more than the paper they're printed on. If Congress doesn't want to go along with cuts recommended by DOGE/POTUS, they're perfectly within their Constituional rights not to do so.
When Vivek and other minions at DOGE made the rounds on Capitol Hill before the inauguration they were met with a rather cool reception, even by some Republicans. They *know* Congress isn't going to go along with some of the cuts they want to make; just like they know they can't get to their stated goal without cutting SS, Medicare and/or DOD funding. Those are all non-starters, especially for House Republicans who have to face their voters again in just two years.
Congressional Republicans are too stupid/oblivious to see this, but DOGE is actually set up the way it is so Trump can ignore *them,* not just the minority Democrats.
What's sad/scary is that if Congressional Republicans ever wake up, it may be too late for them, and us.
We should stop calling them Republicans. It is an insult to the true GOP members past and present, such as John McCain. Let's call them what they are: The American Fascist Party )AfP. Maybe this will eventually sink into the thick skulls of the MAGA base.
From the NYT on Elon's invasion of the Treasury database and Warren's response
"The Musk allies who have been granted access to the payment system were made Treasury employees, passed government background checks and obtained the necessary security clearances, according to two people familiar with the situation, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal arrangements."
My email to the author of the story (there was no place to comment on line:)"
"Can you please report ASAP about
• How much these folks as “government employees” make and are they “competitive” or “excepted” civil servants. (My guess is the minimum wage and they are political appointees on Schedule F, as Policy makers, adjacent)
• How the background checks were done. (I suspect it was looking their names up on google)
• Who bestowed the security clearances, and what level? (I suspect trump, and the highest level)."
Of course, trump DOES have a magic wand regarding security. Ka$h says so.
Since I sent the email trump has apparently appointed Elon as a "Special Government Employee" That IS a thing. It comes with restrictions and quite probably subject to conflict of interest and financial disclosure rules. But are the Technokiddies also so appointed? THEY are the ones on the cots in the Treasury offices.
It looks as if action is starting. Public opinion has gotten to our legislators. May they finally serve the Constitution and the people of the country.
The R's will only come to the other side when they feel some kind of pain, and according to EM and trump, there will be a little pain and hurt (they didn't say that it will affect everybody apart from the billionaires) but "it will all be worth it". Worth what, for whom?
The reps may get a spine if they are getting an huge outcry from constituents. At least they can have a valid reason for voting against nominees by saying their constituents are firmly against
Agreed...Republicans in both the House and Senate are appallingly unresponsive in this moment. However, I think we keep calling and publically calling them out on this inaction. Inaction which serves to support a coup.
Absolutely correct. If they fear losing their jobs due to voter dissatisfaction, Trump's threat of primary opposition may mean nothing. Either way, they're out.
Yes it is a coup and I have been sending messages to neighbors and friends all day using that term. I have spent the day spreading the word of this illegal takeover and urging rapid and immediate action from everyone. Call and email Senators and Representatives multiple times a day and get everyone you know to do so. Check out the Indivisible action video and find your local Indivisible group. We cannot wait to act. No one is coming to save us and we are being attacked by Trumpusk criminals.
Yes, that is exactly what it is. Where are the Republicans, did someone turn the lights out and they’ve all left the building. When did they all stop being Americans, who took an oath to the Constitution.
The shit has hit the fan, John, and the fan is plugged directly into Elon’s ass. The current running the fan goes back to South Africa by way of Nazi Germany. The only way to stop the fan is for millions upon millions to protest with actions, not just words, because words will soon be shut down by DOGE and Emperor Trump.
At last, a showing of courage! What Musk and his minions are doing is unconstitutional and illegal, and so far Congress has been rolling over and showing its soft white belly. Yay for Mr. Raskin, Ms. Warren, and those who joined them for showing real leadership! Now who else will join them?
Citizen was suing the Trump admin. I donated money this afternoon, so I feel like I accomplished something. I'm also supporting Democracy Forward which got the funding freeze rescinded the first time. We need to fund the lawyers who are doing this noble work.
That is the key. Once these lawsuits get started, it will be delay, delay, delay. But this time it is the lovers of democracy who will using the Trump playbook.
Completely consistent with Roy Cohn's diabolical playbook. It's no accident that Donald Trump was Cohn's star pupil. The "rules," as taught by Cohn, also included "Attack, attack, attack"; "Deny, deny deny"; and "Always declare victory." And here we are.
I too have been donating to these legal groups, including Marc Elias’s Democracy Docket and the ACLU. I’m glad to learn about these other organizations and will be donating to them too.
We’ve been calling a lot of things “constitutional crises” since Trump first became president in 2017. Eight years of it.
This is NOT a constitutional crisis. It is a coup. And if there is not an emergency response to Musk ‘s takeovers of USAID and Treasury, and the firing of FBI executives and threats to fire agents - heaven forbid we have to wait until 2026 - if there is not a suitable emergency response to STOP it, there will be NO stopping it.
I have been trying to reach my members of Congress all day. Full voice mailbox, lousy connections and hang ups. Totally unacceptable at such a critical time. Those of us who understand that this is a crisis for the constitution are NOT HAPPY WITH SPINELESS DEMOCRATS! If we cannot count on our elected officials we must go to the streets. Time for in person visits to Congress.
I wrote my two red-necked Republican Senators, because why not? I wrote Julie Johnson, newly elected Congressperson, last week. We all must do SOMETHING.
Our district in GA is represented by Brian Jack, the MAGA man. His web page apologizes that he is setting up his office. It is already over a month. Sent an email.
I am registered as Independent and likely remain as such. “Democrats” are history. Sorry, Jamie Raskin. You’re doing your best. Don’t know what’s next, and yes, labels matter, but the joe swan song strangled the brand. Tragic, but I’m disgusted w the Org as a whole. Departing guy claims joe shoulda held? ‘Splains a lot.
If you or I were in a knife fight, would either of us pick Chuck Schumer as a partner?
Over the weekend, The Atlantic's Elaine Godfrey posted an excellent article titled "Democrats Wonder Where Their Leaders Are," including this spot-on paragraph:
“I assumed that we would be prepared to meet the moment, and I was wrong,” Shannon Watts, the founder of the gun-control group Moms Demand Action, told me. “It’s like they’ve shown up to a knife fight with a cheese stick.”
I believe neither of us would select Schumer. I saw a picture of him a number of years ago when he was majority leader sitting next to Moscow Mitch literally twisted into a pretzel shape. His angst was palpable.
Yes! I experienced the terrible connection and garbled messages too when I tried to call. Multiple reps. Someone is definitely messing with the communication system!
It will be a standoff when Congress does more than shout and write sternly worded press releases. I was hoping for a more clear-eyed assessment here of what’s actually going on…
Congress will take the action you want when Democrats are in the majority. Until then, shouting and pointing and working on public opinion is what they have the power to do.
We don't have that much time to wait--destruction happening rapidly and unopposed. Musk is making a show of destroying USAIDS because its a small piece of the pie, relatively easy to wipe out and show others, "Look what we've done". Of course what they're really done is defund aid already appropriated by Congress to the poorest and neediest and open the door to other countries to step in and take over. Our national goodwill squandered.
And an act of Congress is required to alter the status of USAID as an independent agency, so what we are witnessing is an illegal power grab by the Executive branch and an unelected billionaire.
We the people have to wake up and get organized. Overwhelming calls to Representstives and Senators. Flood social media with comments. The majority of us want democracy—let’s show it.
Not every single Rep is on board with this. Only a couple are needed in the House and 4 in the Senate. Murkowski and Moscow Mitch seem to be with the Dems on some of this.
I am a lifelong Democrat, I get daily soliciting calls from the party to give money. I get slowly furious, what are they doing NOTHING to stop this horrible coup to destroy our country! Waiting for Trump to self destruct?!?
I asked the Montana Dem Party to send me a flyer with their priorities. They don't seem to have one (a flyer). Or any priorities that they can articulate.
They're also making the world a much more dangerous place, for the U.S. and generally. Countries that need economic assistance badly enough will take it anywhere they can find it, even if there are unseemly strings attached. China, to name just one of our enemies, has been moving into this space in recent years and plans to do so even more aggressively if we give them the opportunity.
Yes, and meanwhile there is a disrupted FBI that may easily miss a terrorist threat. Trump would probably love that…. To see Americans killed. He would be sure to blame DEI or some imaginary foe…. Or Obama.
That is the really sad part. People used to like us as we did some good in the world and stood up for freedom and democracy. China will happily step in to help other countries as they have already in Africa. The US is now greedy and selfish like its leader. Do unto others.
TC, don't forget occupying and taking legal action. Why is Muskrat not being criminally indicted and stopped by our police? Oh yeah, right he's not our equal.
Time for disbarment procedures to be brought against the DC US Attorney. This official is threatening government workers. And revealing private and secret data is against the law.
Congress should exercise its right to subpoena Elon Musk, and if he refuses, Congress then has the authority to DENATURALIZE and deport him back to South Africa, where he can focus on resurrecting Apartheid. And, while they’re at it, do the same with Peter Thiel!
Uh, what's wrong with it? This isn't the comments string in the Washington Post where moderators are doing their best to curtail free and accurate speech.
It was no more than a paraphrase of what King Henry II of England said about Thomas Becket.
Everyone should be concerned. The Democrats need to continue press conferences and action like the exhibited today. Until then, the public will feel abandoned.
As I asked on here a couple days ago, what good do court orders do when drumpf has already proved that he ignores the law. Jennifer, I would really like you or Norm to answer this question.
I too look for a way to extract the country from the mass psychosis. Few stop to think about the root cause of this dilemma, but Carl Jung understood it well. Mass psychosis is the advent of deluded people. You see those questioned at a Trump rally and you say “How can they be that deluded?” And then you forget about that delusional interview you just watched with YOUR OWN EYES. You do not do the next step: add it all up. It adds up to Mass Psychosis. You are led by a psychopathic neo-fascist that has deluded masses of people.
"...impressive pushback from groups seeking to protect our constitutional order and the privacy and financial well-being of Americans, including interviews with key figures and experts."
100,000 marching in the streets with torches and pitchforks would be impressive. "The People" are largely oblivious...happy with their pop entertainments and big screen TVs.
Oh its much worse than Reuters poll says 53% of Americans think US economy will be in better shape in six months' time. Boy are they in for a shock!
Let's see this poll again after the prices have increased and it's had an effect on the kitchen-table budget's bottom line. So far, nothing has been going down, so there's only up, and we'll soon see it.
I work in the tea industry...10% ADDITIONAL tariff (above already 7.5%) on all tea from China. Guess how much tea the US produces? Almost zilch. That's due to many issues--but slapping on a tariff is only gping to raise prices for Americans on the most consumed beverage worldwide, and it will only cost jobs here, not save them. Tea production can never happen here. Chinese tea--white, green, oolong, black, yellow, pu'er. Yunnan Sourcing, a China-based company started by an American to bring tea to the US (and the world, as it is by far the best and can't be relicated anywhere else), has ceased sending orders to the US due to the increased tariffs and uncertainty over how the US customs will implement this.
This is just ONE area in which we trade with China. Now think about electronics, videogames, washing machines, diswashers, refridgerators, all made in China. Those jobs are NEVER coming back to the US. But we will ALL suffer for this stupid tariff.
Trump is a lunatic. Musk is insane. Both only care about power and making MORE money.
After the news of Musk's takeover of the Treasury database was revealed yesterday, all I could find on the news were articles about the Grammys starting soon. We are all screwed, and we don't even know it.
What were you using for a news source, social media? There were headline articles in the Washington Post and NY Times, NPR/PBS, and even The Guardian. One stop shopping for the news is no longer an option.
I think the point is that Musk’s probably illegal and dangerous activity sure as hell wasn’t THE MAJOR HEADLINE all over the media (in red and with exclamation points) like it should have been.
I was using the emailed update notices from the Post and the Times. Apparently, they didn't think the story was important enough to include in them. I don't use social media.
Unfortunately a majority of Americans get their news from social media now. Only a few got to the sources you mention. I like all of those and Reuters, Pro Publica, and others. But Susan is right that there aren’t a lot of articles on the most serious problems when Hollywood or sports are in business.
I’ve seen memes promoting a march on state capitols this Wednesday at noon. But a March needs an organizing body. And I’ve also seen some comments from people fearing that marches would be an excuse for Trump to declare martial law and test military response.
Elizabeth Warren says: ““As long as Musk has this access, he can retrieve people’s sensitive personal information. Social security numbers. Bank account numbers. Tax returns”. My bet is that Musk told is young bros to download everything and hold it hostage to the highest bidder. This is a national security breach of unheard of proportion.
I would like to start a class action lawsuit against Musk for identity theft. That allows those of us who are not politicians but who are damaged by this action to fight back too. Anybody else feel this way? Any lawyers willing to get started?
Is our personal financial information (Social Security, taxes) considered to be classified? Or is it "merely" confidential? And either way, how do Musk and his Brownshirts get to have access, even if given by Bessent? And how about all the other information in the Treasury? Confidential? Classified? or Public/transparent? Please help.
I think this rates at minimum, a class-action lawsuit on behalf of the millions of American's whose data has been irresponsibly given to a fellow citizen who was NOT elected and was NOT properly installed. Will ACLU do this?
I would like to file a class action suit violation of my private and every Americans private information against Scott Bessent who against the law chose to allow access not only to musk but to musk's young computer lackeys. He does not have "royal presidential imminity."
Very glad to see there is legal action and hear the outrage finally being expressed by our representatives.
This is infuriating. I can’t say what I’m thinking.
You don't have to say it, Bill. We're all thinking it, too.
Go ahead, no one will fault you!
Join the club. But fuck lawsuits.
They are about two days late and several trillion short...
Did Trump admit that Musk helped steal Pennsylvania?
Is Musk being sued for damages for election interference?
Problem is, I don't think there are enough lawyers in the Universe to fight all these suits.
There was never any doubt in my mind that there would be a slew of lawsuits against this action. That's why everyone needs to hold their horses when The Contrarian does not address such an action immediately. After all, the Contrarian is not a NEWSpaper in the classic sense.
People spoke up and asked for it to be addressed. Jen Rubin has delivered, thank you.
This is a coup, junta, whatever. Lawsuits are wishful thinking.
Yes, definitely a coup, but - knock on wood - the US has a larger judicial cohort and well-funded legal organizations, so there are some ways to fight back against the coup.
Hold your horses? See you in the ovens. Go back to the Baptist church.
LOL, what am I supposed to do there?
Pray like hell.
Real fighters of DEMs have begun to show up. Good for the party. It's time to change the guard.
Republicans in Congress underwent “spineolectomies” last night while under the influence of Musk d’Oduh.
Hahaha. The water scent of musk (eau de musk - scent on scent - French on Spanish - the orange man should deport him). Love it. In Greek, it would be skata musk. I bet you have a google. Or here is fun for all you college Greeks - Sigma Kappa Alpha Tau Alpha. Who knew going greek sorority or fraternity could be so easy, cheap and painless? I did sorority rush for the alpha dooty pooties and the theme was Roman togas - go figure - greek night in Roman attire, perhaps that is what we are going through...dang, where did I park my chariot? I couldn’t even afford sheets for my bed let alone decorations for that soirée. GDI, proudly.
How can a private citizen, with zero govt. clearance be walking through the doors of OUR federal departments and the treasury, ransacking the places, stealing information, and NOBODY is stopping him? And what is Congress or law enforcement doing about this right now?
I saw Ruth Ben-Ghiat, scholar of authoritarianism, say earlier today that she would characterize this as a coup.
As far as I can tell, Ruth Ben-Ghiat is having to add the Musk coup to her menu of coup tactics.
DJT lifted his 3 iron on hole 7 and christened muskrat to do whatever
I heard her too along with a NYT reporter who wrote a story yesterday. Sorry I can't remember his name. Both say coup.
Yes, it's a coup. Trump can, and did, order that Musk et al be granted the highest security clearance, as he did for Kushner and other family and cronies in his first term.
There is clearly a bug in our security system if a president or any official acting alone can give security clearance to a henchman or loyal stooge without appropriate investigation, vetting, and approval by one or more neutral officials or agencies with responsibilities for national security. Can Trump give a security clearance or waiver to Stewart Rhodes? Enrique Tarrio? Kid Rock? Kanye? If so, we are in deep doo doo.
While I'm on this topic, Kash Patel or Pete Hegeseth could never pass an ordinary FBI investigation into their past conduct and character. How can they be confirmed to lead the military and the our leading law enforcement agency? The recent and looming irresponsibility of Republican senators who vote(d) to confirm them is mind blowing. Ditto Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr.
Yes, we are in deep sh*t. Almost no one saw this coming, there was no precedent, just as there was no precedent to having a felon, sexual predator, grifter as POTUS. Everyone was just in shock....You've seen the movie Brazil, or read 1984? This is a nightmare, and I pray that the Democrats and any sane republicans left will grow a spine (or a pair, whichever applies) because the Grifter in Chief and his evil geniuses are in the process of eliminating anyone or anything that stand in their way
I saw the new head of DNC last night on Rachel Maddow. He did not inspire confidence in me. I wanted him to be outraged from the gate about the events from the weekend, but initially he talked about winning House and Senate back, speaking up for working families, etc. All great but hey, things are on fire right now. It felt like Rachel had to prompt him.
If I understand correctly, the DNC is merely a machine to win elections. No oath of office there. Congress is supposed to represent us, and further, "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, . . . bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and . . . faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which [they] enter." We should be relentless in our demands on those reps to perform their duty.
I really need to add here a link to the best advice I've yet heard since the Day of Betrayal (Nov. 5). Keep up the demands on Congress, but to be effective, we have to SHOW them that HUGE numbers of people demand change. Look for every opportunity to do this, and share this link widely if you find it useful.×tamp=3591.7&showWelcomeOnShare=false
Agreed. I like the vice chair though - Malcolm Kenyatta. He's got a lot of fire in him and he knows how to 'preach' it. Reminds me of AOC. If the Dems are smart, they'll give him a very big, very public role. Because from what I see the problem is not that the Dems need to change their platform it's that no one is listening to them. Kenyatta commands attention.
I agree, and her rather terse ending to his rant likely indicated her thoughts about him. He was on autoplay saying the same thing over and over. Where are the women leaders among Dems?
Personally I love AOC.
Senator Warren and AOC would not be mouthing the same old DNC lines. Democrats, forget your "moderates" you and the country need leadership with guts to fight this coup.
Yes, I too sensed her being less than impressed with him. We need a hero.
Being ignored. Back to the fifties.
Agree completely. For the DNC, amazingly, it's business as usual while the ship of state goes down.
Agree. Not impressed. We need Dems to take the offensive NOW.
He's doing what the DNC should have been doing - connecting ideas and programs to working people (to win back their votes). Getting a Democratic majority back into both houses of Congress is important. We can chew gum and walk at the same time. Democrats already in Congress can carry the fight over these illegal actions, and should try to convince the more reasonable Republicans to join them.
Of course those things are important. Right now though, the most important thing is addressing the current madness. Because if we don’t, we might not even have real elections in 2026.
DNC selected Martin. Got a nice bland letter from him today. I was pulling for Winkler, who knows how to scrap.
Not going to happen. Protests are what will get tRump’s attention.
Heads up! If you listen closely this is what he wanted to do. Eviscerate, invite mass confusion and cause pain. He is delivering. He basically believes he can do anything he wants and his wants are all in his best interest not anyone else. He has violated his oath of office, isn’t that a high crime, along with everything else he has done. Democrats need to issue megaphones to everyone and they need to you use it everyday. Furthermore, if citizens are in opposition to the Trump’s behavior along with his republician cohorts, call your representative and let them know that this reign of terror must be contained. If they can’/won’t do it let them know they have lost your vote. If you lose enough votes you extinguish the support for this horror show. Your vote is our trump card.
Many of us are placing our hopes on the midterms to make things right, but the sociopaths that run the Rethuglican party have already set mechanisms in place to make sure that Democratic candidates will never win again. Election officials that are dedicated to keeping elections free and fair are receiving death threats from Trump supporters who are America's version of Jihad. I can't conceive of how a peaceful group of people will be able to overcome the evil that is afoot in America. Orange Hitler will be relentless in his pursuit of maintaining power and wealth
ad won't it be fun when trump and musk fall out, as they inevitably will. we'll all be in some horrid mothra vs godzilla fireball fight.
It's almost inevitable with these two flaming narcissists, but I hope our savvier reps are making sure everything behind the curtain is secure.
We don't seem to know for sure but it seems very likely it was Trump that granted the security clearances. Also, supposedly, the admin is saying Musk and his teenagers have passed background checks by the FBI. But for me, at the moment, given everything that's happening there, we can no longer trust the FBI. I mean I don't think we can trust anything anyone in any department of this admin says.
Regime. Not administration. The common usage of "coup" also helps. At least we can do that much now!
You've stated the sad truth. And there can be no accountability for alll the illegalities because DOJ has been captured.
Since Orange Hitler's top priority is getting revenge against people who didn't support him, it's not too farfetched to believe that he ordered Musk Rat and his evil minions to take control of the Treasury department to exact revenge on a grand scale, cutting off SS and tax refund payments to residents in Blue states. Treasury dept officials have said that since their system has been hacked by DTs domestic terrorist Musk Rat, it is now compromised and may need to be rebuilt from the ground up, at a cost of billions to American taxpayers
I don't believe that for a minute. Trump has no interest in doing the actual work. What he does is hire loyalists and then give them free rein to do whatever they want as long as they give him the credit and that they are willing to do. He has very little idea what Musk and his tech boys are actually up to. Of course they know revenge is his favorite food and they're also quite willing to supply that for him in the course of doing what they want.
How they could be confirmed is by having a president who sold our country (which he believes he owns) for $290M after bludgeoning a political party into total submission and making sure those elected were weak and servile. A dystopian novel come to life. Remember Star Wars? We need to become the Rebel Alliance! I just bought my tee shirt with the logo.
I sort of like the t-shirts that say "Is he dead yet?"
Eloquent, at least in capturing the mood of the People.
Yup, it's a coup.
I agree there are bugs!! That need addressed and resolved… but this cruel inhumane way is not it
It’s my understanding that Musk does not have a security clearance yet, but he has been granted access to just about anything he wants, so far.
Rich man's privilege. White man's privilege. Tech oligarch's privilege ... and on and on ...
And sounds like he then invites some unvetted techie engineers to help him access the info.
My understanding too. He has also been denied security clearance in the past.
He's a "special government employee." Whateverthehell that is.
Perhaps the scariest part of DOGE is that there is a completely legal way for Trump, and the infinitely smarter people behind Project 2025 who control him, to have set this up.
Every President has advisory boards/commissions. Despite its name, that's what DOGE is. A member of a presidential advisory commission/board absolutely can be eligible to get a security clearance. So if they set this up properly, Elon could have been eligible for a clearance. (Whether he would have gotten one is another story.)
IMO, the reason they didn't go through the legal "niceities" of properly setting this really doesn't have anything to do with Elon specifically, or whether he could get a security clearance. It's about Congress and federal budget cuts.
Regardless if it's Elon, Vivek or another horrible individual like Bezos, running DOGE, a presidential advisory commission can't make budget cuts. Any cuts recommended by DOGE would be just as relevant as a budget the White House sends Congress every year. In other words, not worth much more than the paper they're printed on. If Congress doesn't want to go along with cuts recommended by DOGE/POTUS, they're perfectly within their Constituional rights not to do so.
When Vivek and other minions at DOGE made the rounds on Capitol Hill before the inauguration they were met with a rather cool reception, even by some Republicans. They *know* Congress isn't going to go along with some of the cuts they want to make; just like they know they can't get to their stated goal without cutting SS, Medicare and/or DOD funding. Those are all non-starters, especially for House Republicans who have to face their voters again in just two years.
Congressional Republicans are too stupid/oblivious to see this, but DOGE is actually set up the way it is so Trump can ignore *them,* not just the minority Democrats.
What's sad/scary is that if Congressional Republicans ever wake up, it may be too late for them, and us.
He must have the "crazy SOB" clearance.
Ooh like the security clearance Jared received 😉
Same or similar - and nobody was able to do anything about Kushner. Maybe there is something against EM?
On a salary, then? He's got to feed his large family, after all.
Supposedly he is not getting a salary but, why would he need one? With the security information he has gathered, he can take over the world.
Failing an unfortunate accident, he already has.
I agree - he and his 'band' probably have already gained access to everything they wanted, including info from trumpists?
Especially when he gets into the AI BUSINESS
Also Ruth said it’s kind of a new twist to have a non-elected person take on the role Musk has.
And from the Republicans in Congress…cricketts.
... because they're cowering in fear of Orange Duce.
We should stop calling them Republicans. It is an insult to the true GOP members past and present, such as John McCain. Let's call them what they are: The American Fascist Party )AfP. Maybe this will eventually sink into the thick skulls of the MAGA base.
YES, it is a COUP D’ETAT!!! Extremely serious!!!
From the NYT on Elon's invasion of the Treasury database and Warren's response
"The Musk allies who have been granted access to the payment system were made Treasury employees, passed government background checks and obtained the necessary security clearances, according to two people familiar with the situation, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal arrangements."
My email to the author of the story (there was no place to comment on line:)"
"Can you please report ASAP about
• How much these folks as “government employees” make and are they “competitive” or “excepted” civil servants. (My guess is the minimum wage and they are political appointees on Schedule F, as Policy makers, adjacent)
• How the background checks were done. (I suspect it was looking their names up on google)
• Who bestowed the security clearances, and what level? (I suspect trump, and the highest level)."
Of course, trump DOES have a magic wand regarding security. Ka$h says so.
Since I sent the email trump has apparently appointed Elon as a "Special Government Employee" That IS a thing. It comes with restrictions and quite probably subject to conflict of interest and financial disclosure rules. But are the Technokiddies also so appointed? THEY are the ones on the cots in the Treasury offices.
It looks as if action is starting. Public opinion has gotten to our legislators. May they finally serve the Constitution and the people of the country.
If you're referring to Repugnant legislators, forget it. They're in bed with Drumpf and won't do a thing to stop him.
Granted, almost all of the Republicans will do nothing. We need to be pounding our Democratic legislators to keep the heat on, and turn it up.
We need to persuade the persuade-able Rs, if there are such, at this point.
The R's will only come to the other side when they feel some kind of pain, and according to EM and trump, there will be a little pain and hurt (they didn't say that it will affect everybody apart from the billionaires) but "it will all be worth it". Worth what, for whom?
The reps may get a spine if they are getting an huge outcry from constituents. At least they can have a valid reason for voting against nominees by saying their constituents are firmly against
Agreed...Republicans in both the House and Senate are appallingly unresponsive in this moment. However, I think we keep calling and publically calling them out on this inaction. Inaction which serves to support a coup.
Keep emailing, mailing and calling your senators and reps.
Absolutely correct. If they fear losing their jobs due to voter dissatisfaction, Trump's threat of primary opposition may mean nothing. Either way, they're out.
It is on my To Do list.
Yes it is a coup and I have been sending messages to neighbors and friends all day using that term. I have spent the day spreading the word of this illegal takeover and urging rapid and immediate action from everyone. Call and email Senators and Representatives multiple times a day and get everyone you know to do so. Check out the Indivisible action video and find your local Indivisible group. We cannot wait to act. No one is coming to save us and we are being attacked by Trumpusk criminals.
That is our only recourse!
Yes, that is exactly what it is. Where are the Republicans, did someone turn the lights out and they’ve all left the building. When did they all stop being Americans, who took an oath to the Constitution.
The shit has hit the fan, John, and the fan is plugged directly into Elon’s ass. The current running the fan goes back to South Africa by way of Nazi Germany. The only way to stop the fan is for millions upon millions to protest with actions, not just words, because words will soon be shut down by DOGE and Emperor Trump.
Even the DCPD allowed him access. They have a very short memory I guess. I certainly remember January 6, 2021.
yes. This is a coup.
And why are the police stopping our representatives from entering the building but letting musk melons minion in ??
In a word, yes.
At last, a showing of courage! What Musk and his minions are doing is unconstitutional and illegal, and so far Congress has been rolling over and showing its soft white belly. Yay for Mr. Raskin, Ms. Warren, and those who joined them for showing real leadership! Now who else will join them?
trying to
Good - me too! Tell me when and where!
When I read today that Public
Citizen was suing the Trump admin. I donated money this afternoon, so I feel like I accomplished something. I'm also supporting Democracy Forward which got the funding freeze rescinded the first time. We need to fund the lawyers who are doing this noble work.
And we all know how painfully long every Trump court case drags out, don't we? He knows it, too.
These lawyers are suing the Trump Administration they are not suing Trump personally
In reality, it's a distinction without a difference. America is ruled by a fascist strongman.
That is the key. Once these lawsuits get started, it will be delay, delay, delay. But this time it is the lovers of democracy who will using the Trump playbook.
He uses lawyers skilled in the art of dragging out.
re Delay, delay, delay ... (ad nauseam):
Completely consistent with Roy Cohn's diabolical playbook. It's no accident that Donald Trump was Cohn's star pupil. The "rules," as taught by Cohn, also included "Attack, attack, attack"; "Deny, deny deny"; and "Always declare victory." And here we are.
I too have been donating to these legal groups, including Marc Elias’s Democracy Docket and the ACLU. I’m glad to learn about these other organizations and will be donating to them too.
We’ve been calling a lot of things “constitutional crises” since Trump first became president in 2017. Eight years of it.
This is NOT a constitutional crisis. It is a coup. And if there is not an emergency response to Musk ‘s takeovers of USAID and Treasury, and the firing of FBI executives and threats to fire agents - heaven forbid we have to wait until 2026 - if there is not a suitable emergency response to STOP it, there will be NO stopping it.
Right, and maybe no midterms in 2026 nor general elections in 2028!
That is my fear….
I fully agree, Mary. We already have one foot in totalitarian quicksand. Time to drain the White House septic system.
Trump uses emergency status yo wreak havoc. HE IS THE EMERGENCY!
I have been trying to reach my members of Congress all day. Full voice mailbox, lousy connections and hang ups. Totally unacceptable at such a critical time. Those of us who understand that this is a crisis for the constitution are NOT HAPPY WITH SPINELESS DEMOCRATS! If we cannot count on our elected officials we must go to the streets. Time for in person visits to Congress.
I wrote my two red-necked Republican Senators, because why not? I wrote Julie Johnson, newly elected Congressperson, last week. We all must do SOMETHING.
And keep doing it, but call them. They don't care about emails.
That’s why we have to go visit
That too. We The People march? Peaceful of course.
They only take voicemail messages so what's the difference?
If their office workers are inundated with calls and mail (both kinds) they will report it. They have to compose answers. And we are the voters.
Do both. They do notice the emails especially if they are getting thousands and it is easy for us to send them.
Our district in GA is represented by Brian Jack, the MAGA man. His web page apologizes that he is setting up his office. It is already over a month. Sent an email.
I am registered as Independent and likely remain as such. “Democrats” are history. Sorry, Jamie Raskin. You’re doing your best. Don’t know what’s next, and yes, labels matter, but the joe swan song strangled the brand. Tragic, but I’m disgusted w the Org as a whole. Departing guy claims joe shoulda held? ‘Splains a lot.
The phone lines are bad. I wrote.
Snail mail is a visible message…… piles of letters all over the place. Then get the news to show it.
Spineless because they are a minority in both House and Senate!
No spineless because Schumer curls up in a ball.
If you or I were in a knife fight, would either of us pick Chuck Schumer as a partner?
Over the weekend, The Atlantic's Elaine Godfrey posted an excellent article titled "Democrats Wonder Where Their Leaders Are," including this spot-on paragraph:
“I assumed that we would be prepared to meet the moment, and I was wrong,” Shannon Watts, the founder of the gun-control group Moms Demand Action, told me. “It’s like they’ve shown up to a knife fight with a cheese stick.”
I believe neither of us would select Schumer. I saw a picture of him a number of years ago when he was majority leader sitting next to Moscow Mitch literally twisted into a pretzel shape. His angst was palpable.
Calling people spineless won't motivate them. Regardless that it's true.
Well, if they were to have a patriotic backbone installed, it would no longer be an issue.
I am not trying to motivate Schumer. It is not really possible
Yes! I experienced the terrible connection and garbled messages too when I tried to call. Multiple reps. Someone is definitely messing with the communication system!
I wouldn't be so quick to blame Dems for the phone problems. I see DOGE written all over that one too.
I am not blaming the Dems for this. I understand that Trump is behind it, however they have to take the INITIATIVE to solve the problem.
It will be a standoff when Congress does more than shout and write sternly worded press releases. I was hoping for a more clear-eyed assessment here of what’s actually going on…
Congress will take the action you want when Democrats are in the majority. Until then, shouting and pointing and working on public opinion is what they have the power to do.
We don't have that much time to wait--destruction happening rapidly and unopposed. Musk is making a show of destroying USAIDS because its a small piece of the pie, relatively easy to wipe out and show others, "Look what we've done". Of course what they're really done is defund aid already appropriated by Congress to the poorest and neediest and open the door to other countries to step in and take over. Our national goodwill squandered.
And an act of Congress is required to alter the status of USAID as an independent agency, so what we are witnessing is an illegal power grab by the Executive branch and an unelected billionaire.
Ayep. And that's the big-picture context that most MSM outlets are not talking about.
But we are. Plenty of platforms available.
Right, but most of us don't have the built-in audience of a MSM outlet.
And who's going to stop them? The Repugnants control both houses of Congress, and I don't see them expressing any outrage.
We the people have to wake up and get organized. Overwhelming calls to Representstives and Senators. Flood social media with comments. The majority of us want democracy—let’s show it.
Not every single Rep is on board with this. Only a couple are needed in the House and 4 in the Senate. Murkowski and Moscow Mitch seem to be with the Dems on some of this.
I am a lifelong Democrat, I get daily soliciting calls from the party to give money. I get slowly furious, what are they doing NOTHING to stop this horrible coup to destroy our country! Waiting for Trump to self destruct?!?
(according to one of our leading statesman!
I asked the Montana Dem Party to send me a flyer with their priorities. They don't seem to have one (a flyer). Or any priorities that they can articulate.
Agreed. And yet…here we are😡
They are putting humanity at great risk! That, in itself, is a crime.
They're also making the world a much more dangerous place, for the U.S. and generally. Countries that need economic assistance badly enough will take it anywhere they can find it, even if there are unseemly strings attached. China, to name just one of our enemies, has been moving into this space in recent years and plans to do so even more aggressively if we give them the opportunity.
Yes, and meanwhile there is a disrupted FBI that may easily miss a terrorist threat. Trump would probably love that…. To see Americans killed. He would be sure to blame DEI or some imaginary foe…. Or Obama.
Trump & Musk are, and always have been, walking, talking crimes against humanity.
Yes, it is not legal to defund something congress has funded, without congressional approval, right?
Not when Trump/Musk's "governing principle" is ANYTHING WE CAN GET AWAY WITH.
Fair point! That is why the Congress has to grow a spine and STOP THEM. But I see your point!!
At least one thing is certain: Spines can't be ordered on Amazon. (Right, Jeff?)
Felons don’t care about legalities.
He's already working on the Department of Education, as we speak, per the WaPo.
That is the really sad part. People used to like us as we did some good in the world and stood up for freedom and democracy. China will happily step in to help other countries as they have already in Africa. The US is now greedy and selfish like its leader. Do unto others.
TC, don't forget occupying and taking legal action. Why is Muskrat not being criminally indicted and stopped by our police? Oh yeah, right he's not our equal.
The FBI and Justice Department now work for Trump. THAT is the main reason why Musk isn't being prosecuted.
The DC US attorney told Mushbrain that he would prosecute any federal employee that denied him access to private and secret data.
Time for disbarment procedures to be brought against the DC US Attorney. This official is threatening government workers. And revealing private and secret data is against the law.
Well, they do have legal options available which it sounds like they’re implementing. Thank goodness for that.
There are 3 special elections in April that could give the Democrats the House. 1 in NY and 2 in Fla. We should be helping them win.
Maybe Susan Collins will come and warble pathetically...
She just warbled support for Gabbard!
See PBS Newshour (which is, of course, in the crosshairs).
Let's see what the Contrarian prints tomorrow!
Congress should exercise its right to subpoena Elon Musk, and if he refuses, Congress then has the authority to DENATURALIZE and deport him back to South Africa, where he can focus on resurrecting Apartheid. And, while they’re at it, do the same with Peter Thiel!
Do it. Will no one relieve us of this noisome creep?
Be careful with that phraseology!
Uh, what's wrong with it? This isn't the comments string in the Washington Post where moderators are doing their best to curtail free and accurate speech.
It was no more than a paraphrase of what King Henry II of England said about Thomas Becket.
It’s called “revenge of the nerds”
What makes you think a Republican Congress will do this?
Can we wait two years?
Everyone should be concerned. The Democrats need to continue press conferences and action like the exhibited today. Until then, the public will feel abandoned.
The public abandoned their country.
Perhaps the public are starting to realise that?
One can only hope.
As I asked on here a couple days ago, what good do court orders do when drumpf has already proved that he ignores the law. Jennifer, I would really like you or Norm to answer this question.
This please
I too look for a way to extract the country from the mass psychosis. Few stop to think about the root cause of this dilemma, but Carl Jung understood it well. Mass psychosis is the advent of deluded people. You see those questioned at a Trump rally and you say “How can they be that deluded?” And then you forget about that delusional interview you just watched with YOUR OWN EYES. You do not do the next step: add it all up. It adds up to Mass Psychosis. You are led by a psychopathic neo-fascist that has deluded masses of people.
"...impressive pushback from groups seeking to protect our constitutional order and the privacy and financial well-being of Americans, including interviews with key figures and experts."
100,000 marching in the streets with torches and pitchforks would be impressive. "The People" are largely oblivious...happy with their pop entertainments and big screen TVs.
Oh its much worse than Reuters poll says 53% of Americans think US economy will be in better shape in six months' time. Boy are they in for a shock!
F****g right you are, David
Let's see this poll again after the prices have increased and it's had an effect on the kitchen-table budget's bottom line. So far, nothing has been going down, so there's only up, and we'll soon see it.
I work in the tea industry...10% ADDITIONAL tariff (above already 7.5%) on all tea from China. Guess how much tea the US produces? Almost zilch. That's due to many issues--but slapping on a tariff is only gping to raise prices for Americans on the most consumed beverage worldwide, and it will only cost jobs here, not save them. Tea production can never happen here. Chinese tea--white, green, oolong, black, yellow, pu'er. Yunnan Sourcing, a China-based company started by an American to bring tea to the US (and the world, as it is by far the best and can't be relicated anywhere else), has ceased sending orders to the US due to the increased tariffs and uncertainty over how the US customs will implement this.
This is just ONE area in which we trade with China. Now think about electronics, videogames, washing machines, diswashers, refridgerators, all made in China. Those jobs are NEVER coming back to the US. But we will ALL suffer for this stupid tariff.
Trump is a lunatic. Musk is insane. Both only care about power and making MORE money.
But when was the poll taken?
My guess is it would have to be pre-tariff, though it is "just out".
After the news of Musk's takeover of the Treasury database was revealed yesterday, all I could find on the news were articles about the Grammys starting soon. We are all screwed, and we don't even know it.
What were you using for a news source, social media? There were headline articles in the Washington Post and NY Times, NPR/PBS, and even The Guardian. One stop shopping for the news is no longer an option.
I think the point is that Musk’s probably illegal and dangerous activity sure as hell wasn’t THE MAJOR HEADLINE all over the media (in red and with exclamation points) like it should have been.
Hear hear and agreed! This should be headlined on page one and above the fold.
I was using the emailed update notices from the Post and the Times. Apparently, they didn't think the story was important enough to include in them. I don't use social media.
Unfortunately a majority of Americans get their news from social media now. Only a few got to the sources you mention. I like all of those and Reuters, Pro Publica, and others. But Susan is right that there aren’t a lot of articles on the most serious problems when Hollywood or sports are in business.
Fox aren't going to tell you.
That is for sure! They hardly have news unless it is dittoing Trump lies.
Who won the Grammy for best left handed Reggae choral production from Ireland?
Have you seen how many categories they have?
I’ve seen memes promoting a march on state capitols this Wednesday at noon. But a March needs an organizing body. And I’ve also seen some comments from people fearing that marches would be an excuse for Trump to declare martial law and test military response.
It would have to be well organized and attended like the women’s march. Or million man march.
Elizabeth Warren says: ““As long as Musk has this access, he can retrieve people’s sensitive personal information. Social security numbers. Bank account numbers. Tax returns”. My bet is that Musk told is young bros to download everything and hold it hostage to the highest bidder. This is a national security breach of unheard of proportion.
I would like to start a class action lawsuit against Musk for identity theft. That allows those of us who are not politicians but who are damaged by this action to fight back too. Anybody else feel this way? Any lawyers willing to get started?
Can someone help me understand this...
Is our personal financial information (Social Security, taxes) considered to be classified? Or is it "merely" confidential? And either way, how do Musk and his Brownshirts get to have access, even if given by Bessent? And how about all the other information in the Treasury? Confidential? Classified? or Public/transparent? Please help.
It IS supposed to be classified. It isn't now apparently.
Thank you. That is what I assumed.
I think this rates at minimum, a class-action lawsuit on behalf of the millions of American's whose data has been irresponsibly given to a fellow citizen who was NOT elected and was NOT properly installed. Will ACLU do this?
I would like to file a class action suit violation of my private and every Americans private information against Scott Bessent who against the law chose to allow access not only to musk but to musk's young computer lackeys. He does not have "royal presidential imminity."
Contact your AG.