Congratulations for your new venture. I'm looking forward to subscribing for many years ahead. And, thank you for standing up for truth and journalism.

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Please develop a podcast? Heather Cox Richardson reads her daily letters out loud where it can be listened to (for those of us who like to listen while we walk or before sleep in the dark). Hoping this can be a Cronkite reporting of the facts without heavy opinion, or at least save the editorial comments for the end. I'm so tired of being told how to think about something.

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We're working on it! Stay tuned!

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Oh, how we miss the likes of Cronkite! Big shoes to fill and The Contrarian seems up for the task.

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We do have Dan Wrather and Steady. It is opinion. Useful and experienced and honest.

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Totally agree; my very own media bubble at the moment includes the Contrarian, Meidas Plus, the Bulwark, and HCR. A mix of podcasts, Substack, newsletters with lots of cross-pollinating between these platforms. They are not the same, they range between the more progressive Dems to the (how I miss them…) the repubs prior to 2016. But they have key things in common - respect, a focus on facts and a love for what the constitution says. Oh and a deep disdain for the clown show about to arrive here in DC.

On a side note, IF MTG were right abt anything, the weather tomorrow and Monday would have been just the perfect thing for the Dems to call up….thank you lord.

Please be creative on how you get the word out, and how you cross-post with the fact based news and opinion space.

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I’ve created the same media bubble as you, Tony. Thrilled to add the Contrarian to the mix.

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Thank you, all similar with me except I'm from the dem side. Keep the faith, baby! ,

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I’m a Dem too, always have been. Bulwark though has better analysis overall than we often have ourselves. Plus they’ve talked a lot abt why we lost normally democratic voters. And also the even bigger q: why didn’t so many people who voted for Biden stayed home this time. Anyway, worth expanding our viewpoint, as long as one stays clear of the Fox Black Hole (thinking abt interstelllar for a minute).

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I add The Daily Beans , Talking Feds, and sisters-in-law pods

And sometimes The Lincoln Project

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Adding, The Jack podcast, now renamed Unjustified, and Cleanup on Aisle 45, all with Allison Gill. If you like Daily Beans you will love these other 2.

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Good catch; all three are great.

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Yes! Love that I can either read or listen to Heather!

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And she is fantastic

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I listen to Robert Hubbell every day. His "Today's Edition" substack is terrific.

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...and they're off!

Does this mean you guys are going to be watching/showing the inauguration or just talking about it on Monday? I have no interest in seeing a Bible NOT burst into flames when he puts his hand on it and lies through his teeth while pretending to take an oath.

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Jen, Norm, and special guests will be discussing while watching. So you can opt to just watch them! (Who wouldn't want that??) 11:30-12:30 on Substack Live

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Not sure how to access Substack Live. I'm on a computer, not the app. So far, my experience has been on clicking on a link sometimes just tells me to sign up for the app.

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That has been my experience as well.

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Sorry, but this is a hard pass for me. I don't want to hear anything about this illegitimate inauguration other than it took place in front of a very tiny audience of bootlickers. I will pick it back up when the reporting starts on the "shock and awe" flood of executive orders. He's been play acting as the President since 11/6/24 so the ceremony is really anti-climatic as this point. Thanks anyway!

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I've thought similar things. Just asked my spouse this morning "what do you do with the last 24 hours living in a free country?"

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And Roberts pretending to give the oath to him in earnest. Their game, and our lives.

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That, too!

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Oh, and Simon Rosenberg‘s Hopium!

Their motto do more worry less

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Yeah, I’d like to hear them, but I don’t wanna see a thing. Are you saying we can do that or just turn them on and not watch?

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I don't know. I still have heard anything about how to watch Rubin and Eisen if we don't access this on the app. I may skip it all and catch up tomorrow night, because I don't want to give him any more limelight than he already has.

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I am so thankful to have Norm Eisen and Jennifer Rubin's new antidote to the steaming pile of incompetence, toadyism and arrogance symbolized by this incoming administration and its band of preening misfits, miscreants and wormtongues.

Nobody thinks the next few years will be easy, but at least those of us who read and treasure honest journalism will have an outlet for our passions and concerns.

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To paraphrase Justin Trudeau, it will be so cold in Washington Monday that a snowball will literally have a pretty good chance in hell on that dark day. Looking forward to the Contrarian’s alternative programming Jan. 20.

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Awesome analogy.

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Congratulations! What a relief to have WAPO out of my inbox, and have real democracy defenders to follow.

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Canada is with you. Bless the true people of the earth. Go get them and bring us the truth.

Cheers vic. Edmonton, alberta , canada

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Vic, thank you. It helps to hear support from beyond our borders. We Americans are not all insane!

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The same here in Vancouver. Signed up on day one. Goodbye WAPO

Most Canadians I know are well tuned in to the States' behaviours. We are 'the mouse sleeping beside the elephant' after all - (quoting from Pierre Elliott Trudeau of 30+ years ago).

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Toronto here. Agreed not all Americans are insane-just the ones in red hats.

As for bended knee, our universal request should be for industrial strength Mickey D's cholesterol to finally do its job. Then maybe Vlad could arrange an unfortunate event for an ex-pat South African.

I can see some real power struggles in the offing. Empty Greene vs. Shady Vance vs. (to be named later).

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Congratulations on your stellar startup! I am a subscriber and so far, have been thoroughly enjoying the commentaries by your talented contributors and the intelligent comments from others. I cannot join your online forum tomorrow at 2pm, but wanted to suggest the inclusion of a weekly (daily?) fact-checking series. I am very concerned about the growing misinformation and disinformation efforts that are pervasive online and on the airwaves. I feel I can trust this platform and would be grateful for a single source for the truth. Possible?

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Joyce White Vance will share The Democracy Index.https://contrarian.substack.com/p/jen-rubin-interviews-joyce-vance

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Thanks. I, for one, am working my way to it. If she's also fact-checking, BONUS!

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I've followed Vance (a former U.S. Attorney) for over a year. She digs down, goes with facts, and breaks the issues into digestible analyses.

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I hope to be on your call tomorrow (Sunday), but wanted to share my deepest hope that The Contrarian becomes not just a voice telling us what is going on (though, grateful for that), but also a consistent voice for what COULD BE happening if we had a different government in place. I think it's extremely important to continually remind people of what our nation could look/act/feel like if it were being run by mature, thoughtful, compassionate people. We need that positive vision to really engage the public and move the needle toward a better future.

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Absolutely true! Give us the uplifting reality we could be experiencing! This is one powerful theme the Democratic Party should be using to inspire and educate current and potential Democratic voters and activists. It's tiresome and counterproductive to only inform and complain about the terrible things being done by the Republican Trump Party. It doesn't win enough hearts or votes.

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Spot on Wendy. We are all energized to do whatever we can in resistance to the fascist regime. Let’s talk specifically about actions and meet ups where we all can make a difference.

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We also need to celebrate, draw attention to those in Congress and the Country who are doing good things for our Democracy!

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That's a very good point. I loved reading Jen's lists of the questions reporters ought to be asking. I hope for more of that sort of writing as time goes on.

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Yes, shadow folks relating what they would do in each role in the cabinet for example

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We had that in the Biden admin.

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100% agree with this thought.

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Jen and Norm - think BIG. Like, really BIG. How quickly can you grow the Contrarian into a major online force - and make it the GO-TO destination for fact-based, progressive analysis? To me, that should be your goal. Imagine if you built an easy to access resource that could rival corporate media -- funded by subscribers not advertisers - with a community who value your unique combination of wisdom (gained over your years of experience) and truth. No advertising, no selling of data, no click-bait - just solid, timely, no-BS content.

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In addition to the Contrarian you should check out The Meidas Touch Substack. They are doing the things you are suggesting with 100% subscriber driven support. No corporate money.

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I’m a fellow Meidas supporter! They’ve gone from spunky anti-Trump videos on YouTube in early 2020 to a fascinating sort of coalition of attorneys and pundits, some (wonderfully!) quite young. I think I finally became a paid subscriber a couple of years ago. They are great— but going at journalism from a different angle than what I anticipate will be The Contrarian’s, given that the list here looks very legacy-media focused, for obvious reasons (as everybody’s quitting or being fired).


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Agreed that it's 2 different styles, but we need a variety of opinions and ways of taking on the incoming dictatorship. I'm happy to support a variety of Substack writers in the name of saving our democracy.

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Ditto! We’re witnessing a warp-speed evolution of journalism—it’s one of the few really bright lights in Western civ at the moment.

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I couldn't agree more!

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thanks - have seen some of their stuff but have not yet checked out their substack.

i'm fairly new to substack -- a recent WAPO refugee.

is it expected that once a particular substack gets traction and critical mass, they migrate to their own domain with their own publishing environment?

presumably substack has some constraints that might limit the many things a large-scale publisher needs going forward?

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I don't know if Substack has any constraints or not. The Meidas Touch also has a YouTube channel that is regularly beating Fox news in views.

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I think it’s hard to say—nobody needs Ye Olde Printinge Presse anymore to publish reporting and commentary. The MT folks have already astonished themselves as well as the general populace (and FOX News!) by the speed of their growth and prominence in the public eye.

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I have also been following Meidas Touch (for about 4 months). Looking forward...

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Make it a Faux News for the good people, and a counterweight to Murdoch, Musk and Bezos...a Go To place.

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Boy, would I love that.

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Thank you Norm & Jen for creating The Contrarian -- it feels like home!

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Congratulations and thank you! You keep me from sinking into despair.

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Bravo! Courage is profoundly needed in

this chapter of our history. Lead on…

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I love what you're doing! For the sake of those of us who are "age-challenged", would it be possible to increase the font size so we can read it without finger-pinching?

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Agreed. Larger and darker would make the site so much more friendly.

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⁉️I think it is a setting on whatever you are reading on? Don't think the writers control that but I could be wrong!

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On a desktop click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen to get a pull-down menu where you can adjust the font size up or down. Also works on a laptop with Edge browser.

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I read on my laptop. Just put fingers together on pad and slowly pull them apart. That should enlarge the print.

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I am a retired public school Occupational Therapist dismayed that the media is not covering what will happen to students with Special Needs if Trump eliminates the DOE. I worked in schools in 1978 when the IDEA was enacted, and knew children denied an education before enter public schools with the modifications they needed. The DOE monitors and funds the IDEA.

( Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.)

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Trump will be sworn in on Monday

In the Capitol rotunda.

Dignitaries there will sit

Where his rioters had shit.

Said he moved the event inside,

Where some guests once had to hide,

So the Capitol Police

Would not in cold weather freeze!

He will swear on the Good Book

As a now convicted crook

Who broke the same oath last time

And was immunized from crime

By the very judge who will

Put him through that empty drill.

Mike Pence says he will attend,

Christian forgiveness extend

To one who’d have let him hang

There and never feel a pang.

Rep. Pelosi won’t be there;

She remembers the nightmare,

Heard rioters loudly name her

And knows that Trump’s tried to blame her.

On the floor where Carter lay,

Seems like just the other day,

Under Washington ascending

Heavenward, it is mind bending

To install as president

Former White House resident

Who has already betrayed

What won them their accolades.

Trump’s second inauguration

Is a greater desecration

Of the Capitol rotunda

Even than the riot under

His command that vandalized it—

It will anathematize it!

Fro m Denialad: donbialostosky.substack.com

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