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I will be 66 years old on February 4. For the first time in my life, I am afraid of the POTUS and the future of our once great country. Trump has no idea what he's doing, but will do it anyway.

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I will be 70 in March, and I share all your fears. At times, it feels like we are re-entering some strange new Dark Age where willful ignorance, grotesque stupidity and unthinking cruelty are celebrated, rather than seen as obstacles to be overcome. Hatred for science and climate denialism is the curse of this new age. How we work to turn this terrible moment into something positive will be the challenge of my later years. I can only say take care of yourself, be as kind to yourself and others as you can. Seek new ways of doing as much good as you can, for as many as you can, for as long as you can. Happy Birthday!

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I too will be 70 in March. Happy Anniversary of your Birth! Our country has become everything you describe and so much less.

I agree with your plan and will be looking for every way possible to turn this back around. I have friends who are tearful and so scared but, all this just gets my warrior blood boiling! We need to organize once again, resist and speak out against their morals and ethics not focusing on their politics but their values. May the Great Spirit and Mother Earth right the world.тЩб

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Hey you guys! I just turned 70 back in October! Welcoming you all into Club 70 this coming March! What events we have experienced in our lifetimes! And now it comes to this. We deserve better. The world deserves better.

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Aww, thank you for your kindness and words and birthday wishes.

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Never fear a bully. Do what you can (with help from many others) to undo their power and influence. It's a fight that's worth it in the end. Victory will be sweet. At 76, I was taught not to accede to bullies and to question authority. I still believe this. Oh, and happy birthday when it arrives!

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I will be 78 yoa this summer and I am so glad my elders impressed upon us kids the fate of facism during WWII and the wealth of wisdom shared by post war leaders. I pray that our example as elders will have an impact on todays youth (ya know, the ones that get most of their news on social media!). Resist Isolationism/facisim and read U.S. History/world books.

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I'll be 74 in June. I came of political age in the late '60s; I pinpoint 1968, the year I turned 17, as pivotal, both for me and for the country. I don't remember a time when this country was great, except in wealth and natural resources. I do remember a time when many were trying hard to make democracy work for everyone and I did my bit. I didn't realize till later that others were working as hard, and with vastly more financial resources, to return it to the decades and centuries of white male supremacy, a world where money talked louder than "we the people." It culminated in the election of 2024, but it's been building for a long, long time. We have work to do.

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All you youngsters. IтАЩll be 78 in October and am still kicking. LetтАЩs see this Trump aberration through!

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Motivation matters! IMO the aberration began with Reagan, and by my reckoning you have to be at least 60 to have somewhat adult memories of the U.S. before the neocons started working overtime to roll back gains made by people of color and women of all colors. Which is to say that those of us who do have such memories have an important role to play, because the neocons, originalists, and their dupes have been working hard to erase that history.

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Laser focused on trying to be King of the WORLD ........ has a nice RING to it ;) ....someone should tell him...it's been DONE BEFORE .... It did NOT END WELL for that Country

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It's been attempted many times in history. No one has ever succeeded, except at best to become king of their known world.

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I must have stolen the line from someone but, although stupid can't be helped, you shouldn't advertise it. Trump is, demonstrably, stupid in the historic sense of the word. And he just keeps advertising the stupidity. So, what does that say about the people who voted for him?? Just, sadly, asking...........

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He carries the shovel for his political grave under his arm. He should read about Joe McCarthy who demonized and destroyed thousands innocent people's reputations and careers. Old Joe died broke and alone - justly so.

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Trump knows what he is doing: rewarding the donor class. However, he does not know and likely does no care about the repercussions of his actions.

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He pardoned R. Ulbrect who created app Silk Road and made $200 million selling drugs online to kids and anybody willing to pay - Libertarians feel adults should be able to purchase anything - (guess none of their kids died) Trump promised to pardon Utbrect for their votes and he did. Shameful pardon. Decent republicans should be outraged.

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At this point "decent Republican" is an oxymoron.

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73 here and lived through Nixon and others. IтАЩm very concerned for the world IтАЩm handing off to my kids and grandkids

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Me too! Future looks bleak but always clears - we just need to forge on and do what is right - speak out, help those in need and be true to those you love and yourself.

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I am 76 and mad as hell, bury me with my arm raised in a middle finger salute to trump.

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Actually Trump knows exactly what he's doing. Just what he's doing isn't necessarily good for the country, international affairs or beneficial to other than the wealthy and large corps. And he sure knows what he's doing when it comes to vengeance. And congressional Repubs in on his plans for revenge are once again planning, at taxpayer expense, costly investigations/fishing expeditions against Trump's perceived enemies.

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Vengeance is only momentarily satisfying - then it turns sour and poisonous. Congress GOP are mostly self- serving - they know Trump is old and declining fast. The shoving and pushing at big pig trough will be hilarious when GOP and Trump collapse. So many professional climbers - like Moms of Liberty who made millions talking about policing librarians in public and schools here in Florida - then the founders got caught having a threesome party with a friend and that was the end of that.

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Happy Birthday, I hope.

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I just turned 70 on January 8, here in Los Angeles in the middle of the fires. Then the horrendous inauguration on top of that. IтАЩm emotionally exhausted, I feel you, and I hope you use your Birthday to celebrate and care for yourself. Hugs.

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xox their ethos IS to exhaust, deplete and defeat your emotions...so you cannot fight back....nurture yourself, be kind to your self and others find kindness and values and you will FEEL so much better.... and come back when ready...to Resist....American's never ever give up :) Thank goodness :)xo

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Thanks Shauna

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Great advice. I'm trying to do just that.

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I think about Californians who had side by side disasters with the fires and the horror show that is unfolding. Be safe and stay strong. People have to come together and fight this regime and the consequences unfolding. Interestingly Trump is coming to Western NC today as well. I suspect both are strategic visits in states with Democratic Governors so he can complain about them and Biden. We'll see.

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Oh Susan, I am CERTAIN he is going to complain and issue mandates to not pay for helping the victims unless our тАЬcorrupt and incompetent leadersтАЭ bow before him and offer him the tax breaks in exchange. He is the utter asshole of the planet here, among others. I thank you for your kind words.

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We are lucky he doesn't know his limitations - he is on a honeymoon with is voters - GOP is going to fracture over his crazy cruel attempts at leadership.

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California paid in 82 million for federal disaster recovery ... they ask for help and get nothing - they should refuse to pay in the future.

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It's probably not feasible, but they should paying federal taxes. They keep the poor red states going. If Trump can make demands, so can others. Fuck him. (Sorry to anyone that word may offend). I have a potty mouth when I'm mad.

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I wish you happy birthday, but mostly I wish you peace and safety in your surroundings. I'm sorry this is how you have to live the 'golden years', but I'm right there with you. Be well, Barbara.

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Thank you. I can feel your exhaustion. I'm so sorry for everyone going to through this horrendous experience. My heart is with Californians.

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I think essentially he knows exactly what he's doing, just at a shallow level: disruption, destruction, self-enrichment - with zero accountability.

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I'm near to you in age and I agree.

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