Federal worker household here, not the individual employed by the government. For the past 5 years, the pandemic gave us the gift of work/life balance--not a joke. After decades of grinding along, we suddenly had extra time: to walk together at lunchtime, to ask for help during the day, to see each other's smiling face when we needed a lift. In addition to the big things that cracking down on civil servants has done--and they are severe--these little things lost are what I will feel the most immediately, every day. And for no reason at all.

With remote work, productivity increased, taxpaid overhead decreased, and we were able to add a couple of hours and bucks to our own bank. But sure, go ahead and be big men, in your ignorance telling people to do the absolute opposite of what creates better efficiency in government. Because when civil servants are happy--yes, remember that pursuit of happiness? it's listed for a reason--they do better jobs, and their loved ones enjoy their lives just that little bit more. Eff you, Elon Musk.

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Really, really well said!!!

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e-mailed both of my Idaho Senators this morning and asked when they were going to stand on their hind legs and uphold their oath to the

Constitution of the United States of America..

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They'd need backbones first. The lack of pride in the history and traditions of the US Senate is shattering. Their duty to advise and consent used to be one of the truly remarkable strengths of our republic. Now we've sold out Ukraine. With Hegseth, Bondi, Patel, Martin waived in to please the MAGA chiefs, the backbones in the senate have ceased to function and our country is in danger of failing. Like Trump's casinos and airlines and university, not to put too fine a point on it.

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They'll get a backbone if they hear from enough of their constituents, especially if they're up for reelection next year.

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You're assuming that there will BE elections next year.

With this regime, I wouldn't count on it...

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I'm supporting all of the organizations that are working to assure our elections are free and fair. You should too.

For one, see Democracy Docket: https://www.democracydocket.com

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Thank you for the excellent suggestion, Sandy.

I so wish I actually COULD vote but I'm a Canadian living in Canada.

However, what the Trump/Musk regime is imposing on your country is going to affect ours considerably...and not in a good way. I can only hope that they won't go so far as to actually declare war and send in troops. I wouldn't put anything past those two.

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Listening. I spent most of my high school years in Canada, and your response to the madness (collectively speaking) is heartening, but hardly surprising. In addition to SandyG's suggestion, and action, we may need to "go French" and take over a few key buildings until the tide turns. I can elaborate, but will leave it there for the moment. As for the oft-repeated fear that the military will get involved? It wouldn't be the first time, despite what is (not) taught in our history books. I don't advocate forcing their hand prematurely, but if it comes to that, then we have to do what we have to do. Again, glad to hear from so many of you. Border or no border, we're in this together.

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You're welcome, Della. Even though you can't vote, you can make a donation to Democracy Docket.

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Contact your elected representatives often. Tell them succinctly what your concerns are and what you expect of them; and, let them also know you'll be tracking their voting records (congress.gov, provided by the Library of Congress. Utilize it to stay informed. It's a great site.)

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Did they respond?

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I regularly write my Congressmen and always get a form letter that doesn’t really address my note

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I share the same two Senators. Sadly, they will do nothing to stop this!

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Also an Idahoan. In response to my plea to reject Trump's cabinet nominees, Jim Risch replied with a form letter saying he had always supported Trump's nominations and would continue to do so. And he has, because in his words, "we need highly qualified people in these positions." Qualified butt-kissers, apparently.

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He should have said, "We need highly unqualified people!" Which is what they got.

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Keep up the good work, Bruce. Your voice is needed. Division or no, between so-called red and blue states ("bright blue" here), we're in this together.

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Not even a little bit surprised. VOTE EM OUT!

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That's too late. Threaten their reelection NOW with constituent activism.

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They will if enough of their constituents speak up. More than anything, they want to be reelected.

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Keep calling them— it makes a difference and it doesn’t take much time!

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Bravo! Try snail mail as well. Some say that's more effective than email.

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Good for you! Keep the pressure on! It’s even better if you call them, call them daily if you can!

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To repeat the same old lame song: most of those directly affected voted for the "king," even though he is doing exactly what he promised.

By the way, is there anyone who believes the OFPINO is really doing anything to lead this country, other than to sign illegal executive orders? He is spending way to much time at MAL and golfing to do anything else. This country is being run by the federalist society, religious zealots who are NOT christians and AA muskrat.

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Farmers voted overwhelmingly for Trump and they now need to suffer the consequences of their votes, and not be bailed out by a subsidy. It is the only way things will change - short term pain for long term gain. If their response is we didn’t know Trump would do this, I have no sympathy.

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He did it to them last time! Short memories…

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except those of us who didn't vote for him will suffer just as much. no one is going to win- unless you are already the top .05 % of wealth.

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Ah, you want to punish them for their mistake. Does punishing make you feel good, feel powerful? Wouldn't it be better for them to recognize their mistake for themselves, without us banging them over the head about it, then choose to join our pro-democracy coalition?

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Unfortunately, these folks only watch Faux "news" and are told that the pain they are now feeling is due to Biden...or Obama....or Clinton. It could never have been caused by their idol.

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And if he had his way he’d have all news networks and local papers just print lies. And if they won’t he wants to get rid of them. No laws about the truthfulness of what the leadership says in this country

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Didn't most of the affected people vote for Trump? I guess the best that could come out of this mess is that it unites Americans against a common enemy - our own president and shadow president.

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It would be interesting to see magas recognize that we are their friends and neighbors, not their enemies. It is their behavior that we reacted to; not the other way around.

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Yes, the majority of farmers were Trump supporters, but not all of us.

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I have seen no reporting or data on that the most of the affected people voted for Trump. If you have, please share.

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Never lose sight of the fact that taking money from the farmers, truckers, soldiers, and every-day workers so that more money can flow up to the billionaires is always top-of-mind for Trump and Musk. That is indeed the raison d'être of the entire membership of the GOP senate. It's true. Telling yourself that they don't mean it is wishful thinking.

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Absolutely. Wreck it so we can privatize and profit is the intent.

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I have lived in DC since 1977....wouldn't want to live anywhere else except....we have no congressional reps or senators. Here is the letter I sent to friends and relatives begging them to take action.

February 15, 2025

To: Friends and Relatives with Elected Representation in the House and Senate

From: One Who Has No Voting Representation in Either House or Senate

I’m writing from Washington, DC, your nation’s capital and my hometown, because our country’s

plunge into authoritarian rule is a frightening everyday personal reality. I know that you read the news, but perhaps you have yet to experience the human toll this is taking. I feel it up close.

Friends and neighbors who are exceptionally qualified in their fields are being summarily evicted and offered spurious buyouts for which there is no funding.

Unauthorized 19-25-year-old Musk vandals are literally locking these professionals out of highly sensitive databases at US Treasury, Dept. of Health and Human Services, Dept. of Justice (DoJ), Dept. of Labor, Dept. of Education, National Institutes of Health, and much more. Appointees at DoJ, the FBI and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau are systematically dismantling enforcement personnel regardless of the protections they have offered our families throughout our history. The US Agency for International Development -- where my dad, Jim Green, spent his career making a profound difference for millions of people -- has been shuttered while critical medicines and food for starving people rot on foreign docks.

And now, POTUS has his sights on overturning DC’s Home Rule. We offer a world stage for what I expect will be a ruthless and explosive show of force where the freed January 6 convicts will pick fights with peaceful protestors such as me….and then be excused as “patriots.”

The Republican House and Senate have been cowed into once-unthinkable confirmations of grossly unqualified appointees to oversee our defense, health, national intelligence and much more. While the courts are pushing back, they are not the proper place to legislate long-term solutions. It is the House and Senate that have the power and responsibility of oversight, budget and legislation to make changes that will benefit us all. Instead, the majority is silent and compliant out of fear and cowardice.

My purpose here is not to catalogue the chaos, question the election results, rehash how we got here or question who you voted for. This is beyond politics. My plea is to implore each of you to use your power with your elected officials to push hard on the issues you care most about. The best way to do this is to flood their offices with phone calls on each emerging topic with which you take issue. And, if you like what they are doing, let them know because they need positive reinforcement.

You have the power to save our democracy with your voice and your vote. I, and nearly 700,000 other residents of this great city, are depending on you to speak up and speak out to save our precious democracy from death by a thousand cuts.

Love, Meg Maguire

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An excellent appeal, Meg. But not to someone like me who lives in a blue state where my elected representatives in the House and Senate are Dems. I hope you can get your letter to Friends and Relatives with Elected Representation in the House and Senate who are Republicans.

Also, "spurious buyouts for which there is no funding" - well said. Isn't that also known as a scam?

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Great insight - let's call the buyout offers a SCAM from now on, every time we mention it!

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I agree, with one amended comment. For those of us in solid blue states or districts, it depends on the representative. Chris Van Hollen and Angela Alsobrooks (Maryland) are my Senators, but Van Hollen voted to confirm at least two of Trump's picks - not sure which ones, because honestly, it can be hard to keep up, even when one wants to. As for Ms. Alsobrooks, I live in the county where she was County Exec before vacating for her present position. I have good personal cause to be unimpressed, which story I'll save for another time, but my point being, some of us will have to ramp up the pressure significantly - even in "blue territory". As for my Rep. Steny Hoyer, I have more problems with him than just his age. Again, unimpressed.

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And DC should have representation. Thanks for your letter

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Also need to communicate the daily costs to the American people - tax dollars - being spent for the Convicted Felon in Charge's regular trips to Mar A Lago to play golf! Makes denying people in need their SNAP, Medicaid and other programs twice as cruel not to mention ditching remote work options. We need a daily banner announcing the accumulated waste and robbery being committed by the CF and FElon.

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Another Good Idea! I hope one of our liberal activist groups uses a visual technique that informs the public of the cost of this bloodletting.

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More news from Minneapolis/St. Paul:

St. Thomas loses second grant for aspiring teachers amid federal DEI cuts


Sen. Tina Smith tells Elon Musk he’s a bad boss and uses some bad words to say it


Federal judge delays major NIH cuts that would jeopardize medical research in Minnesota


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So much winning. Did voters even LISTEN to the TrumpMusk campaign? He promised all this, and he is delivering.

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We own several small manufactured home parks. We provide low cost housing to families that might otherwise be homeless. A number of our tenants rely on rental support from government agencies. I wonder how long it will be before this administration cuts off the support? I have written to both of my senators and my congressman. Their replies were late and did not address the issues I raised. Form letters all, and full of meaningless blather.

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Ugh! unfortunately, one person's action isn't enough. But multiple voters' actions can be. Can you find a way to organize, or find someone who can organize through your local civic organizations, the voters in your district to call their offices non-stop until the cuts stop?

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Vote Em out!

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Great message

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The silver lining is that Canadians are uniting like never before and are spontaneously boycotting US-made goods and products. And cancelling planned trips to the States. So someone is resisting. (And Canada has awakened to the danger of having so much of its economy dependent on the US, and American corporations.)

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Perhaps this will prevent Canada electing “Trump Light” as well?

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Go get 'em Canada! I have ancestors buried in Ontario.

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Grew up on a dairy farm in northern Indiana. Remember my devout grandfather almost cursing when a gallon of milk cost more than a dollar. Hahaha, what words would come now.

Now we have bird flu silently roaring through cattle with owners afraid to test their herds for cost reasons and shame, yet the disease magnifies and spreads only to return to the relatively tiny poultry only to wipe them out. Now it is hitting cats, small creatures that die like their bird colleagues. Rare, but not unheard of, a human who deals with flocks has succumbed.

The orange Mussolini is bound to kill us. Please do not vote for the cowards who remain silent and let this criminal kill us. The post office is being mangled so start now planning a way to get someone to help you get to the polls. These a*hole repubs are doing everything they can to make it impossible to vote.

Where is my contrarian t-shirt :) Be well and prosper!

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Thx for the on-the-ground reporting.

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Never felt like a reporter, but I am a physician and I am afraid voices are taken away and physicians are too busy doing their jobs to reach out to people who might need and want to know. I am so afraid Sandy. I think our only moment is to try to save democracy in upcoming elections (if they even occur). God help us. But with brave people like you and our friends, I bet we can do it. God bless America!

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These last two paragraphs seem obligatory in The Contrarian. One day of moderately-sized protests does not comprise resistance. All I see is the Great Republic (if it still stands) being destroyed from the inside out at a “blitzkrieg” pace. Rome is burning. But, we can still have nice things … like spring training? I’m a baseball fan too, but really?

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Be patient, Ken. Remember, courage is contagious. Give it time.

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Thank you, Sandy. Your zeroed in on a lifelong weakness. Yet, I am discouraged by the potential for irreversible damage.

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I appreciate learning previously unknown specifics discussed in this article, of various Trump/Musk cutbacks. Thank you.

I would also like one article that lists all the known areas of our government that the Oligarchy Twins have attacked and abused so far.

That would include the basic destruction of USAID causing death and chaos to starving children overseas, increasing the spread of HIV overseas, job losses to USAID employees and crucial loss of goodwill towards America in Africa, which benefits Russia and China, military firings, attack on the Treasury, attack on the VA including removing staffing for the suicide hotline and payments to veterans exposed to the burnpits overseas, job cuts to the FAA staff including safety officials soon after the DC plane crash, attack on the DOE including firing essential employees working for the National Nuclear Security Administration, cuts to the National Park employees right before the summer vacation season, rummaging around the Social Security Administration, Medicare and Medicaid programs with no explanation for what personal information they stole from American citizens, any other agencies I may have missed in this list AND TRUMP'S CASUAL COMMENT THAT HE PLANS TO MOVE OUR BELOVED POST OFFICE, specifically an independent organization by law as outlined in Article 1 of our Constitution, into the Executive Branch of the government so he can sell it off in pieces to many private businesses to feast on whatever financial gains they can squeeze from the American public.

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So he can control future elections by controlling mail in ballots, more like.

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FYI, I'm not worried about the PO. Much of what Trump says is garbage. We have to focus on what actions he takes, not his words.

And, as you pointed out, the Constitution requires that the PO be a public organization that services the public - unless, of course, the Supreme Court rewrites that part of the Constitution from the bench. For now, the large majority of federal judiciary rulings are against Trump. So stay tuned.

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You can't always tell when Trump is just babbling and when he's intent on doing what he says he will do. He's already done a lot of damage after forewarning us of his intentions.

If he is serious about making a grab for the Post Office, he could make some drastic changes to the Post Office personnel in one day. And it could go downhill from there very quickly. Any lawsuit to reverse that would end too late to rescue the post office.

I think Congress and/or "the people" need to make a pre-emptive move to defend the USPS before Trump ever starts attacking it. He has already backed down on a few moves he planned to make when he got enough pushback.

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I tend to agree, only I do also agree with not being distracted by the blather coming from an illegitimate president. We get baited too easily; let's dish it out for a change. But more importantly, it's a fine line between protecting every front, in advance, and getting over- extended, prematurely. Myself, I plan on keeping the faith, in God first (*not* the god of the so-called Christian right), and people's collective action, second.

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Yes! Thanks! More of this!!!

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