Thank you for tracking & updating this important story. Instead of reducing fraud & waste, firing IGs allows the Trump administration to corrupt the agencies the IGs formerly inspected. I suspect the purpose is to benefit the oligarchy that is emerging to control the federal government.
Please consider the following editorial suggestion: …
Thank you for tracking & updating this important story. Instead of reducing fraud & waste, firing IGs allows the Trump administration to corrupt the agencies the IGs formerly inspected. I suspect the purpose is to benefit the oligarchy that is emerging to control the federal government.
Please consider the following editorial suggestion: separate the facts reported from analysis, & then further separate opinions, commentary, & speculation drawn from the facts & analysis. In this age of disinformation, such explicit separation helps clarify facts from fiction, reasoned analysis from hysteria, and thoughtful opinion from vitriol.
I understand that she is an opinion writer. However, to distinguish The Contrarian from other news/opinion sources, I offer this humble suggestion - at least for a portion of their pieces. Having sections labeled as "facts", "analysis", and "opinion/commentary" helps clarify in a time when the news-scape is filled with smoke.
Thanks for this comment, Gilbert. I've also wanted to ask The Contrarians to avoid inflammatory rhetoric specifically because I try to use verifiable facts to logically debate and dispute the hyperbolic soundbites of right and far right media.
The smart, talented, and experienced Contrarians can be a reliable source to present to people however it's not helpful if data and analysis stray into emotionally-charged vitriol because then neighbors and family members who espouse MAGA views focus on the hyperbole, attribute it to leftist hysteria, and feel righteously victimized.
We're in this sorry state for a myriad of reasons. One of which is Trump's ability to manipulate people through emotions to accepting what they never would otherwise (Jan. 6th rioters' pardons and commutations, inexperienced Cabinet members with substance use histories, unelected, unqualified billionaires with govt. contracts 'auditing' sensitive government data, the list goes on). The facts are damning enough. Let's find effective ways to distribute them and rally as many people as possible against authoritarian lawlessness. Thanks for your work.
Thank you for tracking & updating this important story. Instead of reducing fraud & waste, firing IGs allows the Trump administration to corrupt the agencies the IGs formerly inspected. I suspect the purpose is to benefit the oligarchy that is emerging to control the federal government.
Please consider the following editorial suggestion: separate the facts reported from analysis, & then further separate opinions, commentary, & speculation drawn from the facts & analysis. In this age of disinformation, such explicit separation helps clarify facts from fiction, reasoned analysis from hysteria, and thoughtful opinion from vitriol.
Thanks again for your work.
Gilbert, Jen Rubin writes opinion pieces and has for years. She adds facts to support her opinions. That’s her style and it is effective.
Reuters and AP News is a great place to get facts only news as another source.
I would also include the Guardian as a great source for news.
And that reason alone is getting AP barred from the press conferences. The truth is not on Trumps agenda.
I understand that she is an opinion writer. However, to distinguish The Contrarian from other news/opinion sources, I offer this humble suggestion - at least for a portion of their pieces. Having sections labeled as "facts", "analysis", and "opinion/commentary" helps clarify in a time when the news-scape is filled with smoke.
Thanks for this comment, Gilbert. I've also wanted to ask The Contrarians to avoid inflammatory rhetoric specifically because I try to use verifiable facts to logically debate and dispute the hyperbolic soundbites of right and far right media.
The smart, talented, and experienced Contrarians can be a reliable source to present to people however it's not helpful if data and analysis stray into emotionally-charged vitriol because then neighbors and family members who espouse MAGA views focus on the hyperbole, attribute it to leftist hysteria, and feel righteously victimized.
We're in this sorry state for a myriad of reasons. One of which is Trump's ability to manipulate people through emotions to accepting what they never would otherwise (Jan. 6th rioters' pardons and commutations, inexperienced Cabinet members with substance use histories, unelected, unqualified billionaires with govt. contracts 'auditing' sensitive government data, the list goes on). The facts are damning enough. Let's find effective ways to distribute them and rally as many people as possible against authoritarian lawlessness. Thanks for your work.
I cannot imagine who you are debating is truly.concerned or convinced purely by facts. Trump and Co. make up their own facts.